. . . ._ ...__..
<br /> ?';ti `t`'�f .. —.,-T..,9,. ,
<br /> � ...'.,` . .
<br /> -� _ - ":� . • • .. 0 . -
<br /> • •.a.� .� .:.
<br /> � � I .•'..r. .i#iHN�a,'M�„iY.. - . .
<br /> �1�!lµ '�(�(Y�ri%'
<br /> " • - - 'ttY.• . . ____ . .`_.____
<br /> fn i u'"'.h"��`;�•" . Bo1�owK flwy oWr woh 11 d�G1uk �nd nin�lah,u proYld�d In puapnipb 1A� by o�udnp th� �otlon ol proo��dnp to b�
<br /> .;a'7�s=�, d�rt�Nud with�tuAtip thtt,In lw�dw'�yood Wth d�tMtnMt�Uon�Pnoluda fafNmn of th�Barowr's Mtrn�t In 1M�F4opwty or
<br /> :_ky othw m�t�Yl MMYm�nt of th�Wn aMhd by lhb 8�oudry Indnunmt a Lmd�r'� aou�Ny Int�nsl. 8ortowr �IW�No b�
<br /> .. ""'"'�"•— -- !n def!�.�tt N Rrnn�ww,�MnM�p th.kw�n�ppAo�tlon proo�s. gw�m�t«Wy f�a In�oainU�N1ortn�tlon or wtwnmts to LmdK �
<br /> t,..��� , (a WNd to p►oWd� L�ndr wlth�ny m�►wid IntamMlbn)h aonneoUat wflhh th� loon�vldmad by Ms Not�, fne�tudinp� but�
<br /> ` not WnKad to, npraw�Utlom oono�n(np 8orrow�'� 000upanay oi th� Prop«1y u • pdnoipd r«Id�na. 11 Ihh e�owily{V
<br /> .°'".`�•'� . � in�trum�nt M on�IMwhotd� Bovoww th�A oary�y wilh WI th�provblons o1 th�1�. H Ba►ow�r�oqukM IM Uli� W th� '
<br /> ^ �?L+r��i� �.":�a._ prpp�y�th� IMahold�nd th�IN Ulb�hd not mKp�unlw�L�ndo�gnn to th�m�rp�r In wrMkip. p
<br /> ' �`-� -'-'�•;.. �'. 7. Prot�adon of L�nd�r's Rlqirta In iiw Proporty.II eorroww talis lo pwiorm tho aov�nuits�nd�proanant�s .
<br /> • ,�,Ua<,�;,,�,�.;,� cemWn�d In thM ei�outity losqum�nt, a th�n I��Ip�l Proc�dln0 th�t n�Y alpnl�o�t�W�M�o1 Lwid�'� rlpht�In th�Prop�Ay
<br /> � •,, . ,� (wah u�prooNdk�p In b�nknptay,Prob�t�,lor aond�rtwtbn ar forfNWn a t4�nlorc�I�w�a npuhtlon�)� Ihm L�nd�r m�y
<br /> �� # ..`,.,.:,.•;�y;:,r�, do�nd p�y tor whatwer b n�oasay to prot�at th�valu�of th�P►op�ty�nd L�nd�r'i dphh b th�Propwty. Undu's acUons
<br /> .��.^'�
<br /> In oaut. P�Y�41
<br /> � -.;. . ,. . m�y bdud�p�ylnp�ny swns �wur�d by• A�n whleh hu pdority ovw thls 9eourily In�humenL �pp�Q �
<br /> —_���r�`�.,:�i. rM�ombt��ttamyi'T��nd w�twN�p on 1M PropeNy ta aak�ap�Ys.Aqhouph Lmd�►m�y Wu aaUon undr tbb pNpraph
<br /> —:x��<:.•�:,-„ 7.L�nd�do�s not h�v�to do a.
