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<br /> condemnatlon or otlxr Ixkin�ai any p:ut of ihc PropcKy,or for ronvayan�c in Ueu of ra�demnntian,ot�e Ixroby rsri�nod nnd
<br />_ -- - -- - --- , ahaii be puiJ�u Lnnkr.
<br /> - In the evem at u tdal taking of the Properly, thc prcicecds nhall be applieJ so Ihc num� Fecurcd by Ihix Secudty
<br /> ,�-" - Inrtniment,whether or na then due,with any exccss paid ta Bormwcr. In Ihe cvent of u purtfal taking oi Ihc Property in
<br /> ° which the fair market valuo af�he Property immediat¢ly l�efcxc thc lal;ing is a�ual to or�repter thnn the wnount of thc eums
<br /> "'-t-_-- --- - -� secured by this Securlty Inswment immcdiatcly bcfcmc thc takiag,untess Hnrrnwer nml I.cnder n14�envisc i►grce in w�iting, _
<br /> tho suma secured by chis Security Instrument shull be rcduced by lhe umount af the proccrds multiplied by ttio followin�
<br /> _ fraction: (u►the total amount of the sum�r,ecured immediately t+efare the tnJcing.divldal by(b)the felr market valuo of the
<br /> Propeny immedietcly beforc the toking. Any balance shell be puid to Borrowcr. !n�he evcnt of A p�rlial t�tcing oE the
<br /> • Property in which tho tAir murket vulue af the Property immediutely before 1he taking is lers than the amount of�he suma
<br /> - - -
<br />--_- - `-� secured immediateiy eetae �he taking, unicws Bormwer and i.e�er ahr�wi� a��cc iu w��ti��o� ���ic�� • - w
<br /> otherwlse providea.the praceeds shull be upplied to�he xums�ecurcd by this Secudry loatrument whethar or not tho:ums are
<br /> —-=�--'�"'-� then due.
<br /> �'�-"�-_' if the Property Is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by L.ender lo Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br /> �"��� wi awpr�d or settle a claim for damages,Born►wcr fuils to rcspand to Lender wi�hin 30 days after the dule the notice ia given,
<br /> _-_�� Lender is authorized to collecl und apply�he proceccix.nt i�s option,either to rcslomtion or rcpuir of the Property or to ihe
<br /> sums secured by�h ia Security Instrumenl,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lenderend Borrower otherwitie agree in writing,tiny upplicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or „ , .
<br /> ---- postpone�he due dato of the monthly payments reFerred to in parngrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount Af such paymente.
<br /> !1. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Widver. Extension of the time for pAyment or
<br /> ;���r,�� modification of umatization of the sum4 secured by�his 5ecurity Instrument gmnted by Lender lo nny successor in inte►�est
<br /> of Borrower shall not aperute to rcleose the liubility of the original B�nower or Borrawer's successors in interc.ct.L.ender
<br /> �_$�xcr�,�r.,,�..�';�:;�`'
<br /> ��� shsll not be requfred to commence proceedings ugulnst uny succe4sor in interes�or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> =::�. r .. �'". othenvise modify umortizution of the sums secured by this Security In�trument by reoson of uny demand made by the origina!
<br /> ' ��°'e1d"i"=%`"�'�* ' Borrower or Borrower's succecsorsf in interest. Any forbewance by Lender in exercising uny rlght or remedy shall not be a
<br /> ����
<br /> ��r-•--R�, ,. wAiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> �'�'� 12. Successon s�nd Asslgns Baund;Joint and Several Liab{lity;Casigne�s. The covenants und ogmements of this
<br />_'� '� ' ' � ' Security I�tn�ment shall bind wid benefit the successor�nnd assigns of Lender and Born,wer,subJect to the provisi�ons of
<br /> �,S::JH_o -„�i,.� :�
<br /> -�.�""�`:''�"k� pnrngraph 17. Borrower's covenunts und agreements Khall b�Joint and severul. Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> ;, ��.�6:�s:r�;,::.,;;�� lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-cigning this Security Instn�ment only to martguge,grant and convey thut
<br /> '?�� �°'"' ..�f;;, '"^ Borrower's inteMSt in the Propeny under the terms oi thix Securlty Instrument; Ib)is nat prrysonnlly obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> _ '��:''� � sccured by this Secudty Instrumenr and(c)agrees thut l.ender and any wher Barrower may ngree to extend,madify,forl�enr
<br /> , or make any accommodaions with nc¢nrd to the tcrms of�his Security Insuument or the Notc without that Bomower's
<br /> .-�;�+:•:���0.:�7� consent.
