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-� ;:�:._..�, -�--1� �� . �v� cr�.;..'� akilW]iCt ---. .. - --------- <br /> , , <br /> . � . <br /> -- ..- - �-° � -� • , .. -- -�-'--- - - <br /> � <br /> .. .u.._� �._. . _. ... ,... . - --— - -- - _- <br /> -._.�.tii�1�11�Yi�t1r.���raSiil�iL�fYRl�s i,. �w.y�+.ww' , .-.--.--� -_. _. .. <br /> -- . �,�y�� �� �, - .. _.._- ._ . . . .__ �_ _._. <br /> �^ , '—',,,e~�'3� ' r�S�� .�t'�r�r+--Ta: -- _ Ty��., ._._. <br /> - _- ___ _ .. ._ � , . -^r <br /> ,� ivr'vr.,a � � -- _.._-- -- <br /> t . • _ i �- .. . . . • . "`5+�.� <br /> •I' '�1�"��, `M�tP°'s!.►�t�"'f� • ".'�'�W- _�— <br /> � •�t:. •1at`�'.?`-' - <br /> '•'ti`.lik� r'^ __ _ <br /> .. � - - - • ' iU6'd�3 L_ __ <br /> .�w <br /> _,.��-,_.. ��,._-..----- . �_ <br /> "- . �2- _ <br /> °._�����~ fore�oln�d�6w�baludinQ witLout WaihNaa oaW oP evidence to dtle�court cowo,appn�iralo.awoy��nd attomey's faa. r„ - -- <br /> _--- _ - - - ,►nv wcb «�ts nd ac�oot p�id w116in ten (10)dsy�of wtittaa dem�ai �6�ll draw intered at the dsfiult nte <br /> ����,.. - --- <br /> s� . provided in tLe Noto. <br /> . . S. �MiNBNT AOMAiN. 8bould the Tnut Bdate�or�oy p�rt theroof or interost Werdn. 6e hkea or dum�ed <br /> . , .r ...,;,;;'�, by ra�on of aoy publia improvement or caademo�flon procaedin��or in wy at6er m�er iacludln�dead in lieu of Ccn- <br /> .. . demo�tian('Caodemo�tioa').or ahould Truaor recdve imy aotice or othm inform�tion r�rdin�ach Pmcaedin�.Tev�Wr <br /> . � `' �l�;,r'- - F= '�� �ll�ive P�ompt written notice tberoof to Bmefioi�ry. BaneRclwry�h�ll be mtided to dl compe�wtion.rwwrdc and other �-- -- - . <br /> � � '�'•, �`'. Wymoan m c�alieP tha+efor, and�1W1 be eadded at ita opttan to commenoe.�PPe�r i°aad Pm�e�a��°in ib avn nuw aoy <br /> .;�. ;:`^.`. ...,y,� action or . Baoeticisry�uU al�o be anti�led tu moke�ny compromica or�eulemeat in oonmctlon with ach <br /> :j�"'�''.`=`-'r:-_---- p� . r i ha o f�ctian �a d p r o c e o d s R w a�d e d t a T r w l o r(t h e <br /> __-_-----.: - �� ��Yo. Ail wcb ca�oa. m.ra�. dea�Be"� 8 _-- _.__ <br /> � � . � �°,lr�'. •Proceeds')are 6eroby aai�md to Benefici�ry imd Tnuwr a�raa to execute ach furthar w�i�Oma of We Prncxed�u <br /> _��'`�'�!'.'` +�`:; BeaeRciuy wd Tnudor��►ees w exec,ute�uch Porther wi�nmenb of the Pmoeal�a4 BeoeficLuy or Trustee may requiro. _ <br /> � °. �� ., , 6. FUTl1RS�.DVANCHS. Upan roque�t of Trustor. Hwafici�y.�t&aofici�ry's option.pdor to roconvaywce ---_- <br /> of the PropeRy b Tmswr may mdce fl�tun advwca to Tnutor. Such futuro�dv�ncer� wIW i�►D�t the+'oon. �1 6° <br />-�` � .. ° . ,� � Qecan�d by Ihia Deed of Ttwt whea nvidenced bY Pr'omia°rY oota�°�dut aid note��ro rxuced heroby. <br /> . � 7. APPOINTMBNT OF SUCCBSSOR TRUSTBB. BaoeRciary wRy� from time to time� bY wriqen iaetrumer,t <br /> m <br /> � �� � � executed and nckaowled�ed by BaoeRcWy�m�iled w T�uswr w�d recorded in Ihe Couoty in which t6e Trust EW�te i�lo- <br /> . ' � � � cated aod by otLerwLe camplyfa�witb tbe providoos of the�ppUc�ble I�w of tbs 9t�te of Nebndca cubtitute�a�ccxaor <br /> -_. -:- - : ,` or nu�ceesore to the Tn�etee oamed haroia or Rcting hara�oder. -.- .-----� .. <br /> . . 