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, _ f_�, . .. . --- <br /> . ?:,� •�:, {� ���'�: , <br /> �. ;:X• _ -.:� _ <br /> �� .. ..-�---=� .w <br /> ¢ _�� � <br /> - - _=— _- . 92— sos4ss <br /> caxiemnAlfon or idhrr wkin�{ol'any pwt oi�hc Praperty,or for conveyuncc in Ifeu af condemnution,ure hcr+eby axsi�ned w�d <br /> — - — ahull be puid tu l.cndcr. <br /> _� _- -__ <br /> (n Ihe event of a tMal �s�Cing af the Property, Ihe proceeds shall be nppUed ta the sumti Recurcd by thix Sr.�uri�y <br /> - - lnxtNmcM,whriher ur nM�he�duc.with any oxce�s paid ta Horrower. in�hr cvuut of A p.�riul t�t:ir�g uf the 1'rage�ty n �- <br /> - which Ihc fuir murkel value o�thc Property immcdiately bef��re thc�oking ix eyuul to or greAter thnn the umount of thc sums <br /> µcumd hy thlx S�cu�i�y Instniment immcdfutely bc:fure ihe tuking,unlesz Burrower and Lender otherwlse ugree in writing, <br /> � thc �umR tcecured by Ihix Securfty Inslrument ahall tx reduced hy the nmount af the proceedx multiplfed by�he following <br /> _�� fructlon: (ul thc toiol umuunt af thc+umx aecumd immedfutcly lxforc the iuking,divlded by lb)the fuir market volue of the <br /> Propeny fmmediatcly betore the tsking. Any bulunce �hnll 6e pnid ta Bormwer. In the event af u purtiul�aking uf Ihe <br /> Property in which the fuir ma�ket vulue af the Propeny immediutcly 6eforo the tnking iti lesg�hun�he umount of the sums <br /> °------- secured immediatcly befo� the taking, unlesz Borrawcr und Lender athcrwixe agree in writing or unle�s applicuble luw <br /> �'--_=_=�._� otherwisce provides,the praceedx xhell be upplfed to the sums secured by thia Securiry Instrument whether or nw the sums are <br /> -- -����- lhen due. <br /> �''F�� li the Pmpeny ix ubandoned by Borrower,ar if,ufter notice by Lender to Barrower that the condemnor offenc to mnke <br /> _,--,.,..� un Awurd or setde u cluim for dumaRcs,Bomnwer fails to respond ta Lender wi�hin 30 dayg ufter the dnte�he notice is given, <br /> --"�"-�v Lender is authorized to collect und apply�he pracceds,at itx option,either to restorutlon or repair af the F'roperty or to the <br /> '=T''`�� suma r,ecured by this Security Ingtrument,whether or not Ihen due. <br /> Unless Lender und Borrower othcrwire agree in w�ting,uny uppliru�ion of praceeds to principul sholl not extend or <br /> —��yi�,�� pastpone the duc date of'the monthly puyments rei�rted ta in parugrnphx 1 und 2 or change the nmount of such payments. <br /> �r���r-���^�a� ll. Borrower Not ReleASed: Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenxion of thc �ime for puyment or <br /> ��=3- modiflcatian of amottixution of the suma secured by thix Security Instniment grnnted by Lender to nny successor m Mterest <br /> of Borrower shall not aperote to releace the linbility of 1he ori�inal Borrower or Bort�ower's succe.rsor�in interest.Lender <br /> -�-�----- --- ahall nat be myuired to commence proceedings agninst nny succesxor in interect or refuge to extend time for payment or _ <br /> J� ' "�'' `'"' otherwise modify umortixation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reaxon of any demand made by Ihe original <br /> -_,.:,:�.:-.,.. <br /> —�,y�y4'��;�.�t, i...•�,i <br /> •���-�-<w Borrower or Borrower's auccessors in interest. Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be a <br /> ��{�.'.�i��"' � ' �, waiver of or preclude the exercise of nny right or remedy. <br /> -- "'�°'� "``' � 12. Successors And Asslgns Bound;Jofnt and Several LiabOity;Caeigners. The covennnts nnd agreaments of this <br /> '�'��'�' Security Instrument sholl bind and benefit�he nuccesROn and assign�af Lender nnd Bamwer,subject lo the provisions of <br /> ,::,.: • . • :. <br /> - ��' ,;n.,�,;�, ;��;,. ;, pAragruph 17. Borrower?s covennnts und agreemerns shall be joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securily <br /> h � Instniment but doea nat exeoute the Note: (a)is co-signing�his Security Instniment only to mortgoge,g�t aid convey that <br /> t,�. 5:..•:: .„.,_h. .� . <br /> =- �.;�*�y,w3;.*•.�j��•., Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of Ihis Secudry Inatrumenr, (b)is not personally obliguied to pay the sums <br /> — ��•,'' �- • .° secured by thiF Security Inatrument;nnd(c)u�reex thut l.ender und uny other Borrower mAy ugree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> __— � �'t3+�'t�. or make any uccommadations with regatd to the �ermti of�hiw Security Instrument or the Notc without that Bomower�s <br /> ,'r4' • . t??'