<br /> — ,xt..�•.,.,sH.. _.�,.z:.;
<br /> ;.�.�,.:.,:._.• - • ` 13. I.oan Charges. If thc loun securcd by thiti Security Inxtrument is subject to n luw which sets mnximum laan
<br /> � :�. �r-¢' churges,und tha�IAw is finnlly interpreted xo Ihut�he interest or ather loan charges callected or to be collected in connection
<br /> _ �:��f"���'i"� � with the loan eaceedthe rmitted limits,then: (a1 un �uch loun char e,hnll be reduced b the amaunt necess to reduce
<br /> ,::'��;.,�.::....; Pe Y• 8 Y �'Y
<br /> — - ^"�• • the charge to the pertnitted limit:and(b)uny xumx ulreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> .i:��;.,�:...,..0
<br /> '� : ;;p�;,;.:*,�, refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mukc this n:fund by reducing the principul owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> � � . . � direct puyment to Borrower. If a refund reducex pri�xiprl,the reduction will be treuted us u pnniul prepayment without any
<br /> -- �1 ;�"i. • ,,.'Y` prepayment chsuge under lhe Note.
<br /> " ��:,:•��:•. 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrowrr provided for in thiti Security Instrument shuU be given by delivering it or by
<br /> w�?r���•••� ��-� muiling it by f irst cl�ss mail unlesx applicuble luw reyuires uxe of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the P�uperty
<br /> 'I""°� ' Addrcss or un other uddress Borrower desi nutcs b naticc lo Lender. An noUce to Lender shull be rven b fnt closs
<br /> � t,..•::;•. . ,r'
<br />- : rY�.."�;,,-,M,, y B Y Y S� Y
<br /> ,��na.�w..���.• mail ro Lender4 address s�nted hercin or uny other addresc Lender desi�nate,by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided Por
<br /> �''�'� ' �'������ �' in this Security InsUUment sh�ll be deemrJ to have been given �� Borrower or Lender when giver� as provided in thic `
<br />-=a� ..., .; •,�•.• , :,�, purngruph. _
<br /> ' � '�"! 13. ('�overning I.aw; CeverabNlly. Thi. Scrurity In,�rument shull bc �ovemed by fcdernl Inw und thc Inw of the _
<br /> - '�'�'��:: „ jurisdictian in which the Pmperty ix locuted. In the event thut uny provi,ion or rluuse of�his Security Inam�ment or the Note
<br /> — ° :��''.,'�`•�, �� conflicts with upplicnble luw,xunc�onFlict shull nat uffect other prnvixions of this Securiry Inxuument or the Note whirh run _
<br /> _� ,�,,_,,, �_ ° be given effect without the contlictmg provixion. 7b thix end the pmvisians of�his Securiry Instrument nnd Ihe Note ure
<br /> � .""'"'. declured to be severable.
<br /> _ .� ::_ �+.,. .
<br /> ��= Q 16. Dorrower'F Copy. Dorrower.hull lx�iven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Serurity Instrument.
<br />�� �� a 17. 7Fansfer uf the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ull or uny part of�he Propeny or uny intcrest in
<br /> �,�.. '._. :'...
<br /> _<•�___•�,-•--• ,.• . � it is sold or trunsfertcd(ar if u heneticiul intcrest in Borrowcr is suW ur trunsf'ernrnd und Barcowrr i�not u nuwral person)
<br /> �'.� wfthout Lender's pno�written consen4 Lender muy,u� ih option,require immrdiate paymrnt in full of all sumti secured by
<br /> � �"` �. thi�3ecuriiy Inxtrur�nt. However,�hix aptiun xhnll not he exen;ixed by Lender iFcxcnitie ix probibited by fedeml luw ns of
<br />•�' the date of this Security Instrument.
<br />'=.�� -��� , If L.ender exerei�eti Ihiti aptiim.Lcndrr rhull Eivc Burn»ver notice��f ucrrleraii�m. The notice shull pruvide u pericxi of
<br /> Y `�►3'=�: not less thun 30 J;iy�t'roro the J►ue�hr no�icr i�dclivcrcd ur muilcJ wiihin which Borrowrr mu.l p:ry all.ums.ecured by this
<br /> _�. . . . . . .
<br /> s,.� ,; ,. Security Imtrumenl. If Bnrrowcr fa�l+to puy Ihcsc sum� priur lo thr expiraUun��I th�s �xriad, Lender muy mvoke uny
<br /> remcdics permittcd by Ihis Securiry Instrumrnt withciut funhcr notirr ur dcmvnJ�m Burrowcr. .
<br />� f � IS. gorrower's Right lo Reinstute. If B�►rniwrr mect� rci�ain r��nJilions, B�ircuwer ,hull huve 1hc right tn huvr -
<br /> a � enforcement of this5ecuri�y Imtrumrm di,rontinucJ ut�my timr prior t��thc�arlier uf: I:il S d�y�lor wch o�hcr�xriod as
<br /> . �� - . •
<br /> �. ` , . • " Singl.F';unilY-•F'wnnk Mwe/F'reddfe 11rc l'NIFOR;11 Ititi7'Rl'NF.yT--Unitiimi Cocen•rnl. Y/9U ryw.ur 4 aJA rvgrs)
<br /> a= - . .. • � . .
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