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I�M/M!l•!)�a.v�•:�.�a..... . . .__ . . . .. . --� <br /> ' _. --t . <br /> ��.� .... .. i.... <br /> � � ��_ <br /> ii n � � <br /> . . r 4 �' fil U1 - <br /> n a: • <br /> „ m �1 � .� a�D'� a .U'.� � m ' <br /> /� n �� xn � r A �� <br /> „ . � , YI " iI ; ' , " rn �� � -�-1m r �i <br /> � � 1� c7 '! p A <br /> �° � !. � Q "�1 O. <br /> ,� UO � G.7 -,� x y� <br /> z rn � °A <br /> ' 4 �� rn � � r= .�u � d <br /> "� n � r n co c�p <br /> '�� �ti� + � <br /> '�� � N `� W � ..� � � <br /> A' � �:.�' <br /> .{ , � I � �.a w.i�. �"d �.r ��..� <br /> df�-'!' � Q7 —,. <br /> � � � �, <br /> �«stiY•"d�i �.-,. <br /> � ; D=ED O� TA08T �" <br /> .. { �.•• <br /> TEiIB ABBD OF TRUST ie mede aa oF the �� day of November, 1996, by and <br /> � •� iunong AIAYBiUa A. WABKOWIAIC and CAROL J. WA3KOWIAK, Truetee, apouee o! eAah � __ <br /> '1 othor, ein undivided one-hnlf (i/2) to Aloyeiue A. Waekowiak� ne joint tenant Mith <br /> � �'`' hie epouse, Cerol J. (#olue WaekoMia�k, and rhe other undivided one-he�f (i/Z) to ^ <br /> " . Carni J. t�olue xa�koxiak, ae Truetee end tenant in camton Mith her hueband, o, <br /> �f Aloyeiu[� A. Naekowisk� ("TRUS�QR" N ether�one�or more, Mhoee meilinq eddrene � <br /> ' :�5� ie: �•`��1 I�1.2� . Nd,df,i � ht i� �U 1 .� <br /> c�nd DUANS A. BQRNA, e member of the Nebseeke $�ate Bar 1leaociation, ("TRI75T8B") , <br /> Khocte mailing addrepe iB: P. U. Box 2300, Orand Ialand, Hebraeka 68802. <br /> � rsnd VICit"1R I�. 609DA and LSOI,A M. GOSDA, each in h�ie and her omi right �nd ae the <br /> spouse of edch other, aa joint tennnte, ("SBNBHICIARY"), whoae mailing addreea — <br /> � �":���� � ie: P. O. Box 52Zi, Cirand Ielenti, Nebraaka 68802. <br /> '-r�'�•, <br /> �,•.-' FOR VALUASLB CON3IDSRATION, Truetor irrevocebly transfere, conveys, end • <br /> ;., aesigne to Txuetee, IPl TRUSr, F1ITH BOWBR OH SALB, P.or the benefit end eecurity <br /> - of Seneficiezy, under and stiilbjact to the ternla and conditione of thie Deed of <br /> - Truet, the real propnrty located in the City of Orand ioland, County of Hall, . <br /> '• �ts.L.^. Cf 2:��ra�:c8� :.s�$ Ze$G23y de9^.z+_Y:EL3 s3 i'L�11L��•p: ltt38 norn�wrry�� � , <br /> ;:v.�..«'+��` <br />-r � .' �� � The Ltortherly Fifty (50) Feet of Lot Three (3� and the 3autherly Fifty <br />'�.'.�;;:.;� f50) Feet of Lot Four (4f, ali in Bioak Threa (3), in Dickey�e Second <br /> � �` ;<"�•:� Additi.on to the City of Orand IAlend, Hall County, Nebraekn. <br />=-i i.:T7ii1�!iK�. <br /> <�;�'•;'�:�''�:�� . TOOSTHB[t wITH all re,ntc+, eeeements, appurtenancae, hereditamonte, intereete in <br /> "'�...;;,,; <br /> i�u�;� adjoining roade, etre�ts auid alieya, 3mprovemente �nd buildinge of eny kind situated <br />�,ryn,�+r�� thereon end all �ereanel property that may be oz hereePter becoma aa iaLegrnl pert <br />^N�r;T��� og such buiidiage and improvemente. <br />"`"=`'`'`� T'he r ert end the entiro eatate and intereet eonve ed to the Truetee are <br /> _�;-.�::��. P aP Y Y <br /> ��#�.is;%� reEerred to collect3vely as tha "Trust Betate". <br /> i� <br /> —.