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____ _ . .. <br /> ; —,� ..� _._ <br /> ___ J� __ ' __�_4'_F+.. ____—_"__ <br /> � � <br /> ... __'. _.--'__"_ _-" —_ _�_—__.. ._ . . . . .____ .. __.. <br /> " '. ���- � _"�_"._. -��_""�.v."_'_.._. _. __ .___--... <br /> .,.i1 �.:�:-��_. —_-- _—_— ..�.� • <br /> ._.'____�_----•--"_._ ... <br /> _ . � .,, ._..__ _ . .. ..i�'� . . <br /> ,�5. <br /> "�y*-• ..• � , n�:i:t �..�..�.v.`��r.J� . _ - <br /> ,} " �'� 'rr'��� i Y�. I�� . .. T'__� <br /> �1 I <br /> � icii0�� � <br />_�_ �_� _ ... _ � -. <br /> _� <br /> �� 92-- ioscss <br /> candemnAdon rn atAcr uldn�of any p+ut of�ho for coovoy�rx�o in lieu ot'ccMdemnwtiun.w�c hereby�i�ned and <br /> � ,.. tlwll bo puid ro l.�:nJer. <br /> — �—�. In !he rvent of� lutol tuking oF Ihe 1'ropcny, the pracerds SIIAII I1C A�IIC� 1�7 IIiO �um� Kc�vr�Kl by li�in Sca:urity - <br /> + Inr�rumem,whrther nr n�u Ihen ciur. with uny exccsr puiJ t�►Burruwcr. In thc evrm ��P u purtiul tuking of the Prupeny in <br /> — which thc fair morke�vabe�f�he Pruperty immediutrly bef��ro�hr�uking iR eyuul t��ur gRU�cr thun ihc umiwnt af�he suma <br /> securcd hy thir Srcurhy InKlrumcnt immcdlutcly hefnre�hc taking,unle�.r Bomawer und Lcnclrr othenvi+�c ugrce in w�Nng, <br /> - � -'r `'---" tl►�hun�s nc�w��d by�hi,�:curity Inhbwucul til�ull bc reduced by thc amount of the pnxeMlK muiriplied hy the f'ollrnving <br /> � f�ucti�►n: (u)�hc total nmoum ai'�he s�um�secu�d immediotely hefom Ihc taking,dividcd by Ih)�hc fair murket valuu of the <br /> �±^-� � Pm�pcny immcdlatcly bcfore�he wking. Any buluncc shall be puid tu Barruwcr. In�he event of u pwtiul wking of the <br /> �=• PropeAy in which ihe falr markct vulu�ol'Ihe Nroperly immcdiutely bef'�rc the tuking ix icvv thun thc umount aF tho xums <br /> _ ___ becurcd Immedintely beforc �he �alcinR,unless Borwwer unJ Lendcr ahcrwlse agmc In writing or unlc�x upplicable law <br /> - � otherwiFe pruvidea.�hc proceedx slwl)6e upplicJ to Ihe sums xecured by Ihis Security Inxtn�menl whelhcr or not Ihe sumK ane <br /> �hen due. <br /> -�;�-- If the Praperty ia s�bandoned i+y Burcuwer,ur if,ufter�wtice by l.ender to Bormwer�hut ihe condemnor offe�x�o m�+ke <br /> _��_�,_,_„�,�� an uwurd or r.eule u claim far damages,Borrowcr fuils to respond n►Lender wi�hin:�li duyK ofler Ihe date the notire is given. <br /> -- Lender ia nuth�rized to collect nnd npply che prureedx,u1 it4��plian,eUher ta restorution or repair of the Praperty or ta the <br /> xums Fecured by lhis Security InslNment,whethcr or not Ihen duc. <br /> Unless Lender w►d Bormwer athenvire ugree in wr�ting,uny upplicotian of procecdx ta principal shnll not cxlend or <br /> ��- poatpone thc due duto of ihe monlhly paymemx rcferrcd ia in purugiuph�1 und 2 or rhunge the umnunt of such paymen�s. <br /> �..�..,.� U. Rorrower Not Releasedi Forbearnnce By I.ender Not a Waiver. Exten�:ion of the time for payment or <br />__.._ _ �.