f l, ,�� .'C«,r .p `•�'j Trrn�Y . • - �.__—
<br /> � � •S � , _ ,.. —.
<br /> -- --„�;:���-�.� 92-- so��.� -
<br /> 700ET7�ER WITH all tho improvemcntr now or herr�ftcr ercctcd on�he pn►perty,and All cAxemcnlx,appurtcnance9,
<br /> -f �nd flztum n�nw on c�rc�fter a pnrt of the propeny. All rrplaccmenlx wid iuWitiun� �hall�I�o bo covercd by Ihi�Secudty �'
<br /> —' _-- — '- - - 1�vmcnl. All at Ihe torcQoin�iR rclerred to in Ihir Secu�ily Inetrurncnl�thc"Praperty." •i `
<br /> BORROW�R COVENANTS thal Borruwer is luwfully aciRCd of the eclate hcrcby ccmvcycJ w�d has Ihe dQht to gronl
<br /> -- And convey tho Propeny and U�at the Roperty ir unencumberccl,ezcep� fur encumbrw�ecx uP►a�rd. Bunower wurrwnr and
<br /> = wfll defend genenlly the tftle to�he Propeny agcinxt all claioa and clemanda.rubject to uny encumMances of record.
<br /> ...�.
<br /> -- --
<br /> � a - - ' TH13 SBCURdTY INS1'RUMBN"I'cumbine4 uniforni cavenAnts for oaUonat use and non•uniform covemnt� wUh
<br /> '• limitod vaript�on�by Judsdktion�o consti�ute e unifortn secudty instrument coverinQ reAl propeny.
<br /> �;;,� UNIFORM COV6NANTS. Bortower and Lender coven�nl and ogrce ns follawR:
<br /> 1. P�yroent of�Indpal�ad Interc�ti Prep�yment�nd Lwte(;b���ew Borruwcr shull promptly pay when duc the
<br /> i��,� princ�of an[i interest on me dcbt eviacnced by the Notc And uny prepaymenl end IAte charges due under 1hc Notc.
<br /> Ftiad9�o�7�uces�nd lasuranca SubJect to applicuble law or lo u wrilten wuiver by L.ender,Borrower shull pay to
<br /> __ �.� Lender on the day mnnthly payments are due under the Nde. untll �he Note is paid io full,o sum("Funda") for: (u)ycurly
<br /> ��.,er��•��� taxes and assessmenta which may atwin priodty over thio Securily Inctrument ux A lien an the Propeny; (b)yearly Icnseh�ld
<br /> --��+�"���!^`:��.,� payments or ground rcnis nn the Propetty. if any; (c) yearly hw�aud ar propcny inaurar�c� premiums; (d) yearly flad
<br />��"������ insurance pnemiums. if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurancc premiumx. if any; a�vl (� ony sums payuble by Borrower Ui
<br /> L.ender, In accorda�ue wlth the provl�lons of paragraph S. in lieu of thep�yment of mortguge Insurunce premiums. These
<br /> items ane cuileJ"Escrow Items." Lender muy,a�any time.collect und ho�d Fundx ln an amount not to exceed the muximum
<br /> �,v,�.,f � amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loen may requine for Barrowerl�escrow account under the federnl Renl
<br /> :`,�.:,� � Patate Seplement Procedures Act of 1974 os amended from dme to time.12 U.S.C.$2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless unothcr
<br /> - . �'' law dwt appiies to the Funds set�a leaser unounl. If so,i.ender may,nt ony time.collext and hotd Funds in un umount not ro `
<br />'`� �;..-••.. ..>��; exceed the lesser amount. L.ender msy estlmute thc omount of FLrtds due on ihe basis of cument da� and reasonable
<br /> _ ^ ;_.�:.,;1�*;!E�:�! esdmates of expend�tures of futu►e Escrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> , ,�• , �. The Funds shall be held in an institution whosc deposits a�+e insured by a fedeml agency, instrumentality, or cnlity
<br /> � .'• . .�•;�" " (including Lender,if I.ender is such an inslitudon)or in any Federnl Home i.oan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br />� a;,;;;=,;��':. -�,.•�.� ihe Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the FLnds,annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> . R..�.. aceount. ar verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lcnder pays Barower intetest on the Funds and applicoblo law permits
<br /> ` �"���� i.ertder to makc such e charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u onc-time chnrge for an independent renl -
<br /> �•.:�:•,-�. ,,,. . y w estate ux reporting service used by L.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicnble law provides otherwise. Uniess an
<br />� .=�;. '�� agreement ie made or applicebte law requires interesl to bc paid.Lender shall nut be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> :�.
