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_ <br /> _ •.,,��._ .,,,__ . . <br /> . . 'F-- <br /> -- 'Zr �r� t�'rw�wr._•�- �- •-' •' --'-__ <br /> �� - � :F'�' �'�Wfr:��l.�'A'. ,. ..�. <br /> . � .. .. � '�'Y1 '" I�FI� . <br /> . �.�4811UOJN�� i �i� '1' • - <br /> �:�r,; � � -� .r-- -_- - - - -- -- _ <br /> , V�� ���� <br /> -- payn�ents nwy no longcr be requirod, at tho option of l.endcr. if mc�rtgagc incu�ance covcragc(in thc umc�unt a�xl fiir thc periad <br /> that Lxnder requirca)provfded by an insurer upprovcd by l.cnder ugoin t�ecomcs uvailable and ix oh�ained. &►rrowcr tihull puy <br /> the premlums t�equired to muintain martQage insurnncc in efPec¢,or to provide a loss rrservc, umil�he requirement fur monQ�a __ <br /> _. - — Insua+nce erwis in ac�vrdance with ony written agrcement betwan&►rrowa•wul L.ender or app!icuble Inw. <br /> _-_-_-- ----- 9.St�s�lon. l•.nd�r�r ita w��nt may mekc reasnnable entrie�upon and inspcctions uf the Pmpeny. l.emlcr�hoU�ive �_ <br /> ,, Bormwer mtice at the time af or prinr la an inspection cpocifying reu.u►nable rous;e fi�r the intipectian. <br /> - 10. Coademnwtion. The procceds uP s�ny award ar cluim for domegea, dircYt or canrcyuenliul, in runn�tili�m wilh any <br /> :.�;� condemnation ar other wkin�of eny part of the Property,or for rnnv�y��e in licu of condcmnation, ure hereby ur�aignod wul <br /> - _ <br /> -`.,� --- 4he11 bc p�id to l,endcr. ` _ <br /> In the event of u tatal taking ot'the Property,the proceods ahall be opplieii to the sumK recureJ by thiti Su�urity instrun�ent, <br /> -------� — whethcr or not then due. with any excess puid to Bonowcr. In the event of�partiu!taking of thc Prupeny in which the fair <br /> - mtuket vulue of the Property lrnmediately before the taking ia equal to ar greater thun the umuunt of thc sums nc�ured by thia <br /> Security Instrument immediAtely beforc the taking,unless&�rrower and Lender atherwihe ugree in w�itiog, the sums secured by <br /> this Secu�ity Instrument shuli be recluced by thc umaunt of the pracceds multipliecl by thc following frnction: (v) the total __ <br /> ����A�'"� nmount of the suma secured immediately bePure the taking,divldcd by (b) thc fAir nwrl�et value af'the Property immc�diutely _, <br /> ���;���*�• before the taking. Any balance shail be paid to Banower. In the event af u partiul tnking of�he Pri�perty io which the fair <br /> market vulue of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the umount of the sums secured immcdia�ely before the <br /> ��' <br /> Bonower and Lender atherwise ugrec in w�fting or unlesg applicablc luw othcrwise provides,the praceeda shall �__ <br /> — be epplied w the sums secured by Ihia Security Instrumenl whether or not the sums are then duc. <br /> - �- � If the Property ia abandoned by Horrower,or if,after notica by Lender to Bnrrower that the candemnor offers to make an _ <br /> -����-� award or senle a claim for damnges, Borrower fails to respond to I.endcr within 30 da,ys ufter thc datc the rmtice is given, _ <br /> � � �"`+rr � Lender is authorized to collect and npply the prc► its option,either�o restoration or repuir of the Propeny ar�o the ami�s _�' <br /> -�—�p`{ �`' �^�-� : secured by this Security Instrumem, whether or not then due. — <br /> —'��'' '"� • Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise ngree in writing, uny Applicntion of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or _.. <br /> , � ��i,�. <br /> _ +•�'�^''_""+�• `��;'.. postpone th�due dute of the mo�thly payments referred to in paragraphs I ond 2 or chunge the amaunt of such payments. _ <br /> =�'� �� �s � ll.Borrower Not Relea.Red;Farbcarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of thc time for payment ar modification -� <br /> �:�t. . ..•.:�... . �'_:`-_ <br /> -- !� .