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__J�•��1��IL�r _— __ _"��itK7'�`'-.� .i.-�. �..._.,..�.. __._ .___ <br /> � Y :� , ._ <br /> . '' :u.,��.:�x�►j���.. �:,w;.^' . . ., <br /> � x ' �� <br /> � , . � ..t^h�r�lI�47M4f1� ,.06�..��V���. � .� . ___ <br /> NN(M1Mt �M <br /> }i. <br /> . � � 92— los4�a <br /> — - 17.Tmrwter ot t6e Property or w Beneticlol Interesl in Borrower. If all or any part�f�he Property or any interest in it <br /> is u►Id or tranaferrcd(ar if a beneliclal loterest in Borrawer ic sold ar trnnsferreci unJ Barrower is not A rwtural per�n)withaut <br /> l.ender's prior written co�aent, i.endcr muy, at its option. require immecliute pnymcnt in full uf all sumx �ccurcd by tliis <br /> _,:� Secu�fty lnsttumenl. Huwever,thie aption rhall rw�be cxercised by l.ender if exercis�c i�prohibited by fi�deral law as uf ihe date <br /> of�his Se�vrlly lnx�rument. <br /> _� --- -- ,, If i.�:adcr czcrc{:,cs thfw optlest, L�nder�h:e!!sfYC BOCMWrf Rn�{r�nP AMPIP�AII(111. TI1C IN11�CC 4I1AII provide A perf��d of nut <br /> '-. - less than 3U dayr frnm Ihe dute the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borruwer must pay all sumti �ecured by �his <br /> •t� � ° Security Instrumem. !f Barrowcr fAil�ta pay these sums p�ior ta the axpiration of�his perial,Leoder muy invukc any remedie� <br /> permitted by thix Securiry Instrument withaut funher natice ar demund on Barrawer. <br /> 18. Borrower's Rlqht to Rein�tate. If eorrowcr mcets cenain c�nnJitiuns, Borrower shull huvc the right tu havc _ <br /> enforcement of this Security Inatrument discontinued ut uny time priar Io the earlicr uf: (a1 S days(or such other periud as <br /> _ , . },, Appilcable luw muy specify far reinstutemenq before sule of the Property pursuant to any pawer oY sale contained in this <br /> :?��;�.:. :;:� � Security Instnrment;ar(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secu�ity Instrument.Thase conditiona ore thut enrcower:�a)pays <br /> "" l.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Ins�rument and the Nate us if no acceleratian had accurred;(b) <br /> ' "�'' • curcs any default of uny ather covenuntn or ugreements: (c) pays all expense� incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> including,but nM limited to,reu.wnuble attorne�s' fees; und(d)takes such u�tion us l.ender mAy rcpsonubly require to ussure <br /> - ---�---s� ��°r������ thu�the lien of this Security Inatrumcn�, l.ender s�ights in the Propeny and Bar�awer's abligntion to puy the sums secured by <br /> -'-�""��'""''`"� this Security Instrument shall cuntinue unchanged. Upan reinslutcmcnt by &�rrawcr, this Security Instrument and the <br /> �,:1�°._. 1•. <br /> ��.�:: . <br /> obligutfons�ecured hereby shull remain fully effective aa if no acceleration hud occurred. Hawever, this right tu reinstale shull <br /> �--a__.,__:r•�; not apply in the cuse of accelerution under p�agmph 17. <br /> =:.. m 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e oP I.oan Scrv(cer. The Nate ar a partial interest in the Notc(tagethcr with this Securlty <br /> + '°• � Inslrument)mny bc sald one or more times withaut pri�r notice to BoROwer.A x�le may result in u changc in the cntity(known <br /> ��'� r ' a.q the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note And this Security Instrument. There also muy be one <br /> '�° � or mare chonges of the l.oun Servicer unrcluted ta u w►le of the Note. If there is u change of the[.aun Servicer, Bo�rower will be <br /> "'o °• giveu written ix►tice of the chungc in uccordance with purngraph 14 atwve and applir�Me Inw.The notice will stute the nnme und <br /> --i�.- �� � =�, ' oddress of the new [.opn Service�und the address to which payn�ents should be made. The notice will alsu contain any nther <br /> _ 3 � . ,.� inFormution required by applicable law. <br /> •� 20. Ha�ardous Substances. Burruwer shall not cuuse or permit the presence, use, dispasal, titorage, or release af any <br /> — � ��.