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. --z:_ <br /> .}4!►sn . ' . • . °+- ..y <br /> `� � ., • ' `t :�1Z+i�'�Yk'.q�'.''' <br /> i,.�i,� , . - _ .,.�.. �i - _. • ------° .—; <br /> - �'Y.WH•.�.� . . . . Y . ._ �.r..�r„r.�.�l,it�, ,l . .. O• . . . . . �tiF r��.�a�.r.�a:�_._�.�. <br /> . . . . .. �-�,----��:--Yti XIT"� <br /> . . � . ,. . . . : 'i•n.�"------ -- <br /> - _. ... •� �--` . • -, . ...... _ .•..e,•� cc'�.*t��.��TM'._- <br /> ' �� �"� ������ . .. - <br /> � lcf Deliver to Truatee a wri�ten declaration of Aafnult ond demand �or enle� � ' <br /> an8 e written notice of dafau�t end election to ca�use Truetor'a intereo� in the Txu�e <br /> theaappropriete Offi iel Rec xdn of the County in ahi h t e Turu�t BeC Ce�lerlocateAn " <br /> .�, <br /> ' 11. FnRUrr�strtts BY ➢�R oe BAY.F. 8houlci Sono�iciary oloct to foxecloae by <br /> exarciee of the Poxer of Sele herein contained, eeneficinry ehall notiPy Truetee and <br /> ' � evidencepofiexpendit eee mede and secured herebynne Trunt te may require ceipte end , <br /> �..».a �' <br /> s � (a) Upon receipat of euch notice from 8eneficiary, Truetee ehali cnuee to be �• <br /> zecorr3ed, publiehed end delivered to Truetor euch Notice oE Defauit and Nowithout � <br /> Sale ae then r�quired by law and by thie Deed of Truet. Trueteo shall, . <br /> demenc9 on Trustor, after such time ae may then be required by le��v and a£ter <br /> rocardatiom c�? sc►c1z Notice o� D��ault and aE�er Notice of Sale having been given ae . ..�,��;�«� <br /> �' ;.• seguirec9 by �sa, Beli the Truet Setate at tha tima euxd place oP aale fixed by it in , . �,,:s`��:��,� <br /> '; ,,....:: <br /> such Notice of 3ale, ��t7aer ae u r�hole, or in separn�e lots ar parcele or iteme ae ��-�=_---- <br /> Tn.sCee ehall deem e��e�lient, ar►d in auch order ae it may daeermine, at public • �.}_�-- <br /> � • �� auccion to the highest bidder fax cesh, in laMful money of the Oni.�ed Statee, payable �:,�,�,w;.- <br /> • '..' �. �� at the time of sale. Truetee ehnil deliver to euch purchaeer or purchasere thereof, .a..:;,-__ <br /> ' 3te good an:t eufficierz� deefl or 3oada, conveying the praperty eo eold, but without ��;,rL._;, - _ _ _ <br /> - � any covendnt ur aarrs�nty, expreee or implied. The re�•it �le in such 3eed oE any ;._; _; � <br /> ��tl eSe `1'1, <br /> ma�ttere or fecte ehall be conclusive praof of the truth£ulness theieof. 1 P <br /> � inc lu d i n g, a i t h o u t l i m i t a tion, Trustor, Trugtee, and Beneficiary, may purchnBe at ��:�� _ _ _ <br /> euch enle� and Tzuetor heraby covenants to v�azrant and defend t he t i t le o E e u c h �;�.�;_-_=---- <br /> , '' �' �� purchaser or purchaeere. ��'� <br /> ��� <br /> � '� " �.'`!��:�"°'_ <br /> � (b) Ae may be permitted by laM, after deducting all coets, feem, expenses of _.,?:—.-.�t v`�`• <br /> Truetee and of thie �rust, including coate of eviderxce of title in cannection rith <br /> �; ' ee+le, Truetee ehall appiy th� proceede of eale ta payment of (i) ail otune expended .�.__— <br /> under the terms hereof, not then repaid, Mith accrued intezeet at taelve (12tr) �'',�;�:�� <br /> ',,�'t, ? ifYeny to the pezeon�or persone 1 gally esititled t ereto�, �nd (iii) the remainder, <br /> �..t <br /> '� � (c) Truetee meiy, in the manner provided by laM, goecponn dala oE �21 oz er-y - _ <br /> {. pastion c+f the Tzuet 8etate. - <br /> �:.�;. • <br /> ;�. � 12, ��nigs rroT 6xGT.L78xV8 Truetee and Senef iciary, and each of them, eha�ll ,.; , <br /> be entitled to enforce paymont end pezformance of any indebtedneea or obligatione <br />*� eacured hereby and to exerciae a11 rights and pov�e laMe no�a or hereaEter in forcer - <br /> � �� ' urader any Loaa Inetrument or other agreemeat or any °;� <br /> `•'�� notMithetnnding eane or all of the euch iadebtechi�a� and obligations securod hereby . <br />° mny siow or hereafter be other�►ise secured, Nhether by moYtgage, deed of t�uet, <br /> �,�r- <br />-.