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<br /> �ppUcablo law rtwY spocUy for rcinat�temenU beforc sale of the Propeny purcuAnt to any power of wle cuntained in Ihis
<br /> -- Sccurity InstrumGtt;or(b)entry of a judgment en orcing this Secudry Instrument. 'Ihose conditiona ore that Borrower: (a}
<br /> - -- - pays Lender all suma which then would be duo under Ihix Securfty Ins�n�ment und ihe Note is if no acceleration had
<br /> � — occumed;(b)cure.v any defpult of any dher covenuila or agreements;(c)pays all ezpen�es incumed in enforcing thiR Secudty
<br /> - lnswment, including.twt not limited to, reasomble attomays'fees; and (d) tukes vuch action e� l.cnder may rcasonably
<br /> _._
<br /> �-�n =_ . "` ' roqufre to�acure that the Ifon uf'ihl�Security lnsuu�nent.Lender's righta ln thu I'ropc;rty and[iuRUwcr1;oblig+�tion to p•ry Ihu
<br /> tums secured by thia Security Inswment shall candnue unchanged. Upon reinsln�ement by BoTrower, thfa Seeutity
<br /> Insuument and the nbligations secucrd heneby shall rcmain fulty effecUve as if no s�ccelerution hod occurred. Howevor.this
<br /> d�ht to ainatate shall nd apply in Ihe case of accelention under purugmph 17.
<br /> - 19. Sak of Notei Chaa�te oP I.�a Servicer. Thc Note or a putiN intcrest in thc Note (toQcihcr with thia Secud[y
<br /> _ — — Insuument)may be sold one or more�imes wlthouu prior aotice to Borrawer. A sale may resuh in a che�ige in the entity
<br /> � (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects mon�hly payments due under the Note and Ihis Securlty Instrument. There also
<br /> -�-�'�"-��� may be ane or more changea of the Loan Servirer u�lated lo a sale of the Nate. If there is a change uf the Loan Servicer.
<br /> -- ---= Barower wlll be given written notice of the c6wige in accordance wlth parngraph 14 utwve nnd uppUcable law. The notice
<br /> ------ ��- will sta[e the name sind uddress of Ihe new LoAn Servlcer and tha address to which payments should be mede. The noiice will
<br /> �°`��� �Ico contain any other informatian required by applicebla law.
<br /> _— 20. Hsizardous Sub�tw►ees. Bomawer shall not cause or pertnit the presence.use,disposal,atorage,or release of at�y
<br /> — — - Hazardous Subctances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor ullow unyone else to do. onything uffecung the
<br /> _ ___ ___� Property that is ln violallon of at�y Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presenco,use,or
<br /> —v-°-a•=�="°��� etonga on the P�operty of small quantitfes of Hazardous Subswnces tt►at are generally recognized to bo appropriate to normal
<br /> �•���'�'`'T�`•4': � rcsidentiul uses and to maintenancc of the Property.
<br />._ T'� '�;`•,�4�;�,, Borrower shall promptly give Lender written naice of any invest�gation,claim.demand,lawauit or other arNan by any
<br /> � . - h• � • govemmental or regulatory ngency or privAte party Involving the Property nnd any Hazardous Subswnce or Environmental
<br /> �"4"+�,�� . ,� Law of which Borrower hus actual knowledge. If Horrow�er Ieerns, ur is notified by uny governmemal or regulatory
<br /> �'::'� . . •j�" � - authority,thot any removaf or other remediation of my Haxerdous Substance affecdng th�Property is nececwuy,Borrower
<br /> , ',�� ` # ehall promptly take all necess�ry remedial ctctions in ucordunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> '�'��"���;w' As used in this paragrAph 20,"Nazordous Subsiances"are those substances defined as toaic or ha7ardous substances by
<br /> � Environmental Law and the following substances: gusoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxia petmleum products,toxic
<br /> ����`: _•,,, , pesllcldes nnd Berbicides,valatile solvents,materi�ls containing asbestos or formaldehyde. und ndiouctive materials. As
<br />_ �`;;'"-,•.:�_:�"� u�ed in this purngrAph 2Q,'•Enviranmental Luw"mewis federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wi�et+e tlu I'roperty is locatod
<br /> �'`'�.. tbat relute to health.sufery ur environmental pratecti on.
