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�0�10479� 2��Q�D�gO� 200 7125 <br />ils successars �n�i assic�ns; lo aclverilse the unils during lhe conslrucfion <br />and sales periac�. , <br />(h) PeacePul Llse N� pr�c(Ice ar uss shall be permltted an lhe �ondominiijm <br />properiy or In any unil w!�(ch sh�ll i�e an annoyance or nuisance in olher <br />awi�ets or resider�ts and whicl� sh�H InferPe�e wilh lhsir peaceful Use and <br />BnJaymsnt of their �mit <br />(i) ,�,wfu Use. .Afl pnrtiQns of lhe c�ndominlum and o� each unil shall l�e kept <br />clean safe and �anitary and no ��se Iheraof shall be macie which consti�ut�s <br />a violaiion af any laws z�ning ordinances, c,�ovemmenla) regulatiQns, or <br />regulations of Ihe tlss�cdaljrall.� <br />(j) Repalr c�f Ve�icles. PJo one shall fix ar repair vel�lcles on tha conc{ominiurn <br />properly �xce�t �»in�r �'Q�jline repair ot uehir,les awned i�y tl�e unit owners. <br />(k) Ve�c e4ahle �arcle�. Na vee�ekabla gardens shall be allowed an the <br />condominium properly. <br />(I) Ar�irs,t�ls. No animals af any kind shall Uo Icepl In ll�e unll for cbmmercial <br />purposes. Hausaholcl pota, li�cluding cio�s and cals, in tl�e unit wili be <br />suhjeGl iQ regulalion, resirir,linn, ancl ex�:lusion and sp�cial assessn�ent as <br />may be delermined kay lha Assaci�llon fi�nm lirne lo iimo, including removal <br />of an�r �et which Uec�rnes an annayarice io alher unil owners Eacl� i�nil <br />awner shal{ inclamnify llze Assaciailon, al) other ��nit owners, and ihe <br />peclarant against any and all lial711ity arisinc� from maintalning a�et_ No <br />animal of any klnrl sp�a11 be Icepi on �� wiihi�� tt�e condoiY�inium if kepl �r <br />maintained for any cammercial use. Clectr(c f�nces fo� pels are prohibiied. <br />Peis a�e to he exercised an a lease ancl �llended hy an individual in an <br />appr�v�d area and alf axcremenl sh�ll be (rnrneclfately removaci �y lhe pet <br />owner. Pais shail nal Ue le(l o��idoors wllt�c���t supervision and shall nol be <br />a nuisance. Pets sl�all not violala ll7e peaceful er�joymonl af oihar owners. <br />(m) outside use, Awninc�s, sunscreens, outside ieluvlsion �r other anlennas, <br />salelfile dishes, sldrage or �arl<fnc� of �oats, campera, trallers, mot�r homes, <br />equipment, machjnery, or simllar Il�ms 5ha11 not be allow�cl. <br />(n) Garbana, (ndividual c�atk�ac�� cans or trash receptacies are la pe permit►ed <br />oulsicle only 'in areas desi�neci tlisref�7r Uy iha Assncialion, and must bc� <br />aUscurecl from view �f acij�inin� units and sireeis. Garba�e cans or Irash <br />�ece�tacles shafl nn� t�� Ic�fl oulcic�ars for pickiip Far more lhan arty ef�ht (8} <br />hour perfod. - <br />(o) Other. Qulslda woad pll�s clothes lir��s arld �i�thes hanc��rs will l�e subjec� <br />lo rec�ulation, restrlclifln, exrl�.isla�� anci special assessmenl of lhe <br />Associalion. l�awi� orname�ls and decor�tians (I�utterFlies, wQaden f(c�ures, <br />etc.) shall nat be allowacl. <br />(p) �il s. Ouislde uss c�f I�arUecus gi will ha stil�ject tn reg�.►lalfon, <br />r�slrlctior� ar exclusion hy ihe Assr�cialiQn. , <br />(c�) Olher Slrucl�ires. Nn nut-l�uil�lin�s or ath�r $tr��clur�s mey he erectecl on <br />the canclomini►�m property without Il�e a�pr�val of the Assoclatic�n. k�la <br />playground eq�ji�rnent may ►ao ereclac{ on the condominium ��raperty. Tha <br />AssoGlalian may a5tablish fronl lime lc� tlm� rules �nd rogulaiiQns regardin� <br />' usas and pcactices c�f n�r�ners, c�uests, and resld�nls c�f the unils. <br />; (r) TI1i� cntldominl�lm �nay be terr�rinatecf or w�lved by w�itten agre�menl nf <br />' fout fifihs (�/5) of Ihe unil awners or mare with lhe consenl of all lien hQlders <br />c�f recorc�; which agreoment shall be aclu and recorded in the <br />atflce of the Regisler of Deods oi 1 Caunty, Nebraska, and terminatic�n <br />sha11 be effecl'Ive as af lhe recnrrling clale. The lerrnination agr�ement may <br />speciPy ti�al all or part of tlZe unfts ai�d cti���mon areas be soid followlrl� <br />lerminatian. If ihe real eslale canslilutinc� 1{�e c�nclaminlum is nat sold <br />