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<br /> -- ' g� }1�anl os prnppty Inwrance. Harrower slwll kecp Ihe itnpmvements now exi:�ing or Ix:r+eafter eroctod on �fie
<br /> � P�+operty Insurod�ainu lo�by firc�haxanlr included within the tenn'eztendx�rnvcrage" and any othcr hax�rda, includin�
<br /> - -- -- _ — — ' flaod�or f�ac�in�,fat which l.ender tequirts tnsncenee.'!'his lnsoranee shnll hr mAintainMl in�h�amrN�ntv nnd Pnr thn jxrioda _
<br /> thst Len�fer require�. The insurance carrier providing the inw�ance sholl bo chasen By Bur�ower subject to Lcnder's approvt)
<br /> , which �IWI not be unrcasonably withheld. lf Bonawer fails to maintuin caver�ge eksc�ihed ubc�ve. l.ender may, pt Ixnder's
<br /> option.abtain caveraQe to protect Lender's rights in the Propeny in wcxordence with pura�raph�.
<br /> All insumnce policics and rcncwals shall he acceptablo ro l.ender and shall includc a r�ondurd mortgvgc clauxc. Lender _
<br /> °�` �wll have the�ight ta hold�he policies and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall promptly g{vP to I.cnder ell reccipts of
<br /> paid prcmiutns and renewal noNces. ln the event of lacs,Borrower slwll give prompt notice t��he insu�nce carrler And Lender.
<br /> ,. Lender may m�lce praof of loss if not mede promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> ��._ Unless Lcnder and BoROwer othetwlse agrcc in writing,insurancc procceds shAll be appNed to restoration or repair of ihe
<br /> - :� Pnopetity damoged,if the restoration or repair is ecunomically feasible and l.ender's securiry is not Iessened. If the restoration or
<br /> — rcpair is not ecopomicelly feasible or Lender's security would be lessened.the insurance procceds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> —'������ 6ecured by this Secu�lty lnstrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> .�,_, Prope�ty,or dces not answer wlthin 30 deys a natice from Lender that�he insuronce camer has offered to settl,e a claim,then
<br /> -'�^��� Lender mvy rnilect the insura�u�e proceeds. lxnder may use the proceads ta repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> ,�.,,�;,�s�f , sxuc+ed by thia Securiry Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day pc�fod will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> :��,, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicetion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> - postpone the due date of the monthiy payments refermd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amou�t of the payments. If
<br /> _ -- under pamgraph 21 the Pruperly is acquired by Lender,Borrawer's right to ony insurance policics and ptt�cerds resulting from
<br /> - -� "� ` � � f damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shaU peas to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secunty Inst�ument
<br /> - -.�o �M` 4• •y',��`•J lmmedi�tely pr�or to the Acquiaition.
<br /> �3' •
<br /> ' ' 6.Occup�ncy, PnservAtion�Maintenance and Protectba of the Praperty;Borrower's Loan Applic�tlon;I,easeholds.
<br /> _ �`''��`.:�"`:' `^ Bornower sh�ll occupy,establish,and use the Property as Bomawer's principal residence within siaty days after thc execution of
<br /> !w jT��, , ' this Security Instmment and shall continue to occupy the Prapeny as eorrower's principal residence Par at Ieast ane year after
<br />,°i;a. ��}''�?'° the date of occu�wncy,unless L.ender otherwise agrees in wrfting, which consent shall nat be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> eatenuating circumstances exist which a+e beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not des�roy, damage or impair the
<br /> � . .,,�;;;,�,a • Property,allow Ihe Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrowcr shall bc in default if any forPeiture
<br />- - *°'-��'�''"�'.',,;;:. � action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal. is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfciwre of the
<br /> ''���.�` ..x"" Property or othenvise meterially impair the lien created by this Security Instnrment or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> . �. •
<br /> , - _ � - _— = cure sach a dcfauft aad reiastatc,as pravided ie parnSraph !8,by causing ihe astlon or procceding to be dismissed w3th a c►alfng
<br />. , T^�� • � � that, in Lendcr's gaod faith determinatbn, precludes forfciwrc of the Borrower's interest in thc Froperty or othcr materiol
<br /> ' °�•�� '•' - � impairment of the lien created by this Secu�iry Instrument or l.ender's security intercst. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> ,,�''� Borrower,du�ing the loan epplication process,gave materially false or inaccurate infomu�tion ur statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> . ' �� •• f_' . .T y:, to provide Lender with ony material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Ncxe. including,but not limited -
<br /> - to,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as n principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a _
<br /> ^ ` `�' leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the pravfsions of the Icasc. If Borrowcr acquires fee tide to the Properiy, the -
<br /> .'�`,'•.:'., „yj .
<br /> � �"''"� ���5'�� le.acehold and the fee title shall not mergc unless Lcnder agrees to the mcrger in writing. _
<br /> ,�,'.. ;�; 7.Protection of Lender's Wgh�s In the Property.lf Borrower fails to perf'arm the covenants und agrecrn�nts contained in _
<br /> . � •� this Security Instrument. or there is a Iegul praceeding ths�t mAy significuntly affixt l.ender's righ�s in the Property (such as a =
<br /> �. �' :. _ procecding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfurce luws or regulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> . •��,.: . pay for whatever is necessary to protect thc vuluc of'thc Property and l.ender's rights io thc Property. Lcndcr's nctions may
<br /> . • include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority ovcr thi� Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> '� ` .
<br /> ,-� .� �. � ,�„�o- reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on thc Property�o makc repairs.Although l.endcr may tukc ac�fon under thix paragraph
<br /> ' ' .,j�� � 7. l.ender daes not huve to do so.
<br />- :4Yr.� .. J" •
<br /> � Any amounts disburscd by Lender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become udditional debt uf Borrower secured by this
<br /> , � e�� - Scxurity Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lendcr agrce to other temis nf puyment, thcse umnunts shall bi:ar intercst from the
<br /> � •-•�� date uf disbursement at the Note rate and shall ix: puyablc, with intcrest, up�m noticc from Lendrr to Borrowcr requeeting --
<br /> " '� � payment.
<br /> tr. ,x ��� 8.Morlgage insut�nce.If l.ender reyuired mortguge insurance as u conciition of muking thc loan sccurcd by this Scrurity
<br /> • • �� ' ` ,�� . Instrument. Borrower shall puy the premiums reyuircci tu maimuin the murtgugc inxuranre in effect. If, for uny rcasun, the
<br /> ''�' mort a e insurance eovera e rc uired b Lender la tics iir rcase.r to ix:in effect,Burr�iwer �hall a the remiums re uir�Ki to -
<br /> 8 S g 9 Y p P'Y p 4
<br /> .'•`� obtain coveragc substantially cquivulent to thc mungagr insurancc prcviously in cffcc�,ut u rost ,uhrtuntiully eyuivalcnt to the
<br /> � '�`� cost to Borrower of the mnrt a c insurancc r�viousl m c(fcct, fuim un altcrnatc murt�a�c in.urcr u raved b• l.endcr. If
<br /> 68 P ' Y � b b pP > _
<br /> �� substantially equivalcnt mortg�gc insurancc awcrugc iti not uvailablc, Rurrowrr shall pay�o Lcndcr rach month a sum cqu•rl to =
<br /> � � ' '•`' one-twelfth of thc ycarly mortgagr insurnncc premium bcing paid by B�►rrowcr whcn thc inruranrc ruvcragc lapsed or ccascd to =
<br /> � � ,�^ ; be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain the�c paymcnt�us u loxs rcscrve in licu of m��rtgugc insuranre. Luss rcserve �
<br /> Fonn�02� tlf0
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