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,/ <br /> '� 'e�l� <br /> j � ' . _ . .� '�Y--%�:�..�... <br /> � 1 '_ "_ <br /> - rijR11W'Y... . . •.� � , i. . - •� . . . ` <br /> - � � `il/3/J�F.' . .. . .. . _ . ..� ���-...�a-.... <br /> � - -rl►wrw(I�!�III(�e�IM!!wil+•� � _ ..� .. . ... _� .... .. . . . . ._ . _. �'�b�1M�FQ�I� � .^ii_Y'. <br /> I 4�„e <br /> �'�`;C�1(n.'3� _ _.__ <br /> ' <br /> �r.. <br /> , � S� , , <br /> , , , L�JCi�� l�i`� ii�i�V D 1 .� S'r.�Gf'iJ r��:. . , ., <br /> p� �"IP'AhC:II.L f" I':�: <br /> �l�`fl''J'..�';Il. :��iN <br /> ' ;i�:I i <br /> �^� �Uw7U�3 IE1�AM120S)991�955'�:�2 <br /> I THIS DBIID OF TRUST is mada thie� da,y of ���n� �'Z , 194�� emong ►ha Tcustor, ; <br /> MIC1iAEL R. SCHJICHTA _(hcnt�"Borrowcr"), � . <br /> Greqorv H. Perrv NSAA #t17775 (lu;sc,l,��"Austea"),and the Beneflciary� ELITE EXTfiR20RS <br /> - �°'� n .�xastca Carporation <br /> "' whcr.nnddrossis 3540 G'LEVEI�AND AVE. SUITE 1 <br /> LINCOIN, NE 6850� (heroin"Lender"). ' � ` <br /> BORROWER,in considesadon of tha iredebtedae�s he�ain recited und the tiust henin cieated,urevocably grei►ts end conveys to ':+ •'�,r��. <br /> 'Itu:�tec,in trust,with power oFsale,tha follawing descriM:d p.r�geny locnLed in Ihe Counry of �L ,Stute ����:::;- <br /> �1:R <br /> of Nebraska: = <br /> , � I,OT TEN �,_-�._ <br /> IId BI�DCtt SI7� ! F, <br /> . � IN BOGGS AND HIIrT�'5 ADDITION TO Ti�IIE '�"='� <br /> � � CITY OF GPAND ISLAND �'� <br /> HALL COUNTY STATE OF NEBR�SI{A .�� <br /> =. � whkhhasthenddressof 183U W llth AVE GRAND ISLAND. NE -'=�`i <br /> �. ,� (street) (city) �`"'' <br /> � 68803 ��_- <br /> Nelxaska (herein"Propaty Ad�sc�"): <br /> (�P��) <br /> �._ <br /> 'POGETHBR with all tho improvements now or heneailea erected on the property,and all easements,dghts,ep�w�tenen�a and �� <br /> `� : nnu(subject however to the eights and authoridGC giiven h�xoln ta Lendt�ro calkct and apply snch rents),all of which shsll be damed -- <br /> �' to Ue and remain a part of the property covered by this Deed of'[tvst;and ell of the forcgoing,wgetber with seid proQaty(a tne IeaseholA <br /> cstat�if this Dced of Tn�st is on a kaschold)nro ixreina€ttr refe�rad to as the"Propeity"; <br /> �': � 'PO SBCURB w Lend�r o rcpayment of thc indebtedr�r,�s evidenced by an FHA Titk I -- <br /> Propt�ty Impeovement L.aen/�etail <br /> ,.� InstallmentConaactdated �C��(,Z- 1St 1�9�0 aq►:lextensfonsandnnowalstherwf(henein"Note").inth�epr�nC��laum <br /> .:,' of***SFVEN THOUSAND '1Wi0 HUNDRED DOLI,AR3 EV�Na*+► U.S. S*+tw�r2UU.� *with <br /> � •� , intuest thczoon.providing for monthly instnllmenta of prirac��al untt Inte�rst,with the batance of t1w indebtedne�.if not�aona p�id dua <br /> and payabla on or about ti 2C�months from tho above dat0.the payment of ell oiher sums,with interest theroon,�dvu�ced In aocadance <br /> K � hettiwith to protect the secutityof thls Dcecf of 7Y�ust;and�he�►esfimnnnce ottteeoavenanta nnt!e�retment�of�atro�here4n cexttstined. <br /> � Borrower covenants that Borrower is iawfully seizeti of tho estate hereby convcycd and has the rigl�t to gcant and wnvey thc <br />�.;: Property,andthatthePcopertyisunencumbered.exceptfare�curn6rancesofrecord.BamowereoveaantsthatIIocrovuawarrantsandwill <br />:;, dtfend genually the dda W tho Property ngainst nil clairr�s sud drsnands.subject to encumbrances of recad. <br /> ��� � ;: .;, UNmoRns Covexwxrs. Borrower und I,enAer covcntnt a�v.+l agree as follows: - <br /> -�,� .. ", �. ;t�':` 1.PaymentofPrincfpalandInterest. Borrovresshallp.rompdypaywhenduetheprincipalandin;crestindebtednesseridcn�ed <br />--, �i�-..- '��` � Sy the Note snd lato cht►rg�s as pmvided in tho Noto. " <br />- �. 2. [�ndc tor T�xes and InsurA�nca Subjcct tn ap��licabla law or a wriaen waiva by Lender,Bomowa sh�ll pay to Lender on <br />' - thedaymonthlypaymcntsandintcrestarepaynbinundertt,eNoto.undltheNoteispaidfnf�ill,asum(haejn"Funds")eqnaltoone-tweltth � <br />�3..