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- _ � ,. . . , ----- . .�..}.-- _ <br /> ►C• - �- <br /> �. �` '. . . '`?� ���tt1IS. , ....,'...f-+___.. <br /> .y. �y�.� .,. , �.S�n -���~`. <br /> .. � . --_ .. __ ----.��� <br /> .�� 92-- 1osr�es <br /> _._ __ pedada that Lender rcquircs. The insuranca corrler pmvidMQ the fneurwice Kholl be chc►�en by Borruwer rubJect to Lenderk � <br /> np�vnl whErh ehell rtrN he omrereneF►ly wiihhekl. iP Rorn►wer faile�o m�in�rin cnvcrogB dera:�ihed ohave,t.andor mMy,at _ <br /> �:; Lenderk oplion,obtafn cmerage w protect Lenderk�i�hlx in the Ru�eny In acc�rdancc wNh pAragrwph 7. <br /> All ineuranee policies and nenewalR e�hali be nccaptable to Lcnder und shuU includc+u.rtundurd m�Ktgwge cluuse. Lender <br /> _� <br /> — �hvll Iwve Iho�IQM to hald�ho po8ciea rnd rcnewalK. If l.ender rcyuim�.Barrower xhall prixnptly Qive to Lender all r+ece{pts <br /> ••.-" � of pald prcmiums and renewal nol+cex. In the event nP Ic�,Bixrowu xh�ll pfve prampt noticu to Ihe insurunce carrfer wtd <br /> >.— -- -- <br /> _ Lender. L.cnder m¢y mekc proof of loss If nol made pramplly by Burrowcr. <br /> - Unless Lcnder wnd BoROwer otherwisc agrce in wri�ing,inauranca proceeda shpll be s►pplied�o rc�taratfan or rcpair of <br /> � thc Propeny dam�ged. if the i+estorudon or repair is ecanamically feusible ond Lendcr� �ecurily is nat Icssened. If thc <br /> nstorntion or Kpair ia not econamically feasible or Lender4 �ecuri�y would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be _ <br /> -- -- apFlied to tka snms�ecum!4r t!s!s Se:uritp lnstrs�ment.whe�h!r a na tlxn!i���, with eny PY(`PCC�1AI(I M R(lflflW!!�. IF . <br /> � `""'' — Bocruwer abandons the Propeny,or doeg not answer within 30 dnys a natice fmm I.ender that the incuronce carrler has <br /> �---.�� offered to settie a clelm,then Lender may collect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may use the praceed.g to�epair or mstorc <br /> ��� the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 3(Way period will begin when <br /> "�'s"°�-'k���� tFic rwdcc is given. <br /> ` Unlcss Lender und Borrower otherwise agree in writing. nny application of praceeds to principul shnll not extend or <br /> - - postpone the due date of the monthly payments Rferred ta in pnrugrephs 1 und 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> �,��� under pnragraph 21 the Prupe�ty is ncquircd by Lender, Borrower's right to ony insurunce policies nnd praceeds resulting <br /> from damage lo the Properry priur to the ncquisition shall pass to I.ender to the oatent of the aums securcd by thic Security <br /> �-•�� Inatrument immedletely prfor to the acquisition. <br /> - - � ;�y"f:`r;;�4:'��;�-�;: 6. Occupancy� Preservwtion, Ms�intenance �nd Protectioa oP ihe Propertyi liorrower's l.oan Applicadon; - <br /> L�=r: ,�,,�., I.easeholds. Bor[ower shull occupy,establiah,und use the Piroperty es Borrower's principul residence within sixty days after <br /> ,•F ��:,,, �;, , <br /> ` �.+"•t�v�� - °,.•;�f the eaecution of this Secudty Inawment and shnll continue to occupy the Pruperty us Borrower�principal residence for at <br /> ' � ��'�;�'.�_��°.��'+� least one year after the dute of accupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in wrlting, which consent shall not be <br /> ,-�.� -;;,`" , . ; ..;., �. un�+easonaMy withheld.or unless extenueting circumstunces exist which nne beyond Borrower's conuol. Bortower shell not <br /> - �`�� ' :�U ' destroy,damage or impuir the Aroperty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit wnste on the Property. Borrower shull <br /> ` �� , ,- �.y;.• 6e In default if any forfeiture action or proceeding. whether civll or criminal,is begun�hut in Lenders good faith judgment - <br /> Y- +t� could t+cault in forfeiture of the Property ot otherwlse muteriully impuir the lien created by ihis Security Instrument or <br /> - �; ":r>��W��� .", I.enderb security interest. Borrower may cum such a defnult nnd reinstate,ac provided in paragruph l8,by cauaing the action <br /> - nr proceeding ta be diamissed with a ruling that,in Lender's goad faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the 8orrower's <br /> - - �" ��'�'f; interest in the Property or other materlal impairment af the 1 ien created by this Securfty Instrument or Lender!� security <br /> � , ' ,:i4 interest. Borrower shull also be in default if Borrower, dudng the loan application process, gave materially false or <br /> --�''�•> �^ inaccurate informntion or atatements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any materiul information)in connection wjth <br /> -- -_= <br /> ' " "" T -' - "� � � the loan evldenced by the Note, including,but not limited to,representations conceming Horrower's occupancy oi the <br /> _ ,�•e,..