<br /> . 4
<br /> :�� '' : :-
<br /> '"'�' � ., .'�''�,�1
<br /> �;�par .. " ,. . _ . .v'w+�aS:'k�e..
<br /> �. .
<br /> • � v".%.vi: � . ' ' _ .. ..... . .. .. ......_ . -._..':j�• . � �Fq�.{y�*t
<br /> I. . ._..._- — .. `"�/(�:i C/ . �i;y,'�------—.
<br /> /'�"� � / � '��,`.�V�
<br /> . 1 , � �° ���a��� .
<br /> or uansferred(orif abcneGcial interestin�lonowerissoldortransferredand IIorrowaris nota nAtural per�son)withswlLender'sprior wdtten �
<br /> consent,L,cnder mny.at h�nptlan,rcqulro imrhedlsttl pay�nont In f��ll.of all sums se�ured by this Deecl of'fYuss.However,thls opdon ahall � �
<br /> not be exerci�ed by Lender if oxuciso is prohibiteA by fakral lew a.t of the dato of ihls Dced oP Trust. ��."�
<br /> If Lenda exercises this option.l.ender shall givo Borrowu noiic�of eccelerntIon. The nctice shall provida a pefiod of nat less . '
<br /> ' lliatl�O GdyB G�Of�I ljid(I610 IIlQ II81fCQ lu dcliv�rc,d o:mailcd withln whIch IIo�eow�e must{tay sil1 surns cac�ad Isy thls Bz„d af Ttus� If -
<br /> lSotrower fails to pay thsse suma prlor to tho oxpiratlon oP lhls pertod,L.ender may invoke any remedies permitted by thfs Deed of'hust
<br /> wi�hoe�t furthar notico or demand on Boaower. ,
<br /> ...•��•1: ' Noa•Urm�oxx�Cov�rr�xrs. Do�rower nnd Lender furthor covcnnnt and agrec as follows: , �
<br /> " 17. Accekrntion;Remedks. Except as pmvtded(n paragraph 1G hereol,upon Dorrower's breach of any covenant or
<br /> agreement oi Borrower tn this Deed of 7Yust,including Burrower's failure to pny,by the end of 10 cakndar days atter they are
<br /> duq any sums securQd by thls Deed otTrust,Lender prfoe to accekratlon shall give notice to Dorrowtr es provWed in psragraph : ,
<br /> 12 hereotspecit�ing: (1)the breach;(Z)the actton requtred to cure suc6 breach;(3)e date,not less than 20 dnys hom the date the � ':
<br /> .�.-:t... -.
<br /> notice L�maUe,d to Barrower.by whic6 suc6 6rewch muct be curedi and(4)Wat failure to cure such breach on ar before the d�te :• .��_:�:,.._
<br /> specitled ta the nolice may result in n¢ceterattor�ot t�e sums sscured b�t6ls Deed otTrust and�sek otthe Property. T6e noUce j���:-�v--��
<br /> sh�ll h►rther tnform Borrower o!the ri ht to reinsbte aRsr scceleratton and the ri 6t to brin a court action W assert the � '°'""��----
<br /> .r. '.. .::_� _
<br /> g g g .v�::�w.;� -.
<br /> none�dstena of a def�ult ar any other detense of Borrower to acceleration�nd sak.I�the breach is not cured on or betore t6e date -`�-= —
<br /> apeciDkd[n the notke,Lender�At i.ender's option,mny declare all oPthe sums secured by tHis Deed of Tras4 ta be irrdru�edD�teiy d�e '• -- -
<br /> � andq�ayAble�vithoutfurtherdemaAdandmayfevokethepo�veroteakond�nyutherremediespermtttedbyappllcubklaw.Lendtr ;�
<br /> s6All be entIqed to cdlect aU rensonabk casts pnd expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provtded In thts parpgrap617� �':'F.—�,,,��.,
<br /> - • ¢ includine,bu:not limittd to,rasonabk attarneys'tees. : Y.��r--�_
<br /> If the puwer otsale t�involced�7Yustee s6aU remrd a notke of detault tn each county ta wh9ch the Property or some part �..�--.
