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�� � . . !� A �. �,'•f�• '� •_. � . 4. !`. <br /> i y�'�• f,• �IM.��t'. . �fiv�:�-. <br /> . �,'', � 11 �.��` 1� . <br /> ��fiY'� �'` .. ..:4.. - a.L� - <br /> .G �i - -_ � — -- — <br /> 92_ �.os4°�a � <br /> S. Hot�rd or Property Ituturancc. Borrawcr shall keep the impravementc now caisting ar hereafler crected on the <br /> �-:,� Pu►�xny insured aguinsl losa by firc, hu��nir�includcJ within ihe terni 'eztended coverage" anJ ony ather hur.urJx, Inrluding <br /> — fladw or tla�ling, fi�r which I.eixier reyuirew insurance. Thic insurunce ahAll be rtwintuinai in Ihe umountc�anJ for tha �rfoda <br /> �hat I..cnder rcyuin�. Thc in�u�uik��currirr pra�-iding thc inwrutkc xhwli ir:chc►xn by li�rn►wcr subj�ti� �o L.cndcr'+uppruvul <br />-- - - _- � � ::iu.t� �hwR i��,� !k u�►��.+:.���ti:►b!�withh.:;d. S��[:c:r:a�sc:r !'�t:::::� ttu3ntula _r.eer�g_elescr�bcNJ n►►���r. I erul�r rnxy. e� 1 Pnrlrr'v ,- -__ <br /> ��„• c�pti.►n.��btuin cuvcruKc a►protcct l.cixic�'x rlghts in the Property in uca�rduncc wUh purugruph 7. <br /> All in�urance policiea und rc�ewula shull he acceptable to l.encicr and Rhull includc a xtundurd manguge cic�ure. l.ender <br /> �'� � ._�..:: shall have ihc right tu huld the pnlicics unJ renewals. If lxndcr rcquin�, BoROwcr shall prampdy pivc to I,cn�lcr ull rcrcfptn nf <br /> . .. . :. <br /> - -_ - - - -- <br /> ,__� pnid premiums And renewul nutices. In the event af loss,BciRUwer shall give prampt nntise�o the ioaurunce cutrier unJ L.cnder. <br /> � l,erider may make proof af loss if not mude promptly by Ba�rowcr. <br /> Unle�s 1.enJer And[�an�ower otherwiso agree in wrfting,insumnce pr�Kceds xhall be upplied to re.+torution or rcpuir oF the <br /> — �'a`_'"-""�"-'�-"�°° Property dumngod,if the rcstaration or repuir is economicully feasible a�xl Lender's recurity is nat les�ened. If Ihe rectoruqon or <br /> - {;���� �, , repair is not econamically feu.tiible ��r Lender's�cecurity wouW be lessened.the insurance prucceds shull be upplied �o the sums <br /> recurcd by thia Security Instn�ment,whcthcr or nat then due. wilh any excesti paid tu&►nower. If Barmwcr abwidon� the _ <br /> �� Property, ar does not unswer wilhin 30 duys a notice from Lender th�t the insurance currier hux aff'eral lo settle a cluim,llien <br /> �c..�w,w,.a�m� Ixnder may colicct thc Insurance procceds. l.ender muy usc thc proccedw to repuir or rest��re the Pmperty ar Io pay sums <br /> �'�`�..�,��� secured by this Securfly Instrument. whether or not thrn due.The 30-dny perind will begin when thc nntice is given. <br /> Unlesa L.ender and Barrowcr otherwise ugrec in writing. uny applicutiun of proceeds ta principal shali na extend or <br /> - ;,,.�,�; � �„ poctpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrnphs i nnd 2 or chnnge thc amaunt of the payments. If <br /> r�s���*"'�•_.. <br /> _ under parogroph 21 the Praperty is ucquired by L.ender,Horrower's right ta ony insurunce policies und praceeds resulting From �,, <br /> - �; -_ damage lo the Praperty prior to the ncquisition shall to I.ender to the eatent of�he sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> -• ` SP'%'A'..'m;r,,—_:ac;• - <br /> -- " �,,� S�'�•••.s...,.r. :; immedietcly prior to the Acq�isition. - <br /> ^`��a''� �t%�!��`c „ Borrower's I.oan A 1(cation; l.eaxeholds. <br /> ti� � 6. Occu r�c Preservadon, Maintenance And Protectlon of the Pro rt , <br /> y� ,•.., Pp Y, Pe Y' PP _ <br /> :n;••�",. . ,,.,''`� Borrower shall occupy,establish,and utie the Propeny as Bortower's principul residence within sixry duys uner thc execution of <br /> . .�"'._ . <br /> this Security Instrument nnd xhull continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrawer's principul residence for ut Ieast one year aRer �"-` <br />-�_ � ���,�: , .• • ` the date of accupancy,unless L.ender atherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unrr.usonably withheld,or unless E:r; <br /> '- �', �::�o': � ��"•:'� extenuudo circumstuncec exigt which are be ond BorrowePs control. Borrower shnll not deatro , damu e ar im air the `- "� <br /> „ti:.��c,.. 8 Y Y � P =-- <br /> .i�f�u,;�'-' Propeny, allow the Praperty to dete�iarAle, or commit wawc on the Property. BoROwer shall be in dcfault if any forfeiture __ <br /> '� . ° uction or praceeding.whcther civil or criminal, is begun that in l,ender's goad faith judgment could result in forfciwre of the --__ <br /> -_ '` �. ,, ,. ,i`s.,'..