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[.y'wcc Alwec Thlv Llne Fur rtecorAi�y�Data) .�/9//G�f�`i" <br /> �: r:�.; -�T���::c�.czr,s� DEED OF TRLT�aT � � � <br /> �<. <br /> �'� .� , � -��� �pi� <br /> h���,: �...........,.:•�._:�a . �y� l�. <br /> y � � <br /> TH1S DEED UF TRUST("Su:urity Instrument")is made on November 20, 1996 .The trustar is <br /> Lynda Shotkoaki. a single pexson <br /> ("Bcrrrower").Thc trustce is Norwest Bank Nebraeks�. National Asenc�.ation <br /> ("Trustee").The beneficlary is Norweat Bmnk Nebraeka� Nationel Assoeintion . <br /> which is organize,d nnd existin�under the laws of the Uni.ted States of America ,nnd whose <br /> eddress is 202 West Thi.rd Street, Grand Teland, NE 68801 <br /> t"L�.�Ni,"�.P,•arra::�er a:�es i�Pr!!��rinr_.I�At sum of <br /> Dollars(U.S. S 0�0.(�0 �' <br /> ty,�,uss d,and n 1 <br /> This�deb2 is e�l�i�'by`Sarro'�er s note ��te��the same dute as this Securlty Instr��ment( dte w tch provides for <br /> monthly payments,with the full debt,if not paid cadier.due and paynble on N��},er 2b, 2�Q1 � <br /> Tltis Security Instrum�nt secures to Lender: (a)the repayment of the debt eviden y[he Note.w� interrst,and all renewuls. <br /> eatensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the paymcnt of all othcr sums, with interest, udvanaed under paragraph 7 to <br /> • protect the securiry of this Security Instrumenr and(c) the performance of Bonower's covennnts and agreements. For thts <br /> P���. HoROw,��irrevocably gran�v and cnnveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of s�le,the following dr,scribed property <br /> ����tn ga11 Counry,Hcbraska: <br /> Lot 3. Biock 2. Wiebe's Addition, City of �rand Islond, H�11 <br /> County, N�brsska. <br /> �.'his Deed of Trust secures an Op�n End Revolving of Cr.edit. See <br /> attnched $ome $qnity I�ine of Credit Rider. <br /> wtiich hns the address of 815 W. Charles Grand Island [scrcu,c�ry�, <br /> Neb�aska 68801 ("Property Ad�mss"); <br /> �ztp coa�i <br /> �'L3C;BTFIFR WITN all the improvements now or hereafter ere:etcd on the property,and all easements,appurteru�nees.encl <br /> - fixtutes now or l�ereafter a pa►i of the propeRy. All replacements and additions sha�ll ulso be covered by this Security <br /> Instn�ment.All of tlie foregoing iE rcfened to in th�s 5ecnrity Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS that Bo�rower is lawfully seised of die esta4c hereby conveyed and has thc:dght to grant and <br /> convey the Property und that the Properry is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrower wurrants and�vill <br /> — defer.d generally tlte title tu the Prope�ty against all clnims ar�d demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. <br /> Ti�IIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenunts for national use and non-unifomi covenants wit3i limited <br /> vnriations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secarity instrumcnt covering rea!property. <br /> UNIFORM G�VBNANTS. Borrowcr and Lender covenant and agree rLS follows: <br /> 1. Payment oi fi�tncipal nnd Interest; Prepayment o��d Late Ci�rSes. Sorrower shnll promptly pay when duc the <br /> � principal of and intcrrst on thc dcbt evidenced by the Note und any prepayment and late charges due under the Notc. <br /> 2. �tnds for Taxes and[nsurance. 5ubject to applicable law or to a written aaiver by Lcnder, Rorrower shall pay to <br /> _„�.-.._a_•�c_..o�....o.�.,�o.,� <br /> I.�nder on the duy monthly payments:ire due under me ivoce,uncii ene i�ioic is paiu i�i iu��.n 5uw� a w.v� �.....�..��.«y ---- <br /> ond ussessments which may attein priority over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leaseitold payments <br /> - or ground rents on the Property,if any:(c)yearly hazurd or property insurance prcmiums: (d)yearly flood insurnncc premiums, <br /> if any;(e)ycarly mortgage►nsurance prcmiums. �f any;and(�any sums payable by Burrower to Lender, in accorcl:u�ce wiih <br /> - thc provisions of p�rngraph 8,in licu of thc�ayment of mortguge insur.uccr premiums.Thcsc items arc calted"Escrow Iten�s." <br /> ` i.cndcr m.ay, �ti Utty ltiili:. w{�tCi Siiu 1i0=u i iiia5 iii SIi <1.:.C131iS :i:ll t0 L'XC� t�:= Al»!::==�1!!1? i3121rn�nt 7 IPnrIP� fnr a federallv <br />�T` rclated mongngc loan may require for Borrower's escruw accaunt under the federal Rcal Estate 3ettlement Pcnc�dures Act of <br />`��� 1974 ns amcndc�fram timc to time, 12 U.S.(:.Section 2fi01 et sey. ("RESPA"),unlcss another luw thut applics to thc Funds <br />°" sets a lcsscr amount. if so, Ixndcr may, nt any time, coltcc:t and hold Funds in an a�nount nat to cx��cal thc lesser amount. <br />��= Lendcr may estimate the an►ount of 1=unds due on the basis uf currcnt data und reasanablc estimatcs of expendi4ures of future <br />",.;j Escrow Itcros or othenvisc in accordancc with applicablc law. <br />_=� N@88ASKA•Singlo FamllyFannl�M�elFreddie M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 302A tl/90 <br /> "� �NI 7 2T97 MTO VMP MORTOAGE FORMS•13131283-8100•�800�621�72Bt reoa��r 4 Amend�d 6/91 <br /> I_ • <br />