<br /> �'.� thereot Is located and sbali mail coptes o!such notke in the nanner prescribed by applicabk ls�w to Borrower and to tt�e uther �,, ���;.''�v"��
<br /> peeson�prescribed by appiicnbte law.Atiter the lapse of suc6 tlme as me�be requtnd by applkabOe Ww,Trustee shall�i�Y pu@ite `� �
<br /> notke of sale to the persons�tnd in the manaer pres�ribed by applkable IAw.Trustee�witbout demand on Bc�rrmwer�shaU sell the �"`?�
<br /> ' �' •• •-_�...-u.a�.a�raa...�.....c..�..+..i N�.,,.s..a���.t�r M:rK.+c�te,atanated U tse eotioe of aak(e oae
<br /> rroperiy ai paoi,c Au�uw w�,.o.�,�.,.,v..v..•..• ..••..........._�........_____.-
<br /> ' or more parcel��nd in such order As Tnistee may deter�ntee. 7Yustet mar postpone sale of�Il or Rny paral ol the Property b�
<br /> - --�3 �SU�'iu�wuTi'Jif��SSC�1S�.�.::2.`���.4Ba iSf�L'P LS��°L�j r11°�l:��j�,°�hP�l21wr1 e�1., I:Rr��r�r i wnrl�r'a d�civnee mav uu�chase the _- •
<br /> ' ,. Property at any salc. � . �
<br /> '� '.: � , Upon rcceip!of payment of the pr[ce bid,'IYu.4tee shall deliver to t6e purchASer'tlrustee's deed coeveytng the Properq �;�
<br /> •� sold.l'EiericltalsintheTrnstee'adeMsLallbeprimsfi�cteevldeacerKthetr�t6ottheatate�eaebm�detbere�n,'IYasteeab�ll�p�l� ' :,:
<br /> �::`��, the prooeeds�t the a�le in t6e foom�iaa order: (a)to all rea9unable coste�nd expensa of t6e sa�k,tnclneling,but not aitnited to, .-�;
<br /> Trustee's tees�etaaU�incnrred oteot a�ore thwa S 9b ot t�ee�saie prke�n�59e�ttorxya'f�and cos�oltiUe
<br /> � � evldence;(b)to�11 auma aecured by thOs Deed o�Trast;and(c)th�c�sess�it a��to tbe person or pensona legal�y enNtkd tYereto. _
<br /> p8.Borrower's Rf�t ta 3tdn�tata NotNith�tto�dins Itride��acceleratian af tt�e s��necuree!Dy etli�r�xd o�'t'nrit due to _-
<br /> ` Bo+rower's breach,Borrowes shull have the r�ght to hava any proceedings begun by L�ender w enfar�e this Deod oi Tnut disooc�tinued at .' ,
<br /> any oime prior to the eadkr to occur of(7 ttie fiitl�day before the sel�of tha Property piusvant to the power of aale conmined tn this DaA .:
<br /> of Tcust a(ii)entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trus4 if(e)��rrower pays L.onder aU sums which aould be then due under thts ��
<br />-y<;"�` . . DeedofTiuscendtheNot,ohsidnoeccek:adonoccurrod:N)BomowYrxurrsallbreachesofanyWhercovenantsor�gneementsofBarower �-
<br />,�'.�: . �. containod in this Doed of Tnist;(c)Borrower pays sU reasonabk cxp�ses incunW by Lender and'hsistee in enfoocing the oovenant�aa�d
<br /> egneemaies of Bar�owa,r con�ained€n this II�,;,d of Tru.;t,ar.d in e!�e:dng Ltnder's�nd'flrtistee'a nmedies es provided in per�h 17 v.,...._—
<br />� , hereof,including,but not limited W.n�sonablo attomeye'fas;and(�Barowa takes such nction as Lenda may ir,asonabty roquire to —`--