�: ._ ;�.:, Property or otherwixe materially impuir the lien creuled by this Security Instrument or[.ender's security intere�t. Borrower may "�`=`_' <br /> _ : • •' � " �° cure such u default und rein�tate,aR provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proce«ling to be dismiased with a ruling � <br /> -'.• 1.� � •••.�*:: _ � that, in Lender'�guad fuith determination, precludes forfeiture of 1he Borrower's interest in the Propeny or other material <br /> � -- �s <br />:��� .' :. �� impairnunt of the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or l.endcr's security intercct. Borrower shull also be in defeult if .��i. <br /> , ' ;.' &irrower.during the loan npplicntion process,guve mnterfully talse�ir inaccurate infornu�tion ur statements 10 LenJer(or failed <br /> •' _'�, to provide Lender with uny mnteric�l informution)in connection wi�h the loun evidenced by the NcNe,including,but nnt limited �' <br /> �• ;�^�� �� � to, representutions concerning Ban•�wer's occupuncy of the Pn�pehy a.ti a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a �.v. <br /> . , ,. Icusehold. Borrower shAll comply with all the provision. of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the <br />- �'�4��r . • ..°•a leasehold und thc fee tide shull nat mergc unless l.ender ugrces to the mergcr in writin�. � <br /> • - :� � .�M�',' 7.Protectinn oP I.ender's Ri�nts in the Property.lF Ek�rrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in �'�,_ <br /> L �` �his Securiry Instrument, or there is u Icgal prc�reeding thut muy aignificuntly uffi�ct l.ender's rights in the Property Isuch as a � <br /> E:•= <br /> +� " ' ' �,,.,�,',,,q proceeding in bankruptcy,probute. for condemnution or forfeiturc or to enfi►rce luws or regulations),then L,ender rtury da nnd = <br /> . , ,. �� pay for whatever is necessury to protec� the value of the PrnEx:rty anJ Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's nclions mny _ <br /> � a- �a includc puying any sumx secured by � lien whirh has priority over this Security Instrumcnt, uppearing in coun, paying <br /> < ;° � rcawnable auorneys' fees und cntering on thc Praperty to mokc repuin. Although Ixnder muy tuke action under this paragraph �� <br /> �' � ' �=-r <br /> " � � ' 7,Lendcr does not huvc to do so, <br /> � .. " ° � Any umounts disbursed by l.ender undcr thix purugruph 7 shull bccome siclditional dcbt of Borrawer secured by this � <br /> � • �' � Securiry Instrumcnt. Unlevs Borrowcr aixl Lendcr ugrec to othcr tcrms ul'puymcnl.these unwum+ shall bcar interc�t fmm the � <br /> � � ��_ �� dute of disbursement ut thc No�c rute uixl shull bc puyuble, with intcres�, upon noticc t�om l.cnder to Borrower requesting <br /> . .. � Payment. - <br /> ' • 8.Mortg�Rc lnsurance. If LcnJcr rcyuired mortguge insuruixc ati a coixlition�►f making Qic loan sccurcd by this Sccurity <br /> �} . '��t�``� '�`'�.., {: histrument. Born►wer shull puy thc premiums rcyuir�•ci to muintain the m��nga�:c intiuruncc in effccl. If, for any rcuson, the �:=�- <br /> " . ••���� �' � �' mongage insurance coverLge reyuireJ by Lcnder lupse�or ce•rsex t�i he in cfl'ert. &�rruwcr shall p�y the preinium5 required to - <br /> , �. �•� Y�.... B Y 9 R b' P Y � Y y �' <br /> • �,���r-- - obtain coveru e subs�untiull c uivulent lo thc mort u��inxurunce revi�iutil m cl'fcct,ai u co�t�ub�tantiall e uivnlent to the --- <br /> �:?�r-• • cost to Borrawcr of the mon u e insur•rnrc r�viousl m effect, fr��m un ultcrnuic m�m a e in+urer a roved b Lcnder. If �" <br /> � S p ' Y � � S PP Y .�::�. <br /> , • subswmially cyuivulent m�►ngvgc in,uranrc covrruFc i,n�►t avuiluhlc,Di�rruwcr xhull ray to l.cnJcr cach manth u sum equul to <br /> . �me-twelfth ul'thr ycurly nwrtguFr inzurunrc premium hcing puid hy &�rrower whcn thc insur�ncc ruverugc lupsed nr cea�ed tn • <br /> .. , <br /> . , be in effect. I.cnder will uccept,use unJ retuin U�ese puymcm�a� n lu�s rc.rervr in licu ut' nu�n�tagc inmurunar. Loss resrrvc <br /> ^,�'.` ' , Form 3028 9190 <br /> . ir. ..t�. Pqo�o18 �.:. <br /> M .. ir�i <br /> . � ' <br /> K'. <br /> � o � <br /> ° .__.�__ .. . . . � . . - �. ... .�i' . .. .. _...�.. . ..-17us.yUt <br /> 4 <br /> � , <br />'i- —°°-= 4!, •.-- --' =---� . .. ----- -.. . , , <br /> • ��., . . ' . <br /> • ` <br /> �, . . <br /> J .. , t� .. <br /> . - . . . , ' :� ' . � <br /> '_ <br /> �� +� <br /> � \. .. � 7 <br /> � � <br />