___ . _ _ _� modification af umortizaflon of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Inatrument grnnted by L.ender to nny successor in intercst <br /> — af Bormwer sholl aa aperate to release�he liubility uf the nriginal Horrower or Bom►werR guccessors ln intems[. Lender - <br /> � shall not be required to commence praceedings uguinst uny successor in inte�est or refuse ro extend time for paymeN or <br /> • ` � oiherwisc modify amartizution of thc sumti secured by this Security Instniment by rcazon of uny demand made by the original <br /> ,,� � •" Borrower or Borrower's successors in interegt. Any for6earonce by Lender in exerci�ing any nght or remedy shull not be a <br /> ��, ' � waiver af ar preclude the exercise of uny rlght or rcmedy. <br /> < -:ac�u..1�.:��.�%r`� l2. Successora anA Asslg�a Bound;Joint and Several Liabillty;Co-aignere. The cavenants und ugreements of this <br />.�-� �'',`� ' _ Security Insuument shall bind and benetit the succexsons und assigns of Lender and Barrower.aubject to tho provisions of <br />_ nro, �'„".i •.' parugruph 17. Borrower4 covenwus and ugreement+ hhull be joint and severol. Any Barrower who co-signs this Secudty <br /> ��� <br /> �'� ;'�'-''�.a"<, Instrument but does not exerute�he Note: (u)i�casigning ihis Security Inslrument only to mortguge,gront and canvey Ihot <br /> ° Borrower�v interext in the Propeny undcr 1he terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personully obliguted to pay the sums <br />;y ' ��r,;,=.�;,,,,' , �:;';� secured by this Secudty Instrument;und(c)ugree�that Lender und any other Borrower muy ugree ta extend,madify,forbeu� <br />-�,;, ;. °•�•'' %'' '� or muke uny uccomm�tionc wi�h regurd ta the lerms of this 5ecurity Insuument a the Note withour that Bormwer's <br />-__ �..�, "� ' <br /> , ��r,�,�:.:..;:•;: .:'�:�= CO!!°.t!![. <br /> • , . , . 13. Loan Cha�es. li the loun secu�ed by thi� Security Instrumenl is subject �o u luw which set4 muximum loan <br />':6 ., .:•.> � chargex,und thut Inw i�finully interprcted so thut the inlerest or olher loun chargex collected or to be cullected in connection <br /> . r;.,,.:��;;,- : � with the loun exceed the permitted lirnits,then: (u)uny such loun charge shull he reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> the churge to the permitted I�mit;nnd(b)ony xumx ulreudy collected Gom Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be <br />• . . .. .. � refunded to Borcower. Lender may chooxc to muke this rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by mnking u <br /> ' ., " direct ps►yment to BaROwer. If n ret'und reduces principal,the reduclion will be treated as u p•rrtiul prepuyment withaut any <br /> � prepayment charge underthe Natc. <br /> , `"�"���"' , .. 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Security Instrument shnll be given by deliverin� it or by <br /> � � mailing it by first class mail unle.r•s applicuHle luw require,use of nnother method.The nwice sholl be directed io the Propeny <br /> °""' "`':"'1"'='`' � '�'' " Address or any other address Borrower designutes by notice�o Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by first clusx <br /> � �t, �� mail to Lender's uddrc�s stutcd hemin or any othcr address l.ender designulcx by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice provided far <br /> �°"� in thi� Sccurit Inslrurncnt :,hall Ix: deemed to have been i�en to Borcower or Lender when iven av rovided in thic <br /> �4_ �. _.: �_' f�- y s � s r <br /> � �.