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<br /> � _ �pplicabk taw rruy ipecify far Kinetatement)before sale of the Property pu�suwN to any power of u�le conuilned in thi�
<br /> _ _ _ Security I�wpumen�or(b)entry oP a Judqment enforcing thi:Security Inslrument. Thoce conditiona�ne thot Borrower: la) .,
<br /> pnys l,ender all suma which then would be due under thi� Security Instrument and the N4to as if no uccelerativn had
<br /> `�, occumd;(b)curee any det�ult of any other covenanta ot agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforoing this Security
<br /> Inatrument,including, but not limited to, reasonable attaneys'fees;and(d)tekes such actian as Lender may reaconably
<br /> ��•_� requiro to assure that the lien of this Secudty Inatrument,Lc.rderk rights in the Property and Borrowerk obligatioh to pay the
<br /> _ , � sums secured by thfs Secudty Instrumcnt shAll continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrowcr, thia Secu�ity
<br /> �{� Insuument and the obligations aecured hereby shall remaln fully effective as if no accelerndon had accurred. However,thia
<br /> d�ht W roinstate shall not apply in the casB of acceleratjon under paragraph 17.
<br /> `< 19. 3sttc ot Notei ChpnQe ot l.oAn 3ervker. Thc Note or u partial interest in the Note(toge�her wi�h this Secu�ity
<br /> — °"'�'""'� lnstrument)may be sold one or more times withaut pdor notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in tha end�y
<br /> — ~�"'`«� (known as the"Loan Servicer")lhat collects monthly payments due under the Nota and U�is Secudty Instrument. There nl�o
<br /> - may be one or more changea of the Loan Servicer unrelated to e sale of the Note. If there ia u change of the LoAn Servictr.
<br /> ,�iTr►i161'�ala.r
<br /> --__� __ _ _ _ Borrower wlll be given written notice of!he change in accordanca wlUt paregraph 14 above nnd applicable law. The notice
<br /> ����� will state tha name nnd addreas of the new Loan Servicer end the eddress to which payments should be made. The notice wlll
<br /> ':I(Y.•.-:.�...-fY 0
<br /> �----- also contain any other information requir by applica e aw.
<br /> w�! + •�� 20. Hpzardous Subcfaaces. Borrower ahall not cause or permit ihe presence,use,disposel,storage,or release of any
<br /> �=•'�'� Hazandous Subctances on or in the Pcoperty. Borrower shdl not do,nar ullow anyo�e else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> ��e;.._.�..�..,o.rr�
<br /> Property that is in violadon of any Envlronmental Law. The pneceding two sentences shell not apply lo the presence,use,or
<br /> ������'" . storage on the Property af small quantities of Hazardoue Sub�tances Ihat are generally recognized to 6e appropriete to normal
<br /> __ �� � residential uses and to ma�ntenance of the Property.
<br /> s`�• ���;,: Borrower shall prompdy give Lender wrinen notice oF any inves�igaGon.claim,demand,lawauit ur uther ac;llai by any
<br /> ���,;�,-�. •�� govemmental or regulatury agency or pr�vate purty involving tl�e Property and any HazaMous Substance ar Environmental
<br /> +-�7�v `�'' �` Law of which Bortower has actual knowledge. IF Bo�rower leams, or is notifled by any governmental or cegulatory
<br /> . .� �"° ' �'. authorit ,that an removal or other remediation of nn Hazardous Substance affectin �he Pro rt ia neces
<br /> ..,.,•,, Y Y Y � pe Y sery.Banower
<br />'�. ' `:,_•...�.;;:.`f;;�.,; rhalt promptly take all necessary remedial actiona in accordance with Emironmental Law.
<br />• � '� As used in this paragraph 20,"HnzardouR Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazurdaus substances by
<br /> Environmental Law end the follawing subswnces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic peuoleum products.toaic
<br /> _ � f;, ' , -" ` ,, pesticidea und hefiicides,valatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materials. As
<br /> � �• A'`"3�'���•• ;��" �. "� used in this paragraph 20,"Emironmentel I.uw"menns fedenl laws pnd laws of the jurisdiction where the Pr+operty ia located
<br />_: � • ;,,�,,a.,�:. •....,*5:��u ihat relate to hesith,safety or envlronmentnl protection.
<br /> d° °, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bon•ower and Lender futther covennnt und agree as follows:
<br /> ,a�.
<br /> "'?�`.����y;'� 21. Acceleration;Remedies. Lender ahull give aotice lo Borrower prlor to AcceleraUon following Borrower's
<br /> s�St�fl�,ir breACh ot any covenAnt ar aRrecment in thGs Security Instrument(but not prlor to accelerAtion under para�raph 17
<br /> -�nM=���:---–�--- nnless ppplicable IAw provides otherwlse). The ndice ahall specify: (a)the default;(b)the actian required to cure the
<br /> • � � defauit;(c)a date,not less th�n 30 days from the date the notice i�given to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> • "� cured;And(d)thAt Pailure to cure the dePault on or before the date specii7ed in the notice may resnit In Acceleration oP
<br /> - � ��°�`f ` '�'�"`� the aums secured by this Security Instrument ar�d sale of the Property. The notice shall Purther info�m Borrower nf
<br /> • � a �"'"'""�''"' the right to relnsWte aHer acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert Ihe non-existence of A defaWt or
<br /> �' ^'' any other defense ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> �� a'-�a��"•="� the notice�L.ender ut its option may require immediate parment In full oPall sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument
<br /> " without further demaad And may invoke the power o�sale and any other remedies permilted by ApplicAble law.
<br /> • ' ,� Lender shall be enlitled to collect all expenses incurred ln pursuing the remedies provided in thls paragraph 21.
<br /> . .• ,-� ���• including,but not limited to,reusonable attarneys'feesund cus�s ottitle evWeace.
<br /> � • • . �• If the power of sale Es invoked�7lrustee shAll record a notice nP default in each county in which pny part of the
<br /> . . Property ia locAted und shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable lew to Borrower and to
<br /> �.:�;.••a.�="•���� the other persons prescribed by applicable Iaw After the time requlred by�pplic�ble law.7Yustee shall give public
<br /> ,.�'� � • " notice of sale to the persons and in the mpnner prescrib�d by applicable law. 'I�ustee,without demand on 8orrower,
<br /> J` � �'��'° � q :4 ahall seil Ihe Property At public auction to the highesl bidder at the time and place and under the lerms designated in
<br />; �' � �„"' �`"�,����� the notke oP sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determine�. 'll�ustee mey poxlpone st�le of ull or Any
<br /> 1 � __� x`;�:� parcel of the Property by public announcement At the t ime und p lace o P any prev ious ly sc h e du l e d x�le. I.en der or its
<br /> , , designee may purclwse!he Property at any sale.
<br /> " Upon receipt of payme��t of the p�ice bid,'ll�ustee sholl deliver to the purchaser'IY�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> � � " ., Property. The recituls in!he 7Yustee•s deed shall he prirna facie evidence uf the truth of the slatements made therein.
<br />;; , � �° , , 7Fuatee ah�ll apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: la)tu all costs and expen�uf exercising the power �
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