-..-n��_„�� <br /> FOI2 THS PLJRP098 OF SBCIJRIISCi: <br /> ��""`"'��� n. Payn�nnt of indebtedneee in the total principal aunount of $75,500.00, Mith <br /> � - - ---- iaterest theseon, as ewi.denced by ttnat certai:i 8raaieao�y► tioCe o£ even dat�e i�he <br /> ----=--- "Note"1 aith e ma�turiCy dnte of December 1, 2006, exeauted by Trustor, Mhich hee laeen <br />____�-_,.`;`� dalivered end ie payt�ble to the order of 8eneliciary, and Khich by Chie referencc� ie <br /> __ ..�_ „� hereby made a part hereof, nnd any and all modificntions, exteneiono and rane�als <br />--``�;;�",,�� t�ereof, nnd, <br /> ��,�:f��� b. Peyment of ell aume advence�l by Honeficiery to protect the Truet Betate, <br /> - :�.� Mith inteseSt thexea� at the rate of eixteen (16t) pdreent por annum. <br /> ���--�;��� - <br /> °�a��� Thie Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other inetrument given �o evidence or <br /> -_--__ lurther aecure the payment nnd porforn�nce oP any abl3gation secured hereby are <br />�;;a,��� referxed to collectively ne the "Loan Iaetrumeats" . <br />- �:�;��:�+�� TO PROTSCT THS SSCURITY OF THIS DBBD OF TRUST: <br /> - ;i�ra,t`�'� <br />-" ��•�� 1. NT OF SNDBSTBDN�88. Truator eha�il ay Mhen due the rinci ai of, end <br /> .e�;r�i;, ,: .. EBYI'� P P P <br /> - the intereet on, the indabtedneee evidenaed by tho Note, chargee, feee end a17. oth9r <br /> ' - ., " ' eums ae provided in the Loan irxerrumenta. <br /> :� _ <br /> �� `.�' 2. �AI,_BSTAT& '�t►.a[ES. Truetor ehali pny the real eetate taxee end any epeciel _ <br />_:''=�`':��-•�� neeeesmenCS l�vied agninst the properCy directly to the County Trensurex os CiCy <br /> ;..Y ��' �=� Treneurer ne the case may be, befFore the erune become dalinquent. Truet�r ehall <br /> :.... <br /> ;`�^ � • prov3c�e BeneF3ciary Nith e copy oP the treasuser•e receipe showing paymene of ell <br /> '' real �etete t�xoo kithin ton (lOf daye aEtor tho taxee have boen paid. <br /> .j. <br /> - � 3. ]CNStTtqAt�tCB AND RSPAiRS. Truetor shall pey L•he nnnual premium coat for fire � <br /> ' ."�' = an� extonded covert�ge ineurance, iasuring the buildingo conetituting the Crvet <br />-• � eetate� for ea amount no 1e89 than the replacement value of the bu�ldinge aad etzall -_ <br /> � . provide Truetor Mith ovidence of ineuznnce premium paymente eqch yeus. Such _ <br /> -_ ineurnnce policy ehe11 contain a ntanddrd mort•gage claueo in fevor of Beneficie�iry and _ <br /> shall not be cancelable, to:sninabie, or modifieble ri�hnut ten (10) daye prior ` <br /> , NritCen nor.l.ce to Senofi�iary. Truetor ehell p.ranptly rc�pAir, maintdin nnd replece <br /> , the 7'rueC Betate or any part thereof eo that, except for ordinery v:ear end teez, the � <br /> _ .. Truet 8etnte ehall not deteriorate. In no event shdll t�e Truetor aortnnit aaete on � <br /> or to the 7crust 6ptate. <br />_ „ � <br /> , . . � <br />_ ' � <br /> �. <br />_ �- <br /> ; <br /> ,... . ...,.. . .. ... .. . . . . ... .... . .. _ .. . .. . .. _.. - - - - -- - __---_._.- -_. <br /> . ... ._.._. ._ ._ ..__.;. . ,,. .�.,.. __- <br /> , �_ , <br />