_. consent. <br /> �.,,�k;;F�;,,�,�,�,�x,�. !3. Loan Chargex. If the loun secured by this Security Inurument ir subject to u law which setK muximum loan <br /> -_=- °:;;;;:�. -- -�� � eharges.und�hat iaw is finaily in[erpreted so tlm�the iidn�c.t u� ud�� iu�►u ch,�,gan wiiected or to be callcctcd in cant�ectioa <br />:��,y�� Y� ' . with the loan exceed the permiued limits,then: (u)nny such loun charge whull be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce <br /> •�. the chnrge to the pemtitted limit:nnd(b)nny sums alreudy rollected from Barrower which exceeded permitted limits wfll be <br />•`y��'� ��, ��-^°'"�'"" refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chaose�o mukc�his refund by reducing thc principul owed under the Note or by muking A <br />""r t .3 direct paymem to Borrower. If u refund reduces principul,the reduction will be�reoted as a partinl prepuyment without eny <br /> --� � '•� r . .' ��'�" prepayment char�e under the Note. <br /> � ., . " 14. Notkes. Any notice to BoROwer provided fur in this Security Ins�rument tihall be given by delive�ng it or by <br /> , �__,,, , , .,� .,,,�,t.• mailing i�by first cluss muil unlesti Lpplicablc luw rcyuires une ot'unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br />_- _q.::,:,°_ ` Addrexr or uny othcr uddrew� Borcower de+ignatcti by noticc io Lcndcr. Any notice to Lender xhull be given by�rst clnss <br />. �.,,,,,.n,..,.°':;yr a mail to L�nderk uddrexs x�uted herein ur uny other uddresx Lender Je+ignale+by nutirc to Borrawer. Any nuticc pn�vided for <br />- � �� •*• � . •-,.,:;.�, in thix Security Instrumcnt shull lx JcemeJ t�i huve heen given to Borrower or LcnJcr when given us provided in this <br /> �a„•... ,� •. , <br /> �d• �,� pamgruph. <br /> �� '�+.�� �,�,. ',: �.,i IS. GovernlnR LAw; Severablllty. Thix Sccurity In+�rumem xhall he govemed by federul Inw und�he luw of thc <br /> �£� •;,�vr: ...� .,�.,. .. Juri�diction in which the Prupeny is Iceated. In�hc evem thu�uny provitiion or cluuxe uf this Securiry Ins�rument or the Note <br /> �� conflicts with upplicuble luw,,uch contiict+huU n�u uffect uther provi.ion+uf this Securiry Inslrument or the Nute whieh can <br />``;;w: �' � be given rffect without thc conllicting provirian. To Ihis cnJ thc provisions of thix Sccurity Instrument and the Note ure <br />_- =�,i�.�:,F�. . �.�Ib. dei:lured to be.cveruble. <br /> : , ,�., „ ° 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrnwer shull he givcn onc ront'onned copy nf the Note und of thix Securily Inzlrument. <br /> - ,� 17. 'I1rAnsPer of the Property or n BeneQclul lnterest in Bnrruwer. If ull or an,y pun of the Pmpcny or uny intere.r•t in <br /> ° . .i���� � ' i► is+old or transfcrred (or if u benelicial intrRyt in Borrowcr is sold or trunsfened und Bormwer is no� u nuturul peno�l <br />_ � without Lender's priur wrinen rnn+rm. Lcnder may,a�it, np�iun.reyuire immeJia�r payment in full of all sum�secumd by <br /> ��� "��" : �� ' thiz Securiry Inslrumenl. However,this option shull nd ix:cxercised by l.endcr if exrreiar ix prohibiled by federnl luw uti of <br /> .� �_:� the dute of this Security Inxtrument. <br /> : �'�„� ` If l.ender exenixes thir uption.Lender shull �ive Bormwrr notice of ucccicra�i�m. Thr notire�hull provide u period of <br /> � ,Ak'i�?'� not less thun 3U duys from Ux dute thc notkr is dcliverrd ur muilrJ within which Borrx�wer mu.�puy ull sums secured by this <br /> • Securiry In,trument. If Borrowcr t'uil+ to nay thrsr ,um� pri��r ro tlk rxpiru�i�m at'�hi+ �nricxi, Lender may invakc uny <br /> � •. ,, ``� • '- remedies permitt�d by Ihiti Srcurity Intitrumcnt without funher nulirc ur demanJ on Burrowcr. <br /> � , 18. Borrowcr's Risht to Rcinxtale. If Burrowcr mcct. cchuin cunJitiun.. Horrow•�r.hull havc thc right 1��huvc <br /> � �• enforcement uf this Security In.�runxnt ducunlinucJ ai any timr prior tu thr carlirr nf: lul S duy�1ur wch uther periad a� <br /> • �.:'.� Sfn�lc famil�••F�anle�fue/1•'reddle�fuc 1�11F11R�t IM1tiTRI'�1F:\T-•l�nitiimi Cur.nam� 9/9p Ipugr�f�1'A/wgr�� <br /> � , .. <br /> � <br /> ii . . ------• . .. . - — - - . - .. �--- - __ - ,�-s-�n�..�fi�..-•--R•-�- - _-� - fi.,t,"-«-,,.�r�a-�-�w.:+- <br /> � � . , � <br /> .� t . <br />' L. _lici'_t� -� • <br /> � _� <br /> �MI•�..�1'.>4�. ' • <br />' _,r __ . .. . . . . <br /> 'f11� wf .. • . <br /> � r �� .i <br /> • � � <br /> `. <br /> • ... . .,�;?� . .. � <br /> � <br /> / <br /> �' - , <br />