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�.. . �..�.f�_. .�- s�.-�.... . -- - - - .. <br /> � ..m�r. :.�.�- - - - ------ �--�-- — , "' - -' -_ <br />� -- � - - -- -- <br /> ------ - --� _ _ .:�.��. - _._ _ <br /> .�t�r.- �--� ��..� __. _.�:,,�..--_. ._�.._.r. <br /> �.� — � • ';�.t .�Jwaf �a .. .. ` — __, <br /> � ,. ., o �Ny4�.*.�,I}�pt��� . �� �t��T_�' __ <br /> .�Y�� �1ii�i. �-- — . <br /> _ ��= �2-- �ossi� <br /> ., � , <br /> , �xriods Ihut Lender rcquiner. 71w insurnnce carrier providing tba insurunce shall be choccn by Borrower sub,Ject to Lenderi� <br /> _� approv�l which�hull not be unreasonably wi�hheld. If Bortowrr foila to moinlaln coverage described above,Lender may.�t <br /> -- i Lender's optfon,obtnin coveroge to protect Lender R rights in the Property ln accardtu�ce wlth paragraph 7. <br /> �' � "'` � � All insurunce policles wid renewals xhull be acceptable to Lender und ahull include o standard mongage clauRC. Lender <br /> �..a..�.4i.. <br /> ' " '�r� ' ahdl have the right ta hold the paliciex and rcnewals. If L.ender nequires,Barrower shull pr+nmptly give to I.ender all roceipu <br /> �� :.�.. af paid premiums and nenewat notices. !n the event of las�,Borrower�hall give prompt nWice to thc insuranca curier and <br /> l.ender. LenJer muy mukc praof uP lass if nal madc promptly by BoROwer. <br /> " Unlesa Lender end Hortower wherwise ugree in writing,insuronce proceeds ahnll be applied to restora�ian ar repnir of <br /> 1he ProQerry dumuged, if�he restora�fon or rcpair is economically feaxible und Lenderk security ia nat lesscned. If the <br /> -• '� 1; restoralion or repuir is nat economically fe�sible or Lender's necurlty would be lessened. the inaursince pmceeds siwll be <br /> �`�1 applied to the sums r,ecured by thia Security Insuvment, whether ar not then due. with uny excess pa�d to Borrower. !f <br /> �a;,,,�.=�� ,: � Horrower ubundonA the Property,or daes not unswer within 3U duys u aatice from Lender thnt the insumnce carrier has <br /> s?,�:•�:�•;.--'"``"�''�' I offered to settle n clalm,then l.ender may collect the insurance praceeds. Lender muy use the proceeds to repuir or restore <br /> �� ,.-�:,r , <br /> �q;:,�� � the Property or to puy sums securod by tbis Security Insuumem.whether ar not then due. 'i'he 30-day period wjll ixgin whrn <br /> --�;�-�;;-�. i thenotice isgiven. <br /> _���- � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicntion of proceeds to principal shall n�t extend or <br /> ' postpone the due date of the monthly payments refermd to in parngruphs 1 and 2 or change�he amount of the payments. !f <br /> ,�.' under pnragraph 21 the Praperty ia acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to nny insurnnce policies And proceeds resulting <br /> �� �` a-��i��r�. <br /> ,n r w f ro m d a m a a e t o t h e P ro p e t ty p r i o r t o t h e a c q u i s i t l o n a h a l l p a i s t o L e n d e r t o t h e e x t e n t o f t h e s u m s s e c u rc d b y I h i a S e c u d t y <br /> Inetrument immediately prior to the ncquisi�ion. <br /> --.r.-'��� -. �- :.:.�s.�' 6. Uccu�wncy. Preservation. Maintenonce and Protection of the Propertyt Borrower•s Loan Applicadon= <br /> - � '-� �� ' '`• I.easeholda. Botrower shall occupy.establish,und use the Propeny as Bortawerk principal rexidence within sixty days after <br /> 5°. ' , , the execution of this Secu�ity Insuument and shall continue to accupy�he Propeny us Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> �.,o � , lenst one year after �he d�te of occupancy, unless Lender otherwlse ugr+ees in wri�ing, which consent shall not be <br /> unreasonubly withheld,or unless extenuuting circumxtunces exist which ure beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall nw <br /> � 'i ... �.+t'�•' . destroy,damage or impair�he Property.ullow�hc Propeny to deterioratc,or cammit waste on the Property. Borrower shall <br /> c ' . „• be in default if any forf'eiture nc�ion ar praceeding,whether civil or criminel, is begun that in Lender's good fnith judgmen� <br /> . could result in forfelture af the Property or othenvise materially impnir the lien cteated by this Security Instrument or <br /> •.. . R. Lender�security interest. Borrowar mny cure such u default and reins�ate,as provided in parogruph causing�he action <br /> � � , or proceeding to 6e dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender:s good fuith determinatian,precludes forfeiture af the Bortnwers <br /> n ;�;?�:•� IntcreA�in the Propeny or other muteriul impairtnent af thc lien crruted by this Securiry Instrument or Lende�•�S security <br /> �� .