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... :.n • �; .. . <br /> .� , .. <br /> "'�'R9� ,� . .. <br /> �..; . ..,.swst�,���.w-�,. <br /> , <br /> . ...--- -- . _ <br /> ,. � ....,� .. r� " - � " ° - -- <br /> ,...�..i�wI.M�Iis l :(a.�.__._._ . . . _. _. - -.,.._. � . . ... . . .�_ —- <br /> �#�� <br /> f • rY: <br /> thcn to intcrost payablc on tha Notc,and thc�lo Uio principul af thc Notc. � �(��3 � � <br /> 4. Prbr Mort�u�cs and�ceds or Trust;Chnrg�.v;➢.icns. 8orrowcr shall perform ull u�I�orrowcr's obligauons uhdcr any� � <br /> mortgagc.dced oP uust ar otlicr sccurlry o;rccment wid�u 1'rcn thut has priority ovcr this Dcui of 1'rust,incluciing Dorrawcr's covcnanis <br /> to muko paymcnts whan duo. Sorrowca shall pny ar cuusc to ba paid ull tuxes,asscssments and othcr chargcs,fincs ond impasitions <br /> uUribuutblc to t6w Property which may ntlain n priodty pj�t�#�De�A of 7Yusb and lcuscltold pnymcnts or ground ran�s,if any. <br /> 5.Ha�+rd Insuraace. Bocrowcr shalt kcep thc improvcmcnts now cxlsting on c�rcuttcr crcctcd on�ho Property insurcd agninst <br /> loss by firc,haza.�ds includcd within tha tcrm"exbcndcA covcragc",and such othcn c�izzards as Lcndcr may rcquiro nnd in such amAUnts and <br /> , for such putods as Lcndcr may rcyuirc. <br /> • The insurunce cfurler providing the lnsuranco shall be chosen by Hoaower subject to approval by Lender provlded tlwt sur,h <br /> �� upprovul shall notbe u►ueasonnbly withhald. All insurance pollcios and renewuls thereof shall be In A farm acceptable w l.ender and shull <br /> .:�«�"�� includa n standtud mortgs�ge cluusa In favor of nnd in a form acceputblo to Lcnder. Lcndar shull have the right to hoid the pollcies and <br /> '� renewals thercof,sub}cct to 1hc tcrn�s of en�r matgage,deed of taust or othcr securIty agreemcnt with a llen which has prtorIty ovcr this <br /> Deed of Tnut. <br /> Ia the event of loss,Borcower shall gi�e prompt notice to the insumnce caaler and I.ender.Lender may make p�oof of loss if not <br /> . ;�, <br /> mAde pmmptly by IIocrowcr. <br /> „ � If tho�'roperty is abandoned by Boirower,or if Bocrower faiLs to respond[o Lender in 30 days from the data notice Is mailed by '��,�?+,._ <br /> � Lenda to Borrower that the Insurnnw canier offers to settle a claim for insurance benef�ts,Lencber is suthoriud w collect and apply the <br /> E insurnnce procccds at Lcnder's oprion either ro tlte re.ttorntion or the�pair of tho Property or to tho sums secured by ihis Mortgago. ��a.t ` <br /> � ��.�v <br /> 6.Preservation and Maia4enance of Property;I.easeholds;Condominiums;Planned Unit DevNopments.Bo�rowu shall �'. <br /> •�T`.s.: <br /> � koep�he Property in goad repalr and shall not commit wasco or pe��ut impairmcnt or dcterioratian of the Prog�sty and sh211 cQmply wtth �_"='�" <br /> t � the provisions of any tease if this Deed of Trust is on a leaschold. If this Dced of TYust is on a unit In a condominium or a planned unit ' � : - <br /> develo pment, Borrowcr shall perform �Il of Bomo�vra's obligalions under th�declaratian or covcnants creadng or goveming the <br /> .,,,.�.- <br /> � � �• condomialum or planrk�l amit development,�he by-lAws,nnd reguladons o f t h e cc�n t�:�r n i n ium orp l a nn e d«n it devo lopmen t,an d c on s d w e n t _�e_.,,�;;;�r <br /> documents. `.•iR<� <br /> ��' ��. 