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� . .. <br /> � � ,� . � .,. .. , . � �� 4 . "�y�;= <br /> �l.MY'.(A.rGhHM1' •3�1/��'.. <br /> .:l� -. � _"_"'�.� . ..'__.... . . �.. _...� .-- . . :. . . .. ... ....._ .... . . . '__" .. .. .. ,.. -,1"--� <br /> , . .._ ��.-..-- 1i'�- �._. <br /> Iff. ., <br /> .. • ' . ��... <br /> . 9�- 1:0"�4�.� <br /> ' In addition ta caouAlty innurence, Truotor ohall pay tho annual promium on <br /> , cwnpreheneiva liebility ineurence covering the premisee nnd prc�tectfng the ''� <br /> , 8eneficiary end Truetor from ail claime, domauic�e, ldweuite, and judgmento erieing out <br /> of iajury to poroone or damdge tn property occurrin� on the proporty. The c:ovarage <br /> • ehell be in nn Amount of not ieaa thaun $500,000 aingle limit for bodily injury end <br /> property demege. '. <br /> �� �!. 0 AFFB INCa Tg�j�T S9TATB. Truetor ehel l nppeex in end conteet any <br /> . neti.on or proceed ng purparting to nffect the Becurity hareoF or the righte or powere <br /> oE Seneficiary or Truetee. end ehell pay nll coeto and expeneee, including cont of ' <br /> ,�M,;,,;_ � evidenca of title and aGtorney�e feee, in 3ny euch nction or prACaedinq in Mhich <br /> ;� geneficiary or Truetee may appear. Should Truetor fnil to make any payment or to dc7 <br /> nny nct ae and in thu manner provided in any of the Loan inetrumente, Senaficiary <br /> " , and/or Truetee, each in ite oKn diecretion, without obiigation, may make or do the � <br /> eame in such manner end to euch extent ee either may deem neceeaary to protect the � � <br /> eecurity hereof. Truotor ehall, immediately upon demnnd therefor by Seneficiary, pey �;4�:..�i? <br /> � all coste nnd expenses incurred by Benefic;iary in connection aith the exerciee by •, �`�`�''� <br /> , Baneficinry of the foregoing righte, including, without limitation. coate of evidenae �;'�4 <br /> '- of title, court co4te, appraiedle, 9urveye and attorney'e feen. Any euch coete and ���'"� <br /> }..._�.:.-- <br /> r,_� <br /> - expaneae not paid within ten (10) daye of �rritten demnnd ehall drea intereet et tho !��=-'- <br /> �y. default rate provided in the Note. E�-� <br /> l R 5. 8MIN8NT DOMAIN. Should the Truet Setate, or eny part theroqf or intereet ��- <br /> ° - '� therein, be taken or demaged by reaeon of any public improvement or condamnation �-;y-' " <br /> •�� � '� .-._��:;.- <br /> - ;���s..,;. proceeding� or in amy other manner including deed in lieu of Coridemnetion ,, <br /> ("Condemnation") , or should Truetor receive any notice or other information regarding �;,,,;;;-=Y <br /> �e•� such proceeding, Truetor ehnil give prampt written notice thereoF to Beneficiary. <br /> � 8enef iciary ehall bci entitled to all compensation nnd condemnation awards end other �:�. <br /> `�ti <br /> '��. paymente or relief therefor, ar:d ehall be entitlod to make any caapromioe or �_ <br /> settlement in connection vrith such te�king or cinmage. �►11 �uch ca�eneAtion etnd =----- <br /> � condemnation, apa.rd9, demeges, righte of action and proceede a�arded to Truetor (tha ;�.,,-,,__s <br /> "Proceede") are hereby t�eeigned to Heneficiary; nnd Truetoz agsees to exec�ate eucts :��---- <br /> further. aseignmente of the Proaeode ae geneficiary ox Truetee may requirA. � <br /> : F. <br /> _�� :_ 6. J+�POit�]Zl�NT_OF SUCCSS9QR TRLJSTBE. B�ueficiary may, from time tn time, by <br /> _ �w•.y�,., . a xritten inetrument executea and aeknoMledged by BeneficiAr1� mailed to'Pxuetoz end <br /> • ,x:�-;�o; recorded in the County in which the Truet Betate i� located and by oCherwiea <br /> complying vrith the provioione of the applicable laM of the State of Nebraeka <br />=!: ��: • eubetitute a eur.ceesor or succes�ore to the Tru�tee named herein or acting hereunder. <br /> � ' 7. BUCCeSSORS ANA ASSIl3N,�, Thie Deed of Truet appliee to, inure9 Co the - <br /> - ' �;"�;s: benef it of atnd binds a11 parties hereto, their