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<br /> �� .;,; : I.ROOBR WAYNB SHBRARD.("7'rosWn')under t6e followfo�Deed of Tnut to be antemd inw amon�Tsw-
<br /> tor+�, : . 1JILI.ARD NEINHOLD , ('Truaee')��ad VAUaHN V. sMTi'H�nd MARTFIA B,sMTCH,6u�-
<br /> ---- - baad and wife,aod VINCBNT A.ZAVAL.A aad SEIARON K. ZAVALA�huabaad wd wife,(•BateBcluy)coverin� 16e .
<br /> f? '� property deocdbed 6elow Leroby�clmowled�e thst it L wWattood th�t(a)tbe Deed of Tnut W 6e executed by Tn�Aor i�a
<br /> - ���-�-��° trust deed uid nat s mod�e�d(b)the powbr oP s�te provlded for in Ihe Deed of Tnut pmvIda abdaotially differeut
<br /> ri�and oWi¢W1on to t4e Tcuator th�a a mort�a�e io dw evost or bn�ch of obU�adm. _-
<br /> - -- �,=-
<br /> :3�it��,7c!;a�,..r::' :,
<br /> � � Tnudor ackmwled�ar th�t t6i�Ackaowlad�meat wiu m�de prior oo d�e e�caauiaa of t4e Deed of Tnu�t.
<br /> '.�.�2�`;'1�`'"�-` ---
<br /> �.� -�-=�' . S�cecuted aod Dolivaod t6i� � day of JWy�1992.
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<br /> --y � DEED OF TRUST
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<br /> v ��;.....,,�...,.�...: , THIS DBBD OF TRUST�is mrde as of 15th d�y of July. 199Z,by and amon�ROOBit WAYNE SHBRARD
<br /> -°�' • , ('Tmstor'). whose mai�io�oddrewi� 418 South Jefferson, Grand Islan, NE 68801 aod
<br /> "'a' . - W I LLARD WE I PIHOLD �("Tnistee•)�whooe m�ilin�addro�i�P.o.Box 190.Lexia�ton.NB 688SO� aod
<br /> _�` " `r, VAUCiHN V. SMTfH and MARTHA B. 3M1TH� 6usb�ad aod wife� imd VINCBNT A. ZAVAU�od SHARON IC.
<br /> -= .;;-�.:.�•. ..,,, �.r:.�+�' ZAVALA�('Heaeficiuy')w6oae mnilia�xddress i� 1801 PoUc Street�Leu�ia�ton.NB 68850.
<br /> _ ..:'� . FOR VALUABLS CONSIDBRATION� Trustor irsevocably te�fera. couveya and Asci� to TnWe� IN �-
<br /> �..� ' � TRUST, W1TH POWBR OF SHLB, for Wa bene8t�od�ecurity of Beae6ciary�under�od Rubjxt to the term��nd condl-
<br /> ' �,�� •�,,;.�:.i,��, .. tiono of this Deed of Tru�t,the re�l pmperty located in t6e Cit2►of Le�cio�ton.Couoty of Dswaon, St�te of Nebraokti aod
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