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,. <br /> . <br /> :� . <br /> . . <br /> , --- <br /> �'� , . . .. _ <br /> , <br /> . „� „ <br /> . . <br /> �,, ,. „ , . „ .. ...........---. .:.... �. <br /> . , <br /> �,i,.�,., . ' •, ---.. .,:.-::....._._._._._._ . ...,. _ . .. . ...... . .. �'-- <br /> - , .,-........ _. . -- <br /> „ ..... .. . . ... . . � . <br /> ._.,.,..�., .....,.... . __..... . <br /> -- ...�.=__ <br /> �,-_� <br /> ' . 7. Protectlon`Ia4 nond�e nts �i9he�le e t pnl p ocp olrng,lhat m�y a pni(Icenllly aHect 4e der�ael4hts In the Property (eu�h�oe , • ,;. <br /> „ cantNnod In thl� :3cr ty <br /> ng <br /> o Nroaoodlnp In t�:�n�;niptcy, pr�l��ta, tor cond�mnntlon or la:n�tdu`�derb�ripiita In�ho�Properiyi�Lcndcr'a actlono mayancludo payl fl � <br /> whntovor In nocosar.ry ta protoct lho vatue o1 the Pr�pertY �nstrumant, appearinp In court, puylnfl reaeonnble attomoy'e feea end � <br /> eny aumo aecured t�y n Ilan whloh hea pdo�ity over thle 9ecurry <br /> � ontn�infl on the Prararty to m�ke ropdre. Nlhouph Lon�'er m+ry t�ke�ctlon under thla pArdflnph 7,Lender daea no1 heve to do ao. � <br /> Any amountn dtsGuraod by LanAer under thls pnrnflroph 7 eh�ll become ndditlonel debt o1 Bortower eecured by lhls 8ecur►ry � <br /> � Inotrumont. Unle�o Bartower aecl I.ende► �pra� lo oth�r tenns o1 p�y►nenl, theao �mo�en4a shell 6ear Inte�rest /�oe t the dnte ot• � <br /> � @�nryureemont et tho Nnto ratt�and ohall be pnya4le,Y+itl�interest, upun notice hom Lender to Bortower requeetin p�Y thls � <br /> 8. Mortga�� Inauranc�. If Lender requlred moripaga Incuranco ae t+ cond�tlon o1 maWng the lonn aecured by � <br /> ' c� Securlty Inatrument, E�orrower ehell p�y the premlume requlre+l to nulnt�� the moAyaye Ineurence In ettect. 11, tor eny reaeon, lhe 4 <br /> - ' m�rtQafla IsubstanUn4�Vaq v niontutodtha mortgsgepinuursnce pr�evlousy n e�tlact, ntrteWCO thclubstama�lry q Ilvelent tolrthe`caet�to <br /> � <br /> � covarnflo Y <br /> N�""""`'�` ' Bartowor ot tho martpa�e Ineurnnce prevlouely In nttect, irom an eftemt4e moRg�ge ineure► eppraved by Lender. 11 aubet�nl a <br /> equlvalent mortq�fla Inaurnnco coverape Is not avall��l�e�'BoWhen the I'nauranca cover pelaP e or ceaaed to be In ettect�Lender wlll � <br /> '� •� yeady morigafle{nrumnco premlum being pmid by 8 �� {°-_' <br /> .�• accept, use end ratnin thoso peymenta as a loa� rAanrve In ileu n1 mortgAye Inaunnee. Losa rescrvo payments �Y �0rovlded by ��-=' <br /> „# required, at tho aptlon o1 Lander, M mortgaga inaurance coverage(in the amount and tor the perlod that Lender roqulre�) p a,;;,_, <br /> :�:�.=- <br /> � ,d. en inaurer approvnd by l.cndor ageln bacomes avallable and Is abtetned. Botrower sha�� PeY the premlume required to malntnin `�� <br /> . mortgago Insurnnco in ottoat, or to provlde e lose rosorve, untll the requlremmt tor mortgage Insuranco ends In accflrdance with nny ���� <br /> Lesider shall glve ��_° <br /> i.�_ wdttan agreemont botwoen Bortower and Lender or ap�llcablo law. ��__. <br /> � � g, Inspeotlon. Londer or ita agent may make reasortable on�ble ewse for the InapecUonf the Properly -- <br /> Borro��ler notico at tho timo oi or pdor to nn Inspectlon epecHying <br /> "�'� 10. COndOmltAtlott. The. proceed� of eny award or cta(m ior damagaa� dlrect or consequenUal, In connecUon with any `"� <br /> �:;___ <br /> �:I, �. condemnetion or athur tekinp oi any part of lhe Propertyr, or tor convc�yance M Ileu of condemnation, are hereby naei9ned and aha e -- <br /> _ pald to Lender. the proceeds ahaii be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument. Y <br /> ,,.