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<br /> oP swle,nnd tbe safe,iacluding the payment ot the 7lruslee's tees actuAlly Incurred,nM to ezceed 3o °k of
<br /> We principal amount of the note at the Nme ot the declarAtion u�detault.and rewsonoble Altorneys�(ees As permltted
<br /> -���'� by Ww;lb)to nll oums�ecured by tbb giecurity Ingnumeot;and(c)any excess to�he pe�'son or persons le���y eMilled _
<br /> --- --s, --�` to I�
<br /> �; .
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon paymant of all sums securcd by thiK Secur�ty Instrument.Lender shaU request 7tustee to
<br /> - recanvey the Property end shell surrcnder tbis Security lnstrument and nll noteg evidencing debt �ecured by this Secudty
<br /> •=" - ---- ---- --�-- Instrument�0 7Yustee. Ttubtcc shull ru:onvcy the Property withaut wummty And without cha�ge to thc perRan or perrons
<br /> �:
<br /> ^� i legaUy endded to it. Such percon or pe�sons shall pay uny recordution costa.
<br /> 23. Substilute'il�ustee. Lender,at ita option,muy Prom time to time removc 7tusiee und appoint n successor trustee to
<br /> __ uny'itustee nppointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the coun�y in which this Secur�ty Instrumem i4 recarded.
<br /> �L� Without canveyance of the Property,the successu�iruatee shall succeed to nll the title, power und dutfes confened upon
<br /> �' -.�,.,:. 7tustee herein and by appllcable Inw.
<br /> ��`°"""�`-''�� 24. Request for Naticea Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Barrower'x address
<br /> "°"''"'`""""`�`'�� which is the Propeny Address.
<br /> :��►�*-�`'�� 2S. Ridera to thls Security Inslrumen� If one or mone rider�are executed by Bcxrawer und recorded together with _.
<br /> ���,�,;,,;,�_,� this Security Instrument, the covenaatc sind ugreemenis of each such rider shall be incorpornted into und shall amend und
<br /> supplement the covenan�s anu agreements of this Secur�ty Instnnnenl as if Ihe rider(A)were u pan of Ihis Security Inauument.
<br />���i'�;�u��-.;.::�,;�?� lGheck applicable box(es)J
<br /> — _�t;a�
<br /> �v';;,�'�;.,:: �Adjustable Rate Rider �Condaminium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> -__:��.�:��tit . _
<br /> � ?p��� �,;,`, -1ws►�i� �Chaduated Payment Rider �Plenned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payfient Rider
<br /> �+t , ,«
<br /> .T�4�_.S",��.^�;;...�r.,', f .;..
<br /> -: �►�..te.r��•;��.•--_�+��• �Balloon Rider �Rute Improvcment Rider �Sccond Nomc Ridcr
<br /> •..,,... ..':,,�, ,
<br /> _ ' � �' X�Other(s)�specify] ACKNOWLEAGMENT, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDER -
<br /> '.;.�,.•� �2�*:.,"
<br /> ?•, BY SIC3NIN(i BELOW, Borrower accep�+und Agrees�o the terms and covenants contained in this Secudty Inswment
<br /> -;�;�i�,..:'_,,.•�•.•�,-;
<br /> :,�:�;,,�-•� '=�-� und in any riderts)executed by Bor�ower and necorded with it.
<br /> ._— ::s.. . ,L`�ti�
<br /> i�u:'�;t+�; ��.i..,-►� �
<br /> __� ,�.�,.,':5 _ WIlI1C85C�: �
<br /> :}t�:�'�»: ,s;t�
<br />_ .:,.�_—_,-..—_
<br /> _ ��., , • • �; � �Seal)
<br /> -- h;�:,:`�.•'.• . � ORMA J. PERK S -d�rrowcr _
<br /> i��� � ' Social Security Numher Sn�-�R-594Z
<br /> �
<br /> -�� �� • .,
<br /> .. � �-'•. .. (Senl)
<br /> �__ .�• ,
<br /> -Bortowcr
<br /> ---� .
<br /> ,j,, Social Security IVumber
<br /> -�,. �'. ,
<br /> '�-'� �� STA'I�OF NBBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br /> , �� .
<br />�x! .,w�,� v.,��tla On this 24TH dny of JULY, 1992 ,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> ;�, � �'�° �Jr�r duly commissioned and quaNficd for said counry,personully cume NORMA J. PERKINS, A SINGLE PERSON
<br /> _ _ ,�o me known to be ihe
<br /> ,::"..:�'�-;;' �""""'a;
<br /> _ �,�_, identicol p.rsons(s) whose nume(s)ure sub,cribed to the forcgoing instnimem and ucknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> "-� -�,r be HER voluntury uct and deed. -
<br /> ::-,'�t • � ,°!?~ Witness my hund und noturial seal ut GRAND I . NE$ ASKA in seid counry,lhe
<br /> "�' �` date aforcsaid. `
<br /> ���.. "� • My Commissi exp Ial��rMrll
<br /> _ , • ; ��L�� Notary PuMic
<br /> "`"• � ,,,r,i9�i� � .. . TO TRUSTBE:
<br /> � .��� The undersigned is the holder oP the note or notes sccured by this Decd of'ilust. Said note or notcs,together with ull
<br /> ����"`� '� .b other indebtedness sccurcd by this Dced of 7ivst,hnve bcen puid in full. You urc hercby dirccted to cancel suid cotc or notes
<br />�'' ° nnd this Deed of 7tust,which nrc delivcrcd hereby,and to rcronvey,without wurranty,uU thc estotc now held by you under
<br /> � '' ., � this Deed of 71ust to the person ur p�:ru�ns Icgrlly entitled tlxrcto.
<br /> ;. .. „ •
<br /> • Date:
<br /> ��� ;:� . F«m J028 9N�0 �M+x�e al h n�+xes► �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> --- - _ .
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