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� .-�, . .;u�. . . . <br /> ' o�prn� , :`;):t( <br /> � . '���j .. . ' . _._. <br /> ...fty . . - i ..f-� <br /> .. ~�:.. . , - ' . .'___.J{!'S'1�lL�al� � :�,{r,'�P�. <br /> :' <br /> • . .� - � s�.�.. ...._..._'_._.. ... . . . . . <br /> .1 �t. .i.�:.f��....r� ' . i. .... ... ..... .. -. � ..:_=� <br /> , -....""__ "..._.._. .. ' ... .�._.i.-�.. <br /> .... . ,__.....1_..r......`_..."_ .. . . <br /> .. � ..Y:�` __ <br /> -:.l'4Sl7FltTlL��e�. <br /> � 18. Borrower's Rlght to Rslnetat�. It eorrower meets cenain cand�tlona, eorrower shall hava the rlqht to have - ti�j,;=i,: <br /> enlorcement ot thls Securiry Insiruma�t dlscontlnued at any tima pilor Io tha enrller o1: (a) 5 deya (or auch other porlod as aDPlicabia <br /> Inw may opecity tor relnatnterront) batoro sala ot the Prope:ty pureuant to any power o1 aele contalnod In thl3 Security Instrument; or t� , <br /> (b) entry ot a Judpmsnt cnlo�cinfl thlo 9ecurity Instrument. Thoae condillona era that Borrower: (a) payc Lender all aums whlch then <br /> would bo due under ttds Sacurity Inatrumont and the Note eo II no aeceteration hud occurrad; (b) curos any ao}aull of �iny othor <br /> covenant or e4reements; (c) pays el! expenses Incurred In enforcing thls 9acuriry Insirumant, Includinq, but not Ilmited to, reasonablo � <br /> attomeys' feea; and(d) takes such action aa Lender mey reaaonaby requlre to esoure that tha Ilen o1 thls Security Inatrument, Lender's <br /> righte In ihe Properly and Borcower's obligation ta pay the�ume secured by thls Security Inetntment shall continue unchenged. Upon <br /> • � reknatetement by Bortowor,thle Security Instrument end the obllpetlone eecured hereby ahnll remaln tuly ettectiva as If no scceleratlon <br /> hed occurted. However,thls dght to rolnstato shali nol epply In ihe caae o1 ncceloratlon undar paragrnph 17. � ,, <br /> �g, $���� V} N�R�;Chi�ngs Of LO�n SorvlCOr. YNe Nale or a p�r41«I Intcrast tn tho Notc� (to�ether with this Security � <br /> Inatrument)may he eotd one or mara times without p�ior notice to Bortower. A e��e mey resuft In e chenqe In the entlty(knorin ns lho W <br /> " •Loan Servlcer") that collects monthly pnymenta due under the Note end this Secudly Inatrument. There also mny ba ont� or more � <br /> °"""'�r chnnges o1 the Loan Servlcer unrel�ted to a eele o1 lhe Note. II there Is e change ol the Loan Servicer, Borrower wfll bo flivun wrtten <br /> �" notice oi the changa in eccordnnce wlth paragraph 14 above and npp�cttble law. Tha notice wlll stale the neme and eddrE+9s of tho �"� <br /> new Loan Servlcer end the address to whtch paymcnts should be made. The notice will also contnln eny other Informatlon rnt�uirad by <br /> applicable 18w. . <br /> ' 20. Hazardous Subataneea. Borrower aNe� not cause or permit the presence, usa, disposal, stomge, or re!ai►se o1 any � : .', <br /> Hazardous 3ubstances on or In the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyonn etsa to do, anything attecting tho Prapr.rty thnt ;,�:r4;. , .�=_ <br /> Is In vlolatlon of any Enrironmental Law. The preceding two eentences aheli not apply to tho presence, ueo, or store.go on th�f ;'� : ,�,,�.�.r—. <br /> Propetty of small quantities ol Hazardoua 9ubstances that aro generaly recognized to be epptopdete to normal rosidentl�l usaa and to i-'�` <br /> malntenance of the PropaRy. <br /> 9arrom:r ahnll prompty gNe Lender wdKen notice of any Investig�lion,cklm, dero�nd,lawsuit or other action by any gavamm�ntal �•."