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<br /> .�i�i 3r��'�+�!�� ' �, � � . / 't�` ' . .
<br /> ASSIONM�'N'�' �� RLNT���^� 1�.95 _
<br /> — � :�- ' . .
<br /> .. . i:j�.. �. r �
<br /> ; r}r �•�-���• THZH ASSI�NMENT OF R[;NTB RIDER is� ma�de anci �xoauted th e
<br /> " � " �� ��` " � 29TH d�Y o� JULY , 19 92, end ie inaorporated� into end shall
<br /> ` ' ��� � �e�eeraed to amen �+n eupp�men� the Mortgage or Deed of Truet,
<br /> �� °� �� �' ° - " hereinafter re�exred to ae the "Seourity instrumen�", of t he eame
<br /> _. _.-----�_.,,
<br /> "., � �� A . date given by the undereiqned, hereinafter referred to ae the -
<br /> _ ,� ::���.�;�;,� : • ��8orrower�', to seau�re Borrower's indebtednaas, hereinafter
<br /> - w ,. , referred 1.a as tho "Noten, to HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND I.OAN
<br /> _— � A880CIATION OF aRAND IBLAND, hereinafter referred to as the �
<br /> — . .. .�;:�.# ��Lender", of the eame date and covering the property de8aribed in _
<br />- ' the 8evurity Instrument and located ats =
<br /> ��.
<br /> `� 4342 WEST CAPITAL AVENUE
<br /> --= .. .;, ".�; (Proper y A roos
<br /> �w,". �. .��
<br /> — � : wiT�c�ssTU:
<br />--- .— °
<br /> � .
<br /> --����° �" � " } � i�11lBRBAB Horrowor end Lender have agread that eny rente aad
<br /> =- : ' ` d�-��'�` profite ettr�.butable to the property should conetitute additional
<br /> . , seaurity ta the Lender for the paymen t o f t he No te f
<br /> � • ��:° NOW, THEREFORE, i� ie agreed theti �he 8eeurity Instrwnent �::
<br />':-.;, : � . �� shell be amended'heroby and deemed to includo the fol lowing pro-
<br /> � v�ieione:
<br /> " " 1� ��Ant�etlt Of RAritB a�C� LBIId@r ilant�l (!nl 1 gnt�nn_R�C/]1ti6. __ _.
<br /> �� �� " � Borrowar hereby ebeolutely and unconditionallp aesigne all rente, �1 �
<br /> ���- ` iaauaa and profite of the property to BeneEiciary. Lender ehall �, '-
<br /> . _._.- � -
<br /> _ ,
<br /> ., have the right, power and author�i�y during the continuance of t e -'
<br /> � ' Security instrument to collect the rente, iseues and profite of _ __
<br /> . � � the property and of any pereonal property located �hereon wi�h or
<br /> • witihout taking posseesion of the property affeated hereby.
<br /> ` t''' � Lender however, hereb consents to Borrower'8 collection and �"'�-
<br /> , Y F�'��:�:-
<br /> � • retention of euch rente, iseues and profite ae they accrue and _��
<br /> : ' �. become payable, so long as Borrower is not, at such time, in �,..._----
<br /> : .. default with respect to payment of any indebtedness secured
<br /> . liereby, or in the performance of eny agreement hereunder.
<br /> ��� �- __
<br /> 'j,' " 2. �uo�ntment of Recetver. If any event of default in _____
<br /> r` � �. � �-espaat to the Seaurity Instrument shall have oc�urred and be �,,,____
<br /> ' �}L�, continuing, Lender, ae a matter of right and without notice to sq_�F
<br /> � � . t3orrower or anyone claiming under Borrower, and without regard to _
<br /> �� ,• . the valu� of the trust estate or the interea� of the Horrower �,_.� .
<br /> • � therein, ehall have the right to apply to any aourt heving juris- �4�;}-'='
<br /> ,. • diation to eppoint a receiver of the property. - ---
<br /> �:,,:�::_..
<br /> •�'� 3. $�,,yht to Posses�ion. In case of default in the a enti ��"
<br /> p Ym -�,o;__.
<br />, ��,r�: : � . of the said prin�ipal Note or interest, or eny part thereof, ae �±�=
<br /> it shall mature, or in �he case of failur� to keep or perform any ...
<br /> '" � � of the covenants or agreements contained in the Security Instru-
<br /> �.
<br /> � ment, then the Lender, ite euccessore or aesigne, ehall be and is ;
<br /> ,• hereby autliorized and empowered to take immediate possesaion of �
<br /> ' � � ' tlie eaid pr.emises therein described and to collect the renta
<br /> � �` theref rom, and to epply tl�e proceede thereof to the payment of
<br /> „ the Note. �
<br /> 4. �8,�,io��cat�on of Rents. Issuea and Profits. All rente ,
<br /> � Collected by Lender or the receiver ehall be applie� first to �
<br /> � payment of�� the coete of management of the property and collection ,
<br /> -� _ J n� rente, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premi-
<br />- ,�.Nd .,r� renn�vor�a hnnAa And rAaROnable attornev�e fees, and then
<br />_ --
<br /> � torthe Bum�^�ecured by �he Security Inetrument. Lender and the �
<br /> � . receiver ahall be liable to account only for those rents actually .
<br /> � re�eived.
<br /> , 5� �,Qp@. Each of the provieione con-
<br /> � tained in thie Aes gnment of Rente Rider and the Security Instru-
<br /> ment shall, unlees othetwise specifically required, be construQd
<br /> „ • in accorda.�ce with Nebraska law, and in the event any provision
<br /> ' ' herein or �l�erein contained ehall be determined by a court of
<br /> - aompetent juri.adiction to be unenforceable, the eame eha11 be
<br /> � `` oonetrued ae tihough such' unenforceable provieinn wera not A pArt
<br /> . hereo� or tihereof.
<br /> �� , � I � 1
<br /> 1 , I 1_ _ _ __ _
<br />