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<br /> cundemn�llcx��r�iher Iwkln�oP any part ut'�he PwpcMy,or f�x canvoy�nco in Iku uf condemnwtbn.wro he�by awi�ned w�d
<br /> - ---------_--_ -- ehe!!bc p�id tu Lrnder. •
<br /> -- In Ihe evcnt of u Iw�+l faking uf Iho Nn�:ny. �Iw pr�wecd� hholl ix� upplie,i to lix: aumw �ecu�ed by �hiR 3c;cu�iry
<br /> Inwtrumenl,whciher iir not Ihcn due, wilh uny cxrc.rx paid tn►iurr��wcr. In�hc evcn�of o parl!ol taking uf dic Praperty In
<br /> which the PNf�mnrket valuo nf�hu Pruperty in►mr.cilotcfy 6eforc�hc�akin�ia equal to ar grcwter�han�hc amount pi tho sums
<br /> =-s� __ _ _________, �;a:urnl by�his Sceurity Inslrumen�immcdiately Ixf��re�hc�uking.unlcss Borr�wer und Lcndcr�therwisc agree in writing,
<br /> tha Ruma Mxured by Ihix Secudty Inctrument Rhull Ix�reduced by Ihe amaunt of the proceeds multipliedby the folluwing
<br /> ' — fraction: (a)Ih�taal umount of the xums xecuied immedia�ely befom the tuking,divided by(b)�he fuir market vwlue of thc
<br /> �� Property immediat�ly I+efore�he taking. Any bLlance ahall t�e paid ta aormwer. In the event of a partial taking of tho
<br /> - --- - - - Properry!n which the fair murket volue nf the Propeny immediatcly bcfore Uie�aki�B iR les��hun�he amoun��f the sum� .
<br /> — --- -- :.ecssitd isstmtd3�tely tfefott the !�l:ittg, sst!!'_91 SU[!01'l�! R!!d I_Cl1�ICf MIM'ryUIv1' RPMR Ifl Wflflll�! M IIIfI!AB Al1jfNCAIIIG IAW
<br /> otherwir,e provides,the pracec�s shall ba opplied to�he sumc cecun�d by thia Securiry Instrument whethcr or not the sum�aro
<br /> --�- — �—_-__� then due.
<br /> — -----.—- If the Propeny ig abundonal by Barrower,or if,ufter nntice My Lender ro Barrower thut the condemnor offerx to make
<br /> �� m�nward or settle u claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond ta Lender wlthin 30 duyr:after the date the notice is given.
<br /> Lender is authorfzed to collecl ond npply the proceeds,ut it�option,either to restoration or repair of the PropeRy or ta the
<br /> —� +�ums sccured by this Secu�ity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> I Unless Lender nnd Borrower othenvise agree in wdting,any application of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or
<br /> � poatpone the due dute of the monthly paymentx referred to In puruerapha 1 and 2 or change the umount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Iteleased; Forbearance By Lender Not A Walver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> -- ° -` n�odificaNan of amortizetion af the sums�sceurcd by this Security lnstrument grAnied by I.ender t�any qucce.a.aor in iniere.ct
<br /> - —_ af Bornower sha{I nat opernte tu neleuse thc lfabiliry of the originul Borrower or Bormwer's successors in interest. l.ender
<br /> shull not be rcquircd to cammence praceedingc aguinat uny successar in interest or ref'use to extend time for payment or
<br /> -° ���°'�"' otherwise modify umortization of thc sums secured by this Security Intitrument by reason of any demond made by the original
<br />-=���+ ���� Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> -__�� - waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> -��� � 12. Successora and AssiQns Bound:Jolnt and Several l.ia6ility;Co•slgners. The covennms and ugreements of thls
<br /> _��,r, � Secudty Instrument shall bind and benefit the successor�nnd assigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of
<br />--- I parugmph 17. Borrower's covenunts and agreements shull be joint and severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> --�"� Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)Is co•signing this Security Ins�n�ment only to martgage,grunt und convey that
<br />-"•�, Bornnwer's interest in the Property under the tertns of thix Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> = secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thut l.ender und uny other Borrower mny ngree to extend,modify.forbear
<br /> �j or make any accommodatione� with regard to the terms of this Security Ins�rument or the Note without thnt Borrower's
<br /> ��fi':F^�i�!� consent.
