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<br /> — - 6. lW�ard ar Iawraace. BorrowCr slwll � ����
<br /> � Prope�ty I�aep the impmvert�entc now exictf or here�Rer er on the
<br /> Propeny ituured r�inct loxa by flre, tw7ards includod wlthin tha term"extendod wverape'And any other Iwziudc� includln�
<br /> — — floods or flwdin�,for which L.ender requires insurunco.Thfs inaurancc slwll bo maintainod fn the omounta And tor the pedod�
<br /> thiu I.ender rcquira. Thc insuronce carrier providing the lncurance shall be chascn by Borrowcr subjcxt to l.ender's approval
<br /> -�°- whicfi shali not be unreawnabiy withheid. lf Burn�wer iwiis�o rrwlnluin�xwctage Je.xriix:J rLuvo. txi� owy. dt [.e,i�k�'r
<br /> opilon,obtain rnver�ge ta protect C.ender's rights ln the I'rop�rty in accordunce with purugrnph 7.
<br /> All lnswrancc policies wtd tet�wals ai�ll bc accepwblc to L.cnder And shell includc u s�andard mangage clause. L.ender
<br /> ah�ll have the rlght to hold thc palicics and rcnewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly gfve to Lende��II rcceipts of
<br /> - . , _--- -�
<br /> prcmiums a�ui rcnewel nodces. !n the event of toss,Bormwer chWl�ive prompt notic�to the incurance carcior wxl L.ender.
<br /> — l.ender may make proof of loss if not rnade promp�ly by Bonower.
<br /> Unlcss Le,dec and Borrawer othcrwlse agree in wdting, insurnnce pt+aceeda sh�ll be applied to restorution or repair of the
<br /> Propercy donwy�od.if the rcstorAtion or repair is ocunomically feasible and Lersder's security is not lessenod. If the rcstoration or
<br /> rcp�ir ia not economically feasible or Lend:r's security would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whether or nc�t then due, wlth uny exc� paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandans the
<br />__—= v_.��-�� Property, or daes nat anrwer within 30 days a naice from I.enckr that Ihe insuranee carrier has offered to sdtle n claim,then
<br /> [.emdcr may collect the insurana procads. Lender may use the proceods to repair or restore the Properry or w pay �uma
<br /> securod by this Secu�ity lestniment.whdher or not then due.The 30�day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> U�IGS.r [.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, smy applic�tion of proceods to principal shall not eatend or
<br /> postpo�u the due date of the monthly paymenis referred to in paragrnphs 1 und 2 or change the anK,unt of the paymems. If
<br /> under�raph 21 th$Property is acquired by L.ender,Borrower's�ight to any fnaurance policics and proceeJs.rcsultfng from
<br /> __ _ _ damage to the Pr�xrty pdor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extem of the sum�secmnd by this Socu�ity Instrumeot _
<br /> ---_ — immodiately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 4.Oocupiutcy,PnaervaHon,Malntennnce nad ProUaction oP the Property;Bon�ower's Lopn AppBcatbn;I.easeholds.
<br />°-�,;_,��� Borrower shall accupy,establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br />-----�-�_�-- this Security Instrument and shail cantinue to occupy the Property as Horrower's principal residencc for at Icast one year after
<br />?+r.�:;�� the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwisc agrees in writing, which rnnsent sholl not be unreasonably withheld.or unless
<br /> `"��y' eatenuating cirtumstan�e.c eaist which are beyond Horrawer's control. Bcirmwer shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> ---= Property, allow the Property to deteriorate.ar commit wastc on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> oction or pmceeding.whether civil or c�iminul, is begun thet in L.etdcr's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or othen�se muterislly impair Uie 8en created by this Secudry lnstrument or l,e�uler's secudty interest. Bornower rtwy
<br /> cu►e such u default and reinslxte.as providaci in paragraph 1 S,by cAUSing the uction or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> �� that, in Lender's �ood faith detertninalion. prerludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's intercst in the Property or otBer material
<br /> "� �.:�^ impairtnent of the lien creatod by this Security Instrument or L.ender's Security intemst. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> •,��„�, Borrower.during the loan applicaqon pracess,gave materially false or inaccurnte infom�ation or statements lo Lender(or failed
<br /> ����'� � • to provide Lender with any material infornwtion)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Noae,including, but not limited
<br /> �r "'"''�{" �P� 8 P�y pc y p pal resideace. If this Serurity Instrument Is on a
<br /> „ , to, tations concernin Bomawer's occu of the Pro R as a rinci
<br /> '`�'t��.'��, leusehold, Barrower shall comply with all the provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> '�'•:...:: .
<br /> .r:.°r.:,, .. _,. .i
<br /> *{�,...» ,• Icasehold and the fee title shall nat mergc unless Lender ogrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> " � 7.Protectbn ot I.ender's Rlghta in the Pruperty.If Borrower fails to perform the rnvenants and agreements rnntained in
<br /> ���.;." this Securiry Inswmcnt, or there is a legal procc�ling�hnt mAy signifcantly aifect l.ender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> ��s«� procoeding in bankruptcy,probalc. far condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce luws or negulations), then I.ender may do and
<br /> - pay for whotever is necessury to pmtect the vulue of the Property anci I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> " �., include paying ony sums secured by a lien whici� hati priority over �his Security Instrument, appesiring in court, paying
<br /> reasonable attorneys'fees und cntcring on the Propeny to mvke repairs. Although l.cnder nwy take xtion under this paragraph
<br /> �;" 7.Lender does not have w do so.
<br /> �;�' Any amounta disbursed by Lender under this pamgraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower sc.�cured by this
<br /> �• Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of p•ryment, thc�amaun�s shall bcar interest from the
<br /> �r ''�� �`s�" date of disbursement at the Note ratt ami shull be payuble, with interest, upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> y,...�.'£:C....
<br /> •._:�,•.� PaYment.
<br /> 8.Mo�tgage insurance.If l.encler rcyuired mungage in,ur.mce u..u condition uf making�I►e loan securcd by this Security
<br /> � ��4 Instrument. Bortower shall pay the prcmiums reyuinxi to maimain thc mort�tuge in.cu�ance in effect. If. i'or any reuwn, the
<br /> � ' � mottgage insuronce coveruge rcquired by l.ender lupses or ce�ses tn be in eff��t. &�m�wer sh•rll pay the prcmiums eryuired to
<br />-��t.�tc,� oMain ooveruge substantially equivolent to the munga�c insunuxr previously in ctt��t, ut•r rost.ubswntiully��quivalent to the
<br />-� • �;:r3- • cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previc�usly in effec�, fmm an altcrn;�te mortgagc in,urer approved by Lender. If
<br /> • : substantially equivulent mortgage insuran�r roverage is n�►t a�•uilaMc.&irniwrr shall pay to l.ender rnch nwnth a sum eyuul to
<br /> "�'�� ._ , .•• one-twelRh of the yrarly nx,dgage insu�unre pnmium F+eing�wiJ by &�rn�wrr when thr in,urance coveraee I•rpsc�i ur ce:��ctii to
<br /> . be in effect.Lender will aa�pt,use und re�ain thcse payments as a loss rescrve in licu �if nx�rtgage insurance. l.ou rrscn•e
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