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20�104'793 2��1505$�7 200�0712� <br />fallowing Ierminalinn, Ihe uni► owners shall ��come lena��ts in cc�mmon and <br />whila the tenancy in commoi� exists, eacll unik awner a�d his or her <br />successors in lnierasl shafl have an exclusiva rigl�t {o occupancy of lh�t <br />porllan nf Ihe real �slaie thal fnrms��ly conslilufed his or l�er unit, Ir� no <br />evenl may any part af ihe pr���erty !�e sn(ci or oihErwise disposed af without <br />the pri�r terminalion or walver af ihe condaminium, unless sale ar <br />disposition is appraved in wrllin� by awnars re�rasenlir�g one hundrec� <br />percenl(1o4% af ihe unil owners and hy I�iolders df all martc�a�es of recarci <br />cov�ring ��►y ur►its wiltiin llle cand��minlum. Nc�t4v(l17s�andin� any provision <br />in the 8y u�are ���all t�a no ��educ�inn or delatlon ar conveyance of ihe <br />common �lements wlll�a�til ih� �rior wrfltan consent of lhe holders of al{ <br />morl�ac�es of record ac�alnst any unils wilh(i� ih� condoininium. <br />{s) Unless a greater number is r�q�.iire�l by law, c�wners of uniis repr�esenling <br />two Il�ircls (2/3) or mara af ll�e units may a! a«y iime in �vriting, duiy <br />acl<ncawledc}ed ar�d recorcl�ci in th� a6lice of the Rsc�ister of Deeds of Haii <br />Caunly, Nelarasl<a, effecl an amanclmenl ►a lhe Qy-Laws wl�ich ars attacher.i <br />herel� and as il�a sarn� i�nay, fram iime lo lime, lZaua been amended. <br />Unless a grealer num�er is requirecl by i�w, nwners rQpr�senting th�ee <br />four►hs (3��) or more of the ��n►�s may in wrilin� duly acknowladged and <br />recorde� In Ihe ofFice pi lh� Re�isler nf Deeds of I Gaunty, NeUrasl<a, <br />effect an allar�lian, tlelslion oi� amendment to ihis Masler Deed and <br />Declarailon a� {I�� san�e may have �ee�� amencled from tim� lo time, excepl <br />far iha ilme �ll�t Declardni has cnnlrnl nver Lha Associati�n pursuani io <br />Arlicle Vl, Sec4ic►n (b�. Ch�nr�es shafl nat Uind any lhan exisling mortgage <br />hc�lcJers af recnrd unl�ss Ih�y sl�ail fii<ewis� c4nssnt to sa4d ch�nge In <br />writln�. � <br />�t) All nollces required her�k�y shai! be In writin� a�nd senl by ce��lifi�d ar <br />registered mail, r�i�irn receipt reC�ueslecl: <br />(1) To an owner ak hls last I<nown ar.fclress an the b4nlcs af ihe <br />Assoclat(on. <br />(2) 1'a ihe condaminium or Ihe Assaciation ai It�� re�fslered <br />c�ffice of lh� Association. <br />.A��CL�X, S�PA�ATE�AXA���9 <br />Dec{arant shall �ive writtan no�ice to Ihe Counly Asssssor a� Hall CQUnty, Nehraska, af Ihe <br />crea�ion af the condaminium so each unil in lhe cnncic,mini�.im, inciuding ti�e �mdivided Interests ir� <br />Ihe cammon elemenks appurtenani iher�tc�, shall ba rlaemeci a(�arcel and sub�ect to sepa�ale <br />assessment and taxaUon. <br />ART{CL� X. i��il�[�T5 <br />Easements are herak�y resarved and c�ranlecl from and to owner and each �wner c�f unit for <br />encroar.hment. (f any parl of a unll enGroaches upnn a��y alher unit ar tha cQmmon elem�r�ls ar <br />if any such encroacl�m�n1 shail h�reafler occur due to Ihe seilling ar shifting of the building nr for <br />any ather reason, or �f sucl� k}uilding Is repair�;� ar re��.�ili afler eiamar.,�e or dastruc�ion. The <br />AssocialiQn shall hava an easement in and upon ea�h t,nll f�r ihe parformance and repairs upon <br />t►�� cammon efemenis and far emer�ency ra�airs tp any part af ihe unit. <br />AR u�"1_E iCi. � �E SUB.IECT TG rVI D <br />BY-LAW��D lJL =S A,��ICI R�GULATIQNS <br />Aii presant and tulure owners, tenants anrl accupanls of units shall Ue subject lo, ancl <br />camply with Ihe provisions o� Ihis Masler Deerl and Qeclarallar�, lhe �y-l-aws, and ihe rules anc�! <br />rec�ulalions as lhay may ba amende�i from ifma to iime. The acceptailce nf a deed ar canveyance <br />and en►erin� into of a lea�so or 1he enterin� inl� accupancy of any �init shall constituie an agreement <br />ll�al lhe �rovisions of Ihis, Masker C�aed and Qeclaralian, the, and the r�,les and <br />re�ulalions, as they may qe �mended fr�m time ta 1{me, ar� arca�t�Gi ancl ralified by such Qw��er, <br />
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