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<br /> e i � 17.Tra�fer ot the Propa'ly a'o BenrAcial Inter�st In Borrower. If ali or any part of thc Propi y o�rest in it �.:-.--
<br /> � is�sold or transierrad(or if u bcncficial intcreat in Batrrwer ia sald o�transferred and Borrower is not a�wtural persan)wlthout
<br /> � "-=-` --__.��• � Lendcr's priar wriuen �vnaeut. l.endcr r��ay. s�t its apti�n. require immedtnte payment in full nf all a��m� crr��mt hy thin �-_ _
<br /> �V .,.. Security Instrument.However,thi�option siwll nw hc excrcis�d by l.endor if excrc�sc�s prohibited by fedcrul low rsi of the d:ue
<br /> ,�^�'• :'.:; • oP thie Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> ,,��,,,y If L.ender exercises�his optian.l.cndcr shell give Bamnwer notice of acceleration. The�otice siwll provide a perlad of not
<br /> ' �� �_.:t..` � ` le.es�han 30 days irorn the date the noticc is delivcrod or meiled within which Borcawcr muxt pay all surns secured by thia G
<br /> _.;,t,_
<br /> � �:;;� ������ Secudty InstrumeM.lf Borrower fuila tap�y thcse sums prior ro the eapiratioo of thic perial.LxnJer may invuka wny r� �ex -
<br /> "��'-�- permitted by thia Saurily Insttument wlthoul futthcr ndice or demand on 8orrower.
<br /> o ,.�,•.�.;. ��� �,�,•; �
<br /> 18, Borrower s Wqht to Reinstate. If Barrower meets cenain condi�ions, Botrowcr shall havc Ihe dght ta have
<br /> ��,ti� , enfbrccment of this Scxurity Instrument discantinued at any time priar ta the earller of: (a)S days (or such cHher pe�icd as
<br /> � 'r�"" ���f�� �' appli�abie law may spocffy for rcinstetemeny bcfore sale of the Property pu►suent to eny power of snlc conteinod in this
<br /> = ,�;;;-., �;' �""' � Socu�ity Instnrmenr,or(b)cntry of a judgment enfbrciog this Security Instrument. Thase conditions ar+e that &►rrower. (a)pays
<br /> —�.c.�•._�.:. � I.ender all sums which then would be due under this 5ecurlty Insuument and the Note as if no acceleratbn had occurted: N)
<br /> '""" � curses any default of any other covenants or ugreements; (c) pays all expenses incumed in enforcing this Scxurity Instrument. --
<br /> .,�. �� � —-
<br /> xr,:,�; ;: �; 'a�_''�; iocluding, but not Ilmitcd ta,rcasanable auorne�s' feea;and (d)tekes such action as l�ender may reasnnably requir�e to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Secu�ity In�trument, Lendcr s r�ghta in the Property and Borcower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ���H„�� '�, ,�, this Sccurity Instroment shall cantinue unchenged. Upon reinstntement by Borrowcr, this Secunty instrument and thc
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall rcmain fully effixtive as if no eexelerntion had occumed. Hnwever.this dght to rcinsuue sFwll
<br /> � �y-....�"'.; ... .: �. not apply in tha cnse of aa:clemtion under paragrnph 17.
<br /> __ ;. '� , �� 19. S�le of Note; Cfw�e ot I.own Servicer. The Note or a partial interest io the Note (together with this Securlty
<br /> -� �• - -, „ • :�-'"" lnstrumenl)may t►e�Id onc�x more eimes without prior noticc to Bomnwer. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known �_
<br /> . as thc"Laun Scrvicer")that collects manthly payments due undcr the Notc and this Security Instrumcnt.There also may be one
<br />� � ' � " ur morc changes of�hc Loan Scrvicer unrclatal to a ss�llc of thc Note. If there is a change of the L.aar�Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> • �,.,,_. � ' given written noticenf the change in accorJance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The natice wfll state the neme and
<br /> . , • address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other �'-
<br /> f � � information rcquircd by upplicable law.
<br /> , • •� '�"'�' 20. HazaMaus Substancev. Borrower shall not caure or permit the presencc, use, dispasul, storage.ur rclease of any _
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not du, nor allow anyone else ta do, anything affecting the
<br /> " : �,' ^�f'� � property that is in violxion af any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not opply to the p�esence,use. or
<br /> �' storage an thc Property oF small quantities af Ha7ardous Substancec that are gencr�lly recogniud to be eppropriate to narnwl �_==
<br /> , ' r-� •� '. residential uses rdnd to mainterwnce of 1he Property.
