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<br /> --- qf de.uid tbe sde:lacludlu�the ptymeot ot the 7lructee'a feee aetuAlly incuntid.not to exceed 3.0 R6 ot
<br /> ---_ ---_---.-__. . .�.�_._ tiro princt�.►!�!rmamt�t th'nnte�t tl�e dme nf tLe dec)aratbo of defaul�aad rasoaabk attnraey�'teer a�permitted
<br /> - by I�w;(b)W all��ecured by t64 Security Iartruiaeat;�nd(c)nny eYOatf to t6e penou or peraom k�ally eotilled
<br /> — - to tw
<br /> 22, RernnveyAnce. Upon payment of all eums sxured by thia Secu�ty Inslrument. Lender stwll request'[histee to
<br /> -,— --
<br /> rcconvey the Property and shall aun�endcr d�ia Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Secudty
<br /> ---�--- _-_-_---_� Instrument tn'Ihistee. 'IYustee sholi reconvey the Property wi out warranty and without ehuge w penqon or persone
<br /> legally entitled to!t. Such pereon or persans shall pay any rexords+tion costs.
<br /> 23. Subedtute 7'rustee. Lender,at ils opdon,mny from dme to dme remuve 7tuatee and appoint a succesaor trustee to
<br /> any 7tuatee appointed hereunder by an insdument recorded in the county in which thia Security Instrument is reconlerJ.
<br /> Wlthout conveyance of the Property.the succeasor tructee �holl aucceed to all the Gtle,power and duties conferted upon
<br /> 'Itustce hcrein and by applicable law.
<br /> - 24. Request(or Notices. Borrower requests�hat copies of the notices of dc;fault and sale be aent to Horrower's address
<br /> ___ _ __ - which la the Froperty Address,
<br /> � - 2S. RWere b this Security Iostwmen� If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> -- �- �� `-_- �-__—� lhis Secur�ty Instrument,the covenanta und agreementa of each such rider shall be incorpornted into ond shalt amend and
<br /> -- supplement thc covenants and agreements of this Secunty lasuument as if the dder(s)were a pazt of this Security Instrument.
<br /> [Chock appilcabie box(es)]
<br /> �Adjustable Rwte Rider �Condomi�ium Rkter �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> _� _______� �Craduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> -- �"'`;".`"�`� �Balloon Rider �Rate Mprovement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> --,..���q-u���"� X�Other(s)[speciFyJ ACKNOWLEDGpIENT, ASSIGNnIENT OF RENTS RIDER
<br /> 3tic... c •��ca�'
<br /> "—"��� BY SIONING BELOW,Barrower accepts and ugrees to the terms end covenenls contained in thls Security Instrument
<br /> =1��.-��•�� and in any rlder(s)executed by Borrower and reco�ded with!t.
<br /> — "T:'�'�
<br /> ~� W�tI188�C8:
<br /> _ _
<br /> = ,:�� ..i�'��, •• •Bormwer
<br /> ' D. 6ERGER 506-13-3834
<br /> �+�- �;�;;,�.:� ' Soeiul Security Number
<br /> -Z'�:' �/}��h'ti.�l.k'� • •
<br /> _'- -- •:`4 ''r,,.'�.
<br /> '•�.;�� �:�`•.�,�i:�y,;. . • �/d (Senl)
<br /> -- - � '� DIANNE L. L SSIG � -BORO1M0�
<br /> - ,.r=:
<br /> +�y`�*i±�:,;>x�. Social Security Number 50�-80-?A39
<br /> � ;�;� ,:n -��,r��y�:+�� HALL
<br /> .: �''`� �•-� '' STATE OF NEBRASKA. Counry ss:
<br />_°_-. :sf.3y'p.... .,�...��e:
<br /> ` ?'" �'"��M�. 29TH JULY, 1992
<br /> 1!�� F��,,f. On�his dny of ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> -- '���'•• duly commissioned and quali6ed for said county,personuliy cume JEFF D. BERGER, A SINGLE PERSON AND
<br />.:���i . ,.: . ., :
<br /> "�'- *"."'i:.,i,`�. ' DIANN L. LESSIG, R SINGLE PERSON ,to me known to be the
<br /> `^''�1�'�'�}``'� identic ons(s) whose neme(s) nrc subscribed lo �he foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> ,�3• : .. � ,�, be EI voluntaryactanddeed.
<br />___ . �` � ,,,.��r-+r und natarial seul at �AND IS� ASKA in said county,the
<br />_ t. �, � !.... date afo �Yj�'�l'��, /U / %✓/
<br /> . .�W.,,�::, lyy Commi ���� � 7� ��
<br />- �,._, . * gr Naary Publk
<br />_^��� � �,�, ..•� . ''=• a�fr.R�0' REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> :�P�;° . �r �''" a TO TRUSTEE: �i'��
<br /> The undcrsigned is the of the note or notes secured by this Deed of'Itust. Said note or notes,together with all
<br /> ' s other indebtedness secured by t s Deed of 7Yust,havc becn puid in full. You ure hereby directed to cuncel xaid note or notes
<br /> � � � �•• and this Deed of'Itust,which are delivered hereby,nnd to rcconvey, without wnrrnnty,ull the e�tn�e now held by you under
<br /> � ' � � this Deed of 71vst to the person or persons legully enUtled thereto.
<br /> �"�".�,� 4 r�a- .. • Dute:
<br /> 'V�.. •� Rorm J028 9/90 fpaRt b oj6 po�esl
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