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.' �.+LxI�T�E11�aR�! • , _ �,..:���,: �.__ . . -" _ . - _ - `-- -- <br /> -'; '- . � - . <br /> .«�.._ � • _,_.... � - <br /> _.,_ �� -� .i`�" •...... "..�::� � �:�.. •.�.•or, �- .�.. „_��_ ...,a....• <br /> ' � �-•�± :r'�� ..a. .v.__. _" '--' - "'--- - -- ... � —-- <br /> • � • ` _ <br /> "'_._:Ir_- <br /> � i . . - . - -,'i� <br /> , i:w ':ii:t���. , ... .. . <br /> � ' ...rnV;.h...�Mir}/Alu{!' a.. • ' <br /> ' .,�,��.. <br /> . -"w.�y.. , - - -- - -� -- -.. ._- -- <br /> � r,r.r__-'- <br /> ��..c�__,—�_ <br /> ,,�,,,.,�:..-'-� ' �,: •. 17.T��nshr a!th�Propat�l or� B�n�flcl�) I���! in Borrow��. n au o�any p.rt ot ih� Propary or <br /> • �;.r„t•.: .•.,,, ° �ny Intw�st in R it sold a tr�ntlMnd(a Y �bsnMbW Intwat In Bortowu Is �old or tranN�rr�d�nd Borrowa u not a n�lunl <br /> �'Y�;;;,.:,,�;..:_. , Pw�on)wflhout L�nd�r'�prlor w�ftl�n aontwit L�nda may�tl Ns optlon�r�quln Mw�di�t�p�ymw�t In fuq of W sums Nound by <br />— - -����-_ ._ thl�s�ouMly Inswm�m.Howsvw,ihq opifw��iwfl iwt bo�rckad by Lendo►B muxdae h prohlbNed 6y i�d�nl I�w�s d th� <br /> .. : ,.� . � d�U of thl�S�ourity In�wm�nt. -- -_ - <br /> II L�ndr►pneroba thls optbn, Und�r�hW yN�Borrow�noqa af aoateratlan. Th� noUc� �hW provld� �perbd of <br /> ,. ' � , ., � .; not I�s�ih�n 30 d�y�from th�d�t�ih�noqa la dNiv�nd o► m�ilod wNhh whloh Bonaw�► nwst p�y �M�umt s�cund by � <br /> .., . <br /> �.�_, ... <br /> 'q ,. - -- thts Socudry Inatrument. If Borrower falla to pey these eums pdw to the expk�Non of thl� palod. LmdK nwy Inv � �ny � r , _ <br /> �, �,.-� ,--. . <br /> � d"� - A•.;�:;;.. nm�dl�s PNmitt�d by this S�oudty In�trum�nt wRhout fliAh�r noda w d�m�nd an Bortowu. f <br /> � " ,- � �.7` 18. 8orrow�l''i Ripht to R�Insht�. If Bortower me�ts aih4i aondidom, Bortow�r�h�tl h�w ths dpht to h�v� � <br /> '": �nfarcMn�nt of thla 8saurity Inetr�rneet dbaondnu�d�t�ny tYns prbr to th� a�rYer ar (�)5 d�ys(or�uch other pMlod�s <br /> ---- -- , aFP�� � �Y �P�M lor retnstRt�t) h�f�M �I� 01 ttu Ropsrty prsu�nt to �nv PowK ot sd� oonWn�d In ihl� , <br /> - . 8aourtry In�trum�nt; or(b) entry of�Judpment enfordnp thN Searlty InatrumenG Thoss aondwons �ro th�l 8orrower. (�)p�ya <br />-=_�;� ' l�ndw�q sums whlch th�n would b�dw under thb 3�ou�ity U�trununt �nd th�Not� a�H no acwNraUon had ocouRed; (b1 , f <br /> nde <br /> _- .. cura �ny dM�uR of�ny other oovanRnt o��preemenrit (o) WY� op�P�a�a Incurrod In �nforoinp thb S�oudly InstrumwN, � <br /> �� `� inolu�np, but not Iknilsd to,rauon�bl��ttomy�'tees; and(�iske�suoh �cdon a�Lendar may►psomby nquke to �e�uro _ <br /> �� ��' � th�t th�qan of this 8sourity InsUum�nt, L�nd�r's riphts in the Proparty and Barower's obYp�Uon to p�y th� wm� a�cuad <br /> _ ,�—: K��y> :�. by thls S�ourHy Instrument sh�A continue unch�npsd.Upon rdnst�temeat by 8orrower, thls Socudry Instrumw►t �nd the <br />'—��. .