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<br /> applicabk law r�uy cpecif�for tieinswtement)befo� enlc oP the Pro�xAy purxu�uU to any puwcr of�b cunldncd in �I►I�
<br /> g- --- —" Stecurity In�ument:ar(E�)enay af r judgment enforain�dii�Sla.vrity incwment. Tho�e condi�iuna nro�h�t&x►vwer: (r) -
<br /> •.��,�; p�ays l.ender all sums which then would ba duc under Ihia Security Instrument and �he Nutc nx if na �cccleradon hwd
<br /> occwYed;(b)cures any defAUlt of uny other covenants or agrecmcnta;(c)pays all expense9 incurrcd in rnforcing this 8ecudty
<br /> ,..
<br /> _ , InsTrument, including,but not limited to, re,asonable waomeys'feea; and (d) takes such action as Lender may r�caconably
<br /> -"° �- -- --- -_ -=-=�'s requke to assure thsit the licn Af this Securiry Instrumen�Lender's rights in the Property nnd Bo�rowcr's obligation to pey Ihc .
<br /> ��_— �� sums secut+ed by this S�curlty Insuvment shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinetatement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> �,z � Inauument and the abligations seeured hereby shall remain Fully effective as if no AcceleRttion had occurred. However.this�
<br /> ri�ht w rolnetnte shall not epply in thc case of accelamdon under parngroph l7.
<br /> 19. 3sle at Noki C h a a Ye of Lwiq 3�,�.wicer. The Notc or a partial interest in the Note(to gether wlth thia Sccuriry
<br /> - -_ --: lnsuument)may be sotd one or more dmqs y�uhout prior nonce co bortower. A saic may resui[ in a change in �I�e emiry
<br /> — (known as the"Loan�ervicer")that coUecls mpqthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Therc also
<br /> — - - - --- -�-- - may 6e one or rnore changes of the Loan Scrvicer unrelntcd to u sale of the Note. If there is u chunge of the l.osinn Servicer.
<br /> �'- -- LL�--' Horrower will be given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable lew. The notice
<br /> wlll state the name and address of the new Laan Servicer And the address to which payments should be made. The notice wUl
<br /> also contain any other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> � • 29. Hazardous 3ub�lances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence.use,disposal,storage.or relea.9e of any
<br /> Hazardoue Substencea on or in the Properry. Borrower shall not do, nor allow enyone else to do,anything offecdng the
<br /> j Property that is in violation uf any Environmental Law. The preceding iwo sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> - -- — storagB on the Property of small quantides of Hazardous Subtwnccs ihat are genetilly rerognized to be appropriate to normal
<br />.__.__ _.�.. _ —� residendal uses and to maintenance of the Roperty.
<br /> ._."'��'"''�--m'���I Horrower shall promptly give L.ender wr�tten notice of any investigatlon,clalm,demand.lawsuit or other action by eny
<br /> �� 5,;�,'�' � governmental or regulatory agency or private party Involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Emironmental
<br /> , w" �' Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Botrower leams, or is nodfied by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ,'�""��f'b�:"'.��. authodty,thal any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous 5ubstance affecting the Property is necessary. Barower
<br /> - a ' shall promptly talce all necesssuy remedfal actions ln accordance with Environmen�al Law.
<br /> '•:� ''"" �` AR used in this pazagmph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those aubstances defined as toxic o�hazardous substances by
<br /> „ . ) 1'.M.
<br /> ' ``'""` ' Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other tlommable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> '" �`• ''���•• ticides and herbicides. vol+uile solvents,materials containin asbestos or formaldeh de, nnd radioactivc materlals. As
<br />- ��::. ��. 1� 8 Y
<br /> �' � ��•���� used in this paragraph 20."Environmenwl Law"means fcderal laws and Inws of the jurisdiction where thc Propeny is located
<br /> "�'`"'�`°'`•"'� �"'• Uwt relate w health.safety or environmental protection.
<br /> _ , ,. .:. �,,, .,
<br /> ``a��� ��" NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS. Borrower und I.ender further covenant and a ree as follows:
<br /> �,:; :. 8
<br /> 21. Acalerotioa: Remedies. Lender shall give nodce to Borrower Qrlor to acceleratlon followlag Borrower's
<br /> `'•-. '�'!S�`'.?''�'`�'�r�'ti bres►ch ot any covenont or agreemenl in this Security Instrument(but not prio�to accelerntion uqder paragraph 17
<br /> ���,,._:k��„��` unless appNcAbk law provides otherwlse). The notice slwll specliy: (a)the dePault;(b)the actlon requked to cure!he
<br /> �� ,�3,.; default;(c)a date,not less than 30 dAys from the dAte the notice is given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be
<br /> ;�:rx,�,S•�.'::�.:�,:� cured;And(d)tdat fAHure to cure the default on or bePore the date specf8ed in the notice may result in accelerAtion oP
<br /> �.:Y..:�:,: ��:-: the sums secured by this Security lostrument and sale of the PropeHy. The nottce shall further inform Borrower ot -
<br /> , tde rtght to reinstate otter acceleration and the riqht to bring a court action lo s�ssert the�on-extstence of A dePault or
<br /> � �� �� �` any other defense ot Borrower to Acceleration And sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dote apecltied In
<br /> . ° " '• ' the notke.l.ender al ifs optton may require immediate payment In full otell sums secured by this 3ecu�ity Instrument
<br /> • • without fiurther demand and may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> ' ,�!*a�w•�- �ti�•' �• l.ender shali be enNped to rnllect All expenses incurred in punsuinR the remediea provided in this para�raph 21.
<br /> `s- uw ` ti,o • includfag,but not Iimited to�reasanabM attorneys'fecw end costg oP title evidence.
<br /> . ;�±s�!�a:+.'-.� If the pnwer of swle(c involced,'Iructee ahull record e nntice of detAUlt in each couoty in whkh any(►art of fhe �_
<br /> �.- . _. ,,,� . „ ..,.s_,.
<br /> ��._. • • Property Is IacAted and sholl maU copies of Fuch notke in the manner preFCribed by nppUcable luw to Borrower and to
<br />� ' n"''�"'k`"'� '"J'.=`� the other persoas prescrfbed by Applicable law. Aner Ihe time requi�ed by Appl(cable law.7lrustee shall give publ{c
<br /> ^'�' • • �?"'"`�' ' noNce ot sale to!he persons und in tMe manner prescribed by applicnble luw. 71�u9tee,without demend on Borrower. _,
<br /> :�" ,�',a'�'"' '•".� o shall sell the Property At publlc�uction to the hiRhect bidder At Ihe Ume nnd plACe s�nd under Ihe terme designated in
<br /> .b ,�r•. �, the notke otsale in one or more parcels and in any order'Irustee determinex 'Rrustee may postpone sale oP all or any
<br /> - -� _,�.,,: parcel of the Properly by public pnnuuncemenl At Ihe time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> � `�,,; , �., designee ms�y purchase the Property s�t any sale.
<br /> "i""�;"�� , U p on recet pt of�r a yment oi the price bid,7Yustee shall deliver tu Ihe purchuser'I�ustee's deed cunve y(n g the
<br />' ~�� - Properly. The recitals in the 71-uslee's deed shull be prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statements mode therein.
<br />;#,' ' :+z`'�.'•.�';"''"' "' 7Yustee�hall A 1 tbe raceeds d'tiie sale in the folbwin order: la1 to all costs pnd ex nses oPexercisin the wer
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