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<br /> � . Borrowur's eacrow eccount �nder the tedenl Reel EetaLa 3erilement Froceduro� Act o1 1974 ea amended hom time to lime, 12 U.B.C. `°"
<br /> 2801 et seq. ('RESPA'),unta�e another law th�t eppllea to the Funds eete e leaear amount. II so,Londer mey, at eny tlme, couent end
<br /> hold�unds In nn nmount not to exceed tho I�seer emount. Lsnder mny ostlmeta tho pmounl 01 tunda duo on the baels o1 cutrent deta �
<br /> � end roseonable esflmatae of oxpendlturea ot tuture Eacrow Itams or otlm�wlao In nccordsnao e+llh appllcablo Imv.
<br /> The Funde ahtll ba held In �n Inatltutlon whoee depaalts are Incured by a taderal epen�ihe Funds t�lipay°he Eacrowcitema. �
<br /> Lender, If Lander la auch �n Inetitutlon) or In eny Federel Home Loen Oenk. Lender ehall eppN Q
<br /> Lender may nm ch�rpe Bonower tor holding snd saptying the Funda,nnnuely endyzlnp t�e eaarow eccount, or vedying the Eacrow �
<br /> " ' I!emo, unte�s Lender p�ye Bortowe Intereat on ths funda and�ppllakla iaw Perm�ls lender to m�ke auch e cherge. Howava, Lender
<br /> m�y rcqulro Borto�•rer to p�y e one�tlme eh�rge for an independent re�l estate tex reporling eervtca u6ed by Lender In connectlon wilh �
<br /> � thie lo�n, unlesn applic�ble kw provldao otherwlae. Unleee an agreemenl Is made or�ppiirable law reyulres IntEra�t to ba pnld, Lcndor �
<br /> � � nhall not bo required to pay Bortower�ny Interest or e�minqa on the Funda. Borrower�nd Lender may aflree In writing, however,that
<br /> , Intereat ehrll be p�ld on the Fundo. Lender eh�ll glve to Dortower, wllNout chirge, an annual accounting o1 the Funds, showing
<br /> .;,,,� � credite and deblte to the Funda end the purpoae tar wh!ch e�ch debil to the Funda w�o m+de. Tha Funds era ptedged as additional
<br /> securlty tor ell eums aecured by thls SeCUnty Inetrument.
<br /> B lhe Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounta perrttltted to be held 6y eppuceble l�w,L�tnder shall eccount ta Bortower for the
<br /> ' � exceas Funds In �ccordance wNh the requlremente of eppilcabla law, fl the amount ot the Funds iielcl by LendEr et any tlme W not `��,.
<br /> � � sumclent to p�y the Eacrow Items when due, Lender rneY so notNy Borrower in w�t�nQ,end,In auch caee Borrower ahal!pny to Lender �y-.
<br /> ' - the amount necesaery to make up the dsflclency. Bor�owcr ah�ll rrv�ke up the deflciency In no more than tweNe rttonthty payments, at �L:
<br /> Lender's aole discretlon. ��
<br /> Upon psyment In NII o!dl euma aecured by thls Security Instrumant. Lender ehdl prompty rotund to Bortower eny Funds helen y �;-_
<br /> . � Londer. If, undar par�graph 21. Lender shaH acqulro or sell the Property, Lender.Pd�r to the acqulsiUon or nele ot the Praperty, tl"'
<br /> p� eppy any Funda tietd by Lender at tho dma of acquleltlon or sale an e credB againat the sums secured by thls Securiry Inatrument. _T
<br /> g 3. Applleatlon of P�ymsnt�. Unteas �pliceble I�w provides otherwlse, ell payments receNed by Lender under parapraPha
<br /> � 1 and 2 ehell be�ppliod: flrot, to any prep�yment charges due under the Note; second, to�mounts payable under paragrnph 2;third ��
<br /> � to interest due; fourth,to princlpal due;snd laet, to any kte charpes due under the Note. ��'..
