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_ =.±�+ ''.''""ap�"o . [�f' ,a:.._._ ..--.. . .. �,�-�• ."Trx:� -- <br /> �+" .°���I � , - <br /> 'w�r-.. �3:.. ... __.��::� <br /> �• . <br /> _ <br /> � � _ <br /> �� . �'.,. _ ._. - -- <br />-�_�-_,�..:�,;.� g2-- iosss� <br /> � pryment�mty no IonQer bc requirod,�t the optfon af I.endcr,lf mart�a�e insurancc covcragc(in 1he wnount And for the periad - <br /> th�t i.a�dcr roquircx)provfdai by an insurcr approved by Lendcr�Qain becumcs avAilable anc!is obtoinecl. Bom�wer Rhall poy <br /> - tho premium�roqult�od ro malntain mort�aac insurunce in�ffixt,ur w pruvlde a lorc r..scrvc,until the rcquircmes�t iur murtea�e -- <br /> ���nds�n qccordutice with Any written agrament betwcen Borrower and Leni�er or applicublo law. <br /> °-----•- - Si.�u,.�i{u�. G;r�ci�,r or itc�cnt m.1y asake rcaeanabte cntric�apon a�xl i��ry'�'linnv nf�hr Pmpehy. i.eoder aludl give <br />_ _____ � Borrower notice ot the time of or pdor to�n inspectiun cpecifyin�rcASOnabk rause for�hc inspation. <br />-- �p, C o w k�pp�q o p. 'f h t p ro c o e d s o f a n y A w a r d o r c l a i m f a r dama ge�, diroct ur con r e quential, in conncxtiun with any <br />-i condemnation or ather aicinQ of any part uf�he Property,or Por ca�veyiuu:a in lieu uf wndemn�tion,pre hercby�i�riod �nd _ <br /> �--�_- � c- <br />.--- — siwll bt;ps�id to Lendcr. <br /> In 1he even!of a twal toking of the PmpeRy.the pracceds shall be upplied tu the sums secureJ by Ihis Security instrument, <br /> whether or not then due, witi�any excess pAid to Borrower. In the evcnt af u pw7iul taking ��f the Prapeny in which the fair <br /> muket vuluc af tho Property immedialely before the talcing is equal to or greater�han the amount of the wims recured by thia <br /> -�� Secudty Instrument immediately bcforc the talcing,unless&�rrower And Lender otiiervvisc agre�in wddng,the sums sa;urad by <br /> _ this Secu�ity Ir►strument sholl be rcducud by the umount of�he pracoeds multiplied by the follawing f'ruction: (a1 the total <br /> �- -----= anwunt of tlto sutns securcd immediatcly befi�re Ihe tuking, divided by (b)the fuir market vulue of thc Property immediately _ <br /> __ before the taking. Any balance ahall be paid to Borrower. In the event af u pahial �aking of the Property in which the fuir — <br /> madcet value of the Property immedialely before the tuking is less than the umount of the sumx isecurod immediutely before the <br /> ___�� ta7dng.unlesc Borrower ond Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless upplicubie law othecwise provides, the proc�eeds shall <br /> �-��._„� 6e appliod w the sums sacured 6y this Security Instn�ment whether or not the+�ums ure lhen due. <br /> If the Property is oba�donod by Horrower,or if,after natice by Lender to Bortower tl�at the rnndem�r offera to muko un <br /> �" ---- -�— award or setUe a claim for damages, Bormwer faiis to respond to Lender wi�hin 30 days after the date�he notice is given, <br /> - - �,���.�� Lender is euthorizod to collect and apply the proc�eods,at its option,either to restotation or repair of tho Property ar tn the suins -- <br /> r - — aecured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> ���� Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in writing, any opplication of praceads to principal shall not excend or <br /> postpone the due dute of the mcmthly payments refemed to in parugruphs 1 wu12 or change the amount of such payments. _ <br /> - 11. Hortnwer Not Rcleased:Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time fur payment or modifia►tion <br /> 1 �` of omortization uf the sums secun:d by this Security Instniment granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> — , ,��. <br />-- � ' not operate to release the liabiliry of the original Borrowcr or Borrower's successors in interes[. l.ender shall not be required tu <br /> ,�"'�"` 's'``'''`�e commence prciceedings agninst any suaxssor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or otherwise modify amartization <br /> ��,��� <br /> � ��r,� of the sums secured by this Sacurity Instrument by reuson of any demund made by the originu! Borrower or Horrower's <br /> :��-=--"�'���;�,� successors in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in exercisinE any right or remedy shvll�mt be a waiver of or prec l u d e !h e <br /> _ eaercise of eny right or remedy. <br /> '"��s��� � 12. Successors and Assi�ns Boundt Jolnt s�nd Several LtablUty: Co-signers.