7.Protecdon ot Lender's stta�rtty.If Borrower fails co perfa�rn tha covenants und agreunents conts�ined in this Deetl of Ttust i=�:,_.. <br /> r..:�,:.. <br /> .or if any action or proceeding is comm�nced which maserially a�iccts 1,.ender's intarest in tho Prope�ty.then Le.r�kr's option� �,�_F' <br /> , ,' `�; upon notico to Aoerawer,may make such,clisburse such sums.ineDudJiing r�easonnble auorneys'fees,and take such action� �;�„i__ <br /> �r is necessary to protect Lend�s interess. If I.ender i�qulc�martgagc�svcr.r^.,.c�s»randition of m�ng�.hn�oAn�o_rcured by this Deed of �_,-.,.__ <br /> ��� 'Prnst,BorrowershaUpaytheprern9umsrequestedtomaintainsuchirsguranceineffcctundlsuchdmeasthenquirementsforsuch9nswance -- <br /> � tanunaus in acwnua��c�viiSi�o,'�wrs's.:std L.ett�.�s Wrii!Rn a�rxment or noolicable law. <br /> • � Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant w this paragruph.wfth interost theccon,at the Nou rake�shall bocome odditloi�el _ <br /> ��� indebtedness of Barmwer secured by this Mortg,age.Unless barrow�r and Lender agroe to othcr tams of payment,such amo�u►ta s�all ba <br /> ' : ;, . payable upon written notice from Lender to Bornow�r requesting paymr,�t t9►e�caL Nothing contnined in this nasagreph 7 sh�li requae <br />�::.�.;1.;��;,;; Lender to incur any oxpen4a a teke any ection theneunder. __. <br /> � `,�:��. ' S.Inspection.Ler�dermaymakoorcausowbemadereasonab]eentritsuponandinspectionsofthoPro�ecty.Pcovid2z��twtLenda <br /> .. .. � . sda11 giva Bamwa notke before any such inspection,spocifYinB re�onabDe cuuse thecefa nlatod to I.enda'c iatarest!n tho Pro�eriy. <br /> 9. Coedetneatton• The pe�oceeds of any award oz claim for da�nnges,dir�et or conseq�endN,in connee@otf wIth any _ <br /> . �"` candemnadon or ot]�er telcing of the Property,or part t1►err,oP�or fa eonvayanccs In Ileu of condemnetion,pre haneDy assigrtad and chall be <br /> . �' paid W Lender.subjcct w the tesms of any mortgege.deed of trust ar oihcr securIty ag�eement wiifia alien which has prioricy over this Doed <br />':;.,. .:. ...�." of TiusG <br />�`-- "`��� �` 10. Borrmsm3 Not Relepsed;Forbearance By L+ender Not q WAivsr. Hxtension of timo fa payment a modlficetion of <br />=-- � P amoiti7ationoft�esu�ssxuredbythisDoedof'IYaSt�tantedbyLendertoanysuccessorininterestofBarowarshallnotoQeiatotorelea�e. <br />-,,-,�-� <br />�u--o,.,y.r,�;i;;� in any manner.the liability of dte original Iiorrower and Borrowe�s successo:s ln intat�: L�nder s�all aot be mqa w commence --- <br /> �'� �:r<•�^;' proceodings�instsuchsuceessororrefusetoeaetendtimeforpaymeataotherwlsemodityamonizationofthasumssocuredbythtaDoed <br />- .•''"F�_.! A <br />_ of Tnut by reason of any demand mada by the aigtnal Bo�rower and Borcower's suocessors in intanst. My focbearanca by Lender I�i <br /> T�f•�" . eaercising u�y righE or remedy hereunder,or otherwisa sffotded by appGcable law,shaII not bo a wuverof or p:ocluda ttw eaercisa of eny = <br />- _, ''..'= ... such right or t+emedy. <br />'_.x�,��..,_, 11.Suaces,wrsandAssignsBound;JdetandSeveralLtabUity;Co-Signers.Tt�ecovenantsandagrcameatshaeincontaiixd -- <br /> .;J�,,;,.t- shall bind,and the rights he,mausder sha11 inuc�to.tho respecdve suocessors and assigns of Lendo,r end Barower�subjact to the pcovisions ____ <br /> -�:!