�,r♦ In the ovent ot a total takinp of the Property� In whlch the tair market �;=�= <br /> �,�.�:i};�;�:,� ., whother or not ttien duo, with eny excess patd to Borrower. In the event of a padlal Uking ot the Propt►ty =-- <br /> %;:':y;�� '�� value ot 4ho PropaAy Immediatety betore the teking Is equal to or greater the.n the am�unt ot the sums secured by thl� Securily -- <br /> I;^'`� • - � Inutrumeni Immadistuy botoro the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherv+iae egree {n wviUng, the sums aecured by this Secudry �_ <br /> ;�, • Inatrument shaf! U4 reduced by the amount of the proceeda muttipllad by tho tollowing Immedfatery 6etore�the taking.�My balance - <br /> _ � __��.,� sacured Immedistdy betoro tho taking, dNided by (b) the talr market value �W�Ic�i��r ��et vatue ot the Prope►tY immediately <br /> -- � ��� n.ntwl takina ot the PrOpeRY <br /> e h8 1 1 b o p 8 1 d l0 tlotrOWer. in iP�6 '�o�� �-.- -_=_ <br /> :�;' � � botore the takinp ts less than the amount ot the suma aecured Immedktely be tore t he t a k i n g, u n less Bortower end Lender othem se <br /> .,s.•.1,. , '"�!��.� - <br />�-"��'...t..'��� p�rac, In wdtinn or unlesa eppficable law otherwlso provides, ihe proceeds shaN be applied to the aums secured by this Secudry <br />�i�{�f'����`,;; ` Inotrument whethm or not the eume are then aue. <br />-�i ��" ' •, �` , �la ebandoned b Bortower,or ti,after noUce b Lender to Bortower that tha condemnor offera to maka an awar or <br />` }... • If tha Propreril y -- <br /> :c.7;.zr . � <br /> �1„l,y�� ' '! ' � sottle a clalm tor damages, Borrower falls to rospond to Lender wfthln 90 dtya after the date t'eto the sums aecured by'thls 3ecurity <br /> �r�;.�',$-��;;�;., �; to collect snd apA�Y t�e Droceeda,et Ite option,efther to reatorstion or repair of the PropeRy <br />�%2���y;���i'�r.,{�,�; Instrument,whathar or not thnn due. <br />-�.i-:sfi:,,,�� � Unleas l.endar end Bortawer othenvlse agree in wrftin4, any epplicotlon of proceeds tn prindpal ehsll not extend or postpone the <br />�_hi�;- - ' �� due dete o1 tha mpnthy paymente reterted to In pangrnphs 1 �nd 2 or change the amount of suah payment�• �t or <br />��.�-���;,,,c ; 11. Borro�n�er Not Re1�as�d: Forbear�nc� By I.�nd�r Not �Waiver. Extension ot tne time tor paym <br /> ��1-:'-"�'�"� modiflcntlon ot amoftimHon ot the aums secured by thla 3ecurity InsVUment granted by Lender to any euc�os�or In interest ot Bortower <br /> _ �:�.�'+�. ehell not operelo to roleaso tho Ilablllry of the odglnnl Bortowa►or Borrowera succesaors in Interest. Lender ehall not be requirod to <br /> ,-�:l �jwd� � commence procoal'ngs ngalnat alnstrument6bY Iresaono ol�sny d6emand mnde by the o e�I 8ortower�or Borrawer'a suACCeaa�xe In <br /> .._.__._-_,o_.,��; euma eecurod by this Socurity <br />-- �r,t�,j��: intareat. My iorbeamnce by Lender In exercislny any rlpht or remedy shrN not be a walver ot or preciude the axercise of�ny�Sp t or <br /> =,d,''i=��f,�r,7�t'�$•� remady. <br /> �_�^,��q�^�;: 12, guccooROro end Aasigns Baund; Jolnt�nd Ssv�ral U�bllity; Co-s�9ndrs. Tt►a covenante .nd <br />-;_.V:;1.�.'� '�',i�"e'�i', <br /> .-t�; agreemrnte ot thls Sxurriy Instmmeni ehatJ bind and beneTA !"