�:.t^'�`- <br /> .' '��� r re u!�;ox a en or private party Involving the Propedy and any Hezerdous Subatence or EnvlranmenUtl Law ot whlch Hnmowcs hos E�,�_�� <br /> o g _ 9 �Y • <br /> acturJ tc^✓.�vkdge. If Bortower leams, or is noUfied by nny govemma�itni or regulatory euthoriy,thqt any removnl or othu remacifitlon ���-.�=_: <br /> �. of any �a:ardous Substnnce attecting the Property la necessary, Dorrower shnli prompty teko all necessary rem¢dlal a^tione in ,,r.�___." <br /> � � ' �� accordar.��with Envlronmentel lsw. ^� <br /> ' :;!:�;'`' �' As� In thls paragroph 20, °Hazardous Substancos" are thoae sabatences deftned as toxic or hezaedous �u4r.'�ncfls by �,k�T. <br /> "��' ' Enviranmc��".al taw and the 1ollowUd s���stances: gasollne, kerosene,other tlemmable or toxic petroleum products,toxlo pastl�ides and <br /> �k�ntr�`,.—.— <br /> ..,:� - .r.,... <br /> � herbicldea, volatile soNsnts, materiels contalning esbestos or tormatdahyde, and radloectNo matodals. As usr�d In thia pc�pr�ph 2U� —� ;�r,,;. <br /> 'Environmental Law' n^�s federal (aws and kwe o1 the Juriadiation where the Properly is located that relate to hfllit�, safeiy or � <br /> envlronmental protectton. ��v <br /> NON•UNIFORM COYENANTS. E�TOwer and Lender turther'VSv nntir.wdto rB0►�OW�rs�arlor to accel�l'�RIOII �OIIONYII�9 -- <br /> --`�. ` � � 21. G1ccelsra�tlon; RvmecEt�es. Lendsr ehail S•-- --- -=—= <br /> � Borra�aeT's br�ach of any �vena�t or �gr��ment In tht� S�curity Instrument (but nvit prlor to —�-�-�- <br /> acceP.�r�lon under p�r�gnp?o 17 unlsss appilcab!� IRw_prov�d�� oth�rvlls�)��The�otnn�da w"fram th <br /> �` (v) t�s� datauth, (b)th� actton requir�� io aurs in• an.ui; ��. . ..:t=� ��: .--- t�'•R =- --�- <br /> data tha notics Is giv�n to �orrowe�, by whlch ths d�fauit must b� curod; and (d) thet feilure to cure <br /> � the ��e9au14 on or before tha dats sp�cfHod In the notice m�y r�sutt In accaler�tlan �o! th� sums <br /> � � aecur�ml by this S�cu�ity Inatrument and s�l� of the Prop�rty. Th� natice ehall fu�ih�r I�n�orm <br /> - � � Borraw��r of tha rlght to roinstat� aitsr accNe�attor� and the NgM to bring a cou�t �ction to asamod ths <br /> non-exist�nc� of �dohult or any oth�r d�f�nso of Bor�ow�r to tccsl�r�tlon and ade. If 4h� d�fisuft Is <br /> not aur�d on or b�fore tha dtt� spocHiad In th� notic�, Lo�dsr at fts optlon may nqulna� Imm�dlM...m <br />� " paymaM !n full o! atl eums aecund �y thls S�curity Instrum�nt wfthou! fu�th�r dtmnnd and may <br /> Y . Invok� the powor of sals and any oth�r rem�di�o permitt�d by �pplicsblo I�w. Lond�r sh�ll b� <br /> ontttt�A to collsct �11 axpsnesa incurred in pursuing the r�m�dl�s provlded In this para�r�ph 21, <br />� incluc9ing, but not IRrn(ted te. roatonable attornsys' fa�s �nd co� of titl�evldsno�. ____ <br /> _� , If th� powsr of s�ls Is Invok�d. Truat�� shdl ncord a notic� of defauR In each couMy In whtch � <br /> �n:�•;�r,_ ' �ny pa�t at ths Prop�rty �s �ocat�.: ansl shwll m�ll copl�a of such notic� In th� m�nnor pnscrib�d by _ <br /> _.:'q�<<--•�rr•� applicablo law to Borrow�r Rnd to th� other psraons proscNMd by �ppllcabl� law. Aft�r th� tlm� <br />���.z,a,•;ti;��! , r�quared by �ppliaibb law. Trusto� shall pivs pubilc notice of eel�to ths psraons �nd in th� mann�r _ <br /> ==�`:�;;;�`" , pna��a3asd by applic�ble law. Truat��� wfthout dor�a�d cn H�e�rcywer, �haf0 s�ll th+� Prop�rty at publt� _-__.. <br /> .