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<br /> � appliFxble law may�pecify for�+einstatement)beforo sale of�he Property pursu�nt to any power of sele contained ln tMi�
<br /> Security InKavmenr,or(b)e.�ay of a judgment enforcing this Secudty Inswrnent. Thore conditions ar�e�hat Barrower: (a)
<br /> � — _ • p�ys Lender all sums which then wnuld be due under this Securiry instrument end the Note es if no acceleratEon hed
<br /> - i� � ; occurrcd;(b)cures any defau�t of any ather wvenantati or agreemenls;(c>pays ulf ex�cn�w incu��r,�in enfo�ctog►his S�curicy
<br /> I lnsqumen�including.but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'feea; and (d) tekes sach uctian na l.ender muy reasonably
<br /> requiro to assure that the lien of'this Secur[ty Insmiment.Lender's r�ghts in the Praperty and Horrower'x obligation to pay tho
<br /> � ' sums secured by this Security Instrument ehall continue unchanged. Upon reinstaicmenl by Barrower, Ihis Security
<br /> Inattvment and the obligaUons cecured heneby shall remain fully effective as if no accelemtion hed occurred. However.thi�
<br /> �i�ht to reinAtate shall not apply in the case af acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. 3ale of Note;Gbs�a�e oi I.oaa Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Notc(together with this Security
<br /> ="'�---a-" Instrument)may 6e sqld ono or cuore timec without prior notice to Borrower. A aule may result In a chunge in the entity
<br /> --�--�"`"� (known as the"Loan 3ervj�sr")the{caUecte mqnthly payments due under ti�c Not�und this Security Instrument. There also
<br /> - . ���.'��t�` . •
<br /> ���._ . ;-,;� may be one or morC ehzinges of the[.oan Scrvicer'unrelated to n snle of the Note. If there is a cha�ge af the l.oan Servicer,
<br /> ___���.���-=�;„- Borrawer will be given wrinen nodce of the chenge in accordnnce with paragraph 14 above nnd applicable law. The notice
<br /> --- - --�-�-�'". � will state the neme and address of the new Loan Servicer and the addresa to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> �'�' '�"' � also wntain any other informatlon required by applicable Isw.
<br /> -��_��-e:•,�:.,
<br /> --��` �'"""'^- �20. H�rdous Substances. Borrower sh�ll not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storuge,or releuse of any
<br /> ����-:Lr�i�l Hazardous Substancea on or in the Prapeny. Bonower shall not do, nor nllow anyone else Io do.anything affecting the
<br /> �.-.��..K�rr^.�-r°—�
<br /> °�•��+b;�;r�;,,��;,:;,,;;�'�� Property Ihat is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences Rhall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> ����_!;��;�-4;��•--- I s�orage on Ihe Property af small quantities of Hcizardous Substances lhat are genernlly recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> ��_�;�-- residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> „ra'��"�_;,�.
<br /> � �°�;�:�„�:���,�- Borrower�huli prompUy give Lender written nolire oi any invesligution,clnim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> --�=��_�;.;;;;e,.t.._;,�3'.. govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving ihe Property and any Hazardoua Substunce or Emironmentul
<br /> __ �,"'�!.���,�e� . Law of which Borrawer has actual knowledge. If Borrower Ieams, or is notifled by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> � -�•� authodry,thut any removal or other remediation of any Hazardaus Substunce uffectin�the Property is necesafary.Bomnwer _.
<br /> " '�"` ` "°' xlu+ll promplly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> .;,>��. �. ^ ;._ t �� -
<br /> !�;+:t%"�,.�r,�.,,
<br /> -'�:,;,' �.F � -;•� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substunces"ure those substnnces deGned as roxic or hnxArdous subs�ances by
<br /> --- ,�..�c:.:�, -�'•'• Environmental L.aw and the following substances: gusoline. kerosene,other flammable or toxic petraleum praducts,toxic
<br /> _;��_��;
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,matedals contuining asbestos or farmaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As
<br /> ' ' ' '� �' �� ': used in this paregraph 20,"Environmental Law"means fcderAl luws and laws of the jurisdictlan where the Propeny is lacaled
<br /> ��`��—�'�'.i;�� 'J „�'" that relate to health,safety or environmental protectlon.
<br /> �' �.; nr,�y;.�,;;`�� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further cavenant nnd agrce ns follows:
<br /> - �•�° • 21. Acceleratio�; Remedies. Lender shpll give noUce to Aorrower prior to acceleratian folluwing Borrower's
<br /> �:�.� breach of Any cavenont or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under parAQrAph 17
<br /> ':.;qt��:�����*��:� unless appNcable IAw provides otheraise). The notke ahall speciFy: (a)the dePault;lb)the pctlon required to cure the
<br /> - - ''•�� r}� '•F defAUlh(c)a date,not less thpn 30 dpys ffrom!he date the notice is given to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> ".. ;:,:5. ��.� �,�;.
<br /> ;.�,' ,, cured;And(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date speclfied In the notice mAy result in acceleratton of
<br /> '� e�. •�� the snms secured by thia Security Instrument And sale oP the Property. The noNce shqll iurther inform Borrower oi
<br /> ,� "!�• the r(ght b reinstate after acceteratton and the rigAt to brMg a cour!actton to Assert the non-existence of A detnalt or -
<br /> . _ • �,�, ' � '.'�� any othe�defense of Borrower to acceleratton and yale. If the default is not cured on or bePure the date speciiled in
<br /> -�'• the notice,L,ender at ifs opNon may require immediate pAyment In full oPall sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> - . �..,.,,a. without further demand And may invoke the powe� oP swde and Any other remedies permitted by Applicpble law
<br /> •. ° •;� j Lender shAll be entitled to collect all expengeA lncurred in pursuing the remedies provided in lhls paragraph 2l.
<br /> '- . . • ,�. including.but not Ilmited to,rcASOn�ble Attorneys'fees and costig of tttle evidence.
<br /> - �� - If the power of sale is invoked�'I�uslee shqll record a notice ot deiault in each counly M which Any part of!he
<br /> �:. .��'�'�' Property Is located�nd shall mall copies uf guch notice fn the manner prescribed by applicoble law to Bo�rower And to
<br />__,,; the other persuns prescribed by applicable law. Aiter Ihe lime requ{red by�pplicnble i�w,7lrustee shAll give pubNc
<br />'-�-�• ��-' ° notice oP sale to the perxona and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 7lrustee�without demaod on Borrnwer.
<br />:;�: •�`•^-�t°�°��•----' sholl sell the Prope�ty at pablic AucUon to the hl�hest bidder at the lime and plece and under the terms designuted in
<br /> m�-� ..���.�: Ihe notke of'sale in one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determfnes. 7Yustee may postpone snle of all or any
<br /> -.-�- pwrcel of the P�operty by peblic ennouncement At the time ond place of Any previausly scheduled sele. Ixnder or ils
<br />-;r$��- '�. �`"� �� � desi8nce may purchase the Property at uny sale.
<br />. • }� . •� Cpon receipt of payment oi the price bid,'Ilrustee shall deliver to the purchuser 7lruslee's deed conveyin6 the _
<br /> . � � ' Property. The recitals in the 7�ustee's deed shall 1►e primu Fucie evidence of the truth oP the slutements made therein. -
<br /> '• •s 7Fustee shaN apply the praceeda oP tbe sale In the Pdbwing order: (a1 to All costs and expenses oP exerclsinQ tde power �
<br /> �'a..y ', }.#�icx,: �.. , ,.•,.
<br /> .,.
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