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+� . . . i. � � . ,. .- r.. ,� . <br /> �:�:•:.,:�- <br /> .:,w.�_ <br /> .•' •, -r - - - - <br /> . . ..� _ <br /> � , � <br /> ,. " <br /> • _ '._ _._ "_ "._ <br /> j.a� '__ "_ —._ - �....... - y�_ _ _ _ - '.�x�� �_I`.S.-. <br /> ..,_......"'' _. ` ,_ ` . <br /> '..-- .. ., . .. , . �}�'��.7C'^F'' _ - '.'_'_ <br /> � <br /> ' .1. . . �y1lMqra .IWy�suw+TYT�.' ' ."!'�liiiv� . --_ <br /> �' .•••�•i4f���'�nL�Y_�....awwM.�YYMI�lMb!MXHCUY�+nrt�n_..,.s....a_� .. � � ... . . - .�. --- . -- <br /> _...�. . _.. <br /> .. . .�.. <br /> .+w.,^.!►WVt,Y <br /> . ,. ,.. . <br /> _ _,r, - a 'r...�...�....,........ ..... _.. _. _—....... ����y �°__.... <br /> -=L .,�� - �.r <br />��'``"�"�'� xul�sinnQnlly cquivulcnt mortbngc insuruncc aavcragc iti nut uvi►iliiblc, Hurrowcr shi+U pa tu l.cndcr cuch munth u sum cqual to <br /> '; unr-iwclf►h��f�t1dcr will acce�t��uscnittl retii n tlic+ic r�ym�in��us��lo�,�rrc�rvc1i�sc�iicucof�,mi�irtgugcV initiurtut�p c�le�y+ res rv� �. <br /> h� in cfPcc�. Ix i� <br /> p;�ymLUts muy��alunktcr y�c o-cquiicd, nt thc „pnun at lAndcr, iP murtZtti�t� iu,unmcc ruvcra�t;c(in thc umount imd tin•tlic per��y �^ <br /> ' thut l.�udce ra�uirctil p��uvi�9�d by��n inyur�r;q�prnvcd hy lArndar u�i�in hcc��mc� ;rvuilnble und iti ubwincd. f3��rrowcr shnll � � <br /> chc prcmiumy rcquircd to muiutuin nmrt�tnFtc in�urnnrc in�fi'cct.ur tu pruvidc+i los,rc+crvc.until U►c re��uirciucnt fur murt�}n�;c <br /> lutiurnncc cnds iu iicci►cduncr �vlth nny wrilt�:u nbrccmcnt hclwccn klnrruwcr und l.�:ndcr ur u��pliuihlc luw. �;a_ <br /> �' 9� Inv�xtitlon, l.�ndcr or its ugcnt muY nrikc rca,unahlc rntricti u{x�n�ind inspcetio»�ot'dir Property. l.cndcr tifndl givc ��', <br /> '�� Burruwcr n��Ucc ut thc link aof ur priur tu nn m��{xciiun ti�x:rifying�•ca�unnblc uiutic fur thc in,�xction. �•,.. <br /> ' lU. CondcynuwUun.'1'lic pnxccds��I'nny nwurd ar clium fiu dumugcs. dircct ur cun,c��ucntiid, in cunucctiun with �ury <br /> r�mdcinn�uiun��r utlicr���kin�uf' uny p:cn uf ili� I'ru�r�:rty.ur fur canvcynncc in licu uf cundcmniition. urc hcrcby nssibncd intd �_. <br /> yhidl bc piiid to l.cndcr. G- <br />- In th6 avcnt uf n tnlid ti�king of dic I'ru�Crty,�lic pnxccdti�haU lx upplicd tu thc sums scrurcd by tliis Sccurity Intitrumcnt. — <br /> . . - whc�hcr ur nut thcn dur,�vith nny cxrc+� paid tu Hurn�wcr. In tl�c cvcnt uf ii pimiul �nking of thc Property in which thc fnir — <br /> — ;�_ —R- markct valuc��F tkc i�n c,driatcl����[�cf�re thc�kingtlunlca.ti�Rorrowcr und L.cidcrtutlurwise i�grcc in,writing,hc�tium���c ur dlby _ <br /> t: Security Instrumcnt i Y <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcut sh:tll"b'cdiutcl�bcf�rc Ihc�taking, divtdcd byelb)�thc�f�i c n:kGl�vidua�of itl,c P utperty imm'cdiutcly <br /> � n m o�m t o f�h e s u m s s c c u r e J Y � <br /> beforc thc tuking. Any hal�ncc sh�sll bc paid tu H�n•ruwcr. In t l�c c v e n t a f u p i�r l i i d t��k i n g��f d►c P ro p e r t y i n whirh the fair <br /> ' tnarket vulnc of the Pn�perty imnudiiitcly hef��re the tuking fti Iess thun the umount ol'the sums sccureJ immeJiutcly before the <br /> t;iking,unlcss Borrowcr und l.cndcr uthcrwisc a�rcc in writing or unlcss upplicablc law uthcrwisc pruvides, thc proccais shull <br />.- � hc upplicd to thc swns securcd by this Sccu�ity Instrumcnt whcthcr or nut Uw rums iirc thc�duc. <br /> ,;, if thc Properry is�bandnn�:d by if,ailcr noticc by l�:ndcr to Borrowcr that thc rondcmnur offcrs to makc an <br /> �'�-i�,; .:;, uwuni or settle u cluim For danr.iFes, sorrowcr fuils tu n:s{xmd tu L�:ndcr within 3U duys ufter the dute tUe nutice is given. <br /> ��:.�s"" Lender is authoeiicd tn coU��ct und upply thc prcxceJs,c►t its option.cithcr tii restoration or rcpuir oP thc Prcipcny ur to the sums <br /> `''"�°° ., secureYl by this Security Insemment,whcther nr ni�t thcn due. <br /> :'�� Unless l�:nder und f3cmower olhcr�vise agr�c in writing, m►y uppllcution of praceals to principal shall nut extcnd or _ _ <br />-.•;;:�� postp�me thc due dnte of the n�onthly payments reFerr�til to in paragraphs I and 2 or change thc umount of such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Nat Releascd;Fortsearwncc 1'3�I.snder Not p Wefver.Extension of the timc for payment or modifi��atian <br /> '`�=,:� of nmortization uf thc sums sccu�cd by this Sccurity Instrunicnt grnntcd by Lendcr w any succcssor in intcrest nf Borrowcr shull <br />:;���:°� <br /> nat operate to rclease thc liability of the original Bonnwcr or Borrower's succcssors in i�terest. Lcnder shall not bc rcyuircd to <br /> -- ��� of he sumsrs�ecu�cedsby this�Securitycinstmnenttby�re:ssonf of nny denand made byntheturi6 al Borr wcr�for Borrower s <br />_'��vnS= <br /> -- m,_;,�� successors in intescst. Any forbearuncc by L.ender in excrcising any right or nemedy shull not be a wuiver of or precludc t c <br />__=�>_� exercise of any right or remedy• <br /> vi.