� - � rl:t -•' <br />._= .Y•....: . Property as a principal residence. If this Securitv Instrument is on a leusehold,Borrower shnll comply with all the provisions <br /> ' ' of the lea�c. If Borrower acquires fec tiNe to the Propeny,the leasehdd und the fee title shull not merge unless l.ender agreea <br /> -` , �•^• to the mcrger in wrlting. <br />=:a,," ;`,, . 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Righte in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform the covenaa44 and agreements <br />•- - �,,��..�._,;.,_„� contuined iti this Securiry Inswment, or there is u Icgul proceeding that muy significantly affect Lender's r�ghts in the <br />_ =�� � •' Property(such ati u proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Inws or regulations),then <br />-- ,t,,;.;:_; .�-�-, l.ender may do ond puy far whntever is necesaury to protect the vulue of the Property und Lender's rigMs in the Property. <br />.�f; ° �" Lender's nc�ions muy include puying any sums recureJ by u lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument,appe+uing <br /> . ., in court,paying rewconable uttorneys'Pecx und entering on the Propeny to moke repairr. Although Lender may teke action <br /> Yw��--- � `�� under this parngrnph 7.l.endcr docs not havc�o do u�. <br /> �.� c• � .;;;� :� Any wncwn�s disbuned by LenJer under thi+ purugmph 7 shull becume uddi�ional debt of Barrower secured by this <br /> ,�, } ���-�ww:+..��w;' Security lnstrument. Unlcss Harrowcr und Lcnder ugrce to olher Icrms ut'pnymcnt,�hc,c amountx shull benr interest from ehe ` <br /> �, �'�'� dnte of dir,bursement ut the Nae rutc uml xhull 1+� pnyuNle,wi�h in�ere�t,upon notice trom Lender to Borrower reyuesting <br /> ?.,. ....�._.' .._ payment. <br /> ,f:. `� ••�� A " u•.• 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender reyuired mortgnge insumncc u,u rondition of making the loun secured by Ihis ` <br /> a .a� ° :,,•,y�, .�� Security Instrument,Borrower xhull pay ihe premiumx reyuired Ici muintain the monguge insurnnce in effect. If, for uny <br /> j�'� A, � , reason, the mortgage insurunce rnvcruge reyuircd by I.enJer lupsex or cea�es to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br />" , �- premiums reyuired to obtain caveruge tiubs�untiully cyuivulent Iu lhe munguge in+uronce previuusly in effect, at u cost <br /> .� substantially eyuivalent to the cos�to Bormwer of the murtgu�;e insurunce prcviouzly in effect,from an ultemate mortga�e = <br /> ,- . inxurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully cyuivalent mongagc insurvncc coverugc iti not uvuilable.Borrower shall pny to - <br /> iw„ . � ° " Lender euch month u sum eyuul to one-tweltih uf Ihe yeurly modguge inxurancr premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> T� ��.r,,, �, insuronce rnveruge Inpsed or ceuud to be in effect. Lendrr will arept,uxe und retuin thexe paymeMs us n loss reserve in lieu <br />'�l ` - . of mort¢age insurnnce. Losx reserve puyment� muy no longer be required,at thc uption uf Lender,if mongage insurance <br /> � ,:-g�` . ' coverage(in the umount and fur the period thut LenJer reyuires)provided by un inxurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> , •.,:2y.�, • avuiluble wid is nb�uined.Burmwer shull puy the prrmiumx reyuired�n muintuin mungage insurunce in effect,or to provide u <br /> .��,� loss reserve, until the reyuirement f'or monguge inxurunce endx in ucrordunrc with any wrinen agrcement betwecn Borrower <br />' ' • ., und Lender or upplirable luw. _ <br /> . 9. InspecNon. Lender or its ugent may m•rkr rcu.onable en�rics up�m ;u�d ins�xction.of thc Pmpeny. Lcnder shull - <br /> - ` � give Borrower notice at thc lime of or prior to un in+pection spr ci(y ing reationublr c�utie for Ihe intiprction. � <br /> ; � 10. Condemnotion. 'I'hc praeeds��f uny awurd��r rluim(nr dunwgr+,dirrrt or comcyuenliul,in connection with any - <br /> Singlc Fumlly-•Fnnnk NoelF�eddlr Moc I�NIF()R�1 INtiTRU;111iNT••Unil�imi Covcnam, 9l90 qwk�,r„jn��grs� <br /> ,. " ��rca11W�e Bmuntw�Fumu.Ine.■ �: <br /> .. , N�MdR 1'.dl-1�8065'1DD.'4D:f O VAX 91&7Y1•1131 �- <br /> ,. R _. <br /> „ � � <br /> f. 4 . ..� .__ . . •.'_"' , . .. . . . ' _ r <br /> •.L <br /> � ' �".• � . jµTRl!J.�Ar:M'.' • <br /> ` � , _ ,i 6,� yu . . a.Jri• <br /> �y, ,. <br /> ' �Y' �;�, � .- .� +io�.+ia . . <br /> ��y.. . <br /> � , <br /> EAf+-. <br /> . . . . � � � .. . •- � <br /> A'� , , <br /> . �..;, ' , <br /> �- ��� " . . <br /> , . . .,�a,��_,� <br /> - ,-- � <br /> ,. , <br /> � � <br /> �� � .. I <br />