� Huzc►rdous Substances on or in the Property. &�rrower shull not do, nor ullow anyone else to do, unyIhing uffecting the <br /> �°�'_� `�� P�apeny tha[ is in violation of uny �nvirunmental [.uw. Thc prcccding two scntenres shull not apply ti�the presenre,use, �r <br /> -=���' , atornge on the Property of small quantities of Hazm'Jous Substunces that are generaliy recognized�u be appropriate to nonnul <br /> — "� ' �=� residentinl uses and to muintenance af the Propeny. <br /> -l: ,,._ .,,, � '. „ &►nnwer shall prompdy give Lendcr written nntice of any imestigution, cloim, demnnd, luwsuit or other action by any <br /> — ' � ° gavcrnmentul or regulatory ugency or private purty involvin�thc Propeny and any Hc�wrdous Substancc or�nviranmcnwl Luw <br /> ' , ���,�_ of which Barrawer has actuul knowledge. If Borrower lenms,or is nnti�ed by s►ny govemmental or regulatory uuthurity, �hut <br /> —� �, • , any removul or other remediation af uny Hau►rdnux Substunce affecting�he Property i+necersury,&�rrowcr shull promptly takc <br /> F all necessury remediul uctions in�ccordnnce with Environmental Luw. <br /> �. :,i::�::.f'����,_'s� <br /> - --., -�° �--_— A. u��,i iti this paragraph 20. "Haxardnu;Subxtane�" are tht�se substanccs dc�ned �<tnxic�r ha�nrdrniz .ubrtnnce�bv <br /> •-_ • �nvironmentul Law und Ihe following wbs�u�xcti: gusolinc, kcrn�cnc, uther tlummuMle or toxic petrolcum Pr�xiuctc, toxic <br />-�_:;�: �. pesticide,und hcrbicides,volutile xolvcnts, mutcrialti contuining usbetitoti or formuldehydc,und ruJioxtivc matcnuls. As used in <br /> ,-�' ,� � � , this purugruph 20, "Envinmmentnl Luw" mcum fedcral luwi, und luws of thc jurirdiction where thc Propeny is located that <br /> �� � , relute to hes►Ith,ss►tety or environmentul pnncction. <br /> -e: ��•�=�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lr.ndcr funhrr covcnunt und ugrcc uti fi�llows: <br /> �:; ,� .. , 21. AccelerAtlon;Remedies. I.ender shall Rive noNce to Borrower prlor to acceleraUon fnllowing�orrower's brench <br /> - of any covenent or agmement In thls Securlty Inctrumenl (but nnt prlor tu uccelcratlon under pareRraph 17 unl� <br /> � " � ' • applicable law provldcs uthcnvisc). The noticc shpll�pecify: (u) thc defbult:(b) thc actlon requlred to cure the def�ulh <br /> ' (c)a datc. nut Icsv thun 30 dayx frnm thc datc lhc nntire iw�fvcn to 13orrnwcr. by Hhich thc dePuult must be cured;and <br /> ' " ' � (d) tnot fallure to curn thc default on or I►cfore thc datc specilicd fn thc noticc may result in acccleratfon of thc sums <br /> -= -•...�:. ^ icecured by thi� Security Instrument and wle of the Property.The nutkY shuU Panher Infurm Borrower of thc right to <br />-.� .. . 'r relnslpte aiter acceleruNun und the ria6t to brin�u court ucUon to u�.�eM the nontxixtenee of a defeult ur any other <br />-__ ' ,�, ° ,� .; defense of Bnrrnwer Io uccelcrution nnd sele. If the default iy not cured un or befi�re the date�pecified in the notice. <br /> l.cndcr, ot its option. muy requirc immediate puyment in full of all sumx tierured by thiti Securlty Instrument wlthout <br /> - ' :�`' � " 1'urther demand nnd may Invoke the power oP sulc end any other rcmedks permitted b�•uppllcobin luw, l.cndcr shall be <br /> _`�'„ ' '� , entltled tu collect all cxpenuw incurred in pur.�ulnR Ihe remedi�w provldrd in this puru�raph 21.includin�.but not Nmited <br /> �' °'""'"'~ ..,�.� ta,reasonable attorneys' fces und cost+nf'tide evidence. <br /> '�•L " � 'y,r,►�.�`� ' �� If the�wer of sale Is invokcd, Tru+tec �haU rtYOrd u noticc of defuull iu cuch countv In �vhich uny ps�rt of the <br /> • Property is ocated and tiMall muil coples�if such nmice in the munner prescrlbed by upplicu�lc laa lo Borruwer und to <br />��',� ' � the other�xr�ms prcxcrlF�ed by applicuble la�s.After the time myuircd h�•upplicable lu�+.Trust��e+hall kive public nMire <br /> oP sulc to thc persons and in thc mum�er prescribed by upplirnblc lu��. 7'rustec. a ithnul dcmund on Borrowcr. shAll sell <br /> �=�- ". ' t tMe Properly at public uucUon to N�e hi�hest bidder ut the tlmc und plurc und under Ihc tcrmz dcsiy�nuted in Ihc nntice of <br /> • •,�i salc in onc or morc parcclx und in uny urder 7'rust�ti detcrminc,. Trutit�r muy p►stp�mc salc of all or uny pvrccl of thc <br />�� • ' �• �'�►l�nY hY public aonnuncement ut tl�c time und plare oP um prc��iuutih .rchedulcJ sule. I.ender ur ils d�wi}�nee ma�� <br />--_ •"��'`""� . purcbase the Pruperly at any sulc. <br /> • . . i,a+,. . <br /> ;r�` .� <br /> ' .� . Form 3028 9190 <br />. �'" .. P�9a B M(i <br /> ' J .1 <br /> ! ' <br /> r �1 .. �. ._- _` • - r " .. . . .lVSSI'�;��IRI-.Jii:.�.. . • ' __ _ . . .. .. <br /> • :i, <br /> _ _. _.h�___— _- __'_'.L'__ . __ . _ . <br /> . .-..� __ _'��'.____ . . <br /> , _ _ ...__"__ "" ' " __' " <br /> k �� <br /> / ' ' <br /> • rl. <br /> � '.. • .. ` ' � .� <br /> 1 <br /> ;' . <br /> - <br /> r __ _ <br />