�`� •' of amortization of the Rums secured by this Security Inatrument granted by I.ender lo uny successor in interest of Borrower shall ___ <br /> "'" ''�"�"'' not operate to rcleuee the liability of the original BaROwer ar Borcowcr's successors in interest. l.cnder shall not be required to �-, <br /> dN <br /> -_�� �' i�%•. , •�;, �- <br /> � � _�„„„ comnience proceedings ngainst any successar in interest or refu�e to extend time for paymenl or otherwise modify amortizntion <br /> e <br /> �� ,�,,��,t,,,,, � of the sums securod by this Security Instrument by renson of any demand made by the original Borrawer or &►rrower's <br /> m 'fi,� �� �� successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy ahall not be u waiver of or preclude tMe ___ <br /> "_`��d ,��,ar;�s'R�',; exercise of nny rfght or remcdy. �"" <br /> _ __ - <br /> __ <br /> ""�'� 12. Succecsors and Ar,�lgnv Bound; Jolnt and 5everai Liab i i ity; Casignerri. T he cuvenunt� wi S ag�c��ixn ts o t s - - <br /> -�� . Security Instrument shall biud and t►encfit the surcessors und ussigns of Lender and Borrowcr, subject to the provisions aP �. <br /> � parngrnph 17. Borrower's cuvenunts und agrecments shull bc joint and several. Any Bormwer who co-siRns this �ecurity ��' <br /> �*'�.'. ��w I�strument but dcec not execute Ihe Note: (o) is ca-signing this Securiry Instrument only tii mortguge, grant und convey thut �""� <br /> `�j4:' � &�rrower's interest in the Propeny u��der thc temix of this Security Instrumenr, (h1 is not personally obligated to pay the sums !a'.'�. <br /> � ° . securcd by this Security Instn�ment: und (c)ugrces thut Ixnder und uny ��ther Borrawer mny ugree to extend,mcxiify,forbeur or �""`' <br /> -' °�'.•� -y� +,• make uny accammodations with regard to thc tem�s of this Securiry Instrwnenl or thc NcHC without thut Borrowcr's consent. ��-- <br /> ^.t . <br /> .• • w:� 13. l.opn Charges. If the loan securcJ by this Security Instnrment is subject to u law which sets muximum loan churges, - _ <br /> ' �� ''"'"" � - and thnt luw is finally interpreted so�hat the interest�ir other li>un churge+cullected or w be callected in connectiun with the _-_ <br /> .�w�. � � ' loan exceed the permfu�Yl limits,then:(ul any tiuch loun rhurge shull be reduced by the umount n��eswry to reduce the churge ___� <br /> , •�-- , �--_ <br /> ' to the permitted limit;und (h1 uny sumx ulreudy callected frc►m Bonower whicN excecded pern�itted limits will be refunded to __ <br />-�'� o.�». � ��''"`�" � Borcowcr. Lcnder m•ry cha�sc io mukc this refund by rcJucing the principal owcd urxlcr the Note or by making A dircct _:_, <br /> _ °':. n° ' - payment to Borrowcr. If u rcfLnd r�wlucex principal, the rcJuction will be treutai a+ u puniul prepayment withou� uny _._ <br />�'�t+?� . '""`�"•�• �' prepayment chnrge under the Note. " ` <br /> „ ,�,�,;,. ��: 14. Notices.Any nolice to Borrower pmvided for in�his Sccuriry Instrument shull lk given by delivering it or by muiling -- <br /> „ � !!A� ry it by first cluss mail unlesx upplicuble law requirc.u,e��f anather mcth�xl.The n���icc�h•rll hc directed to the Propeny AJdre�s '"'' _ <br /> � or uny other nddretis Borrowcr Je,i�nates by nuticc to [.cndcr. Any noticr to l.endcr �hall hc given by first cluss mail to ` <br /> ��-.� <br />' _.<� ^,f Lender's address stuted hcrcin or any other ud�Jress Lc.ndcr Jcrignu�eti by nutire tu &►rruwcr. Any mnice providcd for in this _ <br /> �,`"-"�� a'."`� Security Inxtrument shall bc JcrmcJ tu huvc hecn given tu B�irr��wur or l.enJer whcn given uti pr�widcd in this paragr�ph. �"`� <br /> ',:;�; . ���. <br /> � � ' IS. Govcrnln� l.uw; Sevcrwbfllty. Thi. S��urity Instrument tihall Ix guvrrncd by fcJcrul luw nnd thc law of the <br /> � r;,��.�� . jurisdiction in which the Pruperty is kx•uieJ. In thc cvcnt that •rny pruvi�i�m ur rlau�c of thi� Sccurity Intitrument or thc No�e �l' <br /> � ., �'�,,` •• contlirts with upplirable luw.such runllict�hull nut ul'fect uthcr provisiim�uf ihi.Scruriiy Instrumcm��r the No�e which can be <br /> , ' . . ' „ given eff��t wi�hout �he conAirting pmvi.i��n.Tci thi�rnd thc pruvi,iemti nf thi,Seruriry Instrument unJ the Note are declured --- <br /> , • , � to be tievcrablc. <br /> 16. Bor�'ower's Copy.Borruwcr�hull tk givcn onc runli�rmcJ rupy aC�hc Notc and uf thiti 3rcurity In.u�umcni. <br /> , Fwm 30Z8 8/80 <br /> � . .� Pp�ls d ol 6 <br /> ri. <br /> . .�` . <br /> � u <br /> ., a .. - . _—__"_ . . .. .. __ . . :•�:.Y�: '. - ._ _ . .� - .-4..; .. ..j. <br /> .. M ' ' . . . _. <br /> . 1� 1+� <br />--._ .._, _�.��-`---'----- - ... . <br /> - -- -------- - ----- -�- - . . .,_ . ,. . .. , . .. . .. --'-'-' -- -- - - --- ' <br /> • --- ------------- �----".-- �. , . . .. .. . �. ...-. ... . .._... -- <br /> � n. - . - <br /> .� <br /> u <br /> � " •i <br /> � ' ' <br /> �,_ , . <br /> �i._ ,: <br /> , , ' <br /> 4 • �� ,� . <br /> .� . 1 <br /> , . � _ ___ --- <br />