• of the yeariy macs mid ossessmrnts(including condomini�.m and niannW unit developmentassessmex�t�.ilFeny)whichmayattei�pdaity <br />= _ ova this DoeA of Tmst,andground rents on tho Property.if�u�y.p1c;s on�twelflh of the yeady premium insteilments faheza�d inwru�ce, <br /> -Y �,� , pius one-twoltth of yearly premi�rn instaltments fa rreat�aa�insucnnce.if any.all as reasonably esdmatsd InitIslly and firom time to dmo <br />_==�°;�:,���-�� ' by Lender on the basis of a�scssmcnts and bills and reason3b'e esdmaus thueof.Barrower shall not ba obllgatod to makeeuch payments <br />����r.y � of Funds to Lender W thC excent ttiat Borrower make�suct►p��ymestts to the holder of a prior mortgaga or dad or wstif such lwldrr ts�n <br />�:: ,;' �; . iasdtutionalle�der, ' <br /> If Bortowtr pays Funds to Lender,the Funds sh�ll be held i��n insdh�tion the deposits o�accounts of w6ich ace insurod or <br />_ gutuanteed by a federai or st�tu ng�cy(including Ltndnr nf E2ntber is such en insdd�tion). Lender shall apply theFunds to pay said taxes, - - <br /> . . mssossments,insurunce premiums and�rour�d�nta.Lenul:rc�ay not charge for so holding and applying tho runds,annlyzing seid scc�unt <br />; orverifyingnndcompil3ngsuidassessrrtcntsnndbills.unle;ssl�ndeapaysBorrowerint�restontheFundsendapplkablalawpamitsLender _ <br /> � to make such a c6arge.Sorrorrer and Lencler may aQroe ire wridn�as me time of ex�cution of this Deed af Trust tluit interest on the FS�nds �-_--. <br /> � shallbepaidtoBorrow�r.andunlssssuchagneementisrc�dxorApplicab2elawrequiressachinteresttobopaid,Lendershallnotberequired ``���-,�,r <br /> ' ~ io a Borro�ver an interest or eumin on tho Fund�.I,radts shall ve to Boirower,arithout clucr�e,an annw�l aGCOUritin of the fi�nds ���"��� <br /> � P Y Y 89 8� 8 ;�:!,�:r_.. <br />��" , � g showtngcreditsanddebitstothofundsandthepurposafmw{•:chaachsuchdebittotheFandswasmsde.Ttiefund�aneplodgalai�ddldonal "'':';;�{�;; <br /> �'�}'�i security for the sums socurod by this Deed of Trusc. H'';�`+iti,. <br /> :f�.:t., MJ�� <br /> - '"• if rlev e�mnunt nf th�F�mrle lunld hv i nnrtpr rncnttmr�virh t}u+6tt»re m�thlv inct�llmRntc nf 5:neda navahln minr te thr:r]nr.tlstra "����-�'?x <br /> _-%-- �-'�:-�- -----—•-----° -•----,..----.--•----•--�____ ..-°---°------°---. ---°--•--------�—.----:---------------- .. .____,_ <br /> of taxcs,asscssmcnts.insurArtco rcmiums and und rents,shall excced thc amount uired to a such ta�ccs,a�sessments,insurance `� ''r`' <br /> P B� �9 P Y i. '. <br /> � prranjums nnd ground rents as they fnll daa,such exccas shall Uc,nt Borrower's option,either prompUy rep�d to Bortower or credited to <br /> ' 42onnwar on monthly installments of Ftmds. If thc ama•unt of the Funds hcld Uy Lendcr stiall not be sufticteni to pay ta�ccs,ussessments, � <br /> ,. ' ins�rance premiums and gound rents as t1�ey fall due,aariov�er sl�all pay ro Lcnder any�unount nccessary to make up thc deficiency in <br /> nne or more payments as I.ender muy mquire. <br /> � ' Upon payment in full of xll sums socured by A�i�s Decd of Trust.Lertder shall pinmpdy refund to Borrower any Fhnds held by <br /> Lender. If.undcr paragruph 17 hereof thc Property is sa!6 or the Property is otherwise ncquircd by Lenrlcr,Lender shall npply,ra later . <br /> � than tmmediatelypdorto d�e sale of the Property oeits acquiaitimn by Lender,nny Funds heldby Lenderai the timeof applicadon os acnedit <br /> - . uguinst the sums securod by this Dced of Tnist. <br />-_ . 3. Applfcntion of Ppymente. Unless appl.icable law provides othenvise.all puymenu receivcd by Lcnder undcr thc Nuta and ' <br /> p�rn�rnphs 1 and 2 heroof shall be npplicd by Lcndcr f�3t in payment of amounts Rayable toLendcr by Borrower underpur�graph 2 hereof, <br /> B11C 1-t1�W INF•fll�tll�I.pUw IL+�n•11�1 <br />