<br />'y�` ,�•�:: .• : � eamings on the Funds. Borrower and l.ender may Agree in wrlting,hawever.that interest shall be paid on the Fbnds. Lender —
<br /> . ,,,,,;,r. �"''� '�,`; shall give to Borrower.without charge, an annual accounting of�he Flmds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />_=::�.s.. � '�; •.:� se for which each debit to�he Punds was made. The Pbnds ane pledpted as addition�l cecudty for all sums secured by
<br /> _ �s..� .�.•
<br /> ' P��
<br />- — - =,r.i:;,N:.- : ;. - uu��ecunry lnsuument.
<br /> '" • , �;; . ,;, If[he Funds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicoble IAw, Lender shall uccount to
<br /> � � Horrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. !f the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at any time fs not sufficient to pay the Pscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> �•• � - • � such case Bormwer shall pay to Lender�he amount necessary�o muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> deficlency in no more�han twelve monlhly payments,ut Lender 4 sole discretiun.
<br /> �'' Upon payment in full of all suma secured by this Security Inswment. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower nny
<br /> _ : ,_,,, Pbnds held by l.ender. !f.under paragruph 21.Lender shall acquire ar sell the Property,Lender,prior to�he Acquisition or —.
<br /> � , ;, ,.. ,,' sale of the Properry. shall apply any FLnds held by Lender at the time of acquisilion or sale as a credit against the sums �
<br /> R .,......... �� ��� secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � r� �'- 3. Applicatbn of Poymenfs. Unkss applicnble Inw provides otherwise. ell puyments received by Lender under
<br /> .„t"rt:"`'.v", puaRraphs I and 2 shell be upplied:tinst,to any prepayment chargeg due under�he N�te;cecond,to amounts n nble under
<br /> "... :,�.,�.�s���.,�. P Y
<br /> ''•'°t�'=;�-- •:i paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth. w principal duc;and Icut,to uny Inte churges due under the Note. �
<br /> • • i:;��••.r��-� kf��^ 4. Cdarges; Liens. Borrower shall pay aU tuxes, nssessments. charges, fines und impositions attributable to the
<br /> �� . '' '� Properry which may anain priority over this Security Inslrument,and leasehold pAyments or ground rents.if an . Borrower �.
<br /> . .�,,.:.�;. . . Y
<br /> f � ^��-N�,; �• �� stwll pay these obligations in the manner provided in pAragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,8orrower shell pay them on =
<br /> • time ciirecdy to U�e person owed payment. Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lender all notices of omounts lo be puid under
<br /> �".� L ,�� this paragreph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing —
<br /> ���� '��°{ ��� thePaYments.
<br /> •� �' ' Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has pdoriry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees -
<br /> ,� ;.'.fi�" ;, in wridng to the payment of the obligutfon secured by the lien in a munner ucceptuble to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> -'"5.,, :;;�;,,�,: - ' lien by,or defends ugeinst enforcement of U�e lien in,legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the -
<br /> : � ,..,, , enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfnctory to Lender subordinating the lien �'�
<br /> ' " �a � to Ihis Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Praperiy is subject to a lien which may atlnin priority F
<br /> ���� °� � over this Secu�ity Inswment,Lender may give Borroweru notice ideMifying the lien. Barower shall satisfy the lien or take °
<br /> \ %-� ����' � � one or more of the uctions set forih Above within 10 days of the givin�of qotice.
<br /> . �.
<br /> ' . : 5. Hazard or Property Insuraace. Borrowcr shall keep the improvements nuw exisling or hercafter crected on thc �=
<br /> • Property insured aguins�loss by fire,haznnls included wilhin Ihe tertn"cxtcnded coveruge"and any other hazards,including �
<br /> � �.: flaods or flooding,for whfch Lender reyuires insurunce. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts end for the
<br /> . � �, Fbrm JY28 9/9Y IpuRa 2 nJ6/wRts/ _
<br /> � ��
<br /> „ , �:p
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