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,.�R�.:�:"^�' ' _� • �:.�:a,_��,._._ - _ <br /> --���._- .. . ----- —......�._ - <br /> ----- --- — --- -�-_-° <br /> 1�l�ri+�ltl�w" "'r'`�a"°` - '- ..� -- - °---� -----.-.. <br /> - - - <br /> . _ - �---'- � ---- � � -- -�_. <br /> . .. . _ _..___ ' ...�r_.,-;. .._---"-- --- - . . <br /> � _-_ -��.� - -- - -- - —��.- - - - . . . .,,. -.�-: <br /> a�• ..a Y++ .s.' - � .. <br /> J♦,�Y.�.t <br /> • •���� ��b�'Ry��rA'P"�'�' -aVU.r� _. <br /> ' .�„ �.� . ..,::t f.. _ _..r.._�.� <br /> _- _ � � - <br /> _- _ - - ,,� 92- 1osses <br /> -" perlads Ihet Lcnder requires. 71ic insurance carricr provfding Ihe insurance chall he choaen by Borrower subject to l.�nder�► <br /> �----r_- _ -:----� nppn+vnl which�hnll not t+e un�rng�nhly wUhlurld. If R��m►wer failR to mwlntain coverage described abovo,L.endec m�y,at <br /> ,--�:, L.ender�s aption,abtuin caverng�to pratat Lender's rights in the PropeAy in accordunce with paragruph 7. c <br /> ' All insurunce polfcies and rcnewuls aholl he ucceptuble to l.ende�und�hull include a swnd�rd mongage clause. l.ender <br /> ehall havc Ihe right to hold the palicic�ond renewals. If Lender requirca,Borrower shall pramptly aive to Lendcr all roceiplx <br /> •'�,.►a�� of paid prcmiums ond renewul natices. In the event of loss,Borrawer snall�{ive promp!notico to the inYUrance cwrrier�nd ^ <br /> _ Lander. Ler�r mwy muke proof of loss U ow made promptly by Borrower. � <br /> • Unless Lender und Boirowcr atherwise ugnee in w�ting.insuronce pracceda shall be upplied to cestor�uion or repair of <br /> , the Property damaged, if the rcstoration or nepui� is ecanomicully feasible and LenderK secu�ity is ncri lessencd. If the <br /> . restoration or ropair is not econamically feusible or Lender's security would be lessened,the lnsurance procads shall be <br /> - �p¢l3tt! !o!he�tsm� seclsset! by i!�!� �`!'u!�ty lnat��tnrnt. wixtlu�r �r nr+t�Iwe d�K, with Hny rzcexa paid ta Aomnwe�. lf <br /> �x'�;;�".�� Burrower abandons the Property. ar daw nat unswer within 30 duys u notice from L,ender thAt the inaurance carrier has <br /> — y offercd w setUe u cluim.then Lender muy colle�;t the ingurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to rcpair or Ratoro _ <br /> ��`' , <br /> �'� the Propeny or to puy sums secured by�his Secudty In�trnment,whether ar not then due. Thc 30-day pe�Iod will begin when <br /> �,:�. .,,n .� <br /> = 1he oatice ix given. <br /> � ;i,,�+��.��i�'� Unlesx Lender And Bormwer othenvise ugrec in wridng,any applicutiun of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> --�-`� postpon��he due date af the manthly puyments rcferned tu in psuugrophs I and 2 or change the amount of 1he payments. !f <br /> —�� under parugtaph 21 the Rvperty ie acyulred by I,ender, Bamower:s right to uny insurance policies and proceeds resultfng <br /> from dnmoge�o ihe Proptrty prior to the ucquisilion shull puss to Lender to the extcnt of the aums secured by Ihis Securiry <br /> _.�,� v�.�r Ins�trument immedia[cly prior to thc acquisidon. <br />-- _ �� ; 6. Orcupaacy� Preservation, Malntenance and Protcepon ot the Prope�ty; Borrower'x I.00n Applkadoa; _ _ <br />_ ' I.easeholde. Borrower shull accupy,establish,ond use the Praperty a.s Borrower's princip�l residence within sixry daya after <br /> �:...�.,;_ , . <br /> ' F�r � the eaecution of[his Secudry lnscrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrowere pdncipal residence for at <br /> ." �'`�"'�'�''`"�'' leas� one year after the date af accupancy, unless Lender otherwise ag�ees in writing. which consent ahull not be <br /> n � :'!.�-,_r....:n�t <br /> , .a�� ,.�..:-;.��� unreasonably wfthheid,or unless exlenuating clrcumstances exiat which we beyond Borrower's control. Bomower ahall not <br /> destroy.damuge or impuir the ProExrty,allow the Property to deteriorate,or cammit waste on the Ptoperty. Romower shall <br /> . :�:�.,�� 6e in default if uny forieiture uction ar proceeding,whether civil or criminul,ia begun that in Lender�good fei�h judgment <br /> , '` cauld result in farfeilure of the Propeny or othervvise marerially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or <br />. . .�,.,;�,,,;�;;;�:;?! . � � Lender's secu�ity intercst. Borrower maycure such a default and remstate,as provided in purugrAph causing the action <br /> ;` ,�; . •� or ptaceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in LenderR gaod fuith determinntion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's — <br />_,` �,:._ , �; ', interrst in the Property or other mate�lal impuirtnent of the Itcn created by this Security lnswment or Lender's security <br />._`� . _ interest. Borrawer shull ulso be in default if Barrower, during thc kwn applicntion proceas, gave materially fulsc or <br /> ._ ,,; ' - inaccun+te informution or statements to L.ender(or fniled to provide l.ender with any malerial informatton)in coru�ection with <br /> ,.,;. � r: <br /> -.