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<br /> : - . Y. ....,. ...--. - .,, �.-� -
<br /> , �.,: ,.e�f-- .,.:�•, ,.. - �MUt�i:� ._...--- ..�
<br /> „�„ i°.��.,,.. _ _ ------- -
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<br /> j�, ji ��-�, -�,�•�!.N.... -�-- �.� _..�. v_ ._
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<br /> . , -
<br /> °` a�ui��,�q:.• � � TOaE�F1EH WITH d th�ImprovMn�nts now or hw+�HK �nat�d on th� propwry� �nd�Ms�nU��ppurt�noM� �nd
<br /> � btturM now or h�tl��put o1 th�propwty.A1 npYanw�t�md�ddkbm �Md d�o b�oownd by tM�Maklly In�M�wn1.
<br /> - A of ih�1aMid�O k nfrnd b N thN 8rarlh►httnwnmt a ih�'Pi+ap�ly.'
<br /> ° - 80iiii0lNER Cd1f�N1WT8 th�t 8arowzr k IawfuLy sdaed of tho astaq hsrs�j conveyed md h+� �hR►1gM w Br�nt and —_
<br /> oonvey th�P►op�tty�nd that th�Propwty b un�na�d� retn�pl ta �nam�bmoM d noord. Baroww wrrt�nts and �
<br /> w�dd�nd pwunN th�W�lo th�P►op�Ay�pdntt�N oWm�and drrnnd�,�ubJ�d lo�ny�noumb�noh o1�oard.
<br /> -*. . , � n+�s aHCURmr �NBTRUMeI�R oombin« w�iran, oow�wia ro. nWonY w. .no noo�w�llonn oov«�na wNh�
<br /> ... ��,��""�' ink�d vaMtlon�by Wdsdolion to oomtlpA��unYorm t�oudly Imtrununt or�v�lnp n�Y propwty. •_
<br /> """'' �' UNIFORM COVHNAMB. 8artowa end Lender aeven■nt�nd�gne u IoMowr
<br /> "'"' " ` 1. P�ym�nt df P�Inoip�) �nd InbrMt; Pnphlm�nt rnd LaR� CI�u�M.ea►owK�h.A P►�P�Y wfi w� �
<br /> _ �__
<br /> r �p:�.l�>:.
<br /> 9vm*�:�^�r..���� du�Ih� prbdpN ol�nd iniw�t on tM d�bt wld�nad bjr th�Nob�nd �ny peqym�nt�nd Mt�oharas dw un0�r thr
<br /> , . '. : •.:a.� � Nou�. Fund�tor Tws�nd Inwnr�a�.Subl•a a�vWo+ibN M�►a to .v�la.n w.w.r ny und.r� earow.►�hr p�y . ._
<br /> "�' to l�nd�r on ih�d�y monthlY Pr!'�+W w du�und�►th�Not�, unUl th� Not�Is pUd In iu���sum('Fund�7 tor. (��YMM -
<br /> —..�t.�. `�,� �., tr.,;,;r —
<br /> wc«.na......m.na wnbn nMy .arr� priaMy o�.► tht�S.ou�ity I�.wm.M.s�p.n on th.P�ov�r ro)Y�+H;.u.hota
<br /> —.���,;�'`-':�:�_�• pRymmb a yro�md�b on th� Pro{�ty.N�ny; (o)Y�N�d «P►oP�Y Insw�nc�p�wnUnnr, (dl YMrN Aood Inwr�na
<br /> _-' y• d u . ,.. -
<br /> :`.�,,„: .,,`•.�ry �' P►��,H�y; (�)YMM mortW00 Inw�no�prwnium�.q�n�r�nd m�ny wms PMbt�bY Borrower to Lmcl�r N�ooad�na
<br /> — •�-., _ ,: ,. with th�provbbno of panpnph 8.In Nw of th�paynNnt of matpap�h�uma preniMims. Th� R�ns an abd 'Esaow
<br /> • ., kMru.• Und�r m�y� �t�ny tim�� cW�ot and hotd Fund�In �n�mwM not to exoNd th� m�knum �unount�Mnda ta�
<br /> ���„;;,;'� Ud�nMy ►aUbd martp�p�lan mry nquln tor Borrow�r'�Mc�ow�000unt undK th�bdwal RMI Ewt�8�ttlmMnt Proo�dw�s
<br /> Aot o11074 as�mmd�d trom tkn�to tim�,12 U.S.C.�2601 �t �p. �'RE8PA'l, unlMt snoth�►kw 1h�t�PPWs to th�Fun�M
<br /> � ; .,;�:•.. .;.- f., .` ats� la��r�mounL B so�L�ndK m�y�at�ny tina� coN�ot�nd hold Funds In�n anouM not to�xoMd th�Mua m►ouM.