8. SUCCBSSOlt3 AND A331ONS. Thir Deed of Trwt Rpplla to. iaurea to the benafit of and bindo dl puties _ <br /> � ,'�`��'";".,� hereto.theu hein.leQatan,devleees.Persooail�ePre�enhttvar� �ucc�rroro and�cci�s. 1'he tarm'Bmefiaiary'�iWl meau <br /> . a�',' :.....?�`.. � tha owaer and holder of We Note,whether or aot aiune8 os Beaeficis�ry herein. <br /> . • .. . b• �,s. 9. IN3PBCI'ION. Beue6ciuy or ifa�eat uo�y mdce rasonable enqies upoa and incpaclion of the Propeity. <br /> .u,� Beneflciary chall give Tnistor notice at tha li�m of or�ior W an inspection epacifyia�ra�son�ble c�use far We incpecdon. <br /> - ,� , 10.TRUS1'OR NOT RBLBASED; FORBBARANCB BY HBNBFICIARY NOT A WAIVBR. Bxteasioa of Wa <br /> � � „ , "' time for ps►ymeat or modification of We sums secural by tbir Sxurity Ia�wmoat�mnted by Boneficlary to aay a�ccessor <br /> • ,.. <br /> - � - •_ in interest of Tnu+wr clull not operwoe to relaaa We lirbility of the oriyio�l Tn�tor or Tnwwr'a cucce�co»in interoct• <br /> ., " . . Beaeficiary s6all not be roquired to coaomeace procxedin�s�Y�inu+mY�u�or iatanrt or refuae to eutead time for ppy- .-`- � - - <br /> ;•t meat or othe�wlie modify amortiation of tue a�me�ecured by the Security In�tnunent by re�soa of nc�y dem�nd awda by <br />.. , ' : •..-.__. },.� We or�ginol Trudor or Tn�stor's a�ccxuon in interost. Any forbauaace by Heaot�aiwy in ene�i�in��ny ri�ht or remedy <br /> - <br /> • � Qholl not bo s wdva of or praclude tbo exarofee of�ny d�ht or remedy. - <br /> � 11. TRANSFBR OF TNB PROPBRTY OR A BBNSFICIAL IN1'BRBST IN T'RUSTOR. If dl or apy part of <br /> ' ° tlie Pmperty or my intarest in it i�cold or Irxneferral(ur if a beoeficial intarost in Tnutor ie cold or traaeferred rncl Trus- _ <br /> ' • tor ia not a natural persoa)without Beaeficiwry'�prior writtea waseat�Hanaficiory may� pt its opt�oa. roquira immodiate �,�` _ <br /> . • _- . . . payment in ful!of All sum9 secured by thie Security Inswmeat,however,this opdon s6�U not ba exercised by Heaeficiary �_...__, <br /> ° if eaercisa is pro6ibited by fodenl I�w w of the date of t6e Security InetcumeAG If Beneficiary axercieea tluo option, ��:�_ <br /> Bene6cinry ehwll giva Tmstor aotko of waelendon. T6a notice s6p11 provide�period of not less tlu�n 30 daya from the ��;;�;;�.� <br /> '.. ' data tha notica ie delivared or m�ilad vv�tbin which We Truswr must pay all swua sacurod by Wie Security Iastrument. If � � . <br /> ��. L� Trustor fails to psy thestl suma prior to t!a expiration of tLla period, Bam6ci�ry mry involte aay romediea perm�tted by _�_ _ - <br /> ��• , : <br /> ,._. - thls Security Instruuxnt without Turtber notice ar demond on Tn�etor. ° T - <br /> .Y=�_- _ <br /> � � 12. BVBNTS OF DBFAULT. Any of We followin�eveats eiwll be deemad an eveat of daf�ult henunder. t <br /> a. Tn�wr rhW hsve fwilad w m�Jce poymmt of�ny iuwpllmmt of intaest,principrl.or princip�l aad ia- ,"�� F'�_ <br /> �,�_• .,, _ <br /> j•.' , Y�' . . taeat or nay otLer eum xxueal I�ereby when due;or � . . <br /> � ' i:�"t'�'�� b. T6ero lus oocurnd a breach of or default under auy term�coveaant�+�ea�ent,coalitiaa.Provision, ��. � <br /> � • _�__:_-- <br /> . ' repreaeatation ar w�rraaty contaimd in�wy of t6e L�oan inswments. <br /> 13. ACCflLHRATION;RBMBDIES. Benoficiwy ehnll�iva notico of dafiwit to Trustor prior w accelera�ion fol- =�="` <br /> . , lowing Tnutor9 brexch of pny wve�nt or a�reemeat ia thie Tn�st Dead. T6e notica ehall specify:(a)the default; (b)tha �t°r;;:. <br /> , _ .. '` action required to curo t6e defxult;(c)o dota.aot less ihan 30 days from Wa data We notice is�ivea to Tn� which �_'-_-_"_" - <br /> � ,� . .. . the default must be cured;ond(d)t6at failur+a w cure t6e defsult on or beforo the date ified in t6e notice ma result in �"'�:'=- <br /> n � y c�"�:�;:.