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<br /> _ TOl7ETN6R WITH all the improvcments now or hercafter erectod on thc propeny,w�d�II casementr, appuNenances,wid
<br /> � f�ztures now or hercaflter o part of the propeRy. All replecements and �dditions shall �Ico be covered by thir Secudty
<br /> I�Wmmcnt. All of thc ioregoing is rcfened to in thie Secunty[natrument a�the"Propeny."
<br /> � --- BORROWBR COVBNANTS that Borrower ia lewfully ceised of the estate hereby conveyed And hac�ha rlght to Qrunt and
<br />---- -_---.--�--�- �
<br /> =��x�� canvey [he t ropeny anci thut ihe Prupe��y ia uuc��:�u�ber�xi, exccNt far cncumbranccs of record. Sorn�::�ei• wsrstsnts ra!Q w ! -
<br />� defend generully the title ta the Property against all claims and demands.subject to any encumbrancew of rec.ird.
<br /> THIS SECURITY UVSTItUMENT combines uniform covenents far ne�ional uxe und nan-uniform rnvenente with limited -
<br /> variotions by jurirdiction w conatitute a uniform secudry instrument covering real prapeny. _
<br /> �� UNIFURM COV6NANT5.Aorrower and L.ender covetwnt and agree as followa:
<br /> —,����,�� 1. Payment ot PrincipAl nnd lnterest= Prepayment and I.�te Charges. Borrawer shull promptly pay when due the.
<br /> � _�'•• ` '°"'�+ p�inci�al of ancl interest on the debt evfdenced by the Note and Any prepayment nnd late churgeg due under the Note.
<br /> '�"�� 2. Funds tor Taxes And lnsurance. Subject to applicabla law or to a wr�tten waiver by L.ender, Barrower xhall pay to
<br /> l.ender an the day monttily payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds')for:(a)yea�rly texes
<br />_._ r�«� and assessments which may Attain pr�oriry over this Secu�ity Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)yea�ly leasehold payments _
<br /> � _�N,��
<br /> ,�.�„�y� or ground renls on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurnnce premiums;(d)yeurly flood insurance premiuma,
<br /> �''"�`�'�'°"'�" if any: (e)yearly moqgage insurance premiums, if any;And(�uny sums puyAble by Barrawer to Lender, i�accordance wlth
<br /> �-7�`.��'�.`u�'� the provisi�ns of paragrapt�8. in lieu of the payment of mongege insurance premiumx.These items ure called"Escrow Items."
<br /> - -.��t?; ��° Lender may, at any time,callec� and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the maximum amount a Icnder for u fe�erally
<br /> '� relatal mortgnge loan may require for Borrower's escrow accaunt u�uler the fecleral Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> �u 19T4 as wnendecl from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2C�U1 er seq. ("RESPA").unlexs another law that applies to the Funds _
<br /> �����y;��=„�,�;�-� sets u Icsser amount. If so, I.ender may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not t�exceecl the fesxer umount. _
<br /> � • � ,�, 'r L.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on tiic basis of current data and reusonuble estimates of cxpendi�ures af future
<br /> =�`'?�'>��'�'��`��7' Escrow Items or othenvise in uccordance with npplicable law.
<br /> :. .: .. .,.�.�.