<br /> � �Y• `��'�� '���°`; 13. Laan Charges. If the loun secured by thix Security Instrument is subject ta A Inw which setti maximum loan
<br /> ?�:;,;s�,�:�. ch�rges,and that luw is finully interpreted so ihat the interest or other laun charges collected or io be collected in connection
<br /> a� �����.�R with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny such Ioan charge shall be reduced by the umount necessury ta reduce
<br /> —` � ���••,�::, the churge ta the penniued limir, nnd(b)any sums almudy collected Prom Borrower which exceeded permitted ifmits wlll be
<br /> � °� .. refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choo�e to muke this nefund by reducing the principnl owed under Ihe Note or by muking a
<br /> _� ' �'' �:�;; ' direc�payment to Bornnwer. If u refund reduces prinripal.the rcduction will be treuted ns u puniul prepayment withoul uny
<br /> _. • , �t�.� -•• �•. : prepayment charge under thc Note.
<br />_--__�,,N,,�,,.,,�...._,,..,�.� 14. NoNces. Any notice to Borrower provided Fw in thiti Sccurity Instrument+hull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ,�. . '�,y mailing it by first claxs muil unless applicuble law requirc+u�e of another method.The nwice shull be Jirected to the Property
<br /> ,i,�m,..� " Address or any other udJress Borrower de,ignate,hy notice to Lcnder. Any notice to Lernlcr shull he given by first clusx
<br /> �.:;
<br /> -'� ����p� • mail to Lender s uddrctis stnted herein or uny c�ther uJdmsr Lender designutrs by nutice�o Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> -- :T�,� ,���: in this Security lnslrument shali be dcemcd to huvc hcen given io Borrc�wer ur Lender when given ar pruvidcYl in lhis -
<br />:-_� ��a'. , pnrngrnph.
<br /> ���Y 1S. Coverning Law; Scver�bilily. Thi+ S�turity Instrumem +hall lx govcrncd by fcderul law und the law of the
<br /> h s� jurisdictian in which the Property is IucuteJ. In thc event thut any provision or cluuse of thix Security lnstrument ur the Note
<br />'`����'� ��:,,��' conflicts with upplieuble luw,such contlict tihall nw ul'feri cither provisianx of thi+Securiry Imtrument or the Note which cun
<br /> + be given effect without the cuntlicting provision. To this end thc provisions oF thix Securi�y Intitrument und the Note�re
<br /> -� =y�.'�„�._ `=�'`"-`�''' decl�red to 6e severable.
<br /> ` '''` � 16. Bnrrower'x Copy. Bormwer shall!x�iven one confonned copy�f�he Note:uid of this Security lnstrument.
<br />- " ��=�=•• ��� � 17. 'll�nnsier of the Property or a BencOcial lnlerest in Borrower. If all or uny pun of thc Propeny or any intercst in
<br /> .. ,n
<br /> - �� =;=•� it ix sold or trnntifemed(or if a bencficial intercst in Bom�wcr is �nld ur trunsferrcd ;u�d Borrower ix not a natuml person)
<br /> • ��� .� • " without Lenderk prior writren conu:n4 Lender may,ut its uption, mquire immedieur payment in Pull of ull sums secw+ed by
<br /> �'�� '^�� this 5ecurity Instrument. Howcvrr,this option shull not Ix cxrrcised by L.ender if ezercise is prohibi�ed by fede�l I�w uti of
<br />_ ,.y�r,-.,� ....,<t,
<br />. :�;;.� , , the date of thix Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> � .�',:a,. � If Lender excrcise�Ihis option.Lender shall givr Borrower noticc of ucccleratiun. 'fhe notire shall pruvide u period of
<br />' ,�tt"'�`?«•. ;,:- not less thun 30 day.fn�m thc Jate the ni�ticc is dclivcrcJ or muilyd within which Borrowrr muxt pay ull sumx serured by Ihiz
<br /> , . Security Instrument. If Borrower fail� ���pay thc�c sum� priur �u the rxpirutii>n ��I'Ihis pericxl, Lender muy invoke nny
<br />: ',� � � � � remedics permitted by Ihis Security Inslrument wiUxrut t'unher noticc or dcmund on Hom�wcr.
<br /> �` �.,�.v ` ., l8. Borrower's RiRht to Refnstate. If Bormwcr mecls crnuin ronditiun,. Borrowrr �hall h:rvc thc ri�h1 to havc -
<br /> . enforcement of this Security Instrument Ji.rominucd at uny�imr prior a►thr eurlicr of: Iul S Jayti I��r tiurh othcr pericxl u,
<br /> Sfngk Fumfly--F'rnMe S1ue/FYeddk�1uc I�NIF'ORM INti7'RUMF.I�'P•-l�niti�mi C'uren:un� 9l90 qwgi•d nJ A/w�gesJ
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