<br /> ' � � 4. Ch�rg�f; L.I�ns. Borrower ah�H pay dl Uxas, aaeesemente, ehsrqea, flnes Nd Impositiona attributabie to the Prop.wry _^
<br /> ,� . , which may attain prlority over thia 3ccurfFy Instrummt,and leesehold paymente or ground �enla, It nny, Bortower shail pay these
<br /> y�-
<br /> � obYgationa In the manner provlded In pangr�Ph 2.or H not pald in that manner, Borrower ehell piy them on time direaUyr to the person _•
<br /> j owed paymeet. BoROwer shall prompty tumish to Lenda all notices o1 amounte to be p�d u�der thls paragreph. It Borrower makes
<br /> .__ these paymenla directN� Bartower eheN prompGy tumlah to L�nder receipts evidmGng th� pnyments.
<br /> � Bortowa ahell promptty dlacharge any Ilen whlah h�e pdorlty over this Sa.-u�iiy i��ot.:��m�. ::r'�����row�: ;"-:"-S•""-a In wrftina to
<br /> ��� the payment of the obligatlon secured by the uen In a manner aecepUble to Lender. @) contesU in good fatth the Ilen by, or defends
<br /> :i _� , :_ a���„=q��.�=����.: �,�n,���ai oroceedtnaa whkh In the Lender'e opinfon operato to prevent the entorcement of the Nen;or(c)
<br /> •�, `� , aecures hom the holder of the Ilen an ■geemb at�e`os�h�°�ry�thlah rtury attalnp oriry overl4his`Securiry�Instrument,�Lendn o y gfve
<br /> " •� detertnlnes that u►y pert of the i�operty
<br /> `,; .,,,. ,
<br /> � Borrower n noUce IdentHyfng the Iien. Borrowx ahnll ettisty the lien or teke one or more of the ections set torth above wtthln 10 daye
<br /> y-'='�"�" ' of tha f�iving oi noUce.
<br /> =-w,�:r�.% •
<br /> �f y '��`�'�" 5. Hazard or RrQp�1'ty Insur�ncs. Bonowor sheH keep the improvement� now existing or heronftor ereated on the
<br /> _{��� .
<br /> �_�,.�-� ,' Froperty fnaured a9�inat losa by ftre, hrzarda In c tu d e d w i t h ln t he t e r m 'e x f e n d e d c o v e r a fl o'a n d e n y o t h e r h e r a r d s.Includin p T.00 s or
<br /> ��R""`'-`"� Aooding, tor whkh Lender requlrca Inaunnce. Thia lnsunnce ehell be mnintelned In the amounte end for tho periada thnt Lender
<br /> .::-�,=�'."'-� requkes. The Insurance cartler(xovldir►g the Inaura�ce shsli be choaan by Borrower subJect to Lender's epprovai which ehall not be
<br /> �
<br />-_ �_•'_:.--.:_t�,;t� unreason�by w8hheld, If Borrower tsNa to rru�InUln covexago deacribed �bove, Lender may,ot Lender's opUan, obUin caverege o
<br /> —=_��.-��, protect Lendb•'e dghte in the Properry In accordance wilh par�g►aph 7•
<br /> ~ r�'F�� All N�aunnce poBdes end renewal� ehnH be accepteWe to Lender and ah�H Indude a etandud mort�yage clauee. La►dx ahdl h�ve
<br /> _ °`"��� the dght to hold the poticlea and renewals. If Lender requUes, Borrower shall prornpUy glve to Londer ell recetpte o1 paid promluma
<br /> --�,xt;tiiZifl�,^_�
<br /> __�__`._-�� end renew�l notices. 1n the event o1 losa, BorrowcY shall gNe prompt noUce to the(nsurenee carrler and Lender. Lender mey e
<br /> _ proof o}losa if not made prompty 6y Borrower.
<br /> ���— Uniess Lender end BArrower oiherwiae agree In wdUny�inaurance proceeda ehetl be�pp8ed to restoretion Ar repalr oi the Property
<br /> ""�';:`,-;:�;,'.�� damaged, it the restor�tlon or ropalr Is oaonomlcaly ta�sible And Lencler'e securily la Rot leseenod. If the restorallon or repak is not
<br /> �"���:i>��� economicaly fasible or Lenala's oecurity wautd be lesaened,the Innurance proceeda ahdl be�ppAed to the eums eecured by thle
<br /> �,..^�.�.:
<br /> ___-v:,����,^�y� Security Inewment, whelha or not then due, wfth �ny excesa paid to BoROwer. If BorrowK �bandona !he Property, or doaa not
<br /> �nswev wRhin 30 days a not(ce irom Lender th�t the Inaurance cartier haa otterad to settle a cidm, then Lender rt►ay coNeo4 ihe
<br /> �'y- �— Innurancei proceeds. Lender may uae the proceed� to repek or restore the Propetry or to pay auma eecured by this Securiry
<br /> .i,1�fllfiY�;d�li�
<br /> ��Yy� Instrument,whether or not thon due. Tha 30-day perlod wfll bepin when the notice Is gHen.
