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.,A.� " , � ,, ,.. . _ _-:,,une�:�._ <br /> ,.��.;,i:t*�� - - <br /> _d� - <br /> -�'---�a--- <br /> ., �,-::.-,a,. r. . . .- . °-- ---- _ <br /> ' "°'� - - <br /> n� <br /> — — _ L . __ <br /> . _ � �r/!'�. I . •` R•Y ��� •• • • �AFr' . <br /> •y, `f. ,� ^ F.` .• ..s�� ' . <br /> ���' -- <br /> � �,,�.n} --•- -_-- - .._ -- <br /> � <br /> ..i�.�� ; 92_ zos4s� <br /> - II �pplic�blc law moy �peclfy far rclnatatcmcnll hcforc�wlo uf the P�+upedy pun+uant tu any pawcr uf ti�lc cumoincd in�hiR <br /> - I Security Insuurr�ent;or ib)antry of a judgment cnG►rcin��his Soc:uri�y Insmimcn�. 7hase cnnditfunx orc�Imt Borrower. (a) <br /> ..--- — <br /> .____ — . ' , p�y� Lender all sums which tix:n wuuld be duc under thia Securfty Instrument unJ �ho Nute ax IP nu a:ccleraUon had <br /> _._�r <br /> - - -� i occurred;(b)cures any default of any otixr covenants ar agrcememx:(c)pays Ali expenres incurrcif in ri�i'uiciug tbie Sc�ut'ity <br /> lnsqument, including,but nat Ifmited �o, reasonable att�rneys'fees; und(d) tAkes such actiun ua Lendcr may renronably <br /> ��•' require to assure that the lien of this Securlry InstnimeN,:.cnderb rights in thc Property und Borrowcrk obligution to pay the � <br /> '''°� sums secu�d by this Socurity Ineuument ahall conNnue unchenged. Upon reinatatement by Bormwer. lhix Secur�ty <br /> � Instrument and the obligetions+securcd hereby ahull remain fully effectivic es if no accelerntion had occuned. Hawover,this ^ <br /> ��� � d�ht to reinstate ahall not upply in the cuse of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Ssde o�Note; Chan��at,l.oau Sw'vker. The Note ar a part3Al interest in �hc Nate Itogether with this Security <br /> - - Instrument) may be s�+l�l o o►btae Hmes without prior notice to eoaower. A sAle may rcault in a change in the entity <br /> (I�nowo as the"Loen Sezvi r';�.t'rnfla�e monthiy payments due under the Nota and this Securlty Ins�rument. There also <br /> — may be one or more chang��o�d�Loan 5ei'6icer unrelated to 9 salc uf the IVate. If there is a change of the l.oan Servicer, <br /> � �"�" 7 ' Borrower wfll be given written notice of the change in Accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The natice <br /> ��� will stute Ihe name and address of the new l.oan Servicer und the addresa to which payments should be made. The notice will <br /> -... ., <br /> °'�"`�''`r also contain eny other informatian required by applicable Iaw. <br /> .�`�`'�` 20. Hazardoua 3ubsl�nces. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence,use,,or mlease of tiny <br /> �� - - - - Huzordous Substances on or in the Properry. Borrawer shall not da, nor allow enyone else to do,anything uffecting the <br /> i Prope�ty that ia in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply lo the presence,use,or <br />�� � I stornge on the PropeRy of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that ere generally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br /> , ,;;:,,�,ti,,,:,.,; ; residentiel uses und ta maintenance of the Prapeny. <br /> 7'�'������ Barrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigntion,claim,demaad,lawsuit or dher uction by any <br /> ��s °'" "—� govemmental or reguluWry ag�ncy or private party involving the Property nnd any Hazardous Subslance nr F.nvironmental __ __ <br /> "-�' ' •f'"j� '` Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower Icams, or is noti6ed by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> =-�����+`,,,�•�,�•:-�•:t=�.a; � ' euthority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hnzurdoua Substnnce affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower <br /> �.:, , •. <br /> ��°_' . ° a�.<.> I shall promptly take ull necessary remedial aclfons in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> ' "'•� As used In this parngraph 20,"Hazardous Substnnces"are those substancea defined as toxic ar hazardous subslances by <br /> i''���''�'"r' Environmentul Lnw and the followin� �ubstances: ganoline,kerosene,other flummable ar toxic pelraleum products,toxic <br /> _�� ,����_.