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<br /> -- 1S. RBMSD�B NOrI'SXCLUSIVB. Tro�tae aod Beoeflciary.ad acb oP them.�bdl bs antltled to enfaos py-
<br /> _ ,m�t.na perfo�m�ooe ot�uy ina.Lt.dna..«oWj�ioo.wcuroa broby.oa w mxorci�e�l�d�ht..oa powa..maer IhJ.
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<br /> Dad of Trwt or imdx�ny Lom indmmeat or dLer a�roemeat oe�ny IaVw aow a her�odtar in fa[ce.notwltl�ndin�
<br /> .--:3.--_ —__��_—_-_'._._J -
<br /> - /0010 Of!�Of�0 MIC�I����OOt�OCall��ly�y O�W Of�161�Oi�i'�1B 0�11M�ii1 i0CiltOd�WbB�b[ `
<br /> .� bY tnoc�e�deed ot w�t.Pbd�e�lian.wi�aiaaot a ol6eiwlM. Neitber ths�ooephn�of f6i�Deed af Tnud n�it�m-
<br /> forcemeot wi�ber by caust�cNon or panwnt w We pawa�of ale or other pawar ha+ain cooWoed��ull p�cju�dio�or lo
<br /> --— aay�a!lFxi T�iss'a or S�le4ary'a s�s!to n�llr�esgoa or�nlbre�my atl�r�!x+�ty rnw c+r Ms�ft!�r h�1.1�+y .
<br /> Trwtae a Baoal�dary. it 6ein���eed t6at TnWes�od BaaHclary.and ach of Wem� �ull be radtied W entaos thi�
<br /> _� Deed af Tnut and my other recurity mw or hea�after 6eW by Baoeiicl�r9 or T�uetee ia acb order md m�mer a�they or
<br />� _ -� eithet of them may io tl�air�bolute dLarolion determine. No�y heroin confayrod upoa or�o�erved to Ttwtee or
<br /> — BenaBciuy i� iuteaded to be exclusive oP�ny othet e�emedy harein a by Isw provlded or petmiaod. but ach�hall be
<br /> cuuwlative�od�ll be in additloa to evary other ramdy�iven baiamder or now or hae�fter esiMin�at!aw or in equity
<br /> — or by�dtte, Bvery powec or�omody Qivaa by my ot the Law In�Wmenb to Tn�atee a BemeRci�ry or W w6Ic6 dther of
<br /> _.�__�.--�--- them may 6e othe�wl�e enHWed. t�y be exerci�ed� woc�n�ently or indepa�dmtly� from tlme aad w oRao a�may be
<br /> deeroed espedimt by Trwtee or Beoeticia�y md aither of fhem mry putsue iacaul�tent remedla. Nothin�berein�haU be
<br /> ___ � ------- � c�oartrued�u psohi6dtio�Haoefiaiary 1'rom�eddo�a defioieocY judl�meot�aio�t 16s Tnutor W f6e eottatt a�cL�ottm b per-
<br /> _ -- mitted by law.
<br /> 16. QOVBRNINO LAW. 'f6is Deed of Tn�t sb�U be�ovenad by tLe lavw of t6e State of Nebriulc�. In tLe
<br />_ ,,, � ,.,``�`�1j-, eveat dut any provLdoas of auch Loan In�ttumeats whtch caa be�lvea efiact wlthout tt�o conflictin�provldon�aad to thls
<br /> atd the prnvldaoa of th�e Lam Inarumeab�ra declared w be�avenible. This inurumeot cawtot be wafvad.chao�ed. dis-
<br /> , : � �'?y�;.; chuQed or ta�ninated onUy.but only by an�trumeat in writio�d�aed bi'�PwY+�+�ioit wlam enfozc�emeat of wy
<br /> '_�.� w�iver.�e�dl�clw�e or termin�tian i��ou�ht.
<br /> 17. RBCONVRYANCB. UP�WY�t of all wmr�ecurad by tbi�3ecurity Inetrumeot�BenePicury�11 ro-
<br /> _'`h-:" , quett Ttu4tee to�ewavoy fhe Propaty and�hW wrronder t6e Secw�ity Inarument�ad all noteo evldacfo�de6t qepued by -
<br /> _ •���� � tW�Secwity In�tnw�mt W Tiwtee. Ttwtee�II rocanvey the Fraperty wlWout warraoty aod wit4out clur�e to Ihe par-
<br /> _:;.,.,�, san oe ponoa� leg�lly mdtled w it. Such penoa or penau�II psy�ny recorduion co�ta.
<br /> --- 18. RBQUBST FOR NOTICB3. TtwWr roquacfs Nut copta of the notica of defiult�nd�ale be rent w
<br /> �.I" , , �,,.�.'-.-„--_ Tn�tor'��ddroto which i�the Prope�ty Addraa. Tn�tor fu�Wer requeam ti�at oopta ot Ws aodcx�of dei'idt and nie be
<br /> , ':;�;;,:._��,2:. ,�:,,•,,:. . �eat w ac6 penon wbo U R p�ty hereto�t t6e addraa of acL penon ret forW herein.
<br /> ..` ,+,:f y�s ' ..,`� '•.4 s: 19. NOTICBS. Any notice w Tn�etor provided for fn Ihi�Security In�ttumeat�hall bo�vea by deliverin�it or
<br /> • :�' ` -' ,; ':;,':� b it t'irot claoe m�il unlere licable law uiroe uce of anoWar metbwd. '1Le notice�lull be dL�octed to t6e
<br />- •.�;,.,,;�,;:.m• Y�� +PP ro9
<br /> � .;±�;;'_,�`� �Y, propeRy Addnen a �ny other addroa Trwtor daiyo�ta by Qoliae to BeueficLry. Any notice W BeoeticLry r6�ll be `
<br /> `..:� :r-.:..` .� �ivm by tint cWe mail W Booefici�ry'�sdd�r�t�tad 6aein or�ny other rddraw Ba�eficiary deal�atea by notice to Trus-
<br /> . � ��i�i�:;;,'� .�."•,,;, tor. Any nolice providod for in Wi4 Seourity Tmhummt�ll be deemed to hsve been�iven to Tnutor or Baoefici�ry
<br /> ',' :• .;� •�!��-' when�iveu�t provlded in Wie P�YnPb• _
<br /> : ' ..�;•��um. ,:•� .�.,« 20. ACCAPTANCB BY TRUSTBB. Tn�etee accepte this TNat when t6ia Deed of TnuR.duly exaauted wd tc- _
<br /> '..'r.'r'., .} . . .•..'HTI.
<br /> .�;_� :,���: , r knowladged�ie m�de a pubUc rocord ar provided by law. �
<br /> ; ,,�+►,�TM. ,. ':.°.�<. IN W 1 1 T 1 B 33 WHBRBOF,Truowr h�executed tbio Deed otTnwt iw of We da y aad yar tint a6o o toen.
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<br />� ^ r.. „ 1La foro�oin� Aclmowled�meat of Doed of Tnist and Deed of Tn�ct w+w �cknowled�ed before mo on luly
<br />, •�.y��` ' . 1992�by ROOBR WAYNfi SHBRARD. r-
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