-�.v ---------:r�..-- - <br /> the faAn evidenced by �he h3ae. inciuding, but nw iimitai tu, tc��ear0ltlifuii5 i0iiG8iiifii� I;Gfl'JWCt�S OCCiI�1i1C}i 6f iliC <br /> . ,, ,, •• Property as u pri�cipal residence. If thi4 Security Instrument is on n leasehold,Borrower ahull comply with all the pmvisions <br /> � - a- of the lease. If Bomower ocquircs fee tide to the Property,the leasehold und the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrecs <br /> � . to the merger in writing. <br /> 7. ProtecHon ot I.ender's Rights In the Property. If Borrower fuils to pert'orm the covenunts and agreements <br /> �_ '° � � wntained in this Security In4wment, or there Ix u legul proceeding thot may significnntly uffect I.ender's rights in the <br />- . • ;?:n' ' , F Property(such as u proceedinF in bankruptcy,probs►te,for condemnution or fort'eiture or to enforce luws or regulaGons),then <br /> �`' L.ender mny do ond pay for whutever is necessary�o protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Rvperty. <br /> �.:�... <br /> � . Lender's uctions may include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hac priority over this Security Instniment,appeuring �__.." <br /> �- • , ..;�;. � in court.paying reasonable uttomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny ro make repairs. Although Lender may take action ---� <br /> ` �"•��. .. R,n�a•: under this pw�groph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> �,. ; �:�_�� • My amounts disbursed by Lcnder under Ihis psuagrnph 7 sh�ll become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> ;y...:.::_:-: Sec:uriry instrument. Unlesa Borruwer suKl Lendrr agn�e lo uQirr lni m,uf puyu►eul.Q�eae a�nuuul+�I�all brw iut�ttst fro�u the __ <br /> a „ b:.�. �' date of disbursemcnt ut the Note rate und �hall 6e payuble,with interctit,upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requesting � <br /> l•. � payment. ix%= <br /> �'• '�e� � � 8. Mortgage Insurunee. If Lender rcyuireJ mongage insuranee ati a condition of muking the loan secured by this <br /> �� . � , ;�,�>��" Security Instrument. Borrower shull pay the premiumx requircd to maintain thc mortguge insurnnce in effect. If, for any <br /> • � �.� reuson, the mongage inxurunce coverage required by I.ender lupses or ceu.ties �o be in effect, Borrower shall puy the <br /> d ° :` premiums required to obtuin coverage subs�antiully eyuivalent to Ihe mortguge insurunce previously in effect, at u cost —. <br /> � � substantfully cyuivnlent to the cost to Borcower of the mongage insurance previously in�ffec�,from un ullemate mortguge <br /> �.- insurer upproved by Lender. If.r•ubstarniol ly eyuivulent mortguge insurunce coveruge is not uvuilable,Borrower shall pay to __ <br /> =,;,;,., _ Lender each monlh u sum equul to onc-twelfth of the ycurly mortgnge insuruncc premium bring paid by Bortowcr when the <br /> -`�=�• • insuronce covers� e la sed or ceused�o be i n eFfect. Lender will acce t use und retain these u ments as u loss reserve in lieu <br /> :�;,.•. � B P p• P Y <br /> � ,�� of mortgage insumnce. Loss rexerve payrnenu muy no IonFer be required,ut the option of Lender, if modgs�ge insurance --__. <br /> " ; �„�.°,�, _. coveroge(in the umount und for the period thut Lender reyuires►provided by un intiurer approved by Lender ugain becomes --__ <br /> � � ;�;,;;� , uvailuble und is obtained.Borrower+hull pay the premium+rcyuired to maintain mungugc inwrurnr in effecl,or to provide u � <br /> ':}`. .,.. loss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgage intiurnnce ends in ucconfunce with uny wriuen ugmement be[ween Borrower �-�� <br /> - � �, , und Lender or applicnble law. � <br /> � � 9. Inspecllon. Lender or ils ugent muy mnkc reusunublc cntrie� u�Cm and ins�xctinm of Ihr Properly. Lender shull �......� <br />�� ^ give Bormwer nolice at the time of or prior to un inspertian�pccifying reUtionublc rause fur thr impertion. � <br /> + � 10. Condemnatlon. The praceedti of any award or cl•rim fur damugr�.Jirrct��r rnmcyuential,in connection with any <br /> � " , Slnplc Fumily--Finak Mae/Ml�eddle Mwc UNIFI)NM INS"CNUMI6M1T--Unitorm Covrnan�� 9/90 (p�¢e.f�Je/r�.�esl � . , <br /> r <br /> �:�rM��kr,xurin..ka+r.lnc-■ � <br /> � _ � to OnYr Cell IfN16tV(i69;i9;1 G PA%81&791•1171 <br /> .� � ��.' . <br /> . � <br /> .. i <br /> •�. .. �..r.,._-._--- - �--- ...- --'•------ � ----� -- . . __. .. . _.......�.,�.y �.�.�� .�---..•. .. .� - .....nYi(�Y' . <br /> , .. . <br /> �u.-_. ��r_ __ "'":�:� . • <br /> " .>' . . � ^ . . <br /> -�•.. <br /> . � , . <br /> '' _�, ��'.: .k ' � . . <br /> � <br />. � .. � :� .. ' <br /> A • <br /> y <br /> �� � ' <br />