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201144�9� <br />2ou������ <br />ARTICLE VII. ALLQCAl'EQ INTER�ST 2�� 9 ��. 2 5 <br />The allocated lnter�st in refErence to the undivide� interest in the common elements <br />and common exp�nses of the Associatian have been estat�llsi�ed upon a formula utilizing the <br />square footage o� each �ini�, lncluding fhe a�tached gara�e, divided by the tatal square <br />footage o� all uni�s. iF add[tional units are addecll:a the condom(��ium, th� same formula as <br />herein set farth shail gavern the allocateq in�erest aFter an additinn in reference to the <br />undivlded interests �n the common inter�s� and comii�an expenses of the Association. Each <br />unit Is entitled ta one i11 vote per unit and this Fo►'mula shall also gavern fn the event tt�at <br />additlonal units are added to this candominium. Th� allocat�d interests are a5 follows: <br />SqUa �oot Area <br />unit �5 <br />Uni� 16 <br />2,�85.58 <br />2,169.61 <br />Aercentag� af �xpanse in and <br />Rights in Camrnon Elements <br />52.37Q/o <br />47.&3n/o <br />�RTICLE V!� CQV�NANT5 AIVD RESTRICTIONS <br />Vates <br />The faliow(n� cavenanfis, condl�lons, and restrictians relating to thls condominium <br />shall run with the �and and shall be binding upoi� all grantees, devisees, mortgagees, antl any <br />other persons wha use the praperty, includinc� tl�e t��rsans w17a acquire the Interest of the <br />owner through foreclosure, enforcemenC of any llen �r axherwise: <br />la) The Villag� Candaminium Unit Owners Assaciation, Inc., a Nebraska non� <br />profi� corporation, has been organized and incarporateq to provide a <br />v�hicie �or the management of �II units of the Village Condominium <br />and the improuements lacated an outlats A, E3, ana C, Vfllage Thfrd <br />Subdivisl�n, Grand Island, Ha�l coui�ty, Nebraska, including any additfons <br />of units anc! any additian pF land. Cach owner of a unit in the <br />candaminium shall automatfcal(y be deemed a member of the <br />Association. The By-Laws af sald Assaciation are also the By-Laws of this <br />condor+�inlum property and are attached her�to as Exhlblt " B"_ AS unit5 <br />ere added to thE condominium, tne expenses of the Association shall <br />be allocated as provideq In Article III, SeGtican 14 oF thasa By•Laws. <br />tbl The g�neral common elements and Q�atlots A, B, anb C are for the use <br />and enJoyments o� all owners. 'fi�� limited comman elements are for <br />the exclusive use of the owner 4� �he uni� or units to wh(ch they are <br />appurtenan�, th�ir famlly, ���ests, servanl:s, and invltees. <br />(cl The ownershlp of the camman elements shall remain und(vided, and <br />no pe�son or owner shall t�rdng any actfor� Eor the part(tinn or dlvt5lon <br />oF the commnn elements. Tl�e �hrase "c4mmon elements" used in this <br />Master Deed and Declaration and amendments there�o shall include <br />bath general and limii:ed common elements un0ess otherwise specified. <br />The Association shall Prom t(me to time establish rules and regulations <br />far the use of the cammon elements, and all owners and users shall be <br />laaund thereby. The Association shall have tne so(e jurfsdlctlon aver <br />and respansibility Por afterations, lmpravements, repairs and <br />maintenance of th� common elements and the impr�ovements an <br />outiets A, B, and C_ The share of an oWner in a common element Is <br />appurtenant to his or her �lnit and inseparable firam the unit <br />ownershlp. Assessments a�ainst own�rs far insurance, common <br />elements expenses and reserves, and �or ather expenses incurred by <br />the Assoclation shaU be made pursuant ta the ByLaws. AsSessments <br />made within ten (�101 days aFter ti�e date when due shall n�t bear <br />interest, but all sums na� p�id withln said ten (10i day periad shali �ear <br />iinterest at the highest le�al rate at which individuals may contract <br />under the laws of this sC�te from the due date untif paid. i� any awner <br />sh�ll fail of refuse to make any payment a� sucii assessments when due, <br />th� amaunt thereoF pl�.�s inter�st shall cot�stitute a Ilen upon the <br />owner's Interesi; in hls or her unli: and the property es dePined In <br />Sectlon 76-874 R.R,S. Neb. u�an the recarding o¢ such lien by the <br />Associatian in the oPfice oP the <br />3 <br />