•• � �• pledge, lien, nsaignment or other�rise. Neither the acceptance of thie Deed of TrusC _ <br />- `" � • nor ite enfor.cement Nhether by court action or pureuant to �he poMer of eale or other <br /> " �• poxars hez�in conCesined, ahe11 prejudice or in any mnnner affect Trustae's or <br />�`-` Beneficiaxy'e right to realize upoa or enforce any other security aoa or hereafter — <br />' '. • •� t held by Truetee or Beneficia�ry, it being ngreed tha�t Truetee an8 Seneficinry, and �_-- <br /> -'.= • - •r���r� each of them, ehall be entitled to enfF.orce thie Deed of Truet end any other security <br />�,, �-<.�....w•;�; . nor or hereafter held by Beneficinry or Truetee, in euch order and mnnner �� t�exeia <br /> -t�� ,�:.; ;,-`- either oP them mny in their abeolute discretion determino. No remedy <br />-- ' �; .�� can£erred upon or reaerved to TrueCSe ar Beneficiary ie incended to be exclusive of <br /> " _� •�„ ,�' �y other remedy herein or by law provided or pertnitted, but each shall be cumulative <br /> - � � " nnd eha11 be ia nddition to every other remedy givea hereunder or nox or hereafter <br />��',�.g�`•%;�`' e�cisting at law or in equiCy or by Statu�e. Iivery poxer or remedy given by enY oP <br /> '� ��'�:�•• tbe I.oan inetruments to True tee or B e n e f i c i e r y o r t o s�h i ch either of them may be <br /> '.:+•%�°ti:, . <br /> � otherxise �entitied, may be exerci.eed, concurrentiy or indopendontly, from t rne eo <br /> __::�y�,=:; <br /> � . .,�.. .. time, and ee often ae may be deemed ex�edieat by Truetae or Senoficiarys and either <br /> -a•5`^�"-• -' Of Chem may 8ursue inconsietent remediee. Nothing herein shnli be conetrued QA �+ <br /> . �..4.. .. <br /> `�� F��^'� ex esiitisuch actioncie�ezmittedkby�lea.effciency judgment ngainst the Truetor to the <br /> ''S��-`.:�i�. .' . —___ <br /> F;?°��` • 13, �iBO�ST FOR NOTICB. Truetor hereby requeste a cnpy of eny not�ice of e� ..__ -._. <br /> defnult, and that any notice of eale hereuazder be mnilod tv her at the addreee set �P!::�aema■�seir <br /> ,� forth in the fi.rst pe�ragraph of this Deed oP Tzuat. ��_- <br /> " . �' ' ��., the laxe of the �'��°� <br /> • . ' lq, r..�veRN�T�G I.n,W._ Thie Deed of Trust ehall be gaverned by --��01�_,.,_ <br /> ' �'' � � Sta�e of Nebreeka. 3n the event that unp �rovi�ion or clausn of nny of the Loan �y;;��------ <br /> �'.i�,,{•,:�,. , �,ir,w:.- - - - <br /> .;.,�� �• . licable Zt�rrd, such con£liot� ghpll not dffecC othar �,.�,,,���_r= <br /> Inotruments conflic�e with 8pp �:;�•�� " r.�. <br /> ;.,�.4� provieioms of euch Loen xnetrumente Which can be given effect Mitihout the confliceing ,�y : <br /> • . � .;� provisioia�; end to this end, ttie provioiane of the Loan Ins�ieruma�g�sdar�erd�e�inated �;-,' <br /> • '4 t�e aeverable. Thie inatrumeret cannot be aaived, changed, -., ��,;{;, <br /> � orally, but only by ar► inatzument in Mriting eigned by the parxy against �vhan ry., ;,,;...��; <br /> .. <br /> ' r :R�. '_....`r`.:`.:l.�i� <br /> S enforcement of any �oaiver, change, di�+charge or terminetion �s soug t. , ;_ .a:; ,.. <br /> , . <br /> •- --,,_ _ - - ..__,__ ...._� �:.. . ; .,: <br /> ---- - --_ �"'--- --- <br /> • 15. ��JNVBYANCFs BY TRUSTBS. Upon rritten request of aene=iciary ��a�i=•y �••4� -- -,-_�_, <br /> . , � 811 suma secured hereby have beem paid, and upon eurrendor of this Deod of Truet and -, <br /> tlie Note to Trustoe for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Truotor of <br /> , , TruetQe's feee, Truetee ehall roconvey to Trustor, or the person or pereone iege�lly <br /> entitled thoreta, without Marranty, eny poxtion of the Truet Hstate thon held <br /> � hereundor. Tho recitale in auch reconvoyanc•e of any m�tters or ,facte ehall be <br /> aonclueive proof o4' the truthfulnese thereof. The grantoe ia any reconveyance mr�y <br /> bo described as "the p�reon or pereone legally entitled thereto". <br /> - 16. NOTICI3S. Whenever Boneficiary, Truntor, ar Truetee shall desire to give <br /> � ar eerve any notice, demand, requeet or other cannunication aith respect to thie Deed , <br /> , Nrit ag and shalluba effective o ly i�f theueamo ie deliver d by personalBeervie orn <br /> 4 .. <br />