<br /> , ' .. � .
<br /> ' Borrower shall prompdy givc L.cnder written noticc of uny investigatian,claim. demand, luwsuit or dher action by any _
<br /> . •` govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmental Law
<br /> .= =-_'� - -� �'_ - of which Horrowcr hN�n���uul knowledgc. If Barrowcr Icarns, or is notifial by any�ovemmental or rcgulatory uuthority, thut _
<br /> � '„ . �� any removal or other remcdiation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Bormwer shal l promptly wke
<br /> „ � a11 necessary rcmedial nctions in accordance with Environmenta)Lsw.
<br /> As uscd in this parngrnph 20, "Hnzurdous Substances" arc those substances defined ax tnxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � • Environmental I.aw und thc following substunccs: gcuc�line, kcroscne, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic --
<br /> �.+�• pestkidcs and hcr6icides,volutile solvents,matc�ials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactrve materials.As used in
<br /> � �� thia paragraph 20,'Environmcntul Luw" means fcderal luws and lawc of the jurisdictian where the Propedy ia located tluit
<br /> '"°� relate to heal�h, safety or cnvironmental prdcction. r
<br /> ,.,,_:
<br /> rior�.
<br /> '� ,; NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr furlher covenunt and agree as follows: ;,
<br /> -• E1.AaceleriNbn;Remedies. l,ender shAll�ive nWice to Borrnwer prior to Acceleratbn Pollowing Borrower's breac6 � ,.
<br /> • �� of Any covenont or agrcement in this Secu�ity Instrument (but not prlor to Acceleration underp�ragraph 17 unless '� =-�
<br /> i � applkable law provides othcnvisc).The noticc shall specify: (p)Ihe dePault; (b) thc wctlon required to cure the default; �'��=�
<br /> �, _ _ (c)p dale. nol lesc than 30 days from the date the notice is�{iven to Borrower,by which the defAUlt must be cured;and °�'`
<br /> . . (d)that fAtlure to cure the dei'�ult on or before the date spacltied in the notice may result in Acceleration of the swns ss.-:
<br /> �j.� � secured by lhls Securily ingtrument �nd sale of'the Property. The notice shall furlhrr inPorm Borrower ot the rlght to =__
<br /> - reinstate aRer �cceleratlon and the �ight to b�ing a co�rt xcNon to acsert the non-ezistence of a default or any other
<br /> `"' dekuse of Borrower to accelerntion and sale. If the dePault is not cured on or before Ihe dnte specifkd in the notice, •'��•�"''
<br />�,. ,;;'�R` Lender,at its optlnn.may rcquire immedi�te payment in iall of sdl sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> i . ,. • turtder demand and may invoke lhe powcr ot s�le and any othcr remedles permitted by applicablc law.I.ender shall be
<br /> .. � • enUtled fo rnllect all expenses incurnd in pursuing the remr.diec provided in thla paragraph 21�including,bu1 not limited =__
<br /> '°�r lo.reasonable atla�neys' i'ees and.mts oP title evidence. �°,�-
<br /> ., " If I6e power of rale is invoked. Trustee shWl record a notice of dePault In each county in which any ps�rt of tbe �--"
<br /> � - ••' Properiy Is located and sh�ll mail rnpics of�uch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower And to
<br /> �;.��: �" the other personv prescnfbed by Applicablc law.A�ter the tlmc rcqufred by ppplia�ble law.Trustee shall glve publlc notice _ _
<br /> � ot s�le to the persons and in the ms�nner pr�cri6ed by nppUcable law.Trustee, without demand on Bomower, slwll sell �.5_
<br /> •� �" • t6e t'roperly�t public auctlon to thc hiRhest bfdder at the time and place and under the termg designated in the irotice oP . ,,
<br /> ro
<br />' ssde in one or more parcels and in�+ny order Tructer detcrmin�w.Trustce may postpone wle of all or any parccl of the �:.
<br /> • � , - PropeMy by publk announcement at the time and pls�ce nf any previnusly scheduled wle. Lender or its designee may �� J•
<br /> ' .. purchs�se the Property et any sale.
<br /> r,.. .-.�
<br /> . � ,• .
<br /> �
<br /> ..� " Form 30Z8 8,90 E.
<br /> „
<br /> Pq�5 ul 6 r
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<br /> MG3019-NEJS '
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