<br /> --��, n,' � i... My unounb disbund by l�nWr undw pu�Qnph 7 sMY b�com� �ddfdonal d�bt of BoROww ��eu a d b Y t h l s
<br /> `''�" � S�ourNy In�ttummt. Unl�u Baroww �nd Und�r �pn� to oth�r t�ms of paym�nt,ihye unaunta sh�A b«r^Intwat irom
<br /> _ `'� �� th� d�ts o1 dbbiasMn�nt�t th�Not�r�t�and�h�M h� payabM,with InU►at, upon notla kan L�nd�r m Bortow�r nquatlno
<br /> -- �;' t
<br /> `;,�.kW'�.c�" w'e"Mortp�p� In�u��na�. If 4�nd�r roquked morty�p�In�unmce as�oondidon ot m�Wnp th� lo�n ucund by this
<br /> �,�`:",'• � '• '•t,,' Sea�dly InWum�nt,Bortow�r�hW p�y th�prwnlum�rpufrod to m�WiWn ths mottq�p�inwrana in NP�ot.tl,tor�ny maon�th�
<br /> �.^ • � �; Y���•'", mortp�p�Insurana�oov�np�rpuk�d by Lsnd�r I�pee�w eMSa to b�b dbat, Bortow�r sh�A p�y tM prwrYum+ nquk'�d to
<br /> —� obUln oov�y�absUuid�My squlvdmt to th�mortg�g� imunna prwloutly In�ft�ot. �t�cost tubst�ntWy quhrd�nt to th�
<br /> -:_� . -: : � -
<br /> � . _ ao�t to BortowM� of ih� morty�p�Ineunnc� previou�ly in elteat. hom an�Rwn�te mortp�p�insw�► �pProv�d by L�nd�r. If —
<br /> �4� , wbsW�t{�ly�quivabnt matp�p�kisuruio�aov�ray�Is not�v�N�We, Barowa�h�N p�y to L�ndw�af�month�wm �qual to
<br /> . . onMwalfth of ths yeuly mortq�ps inwtino�pnmlum beinp pdd by Borrower wh�n ih�InwAnos eovenp�I�ps�d or eM��d to _
<br /> b�(n df�ot. Lmda wfN�awpt, u���nd Mak�thae p�ymenis�s�losa�es�rve In Yeu of mortp�pe hsunnp. Losa nsatve
<br />.,.r P�Y�b may no lonp�r b�nqukod�tl ih�aptlon of Land�r�q mort9�p�In�urano�oovera�s (in ih�amouM�nd fa ih�pMbd
<br /> th�t L�nder nqukes)proNdsd by �n inaurer �pproved by Lend�r apdn bsaomes�vWobl��nd Is obLhed, Barowr sh�A p�y _
<br /> , " • � •q.. th�pr«nfums nqulnd to m�M�Wn matpap�inwranos in �qqset, a to p►ovids �bss ns�rv�,untY th�nqulremmt ta mortp�y�
<br /> . , •� imwrncs�nda in aeoo�dmcs wllh�ny w�lhn�mt bMween Barowr and L�nder or sppNe�bl�law.
<br />: • . ,z 8. Intp�ctlon.Lend�r ar ite�p�nt tmy m�k�n�son�bla�nM�a upon rnd Intp�odons oi ths Propwry. Und�►�h�A ONu
<br /> • ' • ' • Borrower noUp tl tfi�tlm�oi or pdw to�n Inspactlon sp�oilyinp n��omWs aus�for the Imp�atlon.
<br /> ' .. ,. 10. Cond�mtwtlon.The proc�eds of�ny�ward or cWm for dam�pc�s, dk�ct or con�equanUal� in conn�atlon wfth�ny
<br /> , � � cond�nnadon a othsr t�IdnO ot«ny pail of iha PropMy, or for aonvyanc�In U�u o1 cond�tlon. u�hK'�bfi�sdpmd�nd
<br /> _ = _=_ "'�`== zhaR ba�Id to L�dar.
