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<br /> ot s�le,and the e�le,ladudin�th�p�yment of tha 7Yu�tec's fees actuolly Incurred.nM tu exceed 3'� 96 ot
<br />— t4e priactpd�mouot d the aWe d Ihe Nme ot Ihe decl�mtion of detoult,And reAaoru�ble altorneys'teee aspermflted
<br /> --- - - by la�t(bl to�II srpas�ecur�d bY tbl�8ecurily tartrumenti uid(c)ney exeen to tbe person or pereo�w k�ally entitled __
<br /> -» to i�
<br /> a= t2. Reconvey�nce. Upon payment of nll sums securcd by this Security Instrument, l.ender shull request 7tustee tu
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender Ihis Sccurity Instrument and ail notes evidcncing debt sccured by thfs Sccu�ity —
<br />.,:.� - Instrument to 7tusta. 7Fustee shall reconvey thc Property withaut wturanty and wilhout charge to�he perxon or persons
<br /> a=-=_-_-:--� IegaAy entiQed to it. Such peru►n nr pe�ons shall pay any recardation costs. _
<br />�-- 23. SubsNlute'IY�uetee. Lendcr,at its aption,may from Umc ro timc remove'Ituetec and appoint u succexsor truetee to
<br />" any 7tuatee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securlty lnatrument is recorded.
<br /> Without canveyana oi the Propeny,the auccessor Irustee shell aucceed to oll Ihe title. power and dutie�confcrred upon
<br /> 7ivstee herein end by applicable law.
<br /> ____ __-- TA. Request tor Notices. Bonower reqaests thut copies of the natices of defnult and selc bc sent to sorrowerls addresa
<br /> __�---- which is the Property Address.
<br /> --- Z5. Ridere to thie Securily IastrumeaG If one or mare rider�are executed by BoROwer and recorded together with
<br /> - �' this Security Instrument,the covenants and agreement�af each such rider shall be Incorporated into und shall amend and -
<br /> _ - - supplem�nt the covenanls and agreements of this Securiry Insuvment as if the rider(s)were a purt of thi�Security lnsuumen�
<br /> — -----___ [Check applicable box(es))
<br />-- _ __ �Adjustable Rete Rider �Condominium Rider �t-4 Family Rider
<br /> -a - �'�'� �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unil Davelapment Rider �Biweekly Poyment Rjder �
<br />—y,,� �- ��,v
<br /> �:h:l••
<br /> -�;J�`��,,��,�` . �Balloon Rider �Ratc Impravement Rider �Secand Home Rider
<br />-'��i�(lycr ,
<br /> ��� '.�, xx Other(s)[apecify) Acknowledgment
<br /> :;�.s..;; , ,. --
<br /> �°9�'� r��'-••'"''j' BY SICiNINQ BELOW.Honower accepts und ng�ees to thc ternis ar�i covenants coMained in this Securi�y lnstrument
<br /> __ i�i'.`*.,..F
<br />__ . �` •,S�i • �, wid ln Any ridens)eacecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ��.��� Witnessea:
<br /> ,��..�...� /
<br /> —`�..��,�:.i?a�'`r�191 _i..�r. J_
<br /> � (Seal)
<br /> ..�,, .:f, , K nneth J Sim -�w��
<br /> = Soci ecuriry Number 480-6D-7907
<br /> _'_, -----_--_ �+'�C'cs� •.i'• ' (Scal1
<br /> 5!L W�.'n n,.t��- -Bormwer
<br /> — �_' y Colleen T Sim n _
<br /> � � " � Socinl Securiiy Number 4A2-64-0234 _
<br /> �� ,..�:;.,,;,,�.. ,,�jy.
<br /> . ��'�'��'^'� °�3 STATE OF NEDRASKA, Hall County 4x:
<br /> ' �"����so,'.a On this 26th day of Jun�, 1992 ,befure me,the undersigned,a Notary Public —
<br /> "-�.: ."
<br /> ` ,,..�� duly commissioned and qualiC�cd for said caunty,personully came Kenneth J Simon and Colleen T Simon _
<br /> �'�`i""`�'"""•" husband end wife ,to me known to be the —°
<br />_y�•, :�. 3S: identical persais(s)whose name(s)nre subxcribed to the toregoing instrument und ncknowledged the execution thereot to �_,
<br /> - y���,.�','.�,«"."•`"""��'` be their voluntory nct und deed.
<br /> = rj�",'1'"� '�"�.;j Witness my hond und noUvlal seul ut d Island� Nebraska in said counry,the �
<br />`��'>•;'�•�°� -� `�' . dute aforesaid. ��R,,�� � Y
<br /> ._��,�.,�.t a My Commission exp s: �N��� � «�'-
<br /> �.., , ... No�aryWblk
<br /> -��'i� ' EST FOR RECONVEYANCE —�--�
<br /> -�_' `" .�� TO TRUSTEE: _
<br /> -�-•�' The undersigned is the holder of the notc or ncxes secured by this peed of 7tust. Suid note or notes,together with all
<br /> — ,��.w:.. .,,._
<br /> other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7ivst,hnve becn paid in full. You ure hen:by Jirccted to cancel snid nnte or notes
<br /> � . • und this Deed uf 7}ust,which ure delivered hereby,und lo neconvey,without warrcmty,ull the estnte now held by you under
<br /> • �" this Deed of'liust w the pe�son or per3ons I�gally entitled therelo.
<br /> ' � � Datc: —.
<br /> "�'• Form J021{ 9/90 f Re b n 6 �-
<br /> IM+ J PuRes►
<br /> .;�,.•' , . . t , �,�
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