�� lZ, gucc�sors nnd Aasigas Bound;Joint an� Several LIabllity; Co-signers. Thc wvenants and �greements of this <br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefi�the successors and assigns of Lcnder and Borrower, subjcct to the provisions of <br /> '��"� pura���a�� 17. Bottower's cuvenants and agreements shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> -•���%��:g� In�=���u!,��, ���execute the Note:(n) is co•signing this Security instrument only to mortgage, gcunt and convey that <br /> � � Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of th�s securicy Insin��n�i�i: i�) j�n�t i����lY nhlZoo�tMl fA q3V II1C SI1111S <br /> c�f�� <br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)ul;re�s that Ixnder and any othee Horrower may agree to cxtend,modify.fbrbear or <br /> — make any accommodt►tions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nate without that Borrower's consent. <br /> _— — 13. I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a taw which sets maximum loun charges, <br /> -�i� and that Inw is finally inte�preted so that the interest or odier toan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan exceed the permittal lim►ts,then:(a)any such loan�shall be reduced by Uie a�uount necessary to reduce tlie charge <br /> — to the permitted limit;and @) any sums already collected fiv�n Borrowcr which exceed�d pennittod limits will be refunded to <br /> .- Borrower. Lendcr tn�y chaose to make this �efund by rcxluring the principal owed u��der the Note ur by rn.vking a direct <br /> � payment to BorroK�.T. If e refund reduces principal, the reduction wtll be created as a partial pmpayment without any <br /> prcpayment charge undEr the Note. <br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to�vrrower provided for in this Security Instrurnent shall be given by delivering it or by mai�ng <br /> ., it by first class mail unless epplicable law requires use of AncRher method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> or any other nddress Bonower�esignates by notice co l.enuzr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by Grst cluss mail to <br /> Lender's address stated herein ar uny otlner address l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notica provided for in this <br /> Security Instrument shall be dcemed to have hcen�un�t�Bnstrument rshall�bc go c�me� by f ederal lawhanda ther Inw of the <br /> 15.Governtng Ixw; Seversiblllty. Y _ <br /> jurisdiction in which the Pro�eny is located. In tt�e event tltat any provision or clause of this 5ecurary instrmnent or the Nose <br /> wnt�i�ts with npplicable taw, such conflict shall not uffect ott�er provisiorts of this Seairity lnstrument or the Note which can be <br /> given�7fecc without the canflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Insttument and the Note are declared <br /> - to be aeverable. <br /> 16.Borrower°s CoPY•Bon°wer shall be given one confomied copy of the Note and of this Sccuriry nstrument. <br /> 17.Trunsfer a�?the Property or$ Bc���al interest'm Borrower.If all or any parc of the Property or any interest in it <br /> ,�:,„_�� is sold or trnnsferced(or if a beaeftcial interest in Bonawer is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without <br /> Lend�r's prior written consent, 1Lender may, nt its optiun, require immediate payment in full of all sums secumd by this <br /> ll-- Security Instrumenl. }lowever,[his option shall nat bc exercisecl by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fecieral law as of the date <br /> " of this Security lnstrument. <br /> If Lender exercises this option,L,ender sh�11 give Borro�ver notice of acceleration. Tlie notice shall pmvide n period o not <br /> �� less than 30 days faom the date the notice is detivered or mailed within �vhich Borcower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> -'�,;,,,�� Security Instrumcnt. IF Borrowcr fnils to pay these sums prior to thc cxpiration of this period,L.ender may invoke any remedics <br /> - permiteed by this Sccurity lnstrument withaut further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> � � 18. Borrower's Rf$hR to Reinstate. If 8orrower meets certain conditions, Borcower shall have che right to have <br /> - - enforcement of this Secunry Instrument d9sirontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (u) 5 days (or such other perlod as <br /> � - _— applicable law mny specify for reinstatemc:ti�t) befure sale of the Propeny pursuant to any power of sale contained in this <br /> -- <br />