<br /> .. �`-�'• L�ndK m�y�ttM�te the amount of Fund�du�an Ih�ba�l�of aurmt d�q�nd rwon�at�tp of c�mduins of h+hw
<br />---- ° �.. �. : , ,44 Etaow It�ms a othwwiu in aacadana with�ppNo�bl�law.
<br /> �tit. fi�Funds�hd b�hNd In an in�Up�bn whos�d�po�its an inaumf by a Isd��l�p�noy�In�bummt�ity�or�ntMy(Yfdudln0
<br /> -:i,::.:' ° L�nda. H L�nd�r b�uoh�n NstiWlbn)or In ury F�dwd Ham�Lwn B�nk. Lend��hdl�pply ih�Funcb to p�y th� F�ctow
<br />: ,{ Il«ra.L�ndar auy not ch�ry�Barow�r for hokpnp�nd�pphMp th�Funds�mnutll/�natysinO th��saow�eoount, or vwiMiW
<br /> ih� E�aow ftMns, uniw� Under paya Borroww Intenst on ths Funds �nd �ppllwabl� 4w p�mits Landar W mak� wah �
<br /> _ � �� cbupr. Howevar, Und�r m�y�puks Bortow�r to pay+�on�tWne oh�for an hci�nd�M ►wl aht�t�c npo�t(np isrvla
<br />. ,r ussd by L�nd�r in oonn�ction wlth thls lou�, unisae �ppYa�bte Nw provWss othwwls�. Untas +ui �pr�mnt b rtnd�a
<br /> ' � � �pPpabl�Vw roquka tnt�►at to b�pNd,Undw sh�p not bo nquk�d to pry 8aroww�ny fnt�nst a Mmin�t on ih�Fundt.
<br /> Bortow�r md L�nd� rtwy �On�h w�dnp� howev�, th�t interost sh�N bs p�ld on th� Funds. I.andK �h�N pN� W BwrowK,
<br /> ' � * wlthout ohu��,�n�nnwl�aooundnp of ih�Funds, �howinp a�dlts �nd d�bit�to th�Funds�nd th�purpos� for which roh
<br />= ° . ,;,��' d�bk to ths Funds w�s mRd�. TA�Fund��r�pl�d�ed�s�dcpUond swwrUy br W aums a��d by ih�8�ouAty In�trum�n�
<br /> - " M th�Funds h�id by L�ndK pccs�d th��mounts pMmlttad to be hetd by �ppllahts I�w, Under�hY�aoount to Borrow�r
<br /> _ �=,�:,:.�--.''�' '`. for ths exass Funds In�coord�nc�wltb the r�qulnmmt�of�ppWcabl�I�w.It ih�amount of the Funds hdd by Under�t�n}I
<br /> _,�.�;,;.,.�,: :. tlm�in not sufAd�nt to p�y th�E�c►ow It«ns when due, LmdK rn�y�o notMy 8ortowN in wdtlnp, and, In woh cas�Borrow�r
<br /> ,•.�,_-_- '_� ..
<br />----- --- _
<br /> ' ' sh�A pay to L�nd�tbe unount neca�wy to m�ke up iiw d�Gdwwy. 8ar�►v�it�all aiaica up ih� d�idau�r!n tsn snae
<br /> lwdve monthy paymente,�t Unda's eWs dlsaNbn.
