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_ <br /> . _ , .- - - <br /> „ � „ � , " . ° _ � ` - <br /> � ,•�. .. ., . �.,��_ <br /> . <br /> _�- --- - ., - - - - ---- ---- - -- .. <br /> . .- .r � (� � Jhw�aRlla'�5�'�LYi.=?'�.'.....M1�.'_1w-.-t._s-..�exII�a�Mau.. 'ti.wMS_" �n�arkryliRc-_e....�.,...._..._�....'_'..."_....... ."""'_�...-.�- _.._._.._ , <br /> v,•�.`./•'Y:ti_ �"_ <br /> � . <br /> . ... :. Sl�'. <br />-°::.ti «,r�:YS �� �.09'4'�g <br /> ' '�'���, Tl�c f�unds tihnll hc hcld in iin intititution �vhosc dcposits arc insurcd hy ,i tccicrai ngcncy. in,�rumentnlity, i�r entity <br /> � (includinv IAndcr, if l.cndcr iy�uch un intitituti�m�or in any Fcdcral Hume l.�r.�n t3ank. Lcndcr,hall apply thc Fund..tu puy thc -- <br /> � ' F.s r r a w I t c ro s. I.c n d c r u�i�y n m c l�n r g c R n rc o�v c r fu r l io ldin�;and n p pl yin g thc Funds, ai7nuullq anidy�in�thr c�rm�v,crcuunt,or =- <br /> vcrii'yintt thc �,rnnv Itcmti.uolr,�I.cndcr pays Unrrowcr intcrc�st�m Ihc F�mds nnd,ippliruhlr luw perma� IAi►dcr w nui kc:�ur h <br /> n rhnrge. Hutvever, l.endd r may require E�orruwer tu��ay u one•timc churgc fw iu�iudepcizdcm r�nl c,tutc ta�x rrpuning��rvicc �. <br /> u:,cd hy I.cndcr in cunnection with thi+ loan. unlcss upplicublc luw pruvidrh olllCnvlu'. UI11Ctiti an aHrcrnu�u i, ro�cdc or �` <br /> „' � upnlicablc Inw rci�uires intrrest tu hc paid.I.endcr tihall not hr rcyuircd to p:ry Ili�rrutvcr uny intcrctit ur cnrni�i�;,un thc F�unds. =; <br /> 1�orruwcr iuid l.cndcr mny ngrcc in writing, hmvcv�r, thut intdrest shttU bc paid�m thc Funds. E.cudcr hhnll Nivc t�� Bi�rruu�cr. _ <br /> . ,, �� without rluvgc, nn unnunl ncco�►nling of'thc FunJs. sh��wing crcdits und dcbits to thc Funds nnd thc pur{x�yc ti�r whicl� rach R <br /> dehit tn the F�unds wns nu�de.The Funds are pledged us ndditional sccuriry for uU sumz secured by thi�Sccurity Imirument. <br /> !f the Funds hcld by Lcnder exceed the unmonts permitted to hr hel�i hy applirablc law. l..ender tihidl ��ccount to Norrower <br /> ,� fur the excess Funds in necordunce with thc requirements of applicable lu�v. If tlm umaunt of the Funds hcld hy l.ender ut nny <br /> v'pRt::.- <br /> timc is nrn sufficicnt tu pay thc Escn�tiv Itcros whcn duc, l.cndcr may sa notify B��rr��wcr in�vriting,n�ici, in�unc�asc B��rfcti�vcr <br /> �� �° sh:dl pi�y to Lendcr the amount nccessary to muke up thc dcficicncy. H�irrowcr+haU mukc up thc deficirn�y in na mi�rc Il�an <br /> �---- T twclvc m��nthly paymcnts, at Lc�idcr's solc discretion. <br /> �' Upon payment in fuU of all sums secureci by this Secueiry [nstrumcnt. I.ender shull prampQy refund tu Borr��wer nny <br /> � Funds held by Lender. If, under pangmph 21, Lender shall ucyuire or sell the Property. C.ender. �rior to the ucquisitian or sale <br /> , c�f tt�e Property,shall apply nny Funds held hy Lender at the time of ucquisitiun ur sule as u cred�t against the sums secured by <br /> '_., , � this Sec:urity Instrumcnt. <br />�� � 3.Appliratton of Pwyments.Unless applicable Ic�w provides othenvisc,aU paymcnts received by I.ender under purnsrnphs <br />_ ' '' � L I and 2 shall be upplied: first, to uny prepayment chnrges duc under the Note; second,to amounts pnynble undcr parngrnph 2; <br /> � • "' third,to interest due:fourth,tu principal due;and last,ta any tute charges due under the Note. <br /> �..��c:�;: A. Chat�es; Uens. Borrowcr shall pay all tnxes,usscssmcnts, chc!n;es. 6nes und impuxitions uttributublc to thc Pmpeny <br />='r.i x'.�u which ma attain riorit over this Securit Instrument, und leaschuld a ments or round rents, if an 8orrower tihall z <br /> ;�;s..�t, ^ Y p Y Y P'y s y' p`y <br /> ��P�'','� these obligutians in thc m:inner provided in puragraph 2, or if nut paid ia that munner.Borrower shall pay them on time dimctly <br /> :s: . ::.�..u.• <br />�,,...:,.,.,:�s " to the person owed paym,.at.Borrou•cr sh�ll promptty furnish w Lcr.dcr�11 notices of am�unt�to 6e paid under this paragrap . �_ <br /> __;-;_,,;' If Borrower makes these pa}�ments directly, Borrower shall promntly furni:h to L.ertder receipts evidencing the puyments. <br />-:;�����,� Borrower shall promptl�disch:uY;e�ny lien v�hich has priority ov�r this Security Instrument unless Bonower: (a)agr�es in <br /> " ' a writing to the payment of thr ot�lieation secured by the lien in a mann�r acceptable to 1.Cnder; (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> �_�:,,�-•���,�,� by, or defends a�ainst enfomment of ehe lien in, legal proccedings which in the L,ender's opinion operntc to prcvent thc <br /> -`�-�-rt enforcement of die lien;or(cl secures f'rom the holder of the lien an agreement satisfac[ory to Lender suborciinating the lien to <br /> -�'�';�;�..,-� this Sccuriry Instrument. if Lender detcrmines thut any part of the Propeny is subject to u lien which may attain priority over <br /> �=���� th3s Secr�rity Instrument, Lende.r may give Borrower u notice idenYifying the lien.�orrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> °�-�'°? mcve of the actions set forth above�vithin 10 days of the givins of notice. <br /> _�f��!n� 5. Hazard or Property dnsurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> •._�.,,,� Property insured loss by fire, hazards include�i within the term "extended coverage" and nny other hazards, including <br />==--a^� flaods or tlooding. for wt�ich Lender rcquires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts nnd far the periods <br /> - --_�� that Lender requires. The insurance currier providing the insurance shaU be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval <br />--' ------ wtii�ri ��"ta=i ii6i�'i?, ui'iicdSvi�dF3Sj% :iii�i�iC��. 2f B(SfiL2��T �:2i�s ia msir.iain�nyn!-goP �ncr��irrl ahnvP; Iender may, at I.ender's <br /> -=-"'�� option,obtain coveruge to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. , <br /> _ - Atl insurance policies und renewnls shall be ucccptable to Lender and shall include n stancla�d mortgn�e ciAUSC. Lender <br /> ------ shall huve the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requires,Barrower shttll promptly�ive to Lender all receipts of <br /> -- paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shull�ive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. <br /> _ _ l.�txler may make proof of loss if not made prompNy by Bonower. <br /> - — Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwtse agrce in�vntmg, insurance proceeds shnll be applied to nestoration or repa�r of the <br /> Property datnaged.if thc restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's secunty is not lesscned.If the restoration or <br /> repalr is not economically feasible or I.ender's security would be le�sened, the insurnnce proceeds shull be npplied to the sums <br /> secured by this Security I�istrument, whet'her or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Horrower abundons tlie <br /> 1'rc�perty,or dces not :tnswer within 30 day�a notice tcom L.ender that the insurance cairier has offered to settla a claim. then <br /> I.ender may collect the insurance prciceecis. Lender m�y use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums — <br /> s�cuaxl by this Security Inswment, whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless i.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, ciny upplication of proceeds to principul shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of ihc monthly payments n:fened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. if <br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and procceds resulting from <br /> __=_-_ damage to the Praper:y prior to the acquisition shul!pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> immediatcly prior to thc acquisition. <br /> — 6.Occnps�ney,Peeservstion,Malntenance and PraRectfon of the Property;I�orrower's I.oan Applicatton;I.eascholds. <br /> Borrower shull occupy.estnblish,and use the Property as Borrower's principul residence within sixty days after the execuxion of <br /> this Sec:urity Instrument�nd shall continuc to occupy the Property as Borrower's principa! residence for at Ieast one year after <br /> the date of occupancy,unless Lender othenvise agrees in tvriting, which consent shall not be um•eaKanably withheld, or unless <br /> _ extenuuting circumstances exist which ure beyond Bonower's control. Borrower shull not destroy, damnge or impair t6e <br /> - Property, ullow the Properry to deterioratc, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall 6e in default if any forfciture <br /> - � action or proceeding, whether civil or cdminal, is 6e�un that in Lender's good fnith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> _ Property or otherv+ise materially impair•the lien created by this 3eeurity Instrument or Lender's security interest.Horrower may <br /> cure such a default nnd reinstate,as provided in parngraph 18. by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a rulin� <br /> = that, in Lendcr's good faith detcrmination, precludes forfeiturc of thc I3orrowcr's intcrest in the Property or other materiul <br /> �� impairmcnt of thc lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> �__= <br />