�0�.�.047 . . . �
<br />2fl09071�
<br />20U�o��O'7� �
<br />Regfsler af L�eeds of hlall C�aunly, Nc�brasfca, such amount shall conslilule
<br />a lien prior and pre[arreci over all alt��r liens ancl encumbrances excepl
<br />assessmenls, iiens and cl�ar�es for taxes due an�l unpaid Qn a unik an�i
<br />exca�t prior duly recqrdeci mnilr,�a�PS ai�cl fien instrumenls.
<br />(d) �acl� owner of a unit shail tae r�apansibl�;
<br />(1) To mainfaln, repair and replace at his nr her expense, aU
<br />porlians at his or her unit w171c1� are nat fncluded in the
<br />d�finillon and cantexl of ca���man el�menl5 and �aGh own�r
<br />shall Ue responsit�le �far IhP rapair, maintanance and
<br />replacemenl �f all exlariar doars, inctuciinr� c�ara�� doars end
<br />the i�lechanical oparalars ther�of appi.�rlenani lo sald owners
<br />ufiil; it bein� undersload thal the onfy Assoclation
<br />mainlenance �f exierior cloars shall t�e the painling or
<br />finishinc} af th� exterfor aurfaces lherec�f. If any �wner faifs
<br />la repdir, mafi�tain or replace ihe oxterior dnc,rs, including
<br />�arage doors af his ar her unit as set fQrlh (n lhe Master
<br />Deed �nd Declaration ar amendments li�erela and lhe 8y-
<br />Laws ar amencimenls lherelo descri�er.i here(n, lhe
<br />Assoclatfon m�y perfUrrn suclt work, invc�ice lhe �wner
<br />lhereof and se�ur� and a«fc�rca a clalm ancJ lien tl�erefior
<br />againsl the oWner ancl h'ls oc h�� unll '1n lil<� manner as a
<br />delinqu�nt assessmenl fc�r cnmit�an alement expense, An
<br />allacatian af m�inianance res�onsit�ililies is altached 1�erela
<br />as Exhihit "C" anc! ir�cQrparaled i�erein hy dl�ls refarence,
<br />(2) 7o mainlain and rapair or rerla�e as necessary ail utili�ies
<br />within that awner's unit and any damage ta il» comman
<br />utiliiie5 caused hy use wilhin Ihat uNt.
<br />(3) To refrain fram palnli��c�, decnr�tiri� ar chanc�lnc� ihe
<br />ap�earance of ai�y pnrlion of llte exterior af 117o unll unless
<br />ap�rovaci by Iha Assaclalinil Ifl wi�ltffl�,
<br />(4) To properly repart lo Ihe ASSOCialinn ariy defect r�r need for
<br />repairs which a� ihe res�,ansibillly af tf�a Assc�ci�tion.
<br />(5� Wlihin sixly (60) days after acc�.��yinc� a Unit, each owner
<br />sha11 Ins(all permanent draperfes or c�lher suilable winclaw
<br />freatments an all exlerior winciows aF Iha �init. In nc� evenl
<br />shall windows be covered wllh paE�er, nawspaper, eluminum
<br />foil, c�r ofher mat�rials nnl specifica{ly intencled far such
<br />purptis$. ,
<br />(e) eside t'al L1se, kach unil shall I�e usecl and nccupied only by one family
<br />eonsisling of persans ac�a 55 ancl over, its s�rvanls and c,�uests and be used
<br />far residaniial pur�oses only, No uriii �77ay be subdfvided into a smaller urtiit
<br />nor any parllon thereaf sold ar lransferred will7a��t filrsk amenrling IhiS Masler
<br />Deed and Declaralion and oUlatnin� !he wrillen c�nsenl o� Ihe Association
<br />s�llinc� fQC1t� the change In ihe unil lo be sul�divided. An individual can lease
<br />a uni� sula]ect to all covenanls, condllit�rls and resiriction� alorlg with any
<br />rules and r�r���fa►ians naw or I�er�afler �nac►eil. �
<br />(t) Co r�"a Uae. Nc� Inciustry, U�isi�less, lrade, ncru�at(on, �r�fessian oP
<br />any klnd, wh�ti�er commercial, relic�i�us, educalia��►al or athervrise, shal� Ue
<br />conduated, mai��tain�d, or permltle�l exce��l lhat rese�v�d Uy Qeclarant far
<br />�ales e�urposes, ' � .
<br />(g) S�'c ps, No sipn or bilU�nard nf eny klnd (li�cl�idinc� but nat limited ta "Far
<br />Rent" nr "For Sale" slc�ns) sl�alf be displayed lo llle puk�lic view on any
<br />portion nf Ihe candQminium, except one sign for sact� iinit nF ncat mare ll�an
<br />eighleen (1 a) inches Iay twenty-fc��ir (24) inches advertising ihe unit far sale,
<br />with respaci ta wl�lcl� Iha colo�', �_lesic�n, material, ca�y and lacalion shall
<br />have been a�prov�c� l�y tl�e AssoUfati�n, ��r exce�t sign ussd by peclarant,
<br />� 4
<br />l
<br />.
<br />