<br /> In th� ewnt of � total WcG�q o1 the Prope�ty, ihe proc�eds ehrY bs �pplled to ih� sums e�ax�d by thla 3ecwity
<br /> ' • o InstrumanL whNhx or not then du�, wRh �ny exceas pdd to Bortow�►. In the ewnt of�parti�l t�kinp of th� Prop�rty In
<br /> whloh th�hir m�tket value ot ihe Propaty Immedlately befors iha UWnp Is eqwl to or qre�ter th�n ths�mount of ths sums
<br /> ° ° a�cund by this Sacurity Inatnment Immedi�tey befors ihe takinp. unleaa Barower end Landx otherwies �prN in wdtinp, 1h�
<br />• j '";` suma secured by lhls 3ecudty Instrumw►1 shd bs roduced by the amount oi the proa�eda multlpll�d by Ihs faAowinp k+iadon:
<br /> � —..y.,u� (�) the toW �mount o1 the aums �acured Immedi�tely befon the taking, divided by (b) the hb market velu� of the Propaty
<br /> • �• � knnbdlatMy befote th�Wdnp. My bawncs shdl 6�p�ld to Bortower.In ih�event of� p�HW tekk►0 of th� Propery In whloh _
<br /> the f�r m�ket wlu�of th� Properly tmmedl�tey before the Wdnq In lees thu� the amouM of th� aume eeaurod Mnmedl�lNy
<br /> � ., M � bda� th�hkk�p, unleas Bortower �nd Lender otherwlae +�yree In wdtk�g or unlass �pplkable I�w othe�wlas provldN, th�
<br /> proc�ads eh�A be applied to tM sume aecured by thl�Seeurity Inatrument whether or not the eum�are then due. --
<br /> � . �� ��. _ '_. H lh�P►opwly la�ndoned by Bortower, or H, eRer noUce by Lende►to Bortower ihat the wnd�nnor o1f�►e to m�ke�n `
<br /> � �wud or �atUo a clalm br dwnages, BoROw�r falla to roapond to Lender whhin 30 daya eHer the dalo lf�o noUce la qhron, e
<br /> � � ^ Lendv Is�uthaizad to colleat�nd apply the proceeda. �t ks opUon, elthv to nstoraUon a►�pdr of th� Prope�ty or to �
<br /> ')� th��uma eacured by thla 3ecudty InaWment,whether w not ih�n due. I
<br /> ,,,�. ..,, Unteas Lander and Borrower Whenvlae ayrae In writiny, any applicatlon ol proceede to pdndpal shdl not exlend or E
<br /> ,f;. . .,�;,. � poatpons lhe due date of the maMhly paymenle relerted to In peragrepha 1 and 2 or change the unount of wch paymants. _
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Not R�loa9ad: Fabaaranco By Londar Not a Waivor. Extenalon ot the um�lor p.yment or
<br /> �•• : � � modHladon of unordz�tion of 1he aumn aecured by thls 3ecuriry Metrument grentod by Lander to any facc�eaor In Inlerost E
<br /> , ' ot BorrowK ehdl not operata ta relene ihe N�bility ol the orlgin�l Borrower or Borrowar's eucce�aon In Inlxeat. Lender ahall �
<br /> not bs requlrod to oommence proceadhqa �yNnet eny succeaaor In interest or rofuae to extend Qme tw p�yment ot otherwise
<br /> ,� � �, • modlly�moRiz�don ot th� aums necursd by 1Ma Sewrity Inatrument by renon ot�ny dsm�nd�rwde by the oriyinal �
<br /> , ' Bortoww or BoROwer s succeasoro In Inbreat, My labeuanca by Londw in exarelslnq ony dpht or �dy ehall not b� • �
<br /> • ' waivK ol or predude th�exerdae ot�ny dght or rernedy. �'
<br /> ' 12. Suaaossora and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Sevaral Llabflity; Co-�Ipnora.The covenante .nd �
<br /> ' , � �greement�ol lhis 3ecurNy InaWment aiull bind and beneiit the succesaors and asslgns of Lender and Bortower, eubJect to the �
<br /> ,��,�,,, •.. proviniona of paragraph 17. Barower'e covenanta�nd agreementa eheA ba Joint end aeverel. My Borrower who co-alpna thia !
