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�o��o`$ ( �� �o�����Qr( ��09 d �,G� <br />(k�) Any sl�utlars, awninc�s, windaw L�oxes, doarsieps, stoops, porches, <br />balconies, palios ancl ail exterlar ct��nrs and wind�ws or othar fixtures <br />desic�nad io serve a sinc�fe unft, bul localerl nulslde lh�t t�nil's bounclaries, <br />are limiled common �iemen►s ailacatec! to tl�at «nit <br />�.�,. . . , . <br />RR71C�E V�. SF'�C(AL DECI..A N R GL,�S ANO L�EVEI�O�M�NT RIGHTS <br />DeclaraN shail raserve and have Ihe folVawin� develapn,ant ri�hts: <br />(a) peclaranl sl�all Gantrol tha Associallon ancl �na�� appoin► and remav� the <br />afficers ancl mambars c�� ihs �x�c�itive C3aard af Direclors untif ihe earlier of; <br />( �} Sixly {60j days afler conveyance of t�inely parceni (9�%) o( <br />the uniis whic may be craated lc� unil owners oth�r Ihan tl�a <br />peclarar�t; or <br />(2� Two (2) years �ftsr Raclar�nk has co�sed ia dffer unils �ar <br />saia in Ihe ardinary course af �usiness, <br />Not la9er than sixiy (60) days after conveyance c�f iweniy percenl (25°/,) <br />of Ihe units which may be cr�aterl tn ����it own�rs nther if�an 1he peclarant, <br />al Ieasi ane (�) member and nol less than lw�3nty five percent (25%) of the <br />members Qf thQ Execulive Bnard of C�ireciors shall be electecl exclusively by <br />unil nwners ather 117an fhe C�aclarant. Nc�k laler lhan sixky {6�) days aftar <br />canveyance of fifly �ercenl (50"/a) af the units which m�y be ct'e�led l� unit <br />�owners alher ihan ihe Qeclarant, nat less ihan Ihirty ihree and pne thiid <br />percent (331/3°Ip� af Iha members of iha �xecul'Ive poard of Direciors shaU <br />Ue elecl��i �xclusiv�ly Uy �mil nwners olher li�an tl�� Decl�rant. <br />Nat later than ihe ierminaUQn of Iha periad of lha Dec{arant's cnntra{, the <br />unii awrlers sl�all elecl an �xeculive C�aard of al (easl tllr�a (3) members, at <br />least ihe maJnrily c�f w{�on1 m►.ist Ue ��»il owners. Tha Executive f3oard shall <br />elect ihe nfficers. Tt» Executive Board momUers ancj officers shail take <br />affice u�on eleciian. <br />(b� Qeclar�nl reservss withaut assant of owners of units, Ihe ri jht to esCal�lish <br />easemenls, reservaticans, axce�iions ancl exclusions consisianl will� Ihe <br />cqndr�minlum ownership and for th� laest inleresls af �II ihe owners in tl�e <br />condaminium, and to su�s�len�ent or �mencl lhls Masler Qeed and <br />peclaralion, nr as amendad, or t4�e attacl7ed L-ly-1_�ws ar as amended, unlil <br />peclaranl releases cQnirQl af ihe Assnciellon as sel fnrth fr� (a) of lhis <br />Article. <br />(c) peclarant furlher reser�es fhs rfc�ht to add ta thE condominium up to <br />sevei�ty-seven (77) rnore unils and a cl�i��ho��se to the conddminlun�. <br />peclarant furiher raserves the rfght to add additional fands or lots, heing <br />Lots Twa (2} throuc�h Twenly�nlne (2�) Inclusive, Vi41ag� TI�Irc1 Subdivisl�n <br />la lhe Cily of Crand Island, Hall Caunly, NeUraslca. In lltie event thal <br />Declaranl axercises lhis ric�ht, the re�ll�cation af cammon elemenis an�1 <br />ex�enses shall be accam�lishecl b�/ usln� ihe formula sel f��th in Article VII <br />i <br />haraln. <br />(d) Declaranl reserves the rigi�l ta iise any u�its bwned by it as mode4s., �afes <br />affices, and management nffices. Unlil r.ompletlQn of sales by Declarant nf <br />all ariticipaled unils•ii� Ii�e cond�minium, lhe reseNatian Qf rights in lhis <br />paragraph shall �e ap�licable t4 any �inits added lQ 1he conrlominium, <br />(e) Daclarant reserues lhe right lo have�s4gn� of any size and whatever natur� <br />adveilising lhe condominium and Qasen7ents ll�rou�h lhe common elemenls <br />for Ihe p�.trpose of cansl�ucting ad�il�lonal unlls. <br />� <br />