<br />- '"` �'���� " NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boirowerund Lendcr fuRher wvenont and ag�e as follows;
<br /> �-- x- ��ss��• j , 22. As�elerati�ss: Rrn:eslks. L!!!�t!SIlAI! $IY!!!fl�CE�Q B4!!'4!Y!! �4!'t4 RCClI!lB�JO!! �4I�4WI� B4!l4SY!'!�9
<br /> � �J�N,;;,.,,: �R �: � breach o�any covenont or agreement in this Seeurity Instrument Ibut nut prior to acceleratbn under ps�r��raph 17
<br />, • • dh • nnless AppBcable Is�w provides otherwise). The ndice shAll speciPy: (�)Ihe dePaulh,lb)the s�ctlon required to cure the
<br /> , , d.�..::, deioult;(c)a date. not less thAn 30 dpys f'rom Iheds�te the natke is given to Borrower,by wbic6lhe deFault must be
<br /> ' cured;and(d)that fAflure to cure the detault on ar before the dute specl0ed in the noNce may result in acceleration of
<br /> ;.� � the sums secured by t�hls Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The nolice shall Purther iaform Borrower ot
<br /> , . Ihe right to retastate after acceleration And the right to bring a court acUon to�ssert the non�existence oP A defAUlt or
<br /> :�. . ; any other defense oP Ilorrower to acceteration and sAle. If the dePault is not cured on or betore tde dote spectfled In
<br /> _ �� �,�,y.�:� the notice,l.ender�t its optlon may require Immedlate payment in tull of all sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument
<br /> ° ' � �°"�° wilhout iurther demand and may invoke !he power of sale and any other remedles permkted by applicable law
<br /> � ""�"`��"'� n �' l.ender shall be enittled to cotlect all expenses lncurred in pursuln�the remedies provided ia thlv para�raph 21.
<br /> ' . �.��, . . ,�- ���- inclyding,but not limlted to�res�sonAble altorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> �':: . - . .b-rr. If 4he Ro�rer of sale!s Em�oked.7tustee slwll record a notice ot dciuult En cach county in �rhich Qny part o!the
<br /> �' ��""""' Pruperty is locpled�nd shall mail coples of such notice in Ihe manner prescrlbed by applicabk law to Borrower and to -
<br /> r�.--, ' •+F.�-• • ,�;.
<br /> . ,~ � Ihe other persons prescrlbed by appltcable law Atlter the tfine required by Applicable Ipw.7lruatee shall g(ve public
<br /> ��` ���' nodce of sale to the persons and M the mnnner prescrlbed by opplicuble Inw. 7Yustec�without demand on Borrower, -
<br /> �'� �°'x '�� �•� o- " shaq sell the Property at public auction to the hiRqest bidder at the time and place and unde�the terms deslgnated in
<br /> j`: � �' " the notice of s�le in one or mo�e parcels and in any order 7lrustee determine�. '11�ustee may postpone sAle of All or any
<br /> , y3�°'�- • '�' ps�rcel of the Property by public ennouncement at the time pnd place oP nny previuusly scheduled sale. l.eader or its
<br /> ' .r��••� � �VJ deslgnee may purcbase the Properly at uny sule.
<br /> , . Upon receipt uf payment oP the price bid,"IFustee �hall deliver to the purchaser 'Itustee's deed conveying the
<br /> • . ,�:_ _- ,. �.,.� Property. The recitals in the'IYustee's deed shnll be prim�Pacie evidence oP the truth of the statements made lherein.
<br /> � � • 'IY�ustee shnll Apply the prooeeds of the sale ia tNe tollowing order. IA1 to all co�ts ond expenses of exercbing the power -
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