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:.::.� ._, .. ._. .... — <br /> � _ `., ,;_� ...� . ._....� �, <br /> s �, <br /> r , l , <br /> � .�wX:'.i.J•iw��/,��,.i . '�'C._b= . <br /> v . - . .i'.l1 J;..\:G��f�L'%S(.�.Y...i . .. • `_�,�. Yi-s <br /> I�u4�� _ _ _ _ —_—_ — <br /> __ •�i'a� - 1A i'l�..^i�R: , ^ '1" '���Jj:���I.�iam'LI��II�11nR�im � <br /> • a: • �•. r <br />�-rta�_1�' _. _._ ... '�utlrlW_. / '- q��lN�[ .nr%r'.�-.+�=......�..�.�.�..�"_.."'__._— <br /> �..caoi _�.� . Tir!n11�✓nr•.�r. .._"._ — . _'_�.—�-r-.m_-a.��.._—.._—._'..�_" <br /> �,.�; <br /> ' g�4� �Q��� �'.. . <br /> Ot:I:D UI' fHl1ST =-_ <br /> c,�ON R KOH A 5IN_r_.i F� <br /> Thls OQed of Trust is rn�dE� l.hi�; 29TH r]rry uF NOUEmBER � 19�6 , 6y ar� ��mur�g E SQN � <br /> CHINA INN PARTNERSFITF. A NEBRASI(A G�(VERAL PARTNERSHIP, NGHI TRIEU � mING ZH�C]..U�y.H�.U-5BNND AND WIF� � <br /> lu•���il�nfl.t�r Ii�f��l'i'ri1 Ln rl'� lr�r,l��r. �alu�•e� n�.�i lii��i . ��hli ���r: i�'�'��► ���-4""'�T'���p _ <br /> NE� 688Q1 { AHF.NI) H. BRACI<. AlLuini�y .il, l ��w� hi�r�rii��ti.uc tul�rt�r�S lu .�:� "liu:,l.a�.��� � <br /> whase maili�g address is P. �. Box 790, rr�ir�l l�;l:u�d. Ne�br�s!<a 60�U7.; ard flQPlt: f FDEpAL <br /> SIIUING5 AfV[) l.OAN ASSOCIATION l]F GRRND 1SLIINI), htirrirafCer roferrsd to as "�erafir.i�ry�" <br /> aihose mai.lir.g address is 221 South Locust St.t����•�L, f'� U. Dax lQQ9� Grar!d Islard, Nebra:,ka <br /> fi6BU2. <br /> For valuable cr�nsideratior.� Trustor irrevucab2y grar.ts� trArsfers. �nrv�ys �rd • <br /> assigns tu Trustee� in trust, with power ��f salr�, for th� benefit ard securil.y of �ene- --- <br />, ur!der ar.d subject to the tP.TmS �md r.or.ditiors of this Deed of Trust, the fnl�• <br /> Ir�aiii�r� descrihed pcoperty, located ir HALL Cuw�ty, Nebraska. to-wit: <br /> SEE RTTACHGO EXHIDIT "A" <br /> tngeLfier wiLh all 4�u� improvern�nts. f'ixt.ures� street.s� alleys; passageways, <br /> easements, rights. privileges ar.d appurtenar.ces lacated thez�eor. or in any way pertai.�ir.g <br /> thereto. a�d the rents. issua�, profits, reversias�s drd the remai�der s thereof, irclud- <br /> irg all su.:h propetty that is attached to thP impro�ements so as to <br /> a fixture. all of wr�ich, ir.cludir.g re��aceme�ts ar.d additior.s thereto, are hereby de- <br /> clared to be a part of the real estat� co�veyed ir trust hereby� it beir.g agr�ed that <br /> all of the fnregoing shall be hereir.after referreci tn as the "l�roperty ." <br /> FOR TN� t�tlFtP05E OF SECURING: <br /> (a) the paym�r.t af zndet�tedr.ess evide�ced by Trust�r's r.ote of �ver. date herewith <br /> i� the principal sum of ONF HUNt7RE0 FIUE TIiOUSAND �AND ND/1D0 <br /> ($ ). togeth��c wtth the b�+lar�e of su�:M i.r.debt��r.ess, if r.ot <br /> � � paid. ue a�d payable on DECCMB-R 1 . 20D3� with intores� a�t the ra�e or rates <br /> ��ruvlded �h�reir., alar.g with thtr �7ym��reL uf �II nt.hf�r :,ums, with� i�t.e�rest, thereo�, <br /> acJvar,ced in �caqrdar.ce he�ewith ~to proi.ect the security uf th is Do�ed of 7rust., <br /> t,ogeLheT with• the principal a�d interest on any future ad�ance as evider.ced by <br /> proml�sory notes statfng they are secured hereby, ar.d any and all rer+.ewals, modifi- <br /> cations ar.d extensior.s of such notes, huth prir.cipal ard interest on the �otes <br /> hrir.q payable in accord�r.ce wit.h th�� L��ru�s .r.t. fnrt.h therc�ir., wt�ich by Lhir refer- <br /> er.ce is hereby made a part hereof', tl�e hold�c� hereof �hall F�ave the optior. to <br /> accElerate the maturil:y nf the note for which this m�rtgage is ySven a� s�curity, <br /> at any time aftnr tha NJA loar yE�ar �fter first c�iving the ur.darsigned or <br /> - th� t4�er. of the premi�es described hereir. a written r.otice thre� mor.ths <br /> ir! advar.ce of its i�teret Lr� d�.� �:n. Ill r��i t_im�• �:h:ilJ t.F�e prirc 1pa1 aiu;aut�L uf Llu� <br /> i�debtedr.oss secured by this I?eerJ of T ru�t, r.ot in�ludir.g sums advar:c��d ir. accard- <br /> - ar.ce herewith to protect thesECUrity of' the Ueed of Trust. exceed the <br /> amour.t of the nnCe plus $ NfA ; <br /> (b) the pr�rformar.ce of each agi•e�rn�r.t and cover.ant of 7rustor herein contained; <br /> - ar.d <br />" (c) the peyment uf ar.y sum or suin� �f nror.ey which may be h��reafter paid c�r advai�ced <br />— by 8er.eficiary ur.der the terms ofthis I)eed of Tx•ust, toqether wif.h inter�st thereor. <br /> at the rate provided in the r.n�e. <br /> � To protect the security of i:his Deed of Tru.,t, Trustor herQby covenants and agrees ` <br />�� as follows: - <br /> s <br /> ;� <br />'1 <br />:.;� . <br />.°: <br /> -1- _ <br />