n' ;s��.0._ _ � _ �i..�-llba4.� -- _ _ ���ti��- . T _
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<br /> iY!=1
<br /> 'i!
<br /> 1f.1'.. . ... _— '
<br /> - . �. 92— s�o �
<br /> � p�ymerits m�y no lan�ee bo requirod.rt the optlan ot[.ender,if mortQ�e insutwnce caverage(in Ihc anwunt and for the period
<br /> _.. — thu Lender roquirca)provided by An insunCr�provcd by L.ender�rin becumes AvAilAble and fa c�btained. &►rtower�hqll psy
<br /> , - - -=----_____,.w
<br /> �::�� tAe prcmfunu rnquirod to malnta�n mon��e incu-am�c in eficc►.Q�(U�I�UVI�Y IOi��Ca�:(V�,untii thc n;yuire�ttient far mort�a
<br /> � -. �;� ,, f,,, t inwrancb endi in�ncordance wlth any wdtten agrecment lktwesn Borrower wnd Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9.lmpeet{na. Lender or 11� a�ent rtwy nwlw rcaconAbie ent�ies upon and in�pections of'the Prapeny. I.ender rhall�ive
<br /> � Borrower ndicc at the timo of or p�ior to wn impeclion apecffylnQ neasanable cauFC Por�hc in:poction.
<br /> 0� l0. Condema�tba. 'i'ho ptoceeds of�ny awrrcl or cl�im fur danu+gee�. Jir.�:t ur canscqucnti�l, in cunna:tion with uny �
<br /> condemnation or dher laicin�oF wny part of tha Property,ur for cunveya�x in lieu of cot�ieematian, Are hcnby ossi�nod and
<br /> d�ll 6e paid to L.encte�.
<br /> --� + In the event af a total t�icing of Ihe PtopeAy.the proceods shall be appliod ta the aums secured by this Secerity lnstrurtkrn,
<br /> ,.� whdher or not then duo, with any eaces�pnid to Borrower. in the event of a partial telcing of the Property in which the fair
<br /> --'� �� 53� � market vAluc of the Property immediotely beforo the wking is equal to ar greater than the amount of the surn9 securod by thi4
<br /> -�,�rpieer.z._,,, .
<br /> =���+���� Socu�ity Insnument immodiotcly before thc widng.unless Bomower end I.mJer utherwlse ogree ln wriNng,the cumx seturcd by
<br /> ;��;-:.,�;�,:,��� this Security Instrument stwll be reduced by the amount of the pracetds multiplied by the following iraction: (e)tlie tot�l
<br /> ,��j1�� omount of the sums socured immediately beforc the taking.dividod by (b) the fair market value of the PropeRy immediately
<br /> befone the t�lcing. Any balu�a sl�all be pald to Borrawer. In the event af a partial taking of the Pmperty ia which tlx fdr
<br /> �=-�'�`�=1�r':...:��•��'3 msrket value of the Property immedi4tely befo�the taking ia less than the amount of the sums secured Immedietely befo�e the
<br /> �.�aa._ , Widuig.unless Borrower and [.eiukr otherwlse agrce in w�iting ar unless applicable law otherwlse providcs, the proceal��hWl
<br /> ���.,�,
<br />__ � �:�,;__ •• be appNod to the suma securod by this Sau�ity Instrument whether or not the aurns are then due.
<br /> ` �� Y� If the Property is abandoned by Barrower,or if, afier notice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to m�lce m
<br /> _-:�':i """ ,, v�ri�' award or settic a claim for damagcs, Bomower fails to respond to Lender wUhin 30 days aftcr the date the notice is�ivea,
<br /> _ � �;�:-� '�"',
<br /> - Lender{s authorized to collect and apply�he proceeds.at its option,either to restoratian or repeir of the P�operty or to the wnas
<br /> ' • t ._ 9ecured by this Sxudty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> h�""��"''��°'� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, eny applicatlon of proceeds to pdncipal shall not eatend or
<br /> �,--
<br /> , ." postpono the due dote af the monthly paymenta referrad to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or change the a�nount of such payments.
<br /> . q�,h���,�,. 3 11.Borrower Not Rdeaced;Forbearanoe By[.ender Not w Wpiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificatioa
<br />