� t-'"-^-°•+�n� d►�d asstc�na oi Lender and Bartower, subJect to t e �`- <br />_°'`--r_ provlsione o} psrngrePh 17. flottower'e covenmts and agreomonte aheH ba Joint�nd aevarnl• i�nY Bortowar WhO�nt,g�end oonv�that <br /> '�„'i+i�,—;�. Instrument but doos not execute the Note: (sj la co•slgninp thla Security InaWment ony to moKgage, � the eums aecured <br /> ��`�'�;:� Bortower'e intorost In ihe Property under the torme of lhls 9ecurNY Inntrument; (b)is not peroon�tly obflgated to pay <br />__`:�ir n�.x��ei•. <br /> by thlo Security Instrument; and (a) agrees that Lender ond any other Borrower maY a9ree to exteed, modfly, torbeer or ma e any <br /> :=,,:.b�•�� - <br /> ������ nccommod�tlana with regerd to tertna ot thls Security Inetrument or the Note wfthout that Borrower'a oonaent. � <br />—_-°-- =�� 13. Loan Gltsrgss. It the lan secured by thla Securiry Inetrument la subJect to s law whlah eete maxlmum lotn chuges, — <br /> �����Li . and that lari ia ifnsly intapretad so thet the Interest or other loan charpes co0ected or to be coileated In connection with the loan <br /> �`_.�;?r;+�, <br /> °��-='w�,'; exceod the pETmilled Ilmfte,then; (e) any auch loan charfles ah�A be reduced by the�mount nocessa+y to reduce the charge to t.e <br />- Y.�,?':i:Y,� ' purmftted Iimh; und (b)eny euma atroady collected irom Borrow�r whlch exceeded permNted Ilmita wYl be rdtund�tt to�Bort�ower.M�ee <br /> `"��r';r�'�`'�- : msy choose to make tlds retund by reducinq the pdnclpel owed under the Note or by �W�g�tdchu' e u der the Noto. __ <br /> �;;,�`���:,' 4:�`' . r�efund reduces pdncipal,the roductton wi0 be Veeted as e partfal prepsyment wtthout nny ArePaYm 9 ` <br /> 14. Notloa8. My notice to Bortowet provlded tor in thls Secuttty Instrumont s�all ba glven by deHverinp it or Addrossnorlt�b� <br />-. ; ��,�:?�� Brot claea mail untoas app�icabte law requlrea use ot enother mothod. The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> ; � + other addrosa Borrowov deslgnetes by not3co to La►der Any notico to Len�er sholl be gNen by flrot ciaaa mall to LenJU m a�idrrsf' <br /> statad heroln or eny othor addresa Lrnder de�ignntos by notice to Borrowar. My notice provided for In this Security — <br /> : � , O�e deemed to hRVO heen gNen to Bortower or Lender v�hen ¢�ivan as provided In this{tuagrePh• �,. <br /> 18. 6ovoming Law; Ssvsrebllity. Thln Security Inatrument sheli be gov.emed by federel law and tho Iaw of the <br /> Judodfalion In�t�wh�'�o�h tg ch contllct'shailanot ettect ot or�provlslons of tlhis 9ecudry I atrumentsorcthe Note whlchoCan bo gNen nnetEe� -_ <br /> , ��� , wtth upp iCa <br /> � _- — — <br /> wnhout thu contliating provision. To thta end the provislona ot thls Security Inat�ument�nd�t�e�Q't�is���a Nmen��bio. <br /> .---- -•-� 1s. Barrowor's Copy. Bortawes s�an tie 4iven one c��S����..,.••r,••• •.._.._._ � Ot H(ly <br /> - �" �' �• 17.7�ensfer of the Prop�rty or a B�n�ficlnl Intarest In Bor�owsr. U au or Any patt at tha Propercy <br /> Intmest In It �3 so:d or transterted (or It s beneflclal Interast In Borrower fs eold or tmnsterred and Borrower Is not a nntursl person) <br /> ' � � nn'ttum ntnHowuvor�rthls optlon shall notnbe exerclsodtby ltender i�t exerc�e�s p�ohWfted�by Pederal'Iaw ns o1 t e da e ot thls Security = <br /> . Inut�umont. <br /> N LendEx oxa'clsos thls optlon,Lender ehall gNu Dorrawa notico of nacetereUon.Yho notice shall provlde e u�od of not lese than <br /> 30 duyo trom tho date the notice la dellvered or mafled wlthln whtch the Bortower muat pay all sums secuned by thls SecurilY <br /> Inutrumaot. H Borcower falls to pay thnse eume prior to the explrntlon ot thls pedod, Lender may Invoke eny remedles permfinedobe 9� _ <br /> . Sacudry In�trummnt without turther nottce or demand on Dortower. <br /> . papo 3 of 9 <br /> . ' � ' F1o29.LM6(21U0) <br /> � �' ����' �' <br /> 237 <br /> � <br /> , —::r:� , <br /> I . _ ----^—"-�aao�u►:�Wi°""---- .:�.__,' <br />