<br /> ' Unless Lender �nd Bortower�therwiae egree tn writinp, my eppNcatlon ot proceed�to princlpal shaN not extend or po�tpona the
<br /> ��`-=�'"�� ente roterred to In pangrephe 1 and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. If under pnrngreph 21
<br /> �-;:s-=., due date o1 the monthiy p�ym
<br /> ���'��.'�;,:��� the PropMy Is ncquked Dy Londer, Borrower's �ight to eny In�urnnce poil�les end proceeds reautt?ng irom damage to the Roperty pdor
<br /> _..._ . .w.4.
<br />-'�;,,:,',:�Sc;:, to th� acqulslUon ehnU paes to Lenda to the exlmt ui the eums aecurod by this 6ecudly Instrument Imm�dlatefy prior to t e
<br /> -' � �%``�'.�t. � , acqulsitlon.
<br /> "'��� Mdntenancs snd Protect�on of the Proporty; Borrower'a Lo�n
<br /> �:.t�,,.;�:r.::,,7�.. s. Qc�upanay� Pt8$6►Vd3oC70�
<br /> �.- ,;�•:o• es BoROwer'e p�incipal resldence wflhln elxly
<br /> °'�{:�,+;:;;��:�� Applicstfon; L.e�aeholds. Borrower ahnll occupy, estnbllah, and uee the Properiy
<br /> `"� + � anys nner ene e�ecuaon o1 thls 9ecuriry Instniment end shall continue to occupy tho Prope+ty ac 8orrower's princtpal rosldence for et
<br /> ''�'" leaet one year after thA date ot occupancy, unlesa Lender otherwise agrees in writing, whlch consent sha11 not be unreasonaby
<br /> withheld, or unlass extenuating clrcumstances exist wNch ero beyond Bortower'o control. Bortower shall not dosnoy,demage or Impair
<br /> .r . the Propehy, apow the I'roperty to daterlornto, or commit waete on the PropeAy. BoROwer shdi be in detault it eny toAeituro uction or
<br /> _��_ proceeclinp,whether dvil or crlml�el,ls begun that In Lender's good faRh Judgment coutd rosutt in toddturo ot the Property or otherwise
<br /> -=— -----�-- �--�-
<br /> --Y. ... �....�..�. .��.x,� tn4�rut_ eorrower rtuv curo euch A def�uk end
<br /> �,- _ Y materlalry ImpaM tne uen cre�ied "oy inia �.,,���� ���o��••�••• � .._..--- -------•
<br /> � - % � rdnstato,en provlded In paragreph 1U, by causlnp the actlon or proceeding to be dismisaed wRh e rullnq that, In Lender's good talth
<br /> " determin�Uon, prociudes foAelturo ot the Barrower'e Interest In the Property or other mitedal Impalrtnant of the Ilen crentad by thls
<br /> Securiiy Inctrtrment or Le�idw'e aecurity Inte�est. Borrower ehnll atso be In det�uk Ii Bomower, during the loan appllcaUon process.
<br /> gave materlalry talae or Innccurate Intarmallon or stetemente to Lender (or inlled to provido Lender wkh �ny materinl Infomutlon) In
<br /> connecllan with the loan evldenced by the Note, Includfnp, but not IlmHod to,representnllone conceming Borrower'a occupansy of the
<br /> Properly ae e prfncipnl resldence. Ii thls Secudy Inatrument Is on e lasehold, Borrower ehell compry wlth all the provlslons of t�o
<br /> lease. It Bortower ncqulrea tae tft�o to the Properiy,the le�eehold end tha tee title �he� not merge unlesa the Lendor ngreas to the
<br /> _,� Form J02D 9190
<br /> , me�ger!n writing.
<br />. . - . F1049.LM�(2180) Pago 2 of 3 ^
<br /> i
<br /> C ��/�! /
<br /> = 231
<br />