� � � , Puragraph. <br /> ���` �• IS. Governing; Severabllity. 7'his Security Ins�rument �hnll be govcrncd by federal law and Ihc luw of the <br /> '��'��""��`'r�" � . jurisdiction in which the Property is lacu�ed. In Ihe evrnt that any provitiion or cluu�e of Ihis Security Instrument or the Note <br /> , �.�:-�<<• _ <br /> -�����- conflictx with upplicable luw,such ronFlict�hull not uffect other provitiions of this Security In,trument or the Note which cnn _ <br /> �o ,•:,"r,�~ '� �� be given effect without ihe conflicting provision. To �his end the pmvixions of this Securi�y Instrument and the Note are <br /> '�" , '.'.; � declared to he severable. <br /> ,� �� 16. Borrower's Gapy. Barrowcr xhull be Riven one confomicJ ropy of the Notc and of�his Security Intilrument. <br /> � ���� ' ����" 17. 'I�ansPer of the Property or a Beneticial Interest in Burrower. If ull or any part of thc PropeAy ur�ny interest in <br /> � • �'�' • � �.• it is sold or transfemed (or if u hcncficiul intercxt in Bormwcr is sold or trunsFernd und Borrower is not u natural personl <br /> ''�,,. c`�'�'��''° ^ `' '� without Lender's•prior wrincn consrrn.Lendcr muy,ut its nplion,reyuire imn�rdiute pvymem in full of ull sums sccured by <br /> , •�'' - .°'�,�',,.-�� ' ' ? °� �this Security Inslrumcnt. However,this option xhull not be exerci�eJ by I.cnder if exercix ix prohibi�ed by federnl luw us of <br /> �'' ` >:� •. •• the date of this Security Intitrument. <br /> � �,.. � If Lender exereise�ihis option, Lendcr xhull give Borrowrr noticr of ucrelerutirn�. Thc notice ,hall provide u pericxl of <br /> ' �:�.;:. ..•. •' not less than 30 duyx fr�m the du�e the notice is delivered or nwiled wi�hin whirh BoROwer mu�t pay all�ums,ecured by�his <br /> . •�� �5ecuriry Instrument. If Borrowcr fuik to puy thcsc sum. prior lo thc cxpirution of Ihiti periad, Lender may invoke any <br /> _. � remedics permitted hy thic Security Instrument withaut funher no�icr or Jem:�nd on Burrower. <br /> IS. Borrower's R1Rht to Reinstute. If Borruwrr mcets cenain rimdilirni+. B�xrowcr .hall huvc the right to huvc <br /> �' � • enforeement ot'this Security Instrumcnt Ji.cimtinucJ al any limr prinr�o�hr curlirr ot': (a)S days(or such other period ux <br /> SinFlc Frmily--Fonnk Mue/t�eddle 11uc UNIF(IR�1 IN17'RU1IF.M1T•-Unilnm�Covennm. 9/9p ��wH,•a,�/n�wx�si <br /> {� <br /> .. . . ., ,� <br /> , ; <br /> . L „ <br /> " r <br /> • : . . .: — '- . -- ...—_ - - - -- <br /> .._ ., • <br /> � �_ ' .. . .:�'..�S.z;b�4T81'�y,,'!$���...k �.s�:y�R.�.i• �e1R'.};t�tf{; <br /> ..:.�_..---. �Y.r:re�1..._i,.:2'..s.___ ' -- -..�-�--_ - � —'---'-- ^--'- . ., e`.�� . . <br /> - --- -- •o--�_ . .-.-- .-- ..—.._—_--. ._ ._--�= —�--� . ...._ . . . . - .-._ �-- ------ -- --- ..._ --..--- - -- _. _— . .._._-... .-._ . <br /> � ' _ . . . - - .. . � . " <br /> � , . <br /> � .. ., - . . . .. .. <br /> - �'� . . - . <br /> .. ., ... .,.-.+!—'-- ' ' ' <br />� � -�� � ---._. ._._..-'.-' -' -' .' . • ' -- ....."--�- <br /> .. �� .. , .. . . . � .. <br /> •r. <br /> � � • - - ^ :��� ., � ' � - <br /> .M� � 51 � . <br /> . S. .. -- i <br /> ( <br /> , . • � <br />