<br /> � ' Upon p�yment in fup of dl wms seeured by thle 3ecurity Inshumai6 Lendr sh�N promptiy relund to 8arowk �ny
<br /> � Funda hetd by Lander. If, undw pa►apraph 21, Lender sh�ll aoquke or eell ths Proparty. Und�r,Pdor to th��cquisitlon or�
<br /> • � • of ih� Prop�rty,eh�A appiy any Funde hNd by L�ndor�t th� tlm�of Rcquieftbn or wl��s� ondit�In�t th� wms uound
<br /> "�� by thls Seau�ity InaWment.
<br /> �.p.,r � 3. Appllo�tlon of P�yments.Unlese�ppNc�ble I�w provides atherwlee. �A paymente nc�ived by Lendar undK
<br /> ,,,,, , panpraph�t md 2 sh�ll be appi�d: flrot,to ony prepayment ohu9e�dua under the Note; s�cond,to�mounu pryabw undw
<br /> " , puayraph 2; thlyd,to Intereat due;foudh,to prindp�l due;�nd I�et,to any INe ch�rqee dw undw ih�Nots.
<br /> 4. Char�Ya; UYn�.Bortower shdl pay�U t�xea, seaosamenta, chupea, flnea�nd Mnpotllions �ttribuhbis to ihs
<br /> � • .�, , Propwty whlch m�y �tWn pdariry over iMs 8acurfty Instrument, �nd las�hold p�ym�nts a qround �U, H�ny. Borraw�r
<br /> y v , eh�N p�y th�s�obllpaUons k�the manner provided in p�rapnph 2, or B not pald In thst m�nnw, 8orrowa ehall p�y th�m an
<br /> ' - - ..-- � dme diredly to the pecson owed paymont. Bortower eiwY prompUy lumish lo Lender oN noUces of amount4 to be pald undar �°
<br /> f^� . � . .. �- lhla psrag�Ph.If Barow�r mutn ihoa� p�ym�nts dk�ctly. 8orrowa► shdl prompUy tumish to L�nd�r neMpts ald�ncinp
<br /> lh�paymenta.
<br /> .3� " � Borrower ahoq promptly discharye any Yen which h�s prlorfly over tMa Securtly Instrument unleaa Bortowa: (�)��re�s —•
<br /> i•` ' • In wdtinp to the p�yment of th�obllpaUon aecured by the Ilan In e mmn�r�cc�pt�ble to Lander; (b)wntMts in good Wth the
<br /> Nen by, or dalenda�yalnet ento►cement of the Nen In, lepal pracoedlnpa wMch h the Lender's opinlon opwate to prevent ��
<br />; �• !• lhe enforoNnant of ihe Nen;or (o) securea hom the holder ot iho Nen�n aproemmt aaqafaalory to Lender subordin�tln�the � �rt•
<br /> • � Aen to thle 9ecurity Inetrument. If Lender dotemiinea that any part of the PropeAy la aub�ect to� Ilen whloh m�y�tWn prloiNy
<br /> , - over thla Sewrily InsUument, lmdor may give BoROwer e noUce Identlfyk�y tha INn. Botrower sh�A s�dsty the A�n or Wca
<br /> on�or more of th�aaUona set forth ebove wfthin 10 d�ys ot the pNlnp oi noUce.
<br /> • „ '� 8. Haz�rd or Propo�ty Inauranc�� Bortower eh�ll keep the improvements now�xiadng a hxe�fter aroet�d on tha �_
<br />" ; ' � Proparty Inaured�ywinnt bas by�re, hez�rda Mciuded wNhln the term 'uclended covereqe' and any oth�r hazards, Includlnp ��-
<br /> � „ flooda or Iloodlnp,for whlah Lender requi►ea Ineurance. Thla Inaurence sh�A be rtulntained In ihe amount�and ta th�perlods �`' •'
<br /> ' th�t L�ndx requkes. Ths Inauranee c�rtkr provldinp tha Inaurance ehoN be choaen by Bortower subJect to Lend�r'n approvd �
<br /> ` ` whbh shdl not bs un►wsomby wfthheld. If Borrower INIa to meHrtaN� cov�rrge deaulbed abova, L�ndw rn�y, d Under's
<br /> ,�w�;;„ � optlon, obWn covarape to protecl Lender's�Ighta in ihe Property In eccoMance wilh puagraph 7.