�:>-�.��`�;.r.:� <br /> a <br />�„i :� ,s �uation to th� hlgh�st bldde� at th� timo �nd pl�c� �nd und�r th� t�rms d�slpnated in th� notic� <br /> ';'r aalo In ons or mor� paresls and In �ny ord�r Trust�s d�t�rmin�s. Trust�� m�y postpon� sal� ot all <br />�-.. -. or any p�rcel o! tf» Prop�rty by publlc announc�msnt �t th� tim� and place of any provlously <br />�-�`�' � ' ~ ach�duled sal�. Lersd�r or its d�sl�na� may purcha� the Prop�rty�t any sat�. <br /> ,�,;:t., ;_ <br /> . ,�� lOpan roc�lpt of paym�nt of th� pric� bid� Trurt:e shdl ddt��r to th� purchuaer T�u�tM'� d <br />;�„�;;;�� � cpteve��ng th� Prop�rty. Th� r�cit�ls In th� Trust��'s d��d shall b� prima facl� evldanao of th� tru4h <br /> of the �t�tem�nte ma�do thanin. Trusts� sitall �pply th� proc��ds of the etl� in tiw �ollo�wing osd�r: <br />_�-�- .,;.,;;°`'- (�) to alt costs and �xpsnsoa of sx�rcisin� tho power of sd�. md tha eat�, Inaluding tho psym�M o1 <br />_�'•w .�,A.:•.,,.� the Trustss'e tees�etwlly incureed, no�! to exc��d 3•0�°16 of th� prineipal �mount W th� nat� <br />-� �` �� �;•-�� � �t tiae tims of th�daclara4lon of d�fault� and naaan�bl� �ttom�y's f�as �s parmltt�d by law; (b) to �II <br />_ ".•�;�;,:>. � sums secu��d by this Sscurlty Inst�umant; and (c) �ny �xc�sa to ths p�r�on or p�noe�� a�eyslly — _ <br /> ;� entitl�d to It. � <br /> � 22. Reaonveyane�. Upon paymc�nt ot all numa secured by thls Security Instrument,Lender ehall request T►uateo to reconvey __ _ <br />-� the Property and ahall aurtender th(s Securiry Inattument end all notns evldencing debt ae�urad by thla Secudiy InsVurrtent to Truatoo. __— _ <br /> : � � Truotoe shall reconvey tho Property without warrnnty nnd without eherpe to tho porson or peraona legally ontitted to it. Sunh person ar =___— <br />- � � por�ons she11 pay any recordation costs. "'�'�•• <br /> t!'+���� , <br /> :; } ��� <br /> . � � � 23. Subsi�itule Trustee. LcT►der. at Its optlon, may from tfine to timo remove Truatee end appolnt e succoscor truuleo to <br /> �' - - <br /> „ * ; eny Trustee eppolnted hereundar by an Inatrument recordad In tho counry In whieh this 3ecudry Instrument is rocordod. 1Mthout �.••y �`; <br /> " w� � conveyance of the Property. 6UCCQ3E07 UUb1EE 6hQII 6UCC@@d 1D a�tho dNe,power end duUe� conierted upon Truatee horefn �nd by <br /> .. :n <br /> . - __. _.. <br /> . '?✓i'= <br /> - _-_- _ ePPlicabie taw. �- ; <br /> Z4. Requost for Notic�s. Borcower requests that coples of tho nottcoa o1 dotaull and eale bo sant to Borro�ver'e eddroas <br /> - � whlch Is the Property Addres3. <br /> 2b. Rldens to thia Securtty Instrument. If ono or moro ddere nre executod by eorrower end recordod togothar with . <br /> - this Secudry Instrument, the covenants and egreemonta o1 each such rlder shall be Incorporated Into and shall nmend nnd supplcmmt <br /> , the covenants and sgreemtnts of thla Securiry Inetrummt es if tho dder(s)were e pert ot this Secudty Instrument. <br /> _� .. FCrm 3020 9N0 . •• <br />-- F1029.4M0(2N6) Paqe 4 of 5 <br /> . � <br /> _ .. a /�' )� � �l� . <br /> / � 1 <br /> � <br /> -� ' 2J7 � <br /> -� .. . . . . . _._._ . .. _ _—.. . .._ _.,. . . . . .. . .. .. .... ....,.... _...;._.,.. ....._._..----°�--^-v+ _'-..._..._---�•--------.-��t.. _ u�--- <br />