�,`' ° interest. Borrower shall ulso 6e in defuult if Borrower. during the loan applicution procass, guve materially fal�se or <br /> � , ���K ��- inaccurate informotion or statements to Lender(or fniled to provide Lender with any material infortnetion)in connection with <br />-.—-- __=__-__- __- the lssan ee�idenced by the NQte. fstcluding, but not limited to. representations concerning Sorrov:er's occup3sscy of sl�e - <br /> � � ?'. � Pr rt us a rinci al residence. If Ihis Securil Instrument is on u leusehold,Borrower shc+ll com I wilh uU the rovisians <br /> 6J., �• Of l�C I ASC. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Propeny,the leusehold nnd�he fee title shnll not me ge unless I.ender agrecs <br /> " •• . � ` to the mcrgcr in writing. <br />' 7. Protectlun of I.ender's Rights In the Property. If BoROwer fails to perform thc covennnts and ugreements <br /> � � �'� - . contnined in this Security Instrumen6 or�herc is u Iegal praceding thot may signi�cuntly affect Lender's rights in the <br /> � f=•• ' � Property(such r�s n proceeding in bankruptcy,probn�e,for rondemnution or forfeiturc or to enforce luws or regulations),then <br /> , ""•"4' Lender muy do und puy for whutever i�e necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. <br /> � � � " Lender�urtionr;may include puying any xums securcd by v lien which hnx priority over this Security Instrument,appeuring <br /> � ' in court,paying reusonable u�tomeys'fees und entering on the Praperty to make repain.Although Lender may take nction <br /> " :` � under�his puragruph 7,Lender dces not huve to do tio. <br /> }' Any umounts disbursed by Lender under thi�purugruph 7 shall be�ome uddilional debt of Borrawer secured by this <br /> !�',-' , w'""'' ' • . . . Security Instrument. Unlrss Borrow•erand Lcndcr agrcc to othcr fcmn of paynient,thcac amuunts ah.►Il be:u�intcrrat f�um tlie -. <br /> ' '�'"'` • date of disbursement u1 Ihe Note rate und shull be pnyAble,wfth interest, upon nutice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> -�j,:: :.,.; ., payment. <br /> � . �'-• S. Mortgage InsurAnce. IP l.ender reyuired nuxtguge imurwicr u.u conJiliun uf muking lhe luan ,rcureJ by this <br />�:_ .. , ��� � �� Security In4tn�ment, Borrower shall pay �he premiumti reyuired a► maintnin �he mortgoge in+urance in effect. If,for uny <br /> ' '�� �� �' renwn, the monguge insurunce coverage reyuired by LenJrr lapxes or ceuses to be in effect. Borrower shnll puy the <br />��� " �j�."�� premiums reyuired to obtain coveruge subxtunliully eyuivulent to the murtguge insurunce previously in effect, nt u cos� - <br /> �y•� _ � �+ubstnntiully equivulent to�he co,t ro Borruwer of�hc mongage inwrunce previuu,ly in effect,from un altemnte mohgAge = <br /> insurer npproved by Lender. It'xubstuntially eyuivulent morlgugr imurance coveruge is nut uvuilable. Borrower shall pny to - <br /> L `� • .. . � Leoder each month a sum eyuullo one-twelfth of the yrurly im►rtgu�!c imurunre prcmium being paiJ by Borrower when the ' <br /> � insumnce coverage lapsed or ceASCd to bc in el'fect. Lender will uccept,u,c und retuin�hcxe puyments us a loss reserve in lieu <br /> � " ' of monguge insurance. Loss reserve puymcntti muy no longen c�reyuircd, at thr option ot'l.endcr, if monguge insurance <br /> , - �" Y� cover�ge(in the amount and for the periixi thut Lcndcr rcyuiRti)proviJcd by an insurer upprovrd by Lender uguin becomes _- <br /> ' � w'�:1s' u��ailuble und is obtuined.Bormwcr�hull pay�hc prrmium�nyuircd w muintain monga�c insuruncc in effcct,or to provide a � <br /> •�`. ,__ loss reservc,until the Ryuirement for mongagc insurunce cnd+in ucrnrdunrc wi�h uny wriucn Agrcroirnt t►etween Borrower = <br /> und Lender or upplicable luw. � <br /> `� . 9. Inspeetion. Lender ur�ts ugent muy make nr•r�unuhle en�rir,upun imd insFxrtinn�of the Property. Lrnder shull <br /> ' �. � give Burtuwer nolire•rt 1he time of or prior lo an insFxcti�xi x�xrifyin�!r�usunuhlc ruutir for the ins�xction. ; <br /> lA. Condemnation. The procceJs uf any uwurJ ur rl:iim ti�r Jam;i�,e+,dirert��r ri�m�yuentiul,in connectiim wilh suiy <br /> ' � ....., , Sin Ic I�amil F'pnnle�fae/�'reddieNwc4NIFON�11NtiTRl��1F:NT--l�mt��mi('���cnum, 9/90 � F <br /> , R Y•• /wRe?ujn��Krsl ` <br /> ,. - 4reatW►n+fluaierwYmne.Inr■ � <br /> , To a�drt Call Ifl00RAU9d9J I]YA11811i�7B1•1131 � <br /> .�m _. <br /> • � � <br /> . S <br /> • � .,--++-mr . ..r-...s = - _. - - -. . - � . ..-t,.^.4�i�Y-Yr'�^ �. _�.aa -,r._ .�.�,�,Y',a-.{�1-.•.—iSM��'1G.7}i)'l. <br /> ___ _ _ ..�-- __. . <br /> , � ' <br /> : � . <br /> a <br />; �. . -,- } � , <br /> r <br /> t : <br /> t`f � .-.. . <br /> . <br /> , <br /> . � _ .� <br />