�-�-. • of paragcaph 16 heroof. All covenants and a8cr,e��ents of Bomowu sl�all be joint und several. Any bomowrr aho co-signs tl►is Deed of �. <br /> ����� 1Yust,bnt d�es nat oaccute tha Nota,(a)is casigning this D c e d o f T►v st o n ly ao grant and convo y thzt Barower's intaest in the Pr o p a�t y = <br /> ,�..�,. . <br />- � ro Tirustoe undcr thc terms of this Deed of'Itust;(6)is not personally liable on tho Nota or undor thie Deest of'IYust;nnd(c)a�ees th�t _ <br /> � Lendu and any othcr Bormwer muy agreo to oxtcnd,modify,forcbcar.or make any ahar�ommodations with raRard to the temts of th�s ___ <br /> �� � Dced of Trust or the Nste without diat BocmwePs consent and without relcasing thnt Botsower or modifytng this Aeod of Tnut as to that __- - <br /> Borrower's interese In tha Property. `�" <br /> • � 12.Nodce.Bxcaptforanynoticerequiredeuiderapplicablolawwbegiven�anothermanner.(a)any��ricetoBormwerproviAed �:"=-_ <br /> :' for in this Deed of Ttust shall bc gtven by dclivaring it or by mailing such notica by cutiC►al mail addre�sed to Bonower at thc Nropaty �;-�_ <br /> � . ,.,, � Addmss or nt such other address as tioriower muy designate Dy nntieo to L,cndcr aS provtded heretn;and(b)any ncx�tce to Lehder st�all be -;:::�: <br /> .�%�*. <br /> '�'�'�. given in tivriting by cectified msul to Lendas's addcess steted hcrein or to such other uddress as Lender may designaus by notice to aorrower ,. ,.:.., <br /> . •��:' <br /> - :. <br /> as provided horein. Any notice provided for in this T� of Tn,si shsll ba decmcd ta t�avo bwa givcu w Bnrrower or Ltnder whCn glven :��;i�: <br /> <... •. �>; in tha msuincr des�gnuted hcrain. •`: <br /> _-.-r_- ___. .._._._. __. .. .. _ .__�°__u_�.tt.f��a..tT�.�.J...ff f.�d.�t«..swCNu i..►iedint:i.n . .. � <br /> T� � 1.3. Govera'in�Law;SeverAbtlity.1T1CSlflICBAUlORt11lw�uj7j7ttt�uvtowuua+iwuva aaw►w.wuw�..v.o..o........�.�....-.....-• --.-- <br /> '� � • in which tho Property is loCatcd. In tho event that any p�vision ar clauso of this Deed of Trust or the Nous conflicts with appHcublo law� <br /> ,' sach contlict shall not affect ether provistons of this Deed of Tn�st or tho Nota which can bc�iven cffeGt without tlxs contlicting provision, <br /> and to this end�he pmvisions of this Decd of Tcust and tha Note are decicu�ed to ba savernble. As used herein,"costs"."wcper�ses"and ° <br /> "netomeys'fees"include all sums to the eatent not pcotubitsd by nppllcable law a llmited hnrein. <br /> 14.Barrower'sCopy.Borrowershaliba[urnishedaconformedcopyofthoNoteandofthisDeedofTnutatthatimeofexccuaon <br /> or after rccordadon hereof. <br /> 15. RehabiliWtioa Loan Agreement. Bomowcr shnll fulfitl all of Borrower's obligntions under any home rehabilitadon. <br /> improvement,repair oc other loan agreement which Botrower enters into with I.ender.Lender.utLender's aption,may requira Borrower <br /> to eaccute and delives to a fortn acceFtable to assignment of any rlghts,clsdms ardefenses whlch Bomower may hava <br /> against parties who supply labor,materiWs or services in conrecction with�nprovements mnde to ttw Propecty. <br /> � 16. Transfcr otthc Property or a BeneRcial Intcrest in Borrower.If ull or eny part of thc Property or nny interest in it is sold <br /> '-� <br /> � <br /> euc�.u.s��xe•reun��i•oww teM•n�w� <br /> 1� <br /> --.. .... . . ..__ ._. .. . . . ......... ......�.�_._--..__...�.r- _ss�--- - <br /> . ..-- . - _ _ �• ._ <br /> .._. . . <br />