�_' pesticides and herbicides, volntilc solventa,muterials contAining asbestos or formuldehyde,and radioaclive m�terials. As _ <br /> �a�° � • used in thig paragraph 20,"Envlronmental Lnw"tneuns federal laws and laws of the jurixdiclion where the Property is lacated <br /> A;�: �� that relatc ro health,safery or environmental protection. _ <br /> � .,. . , �:. NON-UN(FORM COVENANTS. Bonower und Lender funher covenunt and ugree u.g follows: <br /> ---:.� •�'����"-•�����t� �'i,±� 21. AcceterAtion;Remediea. Lender shall �ive notice to Borrower prior to acceler�lion PuU�wing Borrower•s <br /> ___.. � �., �,. : breacb oP any covenAnt or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to accelerptioa under pAragraph 17 <br /> ..:�u��;�al.=��t;":�•.,;'�" I unleas s�pplicable law provides atherwise). The nodce shall specify: (a)the defAUll;(b)the action required to cure the <br /> ;.;-� �,N�,�' "'"`"'•"^- dePuulti(c)a dAte,not lesv thAn JO days from the date the notice is given to Borrower.Ly wi�kh the d�i�uli musi be -- - <br /> - �W� _ � ' cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure the dePault an or before the date specifled in the notice may result:n acce�eration oi' <br /> ` the sums secured by tbis Security Instrument and sale af the Properly. The notice shall ferther inPorm Borrower of <br /> "�' � �" �� • �` Ihe right to reinstwte afler wcceleratlon and the rl�ht to brin�o court ucUon lo assert the non•existence oi'a dePault or <br /> "�' :� �� • any other defense of Borrower to accekratian and sale. li'ihe dePault is not cured on or bei'ore the dAte specitied in _ <br /> _ .�;'� the notk�e,Lender at its option mAy require immediate paymenl in full oP all sums secured by thts Security Instrumenl _ <br /> ..��= wilhout further demand and muy invoke the powcr ��i'sale and any other remedies permitled by uppiicable law <br /> �°��,.:�s�1�•�• l.ender shqll be entitled lo collect +�II expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedles provided In thlr prraQ�aph 21. __ <br />_ '�Y- ' includin�.but not Nmited ln.reLSOn�bk uUorneyv Peex and cuslK uf Iille evidence. <br /> -Y° ' . ^ .w,�- If the puwer uP v�le i� invoked.'I�uxlee shull record a nutice uP de iuu lt M euc h cuuMy in which any p�rt oP the rt.�� <br /> �;: ' � ` � Property is IorAted and shall mwH copies oP�uch notice fn the mwnner prescrfbed by applics�ble low tu Burrower and to - <br />- '�'� � " �� Ihe othe�pens�n.g prescribed by appNcuble law. AfYer Ihe timc rcquired by applicable law, 7Yustee Ahall�ive public <br />--:F' "'""-�b ' ° ' notice oPx�le to the persons and in the munner prescrilred by Applkable luw 71�ustee,withoul demwnd on Borrower. � <br />�'� '�=�a'••°• shall sell the Property at public Auction to the hi�he.r•1 bidder�1 the time and pl�ce und under the terms designated in _ <br /> 3";' `Y�`• r""""""' the notice of ss�k in une or more parcels snd in�ny order'11�urtee determines. 'IYuwtee may poslpone sale oP all or any �, <br /> �"' 3�- pArcel of the Property by public announcement�t the lime�+nd plvice of s�ny previou�ly scheduled�ale. I.ender or its <br />___ _ �.q � desfQnee may purch�.se Ihe Properly A1 nny wule. <br />-____ �I����..: - Upon receipt uP payment of the price bid. 7Yuslee shall deliver tu the purchuser 7Yustee's decd wnveying the � <br /> � � �� ;,�,.,�. . Property, The�ecitals in Ihe 7Yustee's deed whoil be primu Pacie evidence of the truth of the slalemenl.4 made therein. �;; <br />� , _ , _ 71�uatee ahs�U Apply the proceeds uP lhe sule in the fblluwing urder: la)to all custs and expenses oi'eze�cisiug the power � <br /> a .. <br /> '���� 4 s <br /> . /.'� � . <br /> .. �' ��. - ____ <br /> • 1 <br /> �� ji. Y — <br /> .. �.. , " hurm JY2lt 9/90 (p,r,¢r S ojn�wgrsl �._ <br /> � �. � �" <br /> . e =- <br /> '} � t,.. <br />_V . �.. <br /> q �� � ... '. �. --_•..� .- -.- .... --•r .� -- - .. . �. ♦a---- -- • • -� � .. -� - �-- <br /> '-._ L�h!�S.lL:_:..i.�.ii�a%. � <br /> � , � . <br /> � �:� <br /> ' . .� <br /> • �,. � <br /> ��•r . '^ ,•� .. . .. - <br /> � ' � � � � <br /> � <br /> , .. --� <br />