<br /> ' 3ecwity Inatrumont but doea nol execute the Note: (a)is co•slgning thia Securiy Inahument only to mortg�pe, grant and convey !
<br /> . th�t 8ortowar's interest in the Property under the terma of thia 3ecurity InaWment: (b)is not persondiy obUgtled to pay the ,'
<br /> � ., aums aecured by thla 3ecurity InaUument; and (c)agrees that Lender and eny other Bortower may ayree to eMmd,modHy,
<br /> � torbev or make ony accommod�tbna wNh repard to the terms ol thla Security Instrument or the Note wflhout th�t Bortowx's �
<br /> eonsent.
<br /> 13. Loan Chargac. If ihe loan eecixed by thb Security InaWment la aubJeot to a law wh�h aeta maxlmum lo�n
<br /> � � � charpea,�nd lhat law is Mally Interpreted so that the interest or other�oan cheryes cotlected or to be cdlected In connecdon •
<br /> wfth the lan axceed lhe permqled Amlta,then: (a)eny such loen charge shell be reducad by the amount neeessary to reduce
<br /> ; the charye to the pmnitl�d limih snd (b) eny auma elready collected hom Bortower which exceeded permitted Ilmkn will
<br /> . ' ' bs refunded to Bortower. Lender msy chooae to mske thla relund by reducing the pdnclpd owed under the Note or by
<br /> � , � m�kYip a direct payment lo Borrower. If a refund reducea p�Incipal, the reductlon wiq bQ Ueated a9 a partlal prepeyment
<br /> � i wfthout any prepayment charye under the Nole.
<br /> .-_— __. __I •� ���___ '_'._'""'_ n'__...'"'"'..u_...__�_.u_ n_....�.�_�._.__..•��.�r�.�..�..�..1... Adf..rin..N n�6v nuWnn It
<br />' -`—'--- .s-----— .�. �y. nVtNi��.w� uv�wo w vawne� �nw�uw w� .�w�o vwuu.
<br /> r r ���nuu���c���o��n rv y�r�.��rl .......�....e.. �. �� ...�.....� ..
<br /> by ikat cl�aa maN untesa eppNcoble lew reqWrea uae of another method. The noUce shatl be dfrected to the Property Addreea
<br /> or any olher�dd►ess BoROwer daslgnotes by notice to Lender. My notice to lender ahell be given by ftrot cleea mail to
<br /> , Lender's �ddreaa at�ted hereln or �ny olher eddress Lender deaignelea by notice to Borrower. My notlae provlded lor In
<br /> � this SecurNy InaUUment ehall b�deemed to heve been given to Bortower or Lender when given aa provided In ihla pengraph.
<br /> tb. Govorning Law; Sovorability.Thls 3eaurNy Inswment shatl be govemed by tedeml law and the lew of the
<br /> , , � - �unad�ation in whioh iiin F�upmiy {o ioated. in Shc c.cnt that sny pro:�icicn or clsu!e ef thh �!+����+�y �n.m�m��t �r thP
<br /> Nota conNcts wNh epplicsbte law. auch confl�t ahall not aHect other provislona oi lhia Secu�ity Inatrument w the Note which
<br /> �� c4n be yNon etlecl wflhout th� connctinp provislon. To thls end Ihe provisbns of this Security Instrument and tha Note�re
<br /> , dachred to be aeverable.
<br /> ., � 16.BOI'rowY�'s COpy. Bortower shall be 9iven one conlamed copy ol the Note end oi thla Security InsWment,
<br /> . � F1318.LM0(10191) pnqa 3 01 S _
<br /> .. �
<br /> � 4
<br /> t i
<br /> � 92�92.LM '
<br /> � I '
<br />