�; <br /> . � �cceleration of the aume sacurad by tltir Sacurity Instrument and eala of tha Proparty. T6e nodce sball fuAher infortn Trus- '��.. a<� <br /> � . ., tor of tha riBht w roinetato aRer�cceleration ond tbe right w brin�a court action to asse�t the aon-e�ieteace of a dofnult or ��_, :���• <br /> � .,.• any other dafease of Tn�tor to�cceleratioa and sale. If the default is nat cured on or bafora tha date spacifiod in tha I � � ,,- <br /> notica, Beaeficiuy at its option may require immediate paymeat in full of all sums securad by this Socurity Inan�meat r .. <br /> ' " without further deownd ond ms�y invore 16a power of sale and any othar remedies permitted by applicabla Irw. Truswr I <br /> " s6�U be eaqtled to collxt all eapeasea iacwrad in pureuing the remodies provided in this para�raph 13,includ'wg, but not � <br /> . � . • liaoited to.reasonoble attomey's fees md costa of titla evideace. If powar of eple is invol�ed,Trustoo slull racord 4 notica � <br /> � � of defoult in ex6 counry in wl�c6 nny pwt of the Property is located ond sMWI mril copies of euch notice ia Wo manner , <br /> pmscnbed by applicable law to Ttustor w►d to the other persons prescribad by applicabld law. After the time required by , <br /> applicable luw,?ntstee shall give public notice of snla to�ha pe�rsons ond in tha manner prescribed by applicable lew. . <br /> � Trustee, without deu�and on Trustor, shall r+ell tha Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the tima ond ploce <br /> • And under tha ter�ns designated io thd notice of sale in one or more ps►rc�ls and in eny order Trustea determines. Trustea <br /> , • mny postponu aale of all or wny pamsl of the Property by public announcemeat at Wa tiuw Qud pl4ce of nny previoualy <br /> — _ , � u <br /> scheduled sale. BeneFciary or ita desiQnae tnoy purchase the Property ut aay salo. Upon receipt nf payment of�he price <br /> __ •± bid. Tn�stoa sh�ll deliver to the purc6osa3r Trustea's deed conveyiaQ the Property. T6a racitals in t6e Trustee's doed shall <br /> ixi prima facia evidwce of tho trulh of the statemeats m4de t6eroia. Trustee s6a11 apply We proceacls ot Ihe sale m tee foi- <br /> � lowiog order: (a)to all eapense�of the sal�, including, but not limited to, Trustoe's fees i►s permitted by npplicable Iow <br /> � aad reasoeable atwmay's fees: (b)to�II sums secured by this Security Instruaoeat;�►d(c)ony excess to the persou or per- <br /> � sons leQally rntitled to it. <br /> � , _ 14. BBNEFICIARY 1N POSSESSION. Upun acceleration under paragrQph�3 or abandonment of tho Property, <br /> Beneficiary(in persoa,by agent or by judicially appointed raceiver)shall be�atitled to enter upon.twkn�xr�.+iuu�i'mid <br /> manaee tda PropeRy and to wllect the r+enta of the Propeny includin�those pASt duu. Any renta collectnd by Hene�ciary <br /> •A• <br /> �j � <br /> �' I - - — �- - <br />