<br /> . ' assure lhat tAe lien of thIs Dced of Tius�LendePs inta+est in the Pro�.^ty and Bo�mower's obin�¢a�n�o pry tlse sums sxu,red by this Deed -�
<br /> = " ofT�ustshallcondnuuunimpsair�ed.UponsuchpaymcntandcurebyBarrower.thisDeedofTnutandtheobligationssx�aedberebyshatf =
<br />'y� , `� remain in full face nnd offect as if no acceleradon had occuired. Y_
<br />_. ; � I9.Ass�nmentotReats;AppofntmentotReceiver;LenderinPossessioa.Asaddlflonalsecurityhe�+cunder,Bamwahaeby _
<br />�,,`' �� �� �� assigns w�er�da the rents of the Propetty,provided that Borrower shall�prior to accoleradon u.�3er gazagr+aph 17 hereof or abandonment � ___
<br /> _ r`'.�" of the Pc�erty.have the rlght w collecf nnd n�in sucl�renu os�hey become due and p�ya�61e. -------
<br /> �,..-�..�,
<br />-;^ �� .'`�� Upon accelaration under parag,�mph 17 hereaf or abaredonment of the Propeny,Lendrr,tn pason,by egtnt or by judicially ------
<br /> - appointad rec�ivar shall be enuticd to enur npon�talce possossion of and manage the Property and to collxt the rents of the Fropaty =
<br /> !'` fncludlna thosa past dua A11 nnts collceted by Lender or the receiver shnll bo a lled t'ust to r,nt of the c�sts of mana em�nt of the �°N�'� -
<br /> - . . :�� PP R� B= ��:�..,�,__:-
<br />- �� Proputy and collectian of rents,including,but not limited to,receive�s fees,premiiams on receiver'�bonds and c+easa�nabb�(ccnn�y's foes, �'�;;;;.::_=-.`
<br /> �'
<br /> und chen co the sums secund by this Deed of'I'n�st Lender c�nd the nxeiver shall be llable to accounc only for thoserer�t9 accua�ly noceived. �f'��:
<br /> ) � ���Y_d":e7G7SYfi1'X.�fT.(Gi�"_.
<br /> 20.Reconveyn�ce.Uponpaymentofallsur�ssecuredbydiisDudofTrust,LendershullrequestTlvste�troreconveythQl�roperty �..�.,-��-� �
<br /> �'�c'�i,�z;,.
<br /> ° ; andshallsuResiderthisDer,dofTn�standnllnotesevidancingindebtednesssecuredbyChisDeedof7�ustroTrustee.Trnsteesshatlreconvey ' ..`��,�, ,•,:-,-,�:_
<br /> . tha Pcoperty wilt�out warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitled,therexo. Such pecson or�xrsons shall pay att .' �'� `�'"���``�'
<br /> . , costs of ncctdadon,if any. • .�r J''��,a��4' .
<br /> _ _ 21. Substitntc Trastee. Lenda.ut Lender's optian,moy from timo to time remove Trustec and appc�int a successor trwtee to `. ' •�`•:':<:' �
<br /> • any Ttustee appointed henea�nder by instcument reec+�orded in the covnty in which this H➢eed of Tiust is recordud. Without convoyance ot � ' '°'���
<br /> .= the Property�tho successor trvstce shau succeed to a11 the uue,power and dutles canfemd upon tt�e'i'rustee ner�ein and oy appuwoia iaw. _ - �-• -
<br />-� � ' 22.Iaequest for Notices.Borrower requests tl�t copfes of the notice of de:fault and im�ce of sale be sent to Bomower's address � '
<br /> , which is tho Froperty Address. .
<br /> f � �41C1�tIJ���NE•�NAT11I.ON�bY�•i11W1 ..
<br />