<br />-- =-�r`';�.;;k. The Funds shall be held in nn institution whose deposits are ingurcKl by u federul ugency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> `-'��`�'�"�''"° (including Lender, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Hnme Loan Bunk.I..ender shall apply the Funds to puy the "
<br /> .,.,,�,
<br />�-- � ' � Escrow Items. L.endcr inoy nat charge&irrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annually anelyzing the escrow account,or �
<br /> —� ^���''`""'�'�'�'�, verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to make such
<br />- it�n:.`ir.`f.'s`��
<br /> '���:k._�;�'��;��, a charge. However. Lender mny require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent reul estate tax reporting service
<br />--- '`"'n'''�' •:•-�:f ur,ed by Lender in cannection with this loan, unless� appUcable luw providec otherwise. Unless sn agreement is made or �_
<br /> — ": S.'-.:' j. � •
<br /> 'i- �:� ; ;��� applicable luw requires interest to be puid,Lender shnll not be required ta puy Bonower any intcrest or earnings on Ihe Funds. �
<br /> — ±?�,�����'�� Borrower und I.ender may agrce in writing, however. that intere�t shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give ta Horrower, _:,
<br /> _ •�����'-�--^`-�='4� �rlthout charge, an anni�e)ece��mtin��f the Furtdc, chnwing credi�s and debits to the Funds nnd the purpose for whiCh each
<br /> ..y_., :,,, ,
<br /> -- • ' �y<-•.E debit to the Fundr�wasmede.The Funds Are pledged�udditional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> ' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by npplicnble law. L.ender shall uccount to Borrower __
<br /> _°�k�. •:'�;,;•. •- for�he excess Funds in uccordunce with the requirements of applicnble luw. If the umount of the�unds held by I.ender at uny
<br /> - ` ' time is nat suffcfent to pay the Escrow Items when duc.Lender m�y so notify&�rrower in writing,nnd,in such case Borrower =
<br /> �`�`� ',. ' , shall pay to I.ender the amount necessury tn make up �he deficiency. Borrawer shall muke up the deficiency in no more tha� °
<br /> — ' � .. twelve monthly payments,at l.cndcr'c�ole discretian. �
<br /> �' .. .;.. • �
<br /> ° `�"��•' "'°'"'' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, l.ender shall prompUy refund to Borrower nny =
<br /> �� �' '�•�� °'" ' Funds held by L.cnder.I f,unJer parugrAph 21, Lcndcr tihull ucquirc or sell the Property,L.ender, prior to the arquisition or sale _
<br /> . ...,.e.,,..
<br /> � � "��� of the Property,shull apply uny Funds held by Le►ider�t the time of ucquixition or sale us a credit against the sums secured by _
<br /> . .,=n. . • .
<br /> �.Q,�.e. this Security Instrument. _
<br />- � 3.AppltcaUon of P�yments.Unlcss upplicublc luw provides otherwisc,ull pAyments received by [w;ndcr under purusraphs �
<br />_ "�* ��:-,��� 6 ' I and 2 shall bc applied:fint,to uny prepaymcnt rharges due undcr thc Note; xcwnd,to umounts puyublc under paragraph 2;
<br /> � ' ' � ° third,to interest due;foudh,to principnl duc;und lust,to uny latc churgc�due under the Notc. __
<br /> ,— '�''•I �` ' 4.ChArges; Lieac.&�rruwcr shull puy ull tuxcz, u.sessments, c:hurge., tinrs and im�sitions attributuble to the Property
<br /> � -"r� - . •. �� which nwy uttuin priurity ovcr this Scwurity Instrument, and Icuschald puynxnts or ground rents, if uny. Borcuwcr shall pay
<br /> '-�-�� thesc abligntions in thc niunner provided in parugrnph 2,ur if not paid in thut m:mner, Borrower shall pay them on timc dire¢tly �:..
<br />"������„ to thc perum oweci p•rynunt. Borrawcr shull promptly furnish to l.ender ull notices of umuun�s t�i be paid under this parugrnph. -
<br /> �� ���ys=. " If Borrowcr m�kcr thcse puyments directly,Borrower shall pmmpdy furnitih ta I.,�nder rercipts cviJcncing t6c puyments. _
<br /> � Borrowcr shall pmmpNy discharge uny licn whirh hati priuriry over thiti S�tiurity Instrument unlc.s&rrrower: (a)agree+in
<br /> '. �+' "� � writing to the puyment of thc abligutian tit�urcd by thc licn in u munncr ucreptublc tu I.cnJcr; (bl contest,in g�xxi fuith thc licn _
<br /> �`��:.: by, or defendr again+� enf'orccmcM nf thr licn in, Icgal procecJings whirh in �hr. l.rndcr's ��pinion a�x:rute tu prcvr,nl the `
<br /> �'�'��� enfiircrment of the licn; i�r(c)serures frum thc hiddcr of the lirn un u�rcrmen��uti�l'uc�o��to IxnJer suM�rdinating the lien to
<br /> _ .J•`.� �- this Srcurity Instrument. II'I.cnder detcrntinc� Iltt�l any purt ut'thr Pn�p�rly is whjerl to u lien whirh may attain priority �►ver �
<br /> : �� > this 5ecurity Imwment.I.cndcr muy giv.Bnrmwcr a n��tirc iJen�ifying thc licn. Horruwrr,hsdl wti.l'�• �hc licn ur takc onc or _.
<br /> = �x• �� more ot'the actions set tonh ubove within 10 days of thc giving�►f nutirr.
<br /> . .o .
<br />._, �, -} Form 3028 9190 �
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