<br /> All Ineuru�ce policlea md renewala ahell be aecepteble to Lender and ah� Include a standard moAyaqe clauae. Lender �
<br /> nhaM havs ihe�Ipht to hold the pallclea end renew�ls. II Lender requlree, 8orrower ehall prompUy give to Lender all reeeiple ot
<br /> � p�id pnmluma and renewal noUces. In the event of loaa, BoROwer sh�p 9ire prompt not�a to tha Maur�ne�c�rtNr md �
<br /> Lender. lender mey make proof of lose II not nude prompUy by Borrower. �
<br /> Unleas Lmder end Bortower otherwlae ayree In writinp, Insurance proceeds aheB be appYed to reatoretlon or repak ot
<br /> . � ihe Propaty dartwged. M the nstomtlon or repalr la economlcally leasibb and Lender'a aecurtty la not leaeenad. If the �
<br /> reatoraUon or repelr la not economMaMy feaslbte a Lender's aecuriry would be lasaened, the inaurance proceeda ahell be ;
<br /> � eppYed to tha auma aecured by thfa Seeuriry Instrumenl. whether or not Ihen due. wflh any axeeae pald to Bortower. If .
<br /> •� ' Bortowv �bandone ihe P►operty, or doea nol anawer within 30 daya • noUee irom Lender th�t the Meurance cartix haa �
<br /> � • ofterad to eattle a clalm, then Lendx may eoMect the Insuranee prceaeds. Lender mey uae lhe proceeds to repair w
<br /> � � reatoro the Roperty or to pay sums ��cu�ed by thla Secuiry InsWmenL wh�lhar or not than dua, The 30-day perbd wAl
<br /> � � b�pb when the noUce la given.
<br /> �' � Unte�s Under �nd Bonow�r otheiwise epree In w�iUng. �ny oppNaUon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ' ' ! posipone tha due d�ta of the monthy paymenta reterratl to In puagrepna i and [ a cnrnye ine emouni oi ine �
<br /> . ' payments. II under par�praph 21 the Praperty Is ecqulred by Lender, BoROwera dght to any Insuranca policlea and proceeds
<br /> � � . - resulUny hom danbge to thQ Praparty prlor to the �cqulslUon ahell pasa to lendar to tha axtant of tha aums by thia Securiry ,
<br /> Inshumant{rtWnedi�tely prlor tu the acqulaKian.
<br /> 8. OccupAncy� Prosorvatbn, Mainte�anco and Protocticn of tho Proporty; Bor�owor's Loan
<br /> AppllCdioll; Lvasaholds. Bortower ehaN occupy, eslebllah. �nd use the Property aa Bartower'a pdncipal residence
<br /> " �"-"-" wNhin alxly d�ya efte►the exeeution ol thls 3ecurity InaUument end shall conQnue to occupy the Prope�ty�a Borrowei a prindpal
<br /> realdance lor�t least onQ ye�r�ite►the date ol occupancy, unless Lender otherv+iae aprees In w�itinp, which consent ahall not
<br /> be unre�aon�by wlthheld, or unbsa extenuaUng circumatanees exist whkh ae 6eyond 8orcower's controt. BoROwer ahap not
<br /> � detlroy, dum�ys or Imp�k Ihe PropeAy, sllow tho PropeHy to deterlorato,or cammit weste on ihe Property. BoROwer ehall be
<br /> � M dsfpufl If �ny tortelture actlon or proceedlny, whather civll or criminel, la begun that In Lender's good laflh )udgmenl could
<br /> resuft in lafaqun ol tho Prope►ry or otherwlse meterleqy Impak the Iian cre�ted by 1MS 3ecurNy InaWment or Lender's aecurity
<br /> ,, t»�, , fnterest.
<br /> , F�a�e.�nna(�o�s+► Paqa z oe s
<br /> •, .t t
<br /> � 9219Y.1M t
<br /> � � I
<br />