heire, legetees, deviseea, peruonal <br />- repreeentatives, eucceeeore and aseigne. The Cerm "T�oneficiary" ehall meari the ovmes <br /> � end holder of the Note, whether or not named ne Seneficiary herein. <br /> � <br /> •- �•-�" e. INSPg�zONS. Beneficiary, or itd agente, reprdeente�ivee or aorkmen, are , -- <br />__� . . ' authoriaed Co enter e�t any reesonabla Cime upon or ia any pert o£ the Truet Betate <br /> !or the purpoee of inapecting the aema and for the puxpoee oE performing anyr o! the <br />=:�_ ,� �,,��M ncte it ie auChorised ta perfozm under the tezma oE any oE tha Loan inetrumente. <br /> Y��. <br />_�-°-'�='- 9. �V&NTS OF DBFAULT. Any of the folloMing eventd ehaYl be deemed an event <br />-=:;.T,,;�;-�F:� � of default hereunder: c_ _ <br /> _--'m_.,.�;... . <br /> �T'"��;.�;'� ' (e) Trustor sheli have Pailed to make peyment of any inetallment of interest, <br /> �r_;;... �.�t, <br /> .K�:�`;.•� principol, or pzincipal And intereet or rany other eum eecurod hereby vrhen duer c�r, <br />=� ����"" (b) There hae occurred a breach or defaulC under any term, covenant, <br /> -- �����'��= agreement, condition, provieion, representntion, or Me�rranty contniaed in any of the <br /> �-T`�`"''C= I,oan inetrumenee. <br /> - -�y��.• <br /> �.s;,.��- <br />;_ _,,, w�•� 10. ACC$LBRATION UP04] DBFALJL'P. ADDITIONAL Rgl�DIB$. Should aYl tiverit OP def3Yilt <br />-�,;,,�*.� : •� occur, Soneficiazy may declere nll indebtedne�s eecured hereby to ba due end paydble, <br /> r•y.�'�'�`�_ '. � and the eame ehall thereupon becane due nnd pnyAble Kithout any preeea�tment, demnnd, - <br /> ���� ' '� , � proteet, or notice of any kinci. Thereaft�r the Beneficiazy may: <br /> = (a} 8ither in porson or by ngent, wiCh or pfthout brinqing any action ur - <br /> ���,. proceeding, or by n reaeiver appointed by a Court end without rAgerd to the adequacy —.___ <br /> `',,':;`;' of its security, enter upon nad take poaseeeion af the Trust 8etate, or nny pnrt <br />_ ��, thereof, in ite oan name or in the neme of Truetee, nrrd do any acta Mhfch it deems ° <br /> ��_; neceeeary or deeirable to proserve tho vnlue, marketRbility or rentability of the s-. <br /> ' . .. '� Truet Betete, or part thereof or intereet therein, increase tho iacomo thorefrom or �'� <br />°����� protect the security horeof, and with or Mithout taking paseeeeion af the Truet �`�_�-- <br /> _ ' •'`�"' SeCete, eue for or otherwige collect the rente, ieeuee and profite thereof, including '�-"--__ <br /> � . ;;..��„� thoae paet due and unpaid, e�nc3 npply the eame, leee coets and expenses of operetion '�;:��:�� <br />� .,:.. . <br /> '" and collection, includinq nttornoy'e feee, upon a�ny iudebtednees aocured hereby, rll ' <br /> :,. . .• <br />_� � � in euch ordor ne Beneficia ma dete:mine. The enteria u on and takin <br />-" �-�*�-�'�_� � _�- ------ --- • � -Y • - - � P 9Poeneaeion ?- .: <br />=------`=��=------��-�z--- va uaC ti40{. OtlGaGR� LIIB C0119CL10I3 OL B11CIl =@IILO� 1Li8Lle8 �I3(] profite aTl� t�18 "s'�- <br /> _� ' application thereaf as aforesnid, shnll not cure ar waive any default or notice of , <br /> s'�.',' <br /> • ' defeult her�under or invalidate �ny acG done in re6ponse to auch defnult or pureuant � . <br /> - to such notice of defauit end, notMithe�tending the continuance in poeser�sion of tha <br /> Truet Setato or the collection, receipt and application of rente, iequee or prof.ite, <br /> � Trustee or Beneficiary ehall be entitladlto oxercise eveYy right provided £or in any <br /> of the Loan inetrumente or by law upon occurrence of any event of defeult, inaluding � <br /> the right to exeraiae tho power of eale; <br /> (b) Comnence an action to foreclose thie Deed of Truet as a mortgrsge, appoint <br /> - _ a receiver, or epecifically enforce any of the covenante hereof; <br /> i ., <br /> . . . __ . . .. .. . _ . . - - -�-- . ...___ ....-- - -- <br /> � �.. _ . _ _ <br /> .._�. . .,_ <br />