�t obYp�Uons seound h�nby�haq ramin h�ly dfeadw �a N no ��Non h�d 000urt�d. Howwar� thls tipht to nln�t��h�A <br /> not�pply In th�c�a�ot�aaleraUon undK p�ng�aph 17. <br /> "�°j` " ,_. ., 19. Sd� of Not�; Chsn� o? l.Win S�rWa�r. Th• Note or � +� putid Interost In ths Not• (topdhM with —. <br /> _.. _., <br /> � � •� ,,,: . _ thb 3�aurily Instrum�nt)m�y bs sold ons or more tlma wllhout prlor noUos to Bortuwer.A s�le may reauil{n a ohanpo In th� - -- <br /> . „ �� a�tNy (known �s the 'Lo�n S�vic�►') thN adeats monthy p�ym�nts due undK ths Not�and this 8scwily InsUUm�nt. There <br />, , dso m�y b�on� w moro chan9�s uf�ha loan Sarvicer unrN��Md to �sale oi th�Note. If thKe Is a oh�n0e of the Lwn <br /> . .. Servic�, 8orrower wip be ylven wrftlen notic�of th� ah�nye In �oacxdu�ce wllh panprAph 14 above and appAoab�e I�w, Th� ___ <br /> _ �� nodoa wiA st�t�th�n� md addras ol th�naw Loan 3wvloar u�d ih�addras to whloh p�yment� ehoutd ba mad�, Th� <br /> . ` notbe wW dao contaln any othe►Mlomwdon nquk�d by�pplioabt�law. <br /> ` 20. H�zudous Substanaos.Botmwer�haU not awee or pwmll th�pree�nce,usa, di�ponl, etorap�, or roleu�of <br /> ' • any Hmrdous Sub�t�noes on or In tha Property. Bortower sh�A�ot do, �or�qow anyone else to do, �rrythinp dba11n0 th� <br /> . , Praperty tFud la in vIol�Uan of�ny Envkonm�ntd law. Ths pncedinp txo a�nbnca nh�p not�ppty to th�pra�nae, us�, <br /> -• or stoaps on th� PropeMy of em�A qu�ntHia ot H�z�rdow 9ub�tanas lh�t�►a qenenly r�oopniud to b� �pprop�u to <br /> � , no�mal rosldanNal u��s�nd to malnUnanoa d tha Prope�iy. <br /> - ____ _.__. ,.,._ Bor►owx sh�N prompty yive L�nder wiNten notke o1 any hvaatl�tlo�, oWm, demand, lawsup w oth�►�atlon by any <br />. �� - - . povemm�►W a ropul�tory epency or p�lvate puiy InvoNlnp ths Properry and �ny iimrdous 8ub�Unce or Envkwra'+ei�tai tsw of <br /> • whiah Borrowa hrs�ctual knowlsdps. B BoROwK le�ma,or IR nolMed by any yovemm�ntal or repulatory authoiity, Uut any <br /> � rernoval or other r«nadiation oi any H�zudoua 3ubatance e�ectiny Propedy I�necoswy. Borrowe► �haM promP�N �y <br /> • naonsuy ranedlsl acUona In aeeordu�ee wflh Environmentd Lew. <br /> � As us�d in this paragnph 20, 'Hazadous 3ubet�ncea'are Ihoae substancea daRnod�s toxla or h�ardaus eubetancas by __ <br /> � ' Envkonm�nW law �nd ihe IoAowlnp subsuncea: paeollne, kerosene, aner 1lammabte or toxlo petrdaum produat�, toxta -�:---- <br /> � peaGaldes and heibiddea,volaGle soNente, m�teriala containiny anbestoa or tomwMehyde, and ndloaodva materlala. As uesd b �_�`� <br /> puaynph 20, 'EnvlronmsntN" meana i�d�ral Inys�nd aws of the Jwisdiotlon whers the Properly Is IoaUd tlat nYt�to <br /> " hMlth,s�fety or envkonmental prota:lion, <br /> NON�UNIFORM COVENAN'f3. Borrower md Lender tuAher covawnt�nd ayrea aa fopowa: -;�= __ <br /> � • . - - 21. Aeceleretton; Ramadles. Landar shall giva notica to Borrowor prlor to accdwr�tlon !?°�-_=-_`=�_ <br /> �'*'`�. , � � followinp Borrowor'a braach of s�ny covenant or aqraoment In this Soaurity in4trumont (but not F"'°.°` <br /> )� • prior to accoloratlon undar paraproph 17 unloss appYc�blo law providos athprwiso). Th� notico °'_'-`_v <br /> sh�ll spocHy: (a) tho dofauk; (b) tha Aatlon roqulrod to cura tho dofault; (c) a daN, root bss than �' ,,: <br /> ' ' 30 d�ys hom tho dato tho notico k plvon to Borrowar. by whlch tha dofault must bo cund;and �:�:�.``�` <br /> . r,'•_=-� <br />� � , (d) that talluro to curo tha dafs�ult on or b�fora tho data spoclftod in tho notico may rosult in .,,,;�,:� . <br /> aacaloratlon of th� sums ��cund by this Socu�ity Inatrun�ont and sale of tho Proporly.Th� notic� •��>°=-� <br /> �hall furthor h�torm Borrowar of the rlght to rolnst�te dter accalaration and tho right to bring a .. _ _._ <br /> couK action to assort tha nonwxlstanae of a dohult or any othar dofan�a ot Borroww to ,; .�:,_.- <br /> ».. • <br /> ' ' accolardlon and aala. If tha dafault Is not cured on or bofor� tiw dato spoofflod In tha notico, ^��• <br /> " Londar at Rs option may roqutro immodiata paymoM In full of all sums aacurod by this SeourHy ��'�:;�: <br /> ,. � � Inatrumont without furthar domand and may invoko tiw powor of oalo and any othor remadioo , � <br /> '� parmlttad by applfcablo law. Lendar �hall be entitled to colloct all expensos incurrad In purauing � <br /> ' tha remediea p►ovlded in this pany�aph 21. fncludin0� but not Iimitod to, raaoonablo altornoys' � <br /> fao�and cost� of titla ovidonco. <br /> If tho power of salo ta invoked, Truetoe shall racord a notico of dofauR in each county In <br /> which any part of the Propoiiy Is located and ahall rnafl copies of such notica in tho mannor ; <br /> � pro�cribad by applicabla law to Borrower and to the other porsons prescribed by applicablo law. <br /> Aitor tho tima raquirad by applicablo law, Trustea ahall give pubNc notice of sale to the persons <br /> and In tho manner proacribod by applicable law.Truatae. without damand on Borrowor, shall sell <br /> tha Proporty at public auction to tho highost blddor at thv timo and place and under tho torms <br /> • dasigoatod in tho notico of sale In ona or more parcels And in any ordor Trustee detormines. <br /> � Truotao may postpono ealo of all or any parcel of tlw P�oporty by publlc announcomant at the <br /> timo and qleco of any previoualy achoduled oalo. l.ondor or its doalynoo mAy purchaaa tFw <br /> _ -' - I�ropYriy ai eny eoiv. <br /> " Upon racolpt of paymont of the price bid, Trusteo shall doliver to the purchose► Trustea's <br /> � do�d convaying the Property.Tho recitals In the Tru�tae's deed shall bo prima facie ovidanco of <br /> tha truth of tho statomonts mado therein. Trustoe shaM opply the proceeds of tho aale in the <br /> following order: (a) to all costs and expeneas of exercising the power of salo. and tho aala, <br /> _. includin4 tha paymont of tho Tru4too's faos actually incurred, not to exceed three <br /> � 9'0 of the principal amount of tha note at <br /> tho timo of tho declaration of default, and raasonable attornoy's fooa as parmitted by law; (b) <br /> to all �uma sacurad by this Socurity Instrument; and (c) any axcwss to tho porson or <br /> persons leyally entitled to it. <br /> ' - . F1318.LM0(t019t) Pnqc d of 5 <br /> t <br /> .r�t�'�� . ; 7?�9P.LM <br /> { <br />