�Iie CuvCluudn a,�1 agi���nis af tl�is <br /> '�'' �`�,'�� �..., Securit Instrument shall bind and 6enefit the successors and assigns of[.ender and Bortower, subject ro the provisions of <br /> ��•_:_, , Y <br /> �•.:� <br /> � -;�,;��::...;, paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shull be joint and severnl. Any Borrower who ca�igns this Secunty <br /> -_� ' '� � instrument but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instniment anly to monguge, grant and convey that <br />'��•' =�v�-�� ��%- Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument: (b)is not personully obligate�l to pay the sums <br /> � ^��:�::. • ., <br /> — ; r.r;::y;{.>,+�rapr:;, secured by this Secvriry Instrument:und(c)ugreec thut Lender and uny other Borrow•er may ugree to extend, modify,forbear or <br /> �' a; ' <br /> Hr,,.,•�,-•••� 4 make any accommodations with regurd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nwe without that Borrower's consent. <br /> �;r:.x YRt:,�;� l3. Loon Clutrges. If the loat�secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loun charges. <br />.� ���,.�'..:._.._ . <br />, �� „�,��_� and that law is finully interpreted �that the or other loun churge�collr�ctod or to be collected in wnnection with the <br /> •� �'=•�ti - loan esceed the pem�itted limits,then: (al uny such loun rharge shull be reduced by the amount neressury to reduce�he charge <br /> � ..,;.a�.�....•� .. , .... <br /> ��+:.�u��r.���,- to the permitted limit:amd lb>any sums already coller:ted from Bcirrower which exceeded permiued limits will be re u to <br /> "�"�`�""�''��� Borrower. I.ender may chouse to muke this refund by raiucing the principal owed urxler the Nae or by making a dire�t <br /> _.'�'s.�---`�--:, paYment to Borrower. If u refur�l reduces principal. thr reduction will be treated us u panial prepayment wi�hout :ury <br /> ' " ' _ "' , , P�Y�nt chnrge under the Note. <br /> �`"� , �����'• 14. 1lotices.Any notice to Bnrrower provided for in this Security irutrumen�shall br given by delivering it ur by mailing <br /> ��'� .1 ' �' it by first cluss muil unless applicable luw reyuires uu:of another methad.The notic��hall 1►e directed to the Property Address <br /> --`�x•. <br /> .��,���_s.�� or uny other addres� Borrower desigruues by notire to l.eixier. Any notice tu L.enJer shall be given by first cluss mail ro <br /> —�--^�-t -���,t, Lender's address stated herein or any ather adJres� LenJrr Jesignates by nutirc tu Burruwer. Any notice providcd for in this <br />— `^�"'„`�"="�.=.�...:�":_ Security Instrument shul! be dcemed w huve been given to&�rrower ur Lcndcr whrn givrn ar•pmvided in this parograph. <br /> _.`� ' a '� 15. Governing law; Severs�Aillty. This Security Intitrument �hull t+e govcrn�tl b} feJcrul law and thc law of the <br /> I:,..�". <br /> ,�-r,a�,_,,;�_ ,..r jurisdiction in which the Property is I�:nt��i. In the event that •rny provision or rluux��f�his Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> ���°- rnntlicts with applicable Inw, such conflict sh•rll n��t affect uther pruvisiuns��f this Sccurity Instrumrnt or thr Note which can be - <br /> „ ' • given effect without the contlicting pmvision. Ta thi.enJ the provisiuns af thi,Ser,urity Instrun�ent umi the Note� decl:�ned - <br /> *�• �r� to be severable. <br />-' � � e 16. Bomower's Cup,r�. Borru��.r ahall hc�i�cn unr runti+rni,.til rupy al thc Ninc and��f thi.Srrurit� In,trumcnt. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> _ ~ , ., v.,�.�o�s <br />�• � ., " <br /> y-� ; . <br /> -� <br /> = . - <br /> , _ <br />�:� � .. � • " ' . _. --. ..:. ....---. . . __- � .. . . .. . . . .�....:�If[el�,.sti: ........:�.s,,.�l:�it+.b+-�s'iMb'r�o-o..